《Rebirth Online》Chapter 9 - Weakness and Training - Redone
As Atticus walked out of the great hall he decided it was time to pay Erik the leatherworker a visit to sort out his armor issue, He already had an idea on how to handle this but he needed the master Leatherworkers skill to make proper use of his new materials.
As Atticus walked into the shop he took out his armor and laid it out on the counter, this resulted in an odd look from Erik.”What is this? Have you finally broken the armor or...”
Atticus shook his head softly.”No Erik the armor was fine, but something happened and now I need it modified, as you know the sleeves work using small rivets and leather strips to extend, Well now I need to change the armor so that it works as usual but has the ability to expand wider, again through the use of rivets and a new form of fastener…”
Atticus then took out a small belt quiver he made for when he ran into Sasha next, he then laid it on the counter and pointed out what looked like a normal rivet, until he pulled on it which resulted in a subtle snap.
Erik looked confused as Atticus broke the strap until he watched the warrior put the quiver on his belt without taking it off. He just pressed on the rivet and again he heard the subtle snap, When Atticus removed his hands the quiver stayed in place.
His eyes lit up at this and all but leapt over the counter as he began pulling on the quiver still on Atticus’ belt.”Lad how does this work!?” This confused Erik as they had always used rivets to finalize their products, But Atticus’ was able to open and close freely without sacrificing the usage of the strap.
Atticus took the belt quiver off and popped it open again to show Erik up close what was going on.”It's called a press stud in my world Erik, it works by layering small disk of metal, the one that sticks up abit has a tiny groove etched into it, and the other part that has a small hole in it has a small strip of metal which slides into the groove to hold it in place.”
Atticus then took out a small bag of the press studs and a pattern to make them.”Make my armor so it will expand and ill give you the pattern...”
Erik nodded eagerly.”I'll help you out Atticus but first we need to know how much it needs to expand by...Why do you need it to expand anyway, you don't seem like you'll be getting much bigger..”
Atticus grinned and stepped back a bit, loosening his belt to its last hole as his kilt became loose”It's easier to show you than to tell you Erik, Hit me.”
Erik was confused but he nodded and flexed his hands before taking up a fighting stance and punching Atticus firmly in the chest, As his fist connected with the larger man's battle-scarred chest something odd began to happen.
The muscle below his flesh began to move, he could hear bones creaking and snapping as Atticus doubled over, His hair grew longer and soon his body began to become covered in thick dark brown fur, His face changing and becoming more wolf like.
Atticus grew another four inches making him stand at 7 foot tall, He grew heavier, his body weight nearly tripling though his body grew thicker but not fatter, a tail began to grow from the base of his spine, his ears becoming wolf like.
Before his eyes his thane stood up, now in the form of a massive wolfman like being, and he felt awe at the sight of this. He reached down to his tool belt and took out a tape measure before pulling a step stool over as he began to measure his body.
“How in the god's name did you manage this one Atticus?” He was in awe, just the amount of possibilities and and changes the young man opened up was amazing, Bringing new innovations, Helping to expand and upgrade the village to its current state, And now this!
As Erik took his measurements he began wondering just how to do the armor to make sure there were less gaps than needed when Atticus mentioned layering, And so Erik began making the adjustments.
Atticus mentioned Layering, in terms of armor what he had in mind was when in human form it would basically be double layered which would increase the armor in a small amount, though Atticus thought it should double he knew that if that was the case then it would just let him start stacking leather ontop of itself until plate was worthless.
And the games design would not let this happen, But back to the design, the first layer of leather was a thick wide piece that now covered up to the center of Atticus’ chest when in human form, the second layer was three pieces of leather plates that would spread apart with his change in size snapping the press stud that held them together in human form. With the sleeves Erik again layered the plates using press studs so that when he changed forms it would widen to fit. The pants were actually simple enough, Erik went back and added a few small folds that are held by press studs and when he shifts forms it would grow wider.
As Eric didn't want to sacrifice the integrity or quality of the armor he used Óðr’s hide for the additions, This sadly gave no additional boosts to armor or stats. For his Alphas footpads they had a shocking discovery.
When they tried to put them on they changed shape and instead of pitch black boots became a series of leather strips which wrapped around his paw like feet , covering the fleshy pads on the bottoms of his feet.
He then remembered that in his race window it mentioned Normal armor breaking, and he assumed that his Alphas footpads were an exception to the rule, perhaps having something to do with being made with an Alpha's hide.
With their bit of awe over the way the boots changed now subsided a bit they began working on his new gloves.. Like his pants it was made with small folds and press studs, but what was nice was that the gloves had a unique effect and had become a Epic item.
Spoiler :
Ancient Alphas Claws Type:GlovesDurability:350/350Quality:EpicResiliance:30A pair of gloves made from the paws of an ancient wolf who was defeated by the Úlfhéðnar Atticus Shadowsgrove in single combat while barehanded.Requires the class Úlfhéðnar to wear.+10 Cha,Luck.When wearing these gloves your bare handed attacks will apply the Infected Wounds status effect. Reduces the victim's status points by 10% for thirty seconds.
Atticus smiled as he knew what he would be focusing on next, Learning hand to hand combat. He had no doubt that he could learn basic hand to hand from any NPC male in the village.
As his armor was now modified and he could wear it without the risk of it breaking he tightened everything down and decided to leave the shop and rest at home where he would browse the internet using the ingame functions.
The first thing he did was check the leaderboards, To his surprise not only Dark Desire(Samantha), But also Alice, Lily, And Sasha were the top 4 players, With Sasha having gotten the class Siegemaster, A class that focuses on using absurdly heavy draw weight bows and attacking at an extreme distance.
They were also all level twenty with Samantha being level 23, This made Atticus feel weak once more as he was still 30% away from even reaching level 11. His own ranking had taken a plunge to the point where most who didn't live in Duskhaven thought that he had simply quit. However, it was as he was checking the forums that he got an email from the developers.
It seems that his fight against Floki had been recorded and uploaded by one of the maintenance workers. As a result, this violated the terms of use which stated the players had full control over their footage. After all with sites like twitch and Youtube still running strong a lot of gamers made their livings off fo their videos.
As a result, Atticus had been offered a special deal as compensation. Rebirth Industries decided to offer him a free month for the video that had been leaked without his permission. He would be entered into the hall of fame for being the first to solo kill a boss, And in addition, they would offer him a flat six hundred dollars a week for permission to stream his feed live when he was not just lazing about crafting.
As he saw nothing wrong with this set up he gladly agreed to the terms as it would enable him to relax a bit on selling items and instead focus on playing the game and exploring more. He also had a quota to provide at least twenty-four real hours worth of video per week at the minimum.
Hearing this he decided to get an early start to the feed and stood up, manipulating the camera options to show a third person view as to let everyone know just who they were watching. The Bloodthirsty Thane of Black Rock Hold.
He stood up and sent a command to one of the young female wolves, Scarlet, Shadows chosen mate. He ordered her to come downstairs and follow him to go out for a while. Having decided that he needed to make the young pup more powerful.
As he heard her skittering down the stairs he smiled and took out a prototype set of armor much like the one he had made for Shadow only this was made from leather. As the wolf came to a stop before him he strapped the armor onto her, leaving the headpiece off as he pet her softly.
He then grabbed his ax from the mantle and started the hike to the mines, he wanted to check on the prisoners first before he went off searching for a quest or bounty to work on.
Once he was at the mine he decided to check the progress of things, Ivan had set up a new smithy in the mine and along with his apprentices was pumping out steel like never before, It was almost to the point where they could begin building walls of steel.
But Atticus had told Ivan about a way to increase production at a cost of some iron to start. Rail carts. He had drawn up a rough design and Ivan quickly took to it, forging enough tracks to fill every tunnel in the first three days, Now they were able to clear more than triple the amount of stone and ore as before.
Before the only way to transport the resources was through wicker baskets on backs which meant men had to be taking breaks so to say from clearing out the tunnel whereas now they had two men per track running on a timer of sorts, as one left the tunnel the other left the smithy, ensuring minor downtimes.
But today as he went to his usual place he heard shouts of fear and the clashes of sword and shield. He began running faster and soon found the source, The miners had dug into an ancient crypt just minutes ago and ever since level 20 Skeletons have been flooding out.
Atticus decided to charge into the battle seeing as all those on the front were guards he had seen around the town, He let out a loud howl as his body began to change, not even bothering with his Fury as right now he just wanted to beat down everyone he saw.
Though he decided to limit himself to the skeletons, rather than all the guards. He began to quite literally tear through the skeletons as they oddly only showed 300 health rather than the 1500 you would expect from a level 20 or so regular monster,
Though they gave him crap exp of 15 each, This made him remember something from other games. Summoned adds gave low exp and dropped no loot, as these skeletons were. With that in mind he pushed forward and continued his assault.
He made sure to crush the skulls of every skeleton after he made a shocking discovery, they had runes carved inside of the skull, Runes of Loyalty, and more disturbingly Undeath which is how they were brought back. He studied the Undead rune for a moment and a small window popped up.
You Have Received A Quest!Unholy ArmyDifficultyBGroup Quest.You have found signs of Necromancy being used in a long abandoned crypt hidden inside of a mine, The source must be stopped before the army becomes too large or the realms of man will be taken over by Hel’s forces... RewardThe Necromancy Combat Class will be unlocked in all major cities, 5000 gold, 40000 EXP.Do you wish to accept?YES/NO
As he saw this Atticus’ eyes lit with a savage glee, He would gain almost a solid two levels just for the quest, Not to mention the sheer amount of gold, The Necromancer class was just a bonus to him as he loved his class for its sheer brutality.
So far Scarlet had reached level three so he figured it should be fine to take her into the crypt with him, though he made sure her build was an equal split of Dex and End. Giving her the firm order to fall back at the first sign of trouble.
He ignored the looks of awe among the guards and the fear in the criminal's eyes as he stepped into the crypt opening, having to crouch low just to step inside. As he did he was met with the usual slew of windows related to a dungeon.
Spoiler :
You have discovered a Dungeon!
You have gained 50 fame!
You have discovered The Ancient Barrow, A series of catacombs that had been covered long ago in a landslide only to be rediscovered by an unfortunate miner!
The monsters inside of the dungeon have a higher chance of dropping uncommon and above materials for the next 72 in game hours.
The boss of the dungeon is a mighty Lich who is reanimating the skeletons of the crypt to build an army large enough to pave the way for Hel’s armies
Good luck adventurer!
Atticus was thankful for his Night vision as he began looking around the first room, It looked to be the entranceway of the crypt in the old days as it had an altar with statues to the gods, a few benches, and a large iron door.
Behind the altar was another iron door, for now he decided to walk towards the altar, once there he noticed many valuable things in front of the statues, He wanted to take the items but stopped himself as he remembered legends of the gods being vengeful and vindictive.
He sighed but walked past the altar and through the door behind it, He went down the stairs behind the door and soon came into a large mausoleum, As he set foot inside of the room he heard groans and bones creaking, As he looked around five undead beings rose from their respective reseces.
Atticus looked over them and noticed the Rune of Undeath was etched into their foreheads and that all of them held axes and shields, Before he could think of anything the five began to run at him with a shocking amount of speed.
He pulled out his own ax and swung violently, and was shocked as three of the Draugrs used their shields together to stop his ax dead in its tracks and resulted in him being knocked back a few feet.
At the same time two of them hacked at Atticus, cutting light wounds into his chest. He growled and activated Enraged and began swinging Fury with all he could, and still the Draugr' kept blocking him.
He soon began backing himself out of the room while fending off the Draugr until he could slam the door in their faces. He was tired and panting, covered in small wounds and his stamina was completely drained.
It was this that made Atticus realize just how lucky he had been so far that all he had fought were inexperienced users, beasts, and weak level three bandits, He grudgingly left the Barrow, Giving orders for a barricade to be made and for all work in that tunnel to be stopped for the time being.
He then returned to town and went to find Lucian, Hoping that by now he and Eleanor had played enough. He found Lucian bathing by the well, Ivan panting and drinking buckets of water as he had just run here from the mine while Atticus was in the Barrow. Tired and sore he decided to join them in both bathing and drinking some of the cold water.
As Atticus began washing the blood from his body Lucian looked over at him.”Tough time in the Barrow already?" Atticus rolled his eyes but kept bathing."No one of the tavern girls got too hands on, Yes i had trouble, Dead or not those damned warriors still know what they were doing."
Lucian laughed as he kept scrubbing his own scratched body ”Well i'll be, I thought you knew how to fight by now.” Lucian shook his head a bit as he pulled on his kilt .”Aye lad the beast may help to keep us alive but at the same time we need our own wits for when the beast gets dull..” Lucian put an arm on Atticus’ shoulder and lead him towards the training grounds with Ivan in tow.
A large area added in during the expansion where new users could train their fighting skills, Atticus had helped to implement it but never used it as his instinctual fighting always did the trick.
As they arrived a lot of the users and young npcs looked up, recently with most of the original users having left more and more new users thought he was an NPC more than anything from the way he got along with Lucian and the other townspeople.
Lucian shook his head softly as he took a seat near on a bench next to one of the sparring rings."Unfortunately, for you lad I can't teach you anything about how to use that monster of a weapon, I chose the dual fang style because I preferred speed and working with my wolf."
Just as Atticus was about to complain Lucian smirked and pointed to Ivan next to him."However that monster right there is just who you need to train you, For no reason whatsoever he decided to use a Warhammer wielded by the first ogre chieftain he killed, Through hard work and determination he became adept in using monster weapons and those of a similar size."
Atticus turned to look at the former warlord turned blacksmith and was shocked to see he had already stripped down to nothing more than a pair of pants as six of the town guards came into the training grounds pulling a cart with a monstrous weapon in the back.
It was a beastly weapon made from what looked like a young oak tree and an anvil, An improvised weapon but it was no doubt an effective one."Are you sure you want to do this Ivan? I'd hate to hurt a man of your age....."
The guards had reached Ivan as Atticus began speaking, and as an answer the older man picked up the massive mace and swung it one handed, slamming it straight into Atticus' side and sending him flying into one of the wooden walls, This resulted in the disgusting sound of bones being turned to dust and wooden poles snapping.
"Listen here furball, I've been killing whelps like you for more than two of your lifetimes, playing with you won't even break a sweat... Now get up and let's see that blade, After all, your going to have to get used to fighting monsters using massive weapons.."
One of the novice druids had to heal Atticus’ wounds before he stood up, hacking up a little blood as he began walking back to the ring, He grabbed Fury, The blade began to glow a bright red as his blood touched it for the first time.
Seeing this Lucian nodded and motioned to Ivan to begin."Very well, The first trick is to scout out your battlefield, no doubt you have realized that I would not have been able to swat you like a fly inside of a small area. In such a time some improvising is needed..."
As he spoke he spun his massive war hammer around so that the handle was pointing towards Atticus, It was then that he noticed it was shaved to a point and fitted with a steel butt cap much as his own ax had been fashioned."To counter tricks like being maneuvered into tight quarters monsters have made their great weapons into spears to allow thrusting and stabbing."
Atticus decided to flip Fury around, finding that it was oddly comfortable contrary to what he thought."Good Now were going to run basic drills until you have spearwork down like any respectable man should.."
As a few of the str users laughed Ivan growled and slammed his hammer down into the ground causing a shockwave."You whelps can get your asses over here too, not the first one of you shits knows how to use a spear properly! Now grab a spear and line up or youll be fixing your own gear from now on!"
Atticus smirked for a moment as there was a rush of people falling in line beside and behind him, forming ranks as all began to take part in the drills, even Lucian joined in.
Lucian was glad to see Atticus was focusing on training properly, mimicking his and Ivans actions flawlessly after a while. He decided to take this as a chance to teach him more about their order."Have you ever wondered why there are different types of berserker Atticus?”
Atticus nodded as he kept up the drills."I have, I know we are the Wolf Skinned Berserkers, those said to be Odin's chosen warriors, But if I remember aren't the Berserkers held in high esteem as being the pinnacle of warriors?"
Lucain took a breath for a second as he then began to explain their counterparts.”The Berserkers are a savage order even among us, They rely on brute force, direct fighting, and an all consuming rage, They pay homage to the Bear as their totem beast.”
He then got a pained look as if remembering something from a long time ago.”They become monsters that are not fit to fight amongst men, they are our forerunners, sent to weaken our foes on the frontlines alone with no support, Any that try to aid the Bears in battle are torn apart without rime or reason, They are a forsaken order which is kept secluded high in the mountains above Jotuns Hammer.”
“Unless the need is dire we leave them to their own devices on the agreement that they do not leave the mountain, we send runners with food and supplies and updates on current events, but besides that we will not go near them for fear of becoming another stain upon their flesh...”
Atticus was stunned to hear this, In history the Berserkers had always been held in the highest esteem as men of the greatest honor, but here they are treated like demons, Beasts to be kept in a cage and released as a worst case scenario.
Lucian then shook his head a bit.”We were once one order my boy, but long ago there was a time when twin boys were born, Exactly the same in every way except the youngest was born with stark black hair and golden eyes. He had a way with beast and men alike, Even monsters fell into line before him, He was our forebearer and first scion of our order. Atticus Blackfang.”
Lucian then had a sad look as he remembered the dark stories of their orders past.”The oldest brother had dark brown hair and eyes, Much as you did, Despite his gentle and kind nature he was unable to form a bond with anyone save his brother, mother, and two baby sisters and even that did not last. His name was Ragnar Blackfang.”
“It was during their first battle that things turned sour and our orders split, The boys had trained their entire lives in a mountain village, living simple lives and eager to go out into the world after their Rites of combat had been completed, It was while the elder warriors were called away for the Dusk Wars that it happened.”
“The brothers had just turned 16, They had become men in their own rite but were still not seasoned enough to be called to war and so they were left to guard the women and children and the sick and elderly of their village, They were returning from a hunt when they noticed fire in the village, and the sound of screams and the scent of blood filled the air..”
“They rushed to the village only to find a band of Dark Elves three hundred strong had been waiting to strike when the men had left, They went into the village when they thought all of the warriors had left, They proceed to kill all of the elderly, the women and children were all dragged from their huts and taken to the square, the elves took turns raping them all, no matter their age or gender.”
As he heard this Atticus could feel his mentors rage building and that of the guards, as well as the shock and revulsion in the users, His own rage was building as he could vividly see the scene before the two young men.
“The brothers ran into the village and were met with the sight of the large force using their women and children like cheap whores, covered in seed and blood from being beaten, Atticus and his pet wolf were stunned at first as they saw their beloved village being savaged by the elves, The rage of their clan taking hold of them...”
“But Ragnar… His rage had never been seen, even when getting into an argument with the other boys of the village. But in this moment, he was broken. He became a monster it is said the first elf who attacked him was killed with his bare hands, in his rage he had forgotten his axes.”
“He let his rage take control of him and he proceeded to brutally slaughter every elf with nothing but his bare hands, Even after the last elf had fallen he did not stop, he mangled the corpses beyond recognition, When the last elf had fallen his brother tried to calm him, but in the process had lost his right eye.”
“When Ragnar finally came out of his rage he was met with a sight that sealed his fate, In his rage he had blinded his brother, killed the wolf he had helped to raise, And now stood on a field of corpses as the villagers held their spears up to defend themselves from him.”
“Despite saving them he had become a blood soaked monster who scared them worse than the elves, He then left the village and went deeper into the mountains, He returned only in the case of dire times, killing rogue monsters, or helping to defend the village In time he was allowed by his brother to return but he declined for fear that in his rage he would kill all that he sought to protect.”
“From then on those who could control their rage remained in the village and those who could not were sent into the mountains to be lead by Ragnar, In time we became established as the Bears and the Wolves, Two beasts who sought to protect what was theirs but through different methods.”
Lucian then slammed his spear against the bench behind him which resulted in a thunderous clap, snapping everyone out of their distracted states of mind.”Enough of history, let us return to training!”
Atticus shook his head and nodded, Though as he had kept going through the drills Ivan lunged at him, thrusting his makeshift spear at the young thane to test him, It was a weak attack that easily knocked asside and countered, though as he went to stab at Ivan the end of the Warhammer touched his chest and he realized what had happened.
Ivan had used the counter to transition back to his main form of attack, Seeing the grin on the old man's face as the trick was realized the two began a deadly game of tag, though in their case instead of a tap it was a series of broken bones and deep gashes, though thanks to the small squadron of druid novitiates they took no lasting damage.
In time however the game changed, Ivan stopped using the spear point on the base of the handle and began using full on attacks, so Atticus followed suit, noticing Ivan using different stances at times so he begun mimicking them, finding that the weight of the weapon shifted in his hands, seemingly becoming lighter and moving faster.
He noticed in time that it was like he was dancing with his weapon, and rather than fighting Ivan it was more like they were seeing who was the best dancer, seeing who made the least mistakes and who could go the longest and the fastest.
Spoiler :
You have learned the basics of the Warlords War Dance! A fighting style made for the use of monster weapons, and to allow a fluid ever changing series of attacks and counters.
He got a notification but before he had the chance to read it Ivan laughed and kept their game going."That's it, laddie, This is the dance of death, The dance of War. This is what made me a warlord, Learning that to use weapons like ours, we need to treat them as people not as tools, after all, in due time you may well find your blade is the only one who truly understands you for who you are..."
Ivan soon slammed his hammer down, knocking Atticus back with a shockwave of raw power."That is enough for now my boy, I can't go giving all of my secrets to Lucian's pupil. come find me when you wish to become a true lord of war..."
Atticus nodded and bowed slightly.”Thank you, Sir!” As they had been fighting the crowd had grown bigger and little Ellen came running up to her father covered in sweat and dirt from playing with Isis in the woods.
Shadow running behind her with a few scratches and dents in his armor and blood on his claws and muzzle showing some had been stupid enough to try to attack the little ones.
Ellen jumped and tackled her daddy with much more force than she could before, which actually knocked a now stunned Lucian off of his feet as his little girl began bouncing in his lap excitedly as Isis ran over and started barking happily.“ look daddy look! This is Isis, Uncle Atti gave her to me!”
Lucian looked over at Atticus with a shocked look when he noticed his little girl's eyes and how her canine teeth were starting to sharpen like their own.”What in Hel’s name did you do to her?”
Atticus smiled as Ellen hopped up and tackled him, though he was prepared for the impact and picked her up as she hugged him happily.”I gave her the collars Shadow and i used before i gained the ability to speak to him without it, It strengthens the bond between the wearers so she now has increased strength and senses equal to half of Isis’.”
Lucian sighed as he heard this.”I said she could have a wolf boy not become one!” This got him a pouting look from Ellen and a little growl from Isis.”Why can't I be like Isis daddy!”
Lucian sighed again as he stood up.”Because darling it's not what little girls should be doing...” He went to take her from Atticus’ arms but she actually bit him on the hand.
“Why not! I like playing with Isis.” She pouted a little more and they could actually see tears start welling in her eyes until Eleanor came up behind Lucian and smacked him upside the head and took their little girl, kissing her on the cheek.
“Its fine honey you can keep playing with Isis just like you are, Daddy is just a stubborn old goat...” Eleanor gave a small smirk as she carried Ellen to the well to bathe her and Isis.
Lucian flinched at his wife hitting him and taking their little girl. He then sighed sadly.”And here I was hoping she would be a cute little princess, unlike her mother...”
As he said this a small arrowhead went flying by and slammed into a target behind him, a thin line of blood on his cheek.”I heard that you old goat!” Eleanor shouted from nearly fifty meters away, This made the guards and users break out laughing as training came to an end for the day and everyone went to bathe.
On the outskirts of the Lights Blossom woods, Elven area rated for levels 20-30.
Sitting around a table in a large tavern drinking a staggering amount of alcohol were four lovely young women, Three Elves, and a Human.
“Just what the hell is he doing! He hasn't leveled up in over a week and he hasn't logged out once...” Sasha complained, Adam had let to tell any of the girls about his class change or race change let alone the disadvantages it put him at.
“Knowing him hes probably screwing around and taking in the scenery and reading a book,” Lily added as she had also been wondering about his sudden halt when he had been leveling up at a rate that shocked the rest of the community the first day of release.
Alice shook her head as she grinned happily, a heavy blush across her cheeks from drinking too much.”I think he's making stuff again, Remember when he made all of the weapons and armor for the LARP group? He stayed holed up in his workshop for a week working out every imperfection...”
This made the four girls laugh as they had all heard the stories from Lily and Alice about Adams hardworking attitude and how he took everything seriously, Over the last week the girls had spent every waking minute of their vacation time in RO and as such had all but dominated the leaderboards through taking dangerous quests into dungeons to get vast amounts of EXP and loot.
At the same time, they had received a quest from their starting villages elder to establish a new village on the outskirts of the woods but they had finished that over a week ago using the in game calendar.
Samantha the de facto party leader smiled and leaned in over the table.”Perhaps he found a cute young woman to spend his time with and gave up the rest of the game?”She knew this was not the case but wanted to tease the others.
This made them go silent and start fidgeting and brooding abit, Seeing this Sam smiled more.”How about we leave in the morning for Duskhaven and go see him, With the Harts and carriage we got from the elder we should be able to make it there in under a week.”
The other three girls then perked up with a bit of a fire in their eyes to see what the hell their friend was doing, and the three of them nodded in unison”Deal!”
Atticus had returned to the Barrow and was slaughtering Draugr by the dozen using his new found martial abilities, he mainly stuck with using his ax like a spear for now as it allowed him to pinpoint precision and the ability to flourish and decapitate a Drauger when it got too close.
He had just finished a pack of the undead warriors when a cold chill went down his spine. He spun around but there was no one there which only made him shiver more as he pressed deeper into the dungeon.
He had finally hit level 12,He put his 5 points into Int and kept pushing on into the Barrow, keeping his guard up for traps and unexpected undead to pop up.
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8 115 - In Serial36 Chapters
Mandela Catalogue /One Shots) GN (Book 2)
Ha! Do you really think i forget about this?. Ofc no! I didn't think that the other book have more than 10k-..I really appreciate a lot and that's why i make the book 2!The same characters are gonna be here.If you remember i said i would make the book in 2022 of 1 Jul and there he is!Characters belong to Alex kister!Idk why i made that draw of Mark and cesar-
8 167