《Rebirth Online》Chapter 6 - Love-Hate-Sex-Pain - Redone
Adam sighed as he sat in the small cell he had been given, currently he was waiting for his lawyer to negotiate with the police for bail and to straighten out everything, When he had arrived he was surprised to see a lawyer waiting for him at the precinct, looking very familiar but he could not tell why.
As they went through the events of the day he left out the conversation of him torturing Jack in the game, seeing that as motive and whatnot. And now as the lawyer came back it was with an officer, and a lovely young woman with breathtaking eyes and hair as dark as they abyss.”Hello, Adam.”
She smiled happily as she saw him, it was then that he realized the young lawyer was her brother as they were too close in age to be parent and child. He smiled softly himself.”A pleasure to see you again miss grey...”
At this time, the officer walked in with his wheelchair and moved him into it.”You've been released Mr. Sterling, All witness reports say that you were acting in self-defense, you're free to go now and I apologize on behalf of the precinct for the trouble..”
As he was pushed out of the cell by Samantha he looked back at her.”I must say this was a little easier than what it looks like on tv...” She grinned.”It is when your brother is the go-between for the precinct and the DA..”
Her brother Greg sighed.”Hey, you said no more favors after the last time I fixed an issue, I was sure my bosses would stop yelling at me for a few days and now this...”
She just smiled more.”But you know he was going to be forced to sit in there for three days otherwise, you just expedited everything.” He was soon brought outside and helped into a van by Greg, grumbling in discomfort at being helped but the damn van was for some reason higher than his truck so he could not get in alone.
As Greg drove them back to the campus, now at eight in the evening Samantha sat beside him in the back seat, She smiled softly as she leaned in close to where only he could hear.”Luckily no one else heard you threatening to torture Jack later so everything was fixed quickly...”
Adam shivered as she whispered in his ear and nodded.”Thank you again, Both of you...” He said this loud enough for Greg to hear but he just waved a hand to brush it off.
Samantha however smiled and moved closer to him, a hand resting on his thigh.”The others were worried about you so they agreed to stay on campus and wait, They all want to go out for drinks if you wouldn’t mind going with...”
Adam swallowed harder as he shivered feeling where her hand was and nodded.”S..Sounds good, I could use a drink...” While never drinking in real life bars, Adam had been quite the alcoholic as he had a neighbor bring him bottles of whiskey on a regular basis under the premise of checking up on him while his parents were out of town for work.
Soon enough he was back on campus and pulled from the van and pushed into his truck, having enough room for the four girls and himself. He drove them to a nearby bar that they frequented,
It looked like an old roadhouse, Motorcycles and muscle cars could be seen everywhere, Adam already felt out of place as he wheeled himself inside following the girls, But once inside he felt much better as he noticed it was run by kids his age, he could see games of D&D running on some of the tables, rock music playing throughout the place, Even a few spots where they had TVs playing news on RO and other gaming topics.
Sasha smiled as she pushed him towards their usual table.”Welcome to The Tavern, My cousin owns it and lets us drink all the time for half price, As you can see he enjoys gaming in all its forms.”
Adam nodded as he looked around the place, dazed by the number of people there and even more on the second floor could be seen through the rails.
Most shocking of all was how his character Atticus was suddenly plastered across every screen at the moment, a reporter commenting that they had received news that the player of the infamous Cain had just been arrested in connection to a real life attack against another player.
As a result, Adam was shocked and spoke louder than he meant to."How in the fuck did they find out about my arrest so fast?!" Because of this heads turned and despite the appearance of a scrawny frail man, everything else was there, the eyes, hair, the look of cruelty.
After that the night was a blur, they all talked about the incident and began drinking at a breakneck pace, Enough so that a few guys tried to pick the girls up only to be shot down, the rougher ones who wouldn't take no were sorted out by a bouncer who worked near the bar,
Adam felt bad that he himself couldn't do anything due to not being able to stand let alone throw a punch. But the girls soon drank him under the table and it didn't matter, When he woke up he was looking at an unfamiliar ceiling.
It looked much like the one in RO but judging from how he heard Godsmack's Serenity playing he knew he was not there, He tried to sit up but was met with resistance… It was soft yet heavy.
He opened his eyes fully and found that he was laying in a strange bed in the back room of The Tavern, Naked. But far from alone.
He had his head resting on Sasha’s taunt stomach, Alice and Lily cuddled up to him and each holding an arm, And Samantha laying on top of him with his member still inside of her.
His mind was racing as he tried for the life of him to remember what happened only to draw a blank. Not long after he began moving about he heard cute groans around him as the girls began walking up.
Soon enough he was met with three ear piercing screams of shock as Alice, Lily, And Sasha all but fell out of the bed trying to cover themselves while stuttering.
Samantha, on the other hand, gave a knowing grin as she kissed his throat and rolled her hips back which sent a jolt of pleasure through his body.”Good morning lover...”
A few hours later they were all sitting at the same table as last night, freshly showered and dressed in yesterday's clothes as Samantha filled them in on all the details of how when they all got too far gone to remember.
Sasha had begun groping Adam's member in the open which leads to Alice and Lily claiming he was theirs, After some playful fighting He broke it up and said he had more than enough love for the four of them, They then dragged him into the back room and all but used him like a living sex toy.
The three girls besides Samantha were red in the face with embarrassment as was Adam, Samantha, on the other hand, was hugging his arm and nibbling his ear teasingly.
After a hearty breakfast cooked by Sasha's cousin Lucas who was grinning the entire time as he heard the story from the kitchen, not to mention the moans from his room just on the other side of the wall from them.
The five then decided to go their separate ways, for now, promising to meet up in RO later and send friend requests as they had class and he was now able to log in once more.
He drove home and felt quite depressed, Sure he not only lost his virginity in the real world and had a sex with four women at the same time. But he couldn't remember any of it, he felt cheated. And made the firm decision that he would make them his in the game as soon as he could,
When Atticus awoke it was to a bright dawn as his body solidified in the plaza. He stood up and saw looks of shock on the faces of the villagers as they had never seen him die, Others yes but their thane was said to be an unstoppable force.
He stormed straight to the great hall and kicked the doors in, throwing one of them off of its hinges which frightened the elf party save for Liliana and made Lucian cringe as he realized what was about to happen.
Atticus stormed straight to Lucian and slammed his hands down on the table.“Where is that little whore!” He didn't even realize his bloodlust was pouring out stronger than ever, Even Lucian looked a little pale.”What has happened Thane Shadowsong?"
Atticus growled deeply, amplified by his helm.”Your coward of a sister abandoned me in the middle of battle and I was killed by a fucking monstrosity as I fought alone, That is what happened!”
His voice thundered through the hall enough so that he heard sobbing from the back and his eyes narrowed, Stomping his way there only for Lucian to move in front of him.”I understand your rage my friend but you need to calm yourself before you do something you will regret...”
Atticus stopped and removed his helmet.”All I wish to do is to teach her her place...” While his eyes were lit with a bright fire it was not all rage,
Lucian could see a spark that made him smirk and step aside.”Very well, Don't hurt her too badly...” He remembered how he had reacted when one of his allies had abandoned him and it was to kill them, But this man…
Atticus had the eyes of a man who was mad at his hound for running away from the hunt, The eyes of a man about to discipline the hound and break it. Just what his sister needed.
They could hear Rena's crying as Atticus dragged her from her hiding place and further into the hall, He could see all of the elves save for his dear friend pale as they heard the sound of leather hitting flesh and as cries of pain soon turned to those of pleasure.
It was an hour later when they saw Atticus next, Covered in sweat as he buckled his belt which had small spots of blood on it now, He made eye contact with the spoiled princess of the elves as he spoke.”I hope I did not disturb you all, My Jarl I regret to inform you that your sister is in no shape for combat so I have left her sleeping on a cot in the storeroom...”
Lucian burst out laughing as he could no longer resist.”It is fine my friend, I will have a physician see to her later, May I ask how your battle in the den was going before your…. Accident?”
Atticus filled him in on the beast that killed him and Lucian nodded gravely and as he was about to call for a new Shaman to aid him Liliana stood up.”He is to go alone!” All there flinched including Atticus at this news.
Lucian turned and looked at her with a confused look until he saw the look in her eyes and realized what she wanted him to do.”It is as her majesty says, I fear you must go alone as the other shaman I would send with you would flee as well..”
Atticus was angry, and he could feel his bloodlust rising, At the same time he got a notification as did Sasha when she logged in stating that the dungeon must now be completed alone.
Atticus wanted nothing more than to vent and raise hell but he knew it would ruin everything he had worked for so he grit his teeth and gave the same soldiers salute he had been doing so often.”As you say, Jarl Frost...”Atticus spun on his heel and began storming to out of the great hall and the village.
He began heading towards the den as usual, But as he stepped foot outside of the walls surrounding the village he saw Wingking and friends. along with ten new faces With his helmet on he growled violently.”I warned you to stop....”
As he said this WhiteShadow was the one to respond.”Fuck you, you bastard! You cut my brothers leg off! He's never going to walk again!”
Atticus growled deeper.”I told him the same as you, Stay away from me but he instead decided to attack me in the real world, And I was a real cripple, I just leveled the playing field!”
“You are now kill on sight to every member of The Rising Sun!” Atticus had no doubt that was the name of the guild they were unofficially formed into at the moment.
As those words left his mouth four arrows came hurtling towards Atticus. With all that had happened the last two days, it was very easy to say that Atticus was furious, Their stupidity, Their harassment, Their selfishness. All of it sent him into such a rage that he soon saw his vision go grey and monotone.
As the four arrows slammed into the man's shoulders and chest they felt a sharp chill run down their spine. Each arrow hit and did damage but it barely took a chunk out of his HP. Then there was the blood-curdling howl.
A demon had been born in this moment, The anger and the pain had sent Atticus over the top. He let out a howl of anger and pain louder than he ever had before, activating Roar and Bloodlust in one shot, Seeing his Hp increase by 25% of his total value scared his foes, at the same time the fear status was applied and they could feel their blood run cold at the sight of him, He seemed to get larger in their eyes.
His eyes were now pitch black and they saw as right above his heart a blood red tattoo appeared, It was a scene of a wolf sitting upon a mountain of skulls while gnawing on one. At this same time, Atticus got a message.
Spoiler :
You have unlocked a new stat Rage: Warriors who fight on the frontlines with no appreciation begin to let their anger control them, and empower them. A spendable resource such as Mana. May be increased through experiencing great anger surpassing previous limits. Current Maximum set to 250. Rage is regenerated when taking damage in battle, Currently at a total of 20% of damage received
Your Skill BloodLust has gained new abilities from your intense rage!
You have given in to your bloodlust and rage! you have learned to Enrage like the beasts you have hunted so much when backed into a corner, You gain an increase of 50% Attack damage, Attack speed, And movement speed. Cost 25 Rage per second.
Your fiery hate now infuses your every attack with Fire damage, Causing all wounds while Enraged to burn shut making the Bleeding Effect impossible.
You have become close to a beast, it is now 50% easier to raise intimacy with animals and monsters.
Atticus disregarded every window as he slammed his foot into the ground and vanished for a moment, The next time they saw him he was already past the Warriors and was among the Archers, His swings lopped off limbs faster than ever, no screams were let out as none felt the pain, But they all fell down, Missing arms and legs.
The shield and spear bearing warriors spun and attacked him, ramming their spears through his body, only for their arms to be cut off just as soon, Atticus kept moving even with the two spears stuck in either side of his body, Howling like a wounded beast.
Two rogues attacked him by stabbing him in the back using poisoned weapons but Atticus spun and slammed the axe into their legs, chopping them off at the knees.
Already six of his new “Friends” were missing their knees and a few their arms. Atticus then held his battleaxe with one hand as he noticed a Mage trying to cast the Mend spell. He pulled one of the spears from his side and threw it with enough force that it passed straight through the mage's chest and halfway through his back.
Unfortunately killing him but Atticus paid it no mind, Rushing the other mage and slamming the axe down into his collarbone and slicing straight through to the hip, cutting the man in half. and killing him as well.
This left the usual four. Blacklight, however, was trying to run and he could not allow that, so he removed the last spear and threw it, ramming through Blacklights leg and into a tree, thanks to the guard his only option was to stand there or cut the leg off and crawl.
Wingking and Deeznutz charged him as Whiteshadow took aim with a bow and arrow. Atticus noticed his vision getting color again so he charged at the two and let them hit him just to extend his rage. He then rammed through them and knocked them to the ground with a heavy thud.
He moved in on Whiteshadow and kicked him in the chest, shattering the bow he was trying to draw as he flew into a tree, Seeing him gasping for breath Atticus turned back to the two and cut off their arms and legs before he returned to Whiteshadow.”I'll let you taste what your brother did...”
He then activated his Interrogation skill as he began cutting off his arms and legs, Asking him simple questions such as”Why are you so stupid”, ”Did your father not beat you enough as a child?”, “Does it hurt?”.
When Atticus’ first howl of pain and rage went out the guards ran out to see what was going on, just in time to see the carnage, And to see their Thane become like a wild beast as he tore his foes limb from limb.
They did nothing to stop this as they had heard the fourteen talking about how they would attack their thane but they were planning on helping. But now they would help in a new way.
As his rage ended and Whiteshadow lay below him crying he turned to see the guards, the darkness still in his eyes.”Take them all to the Barracks!, They are to be imprisoned for attempted murder!, I will announce how to punish them when I return from the Den!”
He turned and began walking towards the den, still bleeding from his wounds but he didn't want to show pain or fear to the guards as he noticed his health dropping down to 10%, the poison had gone but the bleeding was still killing him so once he was out of sight he removed the arrows, bandaged himself, and ate some food before continuing.
As the guards complied with their thane's command they carried 14 men into the village, all of them missing arms and legs, none of them bleeding and one of them crying like a child, Other players saw something gruesome indeed as a side effect of his Interrogation skill each of his victims to be tortured had become branded with the same tattoo he now had on his chest, the mark carved into their flesh. Most thought it was an event while others began to whisper. Whisper that Cain had risen to a new peak of cruelty.
Atticus entered the den and rather than heading straight to where Hati and Skoll where he went hunting, Ruthlessly slaughtering the respawned wolves and wolfmen as he ground out to level 6 again and added his points not into mana as he had before but to Endurance.
With his new Rage stat, he had a feeling that with his playstyle he would keep getting attacks using Rage so he figured more health would help.
He went and visited the large wolf he had subdued what was now three days ago in-game, As he walked into the room the wolf barked and tackled him, licking his face and nuzzling him like a puppy.
The memory of the wolves in the vats in the room where Hati and Skoll resided made Atticus realize that he was a puppy, forcibly aged and sent to attack. He grit his teeth at this thought and pet the wolf, giving him more meat and water as he continued petting him softly.
The wolf soon rolled over on its back and whimpered. At the same time, a window popped up.
Your actions have tamed a beast!, A new work skill has been added.
Spoiler :
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:BeastMasteryBeginner20%You have learned how to make beasts follow your lead and see you as one of their own.You may now tame beasts at or below your level with 100% chance of success, If your intimacy with a higher level beast reaches its maximum they may willingly submit to youWhen a higher level beast submits to you they will be temporarily lowered to your level, leveling up automatically with you until you are at their initial level.Beasts tamed by you will have to level up using the same system as yourself, though with a lower exp total. For example to reach level 2 a player must gain 400 exp, For a tamed beast only 300 is neededBeasts tamed by you will receive 20% of your stats in addition to their own.
Would you like to Rename Battle Wolf Beta? Y/N
Atticus smiled and ran his hand through the beast's fur and pet him.”Welcome to my pack Shadow...”
The large wolf barked and licked his face happily, nuzzling him as his body shrank down to that of a normal wolf, As he looked at the new Pets Window he saw why.
Spoiler :
Pet WindowNameShadowLevel6(10)Total Experience7600(27600)Experience To Next Level3600GenderMaleSpeciesWolfLoyalty100%Unspent Stat Points:0Spent Stat Points:25(45)StatisticsHealth380/380(480)Health Regen7-per secondStamina380/380(480)Stamina Regen7-per secondMana0/0Mana Regen0-per secondWellness100%Critical Chance4%Attack17(22)Defense0Strength20Intelligence18Dexterity35(45)Endurance38(48)Charisma24Luck21Wisdom15Charm15ResistancesFire3%Frost14%Earth3%Poison3%Light3%Darkness3%Wind3%Water3%EquipmentBody0AilmentsWeakened: Level and status has been reduced to fit its masters power
Atticus sighed seeing the wolf now shrink down to be the size of a normal wolf but he kept petting him.”It's alright Shadow, I'll have you big and strong soon enough..." With this Shadow barked and nuzzled into his master's cheek, his long bushy tail wagging happily.
After a short break, Atticus stood up with Shadow by his side and they walked back to the room in which Hati and Skoll waited. With every step, he forced his body and mind to remember the pain the abominations caused him, The rage of Flokis experiments, The stupidity of the other players, Being forced to go alone save for this wolf which apparently didn't count as an ally as it was a Pet.
As he got close to the entrance of the room he was greeted with a message.
Your Bloodlust has changed your pet!
Your pet now has an ability, Spirit Bond: When seeing its master Enrage the pet will follow suit!
Pet has gained new stat Rage: Rage set to 250
Without paying this any mind Atticus walked into the room, seeing Hati and Skoll both alive he let his rage loose, Activating Enrage as did Shadow.
At the same time both let out a blood chilling howl as his Alpha's Command activated both he and Shadow got a boost in stats equal to another 20% of his stats.
The two then charged into battle with the two abominations, Hati and Skoll charged as well, with no memories of this tiny human they charged while looking down on him and his runt of a pet. It was one of their past mistakes.
Both Atticus and Shadow ran past Hati and straight to Skoll and focused on immobilizing him, At the same time as one another they attacked Skoll's ankles, severing the tendons as Atticus took the right and Shadow the left.
With a yelp Skoll dropped to his knees as he tried to swing his axe and kill them, Atticus stepped up and braced his axe handle against his shoulder as the blade of the massive axe hit hard, causing him to slide across the ground but he took only half of the damage as before.
Still close to 250 hp but this only served as fuel for his rage, He swung his axe and chopped of Skoll's thumbs once more. Causing the massive axe to drop to the ground as Atticus then tackled Skoll, Howling as he used every ounce of strength to get up to the height of the beasts head as he brought his axe down with the full force of his body.
The axe bit deep into the wolfman's throat and shattering the collarbone on the left side. At the same time, Shadow leapt from behind and bit savagely into the back of Skoll's neck as he began thrashing with all his might.
At this time, Atticus felt the air shifting and looked back to see the massive mace incoming. He let out a shout as he and Shadow both jumped to the side right as the mace killed Skoll by crushing his skull.
Through a quick act of instinct you and your pet have killed an enemy in an unusual way.
Hati has killed Skoll!
You have gained +3 Intelligence for your flawless coordination.
On schedule, the remaining beasts fur changed color from black to red.
Skoll has entered Frenzy at the loss of his brother! +10% attack speed and damage!
Atticus drank the last health potion he had as he prepared for battle. He charged Hati head on as Shadow ran around behind the Wolfman. Hati threw his shield and mace down and took up its brothers axe. Swinging recklessly as he tried to avenge his brother.
Atticus was surprised by the weapon swap but he could tell the beast was not used to the weapon so it was much easier to dodge than Skoll's trained swings. He held his own axe at an angle, letting the axe glance off of it and slam into the ground.
At the same time, he leapt and swung the axe hard as he took out Hati's right eye, At this time Shadow took out Hati's right ankle, causing the beast to take a knee and allowing the two to exploit a bit of a dirty trick.
With a blind spot and reduced movement speed Atticus and Shadow were able to attack Hati's right side with ease, Its wild swings were easy to dodge and they soon went for the kill, Shadow and Atticus let Hati swing its axe one last time.
Hati was enraged, It had been backed into a corner by a pair of runts! With all of its hatred, it swung its axe and spun, only for the runts to attack him, the wolf biting the right side of his throat as the humans axe began hacking ruthlessly into his left side.
Soon with a burst of golden light the two Wolfmen vanished, Leaving a large chest in the center of the room. Atticus pet Shadow softly as they both were bathed in light,
Spoiler :
Level Up!
Your pet has Leveled Up!
You and your animal companion have killed the abominations Hati and Skoll!, Dark beasts formed from a dark magic performed on a litter of pups merging four pups into each beast along with a child born of a powerful elf and a wolfman.
Atticus walked to the chest and opened it and looked at the loot. Only two items dropped this time in addition to the usual health potions and gold but it was oddly perfectly planned by the system in the event of a man and beast killing the boss.
Spoiler :
Hati's CollarType:Necklace - AccessoryDurability:IndestructibleQuality:RareA pitch black leather collar worn by the Wolfman Hati, Etched with runes symbolizing Endurance, Strength, And Loyalty.+10 to Strength and EnduranceAllows mental link with the wearer of Skolls Collar
Skoll's CollarType:Necklace - AccessoryDurability:IndestructibleQuality:RareA pitch black leather collar worn by the Wolfman Skoll, Etched with runes symbolizing Dexterity, Luck, And Loyalty.+10 to Dexterity and Luck[/tr]Allows mental link with the wearer of Hatis Collar
Atticus gladly put Hati's collar on as he put Skoll's on Shadow. As he did he was assaulted with increased senses. His body going rigid as was assaulted by the smell of blood and sweat, The brightness of the torches in the room went up dramatically, And the sound of sweat dripping off of his body and his own heart was driving him insane.
But soon an excited voice entered his head.”Is master ok!” He looked up and into Shadow's eyes, He could feel the worry through the link and he smiled as he pet the wolf who had gotten a little bigger.
”Master is fine Shadow.”He soon forced himself to his feet as he took a breath, and collected his thoughts, He then looked down at Shadow and grinned.”Ready to go kill the bastard who caused all of this nonsense?”
Shadow growled and barked loudly.”Your will, My fangs!”
Atticus nodded and pet the wolf as he checked his axe, it had 75% durability remaining so they were fine for now. With this checked they began walking up the stairs in the back of the room and towards the final battle.
Outside of the Den
Having seen that she was no longer allowed to enter the dungeon due to the quest saying Atticus must proceed alone Sasha pouted and decided to meet up with Lily, Alice, and Samantha.
So she began to long journey to Jotuns Hammer, Hunting along the way and grinding her levels, Using this as an excuse not to see him just yet after their revelation that they all slept together. After all, it was not every day you find out that you instigated an orgy between your crush and your best friends.
In the forests of the elves.
Samantha lead the way through the dark forests as Lily and Alice followed behind her, With a spear in one hand and her class specific shield in the other she was eager to meet up with Atticus,Wanting to know how he fights as the others never told her and said it was a surprise. She thought he would be a rogue class from the way he dodged Jacks attack and countered so quickly with what was at hand.But at the same time, she thought he could be a mage with how he loved reading and designing things.
But more importantly, she wanted to see just how well he slaughters his foes in the game where he is not bound by mercy, She herself was quite fond of crippling her foes and beating them to death slowly using the butt of her spear. Lily and Alice never knew about her past and thought she was playing in an aggressive but defensive way, always making sure her enemies can't attack her.
The three continued on their way, All the while Samantha filled them in on their wild night together much to Lily's pleasure and Alice's embarrassment as they found out that Alice loved to be spanked and acting like a cat.
The two sisters also told Samantha all about their time together with Atticus before coming to college which she greatly enjoyed. Soon she would have a great party, Two archers, a support type mage, a warrior, And potentially a dual blade using rogue or a damage dealing mage.
And she had every intention of staying at the top and taking her friends and lovers with her, Having sent out all the friend requests they decided that when they met in Jotuns Hammer they would form a guild.
The name was still a work in progress as each had their own idea, Though Atticus had yet to voice his own.
- In Serial11 Chapters
RE: Souls War Apocalyse
When I and every other humans on earth have been summoned to the cursed world of Yvelmore, to serve as a front-line soldier in an impossible war against an invasion of nightmarish creatures, I knew right away that something was going to go wrong. I was right. The war? Hell, we lost it so much all the nations of the world have been destroyed and all the races have disappeared. Me? I was a veteran who survived until the end. Was I strong? Fuck yeah of course I was, except ... it was useless, I died like everybody else. The bad news? When I thought it was finally over, I woke up in the past, the moment I was summoned to the beginning of the war. Come on, seriously? Do I really have to go through all that again? What? And everything restarts every time I die? No... are you fucking kidding me? Right? Genre: Action, Adventure, Medieval Apocalypse, Times Loops, Progression, War & Fantasy, Grimdark, Magic, Horror, LitRPG (but RP). Tone: Despair at the firsts chapters (which makes sense for a story that begins with the end of the world, doesn't it?), and lots of humor and stupid situations after to lighten the tone of the story. (Oh, and the MC is NOT a psychopath, a rapist, a hypocrite, or human garbage, so sorry for those who like that, because I don't like that). Note: Expect this story to contain grammatical errors and occasional random conjugations. I am learning English, and I have made a lot of progress, but I still have some gaps. So if you're allergic to it, don't read this story, you would inevitably be disappointed.
8 183 - In Serial64 Chapters
The Shards of Sylvia's Soul
In the little village of Nyberg, Sylvia is dreaming of a future with Rebecca at her side. Together, they could move overseas. But when bandits attack, all of her tender dreams turn to ashes. Forced out of her home, Sylvia forges new bonds with the Fri, the women who have taken it upon themselves to protect their little corner of the world. She also meets Afi, a strange bandit with a stern face and a soft heart. Saving each other from certain demise, they join in a bond which irreversibly ties their souls together. So bonded, they attempt to settle down. When a distant heir to the Crown asks for aid to reunite the country, Sylvia sees her chance to finally right all the wrongs committed against her family. In the pursuit of the throne, Afi and Sylvia come to risk their very lives. Sylvia uncovers the relationship between soul, magic, and divinity itself, but even in research, there is peril. It is not an easy task to balance the strain on her soul with the demands of the upcoming battle. In this world, the soul is not an incorporeal concept. To the contrary, the human soul is a physical object, an organ which resides in the chest of each individual. It is a great source of strength, but also of vulnerability. Hardship can leave scratches and blemishes, or even break the soul in two. The soul is each person's connection to divinity, to the magic which is ubiquitous to the world. It enables the cultivation of gods, but old legends warn of demons emerging in the presence of corrupt intention, and of hollow warriors, with no soul at all. There are two sides to every page. Update ScheduleNew chapters are in the works. ScopeThree to four books in total are planned.Book 1: "Fri Women" Chapters 1-64. Find the paperback and e-book here.
8 215 - In Serial109 Chapters
The Adventures of the Mask Maker
Collection of short stories of the adventures of the eccentric Khaos the Mask Maker, who is currently a guild member of the Adventurer's Guild, detailing his exploits and his interactions with fellow guild members. This is also to help me keep track of what's what while I play the Adventurer's Guild game in NU Forums. The chapters will have more flow later on when my character enters S-rank and travels to the Dungeons Universe WARNING: Not a lot of flow in the chapters. Some chapters may not be very descriptive....You have been warned.
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I Cultivate With Science
Science Met With CultivationCultivation Evolved to Antra CultivationDantian Replaced ve InflaMana Kneaded With Secrets of The Universe And Become SpiraThen;People Began To Search For Universe's SecretsAnd Finally;First Batch of Seekers Born-------------------------------------------------------------------A boy was born and raised on the earth which is a planet ruled by humans. At the same time, he was a hero who is chosen as the world protector.After centuries-long of this tired duty, when fighting the most dangerous enemy to earth saw ever, he sacrifices himself along with the enemy to protect the earth and closes his eyes when facing death with a smile on his face.When he opens his eyes again he founds himself in a new body within a new world.This hero who is lived and sacrificed himself for others in his first life; chooses to use this second chance to live for himself.A new journey in a new world to find the universe's secrets with the wisdom and skills of a world protector who is lived for centuries.
8 296 - In Serial19 Chapters
Soul x Reader x Kid
Entered in The Soul Eater Watts Awards!Forced to enter the DWMA under your parent's instruction, you're entirely convinced this will be the worst thing that's ever happened to you. However, you reach Death City, and in a spiral of crazy events, find yourself falling for not one boy, but two.The choice is yours- Who will you love?And who's heart will you break?
8 66 - In Serial17 Chapters
Awakening in Ruins
The kingdom of Kemnar had been at peace for more than a century. But now it is overrun by an undead army. Almost the entire country lies in ruins. Even the royal castle has fallen. But now something awakens in a secret room inside the royal castles laboratory. And it is something the world has never seen, for it was created by a mage and is the first of its kind. This story follows an artificially created being as it fights the undead while trying to find out what it is and for what purpose it was created. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing, so I welcome any critisism.
8 216