《How to have fun in an apocalypse (Rewrite)》Chapter 2: The birds and the bees~
Unable to decide who to focus on, half of the class looks at the guy the door just landed on, and the other half stares with a terrified expression at the 3-meter tall monster that just entered the classroom.
"Shattered" is the only way to describe them. No wonder after the force the door flew at him with.
But even with that dude screaming at the top of his lungs, his classmates don't budge a single bit. They just look baffled.
Until I disturb the silence, that is.
"Man, what are you screaming about. It's just a few bones sticking out. Put a band-aid on it, kiss it 2 or 3 times and the ouchie is gonna disappear. Have faith in yourself buddy." (Me)
The attention switches back over to me.
"What?" (Me)
A slight breeze goes through my skirt again, making me shiver all over. I don't even know where the sudden draft came from with all the windows closed, but it sure as hell made me conscious of the sudden audience I had.
"By the way. Does someone coincidentally have a change of clothes for me? Cause I'm pretty sure if I'm gonna fight that bodybuilder over there in a few seconds-" (Me)
I point to the Orc in the door. The audience follows my finger.
"-My dick is gonna pop out of these panties soon enough. It's not like I want to hog the sight all for myself, but I'm still a bit shy." (Me)
The shout that was already loud enough in the hallway now became a thundering war cry. A few classmates shut their ears off, still unwilling to move their asses out of the classroom, and instead escape into happy delusions.
It might be cool for a few seconds, but not so much after that.
"You have to at least take me out for dinner first. No need to get pushy." (Me)
The Orc loses the rest of his patience. The ground below his gigantic calfs cracks as he charges right in my direction.
'A bit more polite if you don't mind.'
With neck-breaking speed, the hunk of muscles for brains sprints right at me, ignoring the rest of the class that still didn't process the amount of danger they're in.
A very brave decision on their part, although not quite the right one.
'Excuse me. Please don't die.'
'Was that so hard?'
Just before the Orc bashes into me with his shoulder upfront, I put my arm on his back and jump over him like in a game of leapfrog. Now behind me, the Orc continues like a bulldozer, hitting everything besides me on his way.
Pieces of rubble fly through the room as the wall shatters into a blinding dust cloud just by touching him, giving me the chance to hide from him for at least a few seconds.
'That was... kinda exciting. I can't lie.'
'Please no.'
With a few bruises on his body, the orc stands back up, shaking his head as if to get rid of the pain he's feeling. Probably a sign of his low intelligence.
'You... you're not really going for another round, are you?'
'Nah, I'm just joking. I'm a bit fucked in the head, but not stupid.'
'You dare get loud again and the orc and I are gonna become the bestest of friends. Just you see.'
'May I ask why such a creature is residing among us.'
The voice of the girl in my head resounds with a much more gentle tone now that she's calmed down, even bringing me as far as calling her pleasant to listen to. It's pretty easy to convince someone if you threaten them with an untimely death.
You could also call this blackmailing, but that's not the point here.
'Well, I have a hunch. But I think you-know-who in the sky is gonna explain that soon enough.'
Y'all are most likely wondering why and how such a thing would happen, right?
Another hate-inducing message appears in front of me, which makes this whole situation a weird rollercoaster of emotions for me. Even without the worst being in the universe having small talk with me, waking up in a girl's skirt isn't really a common situation.
Not uncommon for me either, but that's a story for another time.
'Did God just answer us?'
'Nope. He just has incredibly good timing most of the time. And I'd really appreciate it if you didn't use his name. Gives me all the icky emotions.'
The Orc lets out a huge scream, signaling that he got a hold of himself and is back to searching for me.
'Why am I his target again?
"YES, ME KNOW!" (Orc)
'I beg your pardon?'
The reason is... that I kinda screwed up... teehee
With the dust cloud settled, I step out of my hiding place. His head sways from side to side until we finally lock eyes, drool dripping from his maw in hunger. I taunt the Orc with a wave of my hand.
His breathing gets heavier as he marks me as his prey of lust. If he hadn't made such a bad first impression, I'd have commended his passion.
'Excuse me, but did you just taunt the 3-meter tall monster who crushed a wall by running against it?'
'Definitely not the worst I've done.'
"BRUNO WANT ASS!" (Bruno, I guess)
I look around the chaotic room for a second. Even through all the underlying debris, the room is still lit very well because of the several windows leading straight outside.
"Man, what a beautiful day." (Me)
Enchanted by the morning sun that I haven't seen in a few years, I stroll to the nearest window. Leaning on the windowsill, I take a deep breath. Since the lung-melting air in hell wasn't exactly my favorite thing about that place, I try to enjoy the fresh wind as much as possible now that the orc has shattered most windows for me partly.
I look down.
The classroom I'm in is approximately on the third floor, beneath us being pure asphalt.
'I guess that should do the trick.'
I turn to the Orc and look at him with an inviting gaze. Meanwhile, my classmates seem to finally have realized that it's not the best moment to be awestruck for a solid minute.
"W- What is this?" (Random classmate #14)
"WHAT IS THIS?!" (Random classmate #5)
Panic spreads among them much quicker than I had expected after the last reaction, but the Orc doesn't care. He still longs for me with lust in his eyes.
"Hey Orc, why don't we make it a bit romantic and just look at the sunset together. If you're nice, we could even hold hands?" (Me)
At the sudden proposal, the Orc is a bit taken aback, but that doesn't last for long.
"NO! ME WANT BOOTY!" (Bruno)
"Chivalry is dead." (Me)
The orc goes into a starter position and charges at me once more. Tables and chairs fly around on his path, hitting a few random people in collateral. This doesn't really help the panic that just ensued, as everyone crowds the narrow doorway on their way out.
It only takes the orc a moment to reach me with his shoulder upfront, his speed usually being one of the aspects no one would expect from a chunky race like his.
Now he's just a few centimeters in front of my face.
'Yeah, but, you know, there's this thing about Orcs.'
I take one step to the side, knowing full-well that the orc doesn't have the mental capacity to notice sudden changes.
"OLÉ!" (Me)
He runs past me, misses completely, and rushes against the windows, which shatter in a fraction of a second. A few stray shards embed themselves inside my right arm, but that's a price I'm willing to pay for the salvation of orc-induced rape.
"They're incredibly stupid." (Me)
The Orc falls down 3 stories while screaming like a little girl... that's falling to its death on hard asphalt.
Once more, the classroom becomes silent. I turn around and see every single one of those who just now were running around and screaming their hearts out, looking at the gaping hole in the wall. A few must've left already since there aren't as many faces as when I woke up just a few minutes ago.
With the window shattered, another strong gust comes by, flipping my skirt.
"Kya!" (Me)
I push it down in a hurry so no one could see my panties.
"D-Did you see it?" (Me)
"What?" (Random classmate #2)
'I need pants.'
The pupils around me seem to have calmed down a bit by now with the imminent danger gone, but that won't last long, I'm sure.
To my disgust, the screens decide to continue at this point.
I may or may not have, coincidentally and completely by mistake, fused one of this world's parallel counterparts with your world. And that may or may not have caused an event similar to an apocalypse.
'Did he just say that he caused an apocalypse "by mistake"?'
So yeah... basically, your world just merged with another more fucked up version. Don't freak out if some changes happen to you guys too! And btw, with fucked up, I really mean it. I really don't even know why I created that world, but shit's fucked yo.
'You can't be serious.'
But I wouldn't be the almighty and generous God if I just let you die like that. I'll give you guys a bit of help, of course!
'How about you just return this world to our original sta-'
Cause returning this world to its original state would be way too much work~
'There ya have it.'
'You know what? Fuck both of you.'
That's why I'll connect your world to our system and shop! Congrats! Your world is now Pay 2 Win! The rest is gonna be explained in the tutorial!
Well then, I'm outie. Bye guys! Have fun! *Drops mic*
I dismiss the final screen with a flick of my hand.
'Uncreative cunt.'
'Why uncreative?'
With a last look at Bruno, who just jumped out of the window with way too much enthusiasm, I turn around to my, once again, aghast audience.
If it weren't for the fact that this is most likely their first apocalypse, I would be surprised that they aren't bored yet of the same reaction over and over again.
"Well, it's been a real blast to be your personal Orcslayer for today, the autograph session will have to be postponed for personal reasons, though. You were a wonderful audience and I would really appreciate it if you let me outside." (Me)
I make my way towards the door where the crowd parts like the red sea. With a few finger guns as goodbyes, I exit into the empty, but already messed up, hallway.
Without a single care in the world, even in such a scenario, I take my first few steps of freedom into this world.
'Nope. To the right and to the left of you are more Orcs.'
Hence, I step into the classroom next door.
"TOTALLY just ruined my flow." (Me)
"Your friendly neighborhood escapee from hell!" (Me)
At that moment, I feel the first few signs of the apocalypse starting. A tickle in the back of my head signals the invasion of my mind from the system that the asshole with the screen so graciously blessed us with.
'Don't try to make it sound so nonchalant. What did you do to get into actual hell?'
"You can wait for me to publish my book in the future. You'll get a full-length autobiography then." (Me)
Leisurely, I pick a chair and sit down.
The prickly feeling in my mind becomes even stronger. I've already experienced this process several times, so I know exactly how to guard myself against any unwanted features, but sadly that only counts for me. Something akin to memories seems to flow into me.
'Well... I am-'
"Name is Trick Kasta. 18 years old. Goes to High School. Has a suspicious lack of friends and or family, which probably comes from the fact that you were left at the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby." (Me)
Rolling up my bloody sleeve, I analyze the damage the stray glass shards did to my arm. Even with my flesh practically shredded, I don't feel any kind of pain pulsing from it.
'Yeah, that. Could've at least said it a bit nicer. I have feelings as well.
Even though I could protect myself from being influenced by the fusion process between this world and the other world, I notice how Trick was still affected. The panicky voice from a few minutes ago is now a lot calmer and her speech pattern got a few aspects of my personality mixed within as well.
"Come on, at least try to stay in character. Even if we're merging." (Me)
'Look at me, I'm using words that the other doesn't understand. Suck a fat one.'
It's bizarre, no matter how many times I witness it. The personality that was built over years from an environment unique to her own person is disintegrated, only to be reconstructed in a matter of minutes. Even after millennia, the cunt above couldn't be bothered to fine-tune the whole thing.
Shaking off the gloomy thoughts, I pay more attention to the leak on my arm. While some of the wounds on my forearm are quite nasty, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to get some of these shards out.
With just my fingers as tools, I dig real deep inside the gaping wounds, getting every tiny piece of glass out.
"What wouldn't you understand? The asswipe up there clearly explained it. With two worlds merging, the counterparts of everyone over there merges with this side." (Me)
Just now I realized how truly romantic this situation is.
'Don't you fucking dare say it.'
The high-pitched sound of glass falling on the floor echoes through the room.
"Technically, we're becoming one.~" (Me)
My arm starts to bleed profusely. The hot liquid drips down my fingers, creating a tiny puddle of blood under my chair. If it weren't for my expertise in handling mana, such an amount of blood loss could be dangerous after a while.
Using the ethereal force new to this body, but definitely not foreign to me, I practically cauterize the wound and seal it shut.
"No need to be shy. I'm also blushing." (Me)
'You're fucking not.'
"I know. I just wanted you to become more comfortable." (Me)
'It had the opposite effect.'
"I KNOW!" (Me)
I break out into loud laughter.
'Does that mean that you looked into my memories since we're merging already?'
"Righto~." (Me)
The numb feeling in my arm slowly dissipates since the bleeding stopped. That doesn't mean that the wound is healing, but just that I'm holding the blood back like a dam.
My heart rate jumps to 180 beats per second in no more than a second, not really helping with my blood loss. Nonetheless, what Trick might find there could kill me socially, rather than physically.
At that point, she stops.
"Please don't say it. I'm so embarrassed~." (Me)
'...Why is there just a loop of a monkey playing the drums in your memories? Like a whole 80 year loop. A whole lifetime's worth.'
"Monkey." (Me)
'This is not fair.'
"Come on, that's way better than a few gory scenes of me getting tortured." (Me)
"Monkey." (Me)
I notice how she sighs, although, technically, she doesn't even have to breathe anymore. My personality has already influenced her enough for me to predict that she's not exactly displeased by the funny monkey.
She hesitates.
'Alright. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting any more out of you at this point. Mmmmmonkey.'
"I think we'll become good friends." (Me)
With first-aid applied, I rip a part of the small blouse I'm wearing off, which is really too small for comfort. I wrap it around the already cauterized wound, just to cover it up with at least something, and make my way towards the exit.
"I guess it's time for my first quest now." (Me)
'Here it comes.'
I open the door, through which I just entered 5 minutes ago.
"I need pants." (Me)
Congratulations! Your personal merging is finished!
You unlocked (a) skill(s)!
Would you like to see them?
"Give it to me baby." (Me)
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