《Terror Infinity - Side B》Terror Infinity Side B - Chapter 12, H.O.T.D Next


Terror Infinity Side B

Chapter 12, H.O.T.D NEXT

The night before the start of the second mission, or what passes for night in this world, I was still up. Wanting to be prepared to face a variety of situations, I was watching anime in my room alone.

I learned from Aqua that you could exchange points to God for TV Shows, Movies and books for cheap. As an otaku I am obviously capable of of remembering every manga, anime, games or novels that I have watched, read or played, but I wasn't doing so for simple entertainment.

Watching an anime for fun and watching an anime while thinking what would you have done in the main characters shoes, or trying to find exploits in the story/system to use... Let's just say that it gave a whole new experience to viewing anime.

Shin: Is this how people who do thirty minute reviews of anime episodes feel? Damm, if I have to critic every little thing that I see it saps half the fun of watching anime unless you just like to complain or hear yourself talk. Not like I was doing this just for fun... Lets get some fresh air.

I left me room and took a walk around the open area of the Terminal Lobby.

It was one large circular platform, but it was better then nothing. After walking halfway around, I spotted one of my comrades here in God's World. A red head haired woman leaning against the door to her own room smoking a cigarette.

Shin: Yo.

Aqua: ...Hey Shin. Couldn't sleep?

Ahin: More like I wanted a break and some fresh air.

Aquq: Ha, I don't think you can get any of that in this hell hole of a world. What were you even doing that you need fresh air?

Then as if to undermine the meaning of fresh air, Aqua offered me one of her cigarettes. By no means was I a smoker, but for some reason whenever Aqua would offer me one, I couldn't find it in me to refuse.

Shin: Is this what they call peer pressure? A beautiful girl or the cool kid will offer you smokes or drugs and you feel compelled to try it.

Aqua: Am I the beautiful girl in that analogy? Whatever, just smoke it ( Now if that wasn't juat peer pressure then what is ). Just think of it a motivation.

Shin: Motivation?

Aqua: Yeah. If you keep inhaling smoke into your lungs, first hand or second, you are destroying your brain cells and lungs, so you are going to end up with cancer. That is why you will feel motivated to do better in the missions, gain lots of points and put it into Intelligence, Cell Vitality and Immunization Strength.

Shin: ...So I am risking my life for the chance to keep smoking?

Aqua: For the the chance to keep smoking with a good woman like me. Wait, was that peer pressure?

Shin: Who knows. When I was in school, not even two weeks ago, I didn't view any of the other students as peers.

Aqua: What is that? Too cool for school?

Shin: Too amazing for school ( Is what I tell myself ). Isn't that why God himself offered me enrollment here? I bet he feels honored.

Aqua: Wow, you ego is just so huge.

Like that we joked for a while. I didn't ask Aqua why she was out here instead of in her own room... When I saw her just intensely staring at the floating sphere of light in the middle of the platform that we called God.


Aqua: So you were watching anime in the middle of the night. Aren't you relaxed.

Shin: It was for research purposes only. I know that this world isn't a game, although God might just send us to one.

Aqua: So you weren't watching anime happily thinking about what world you want to go to next?

Shin: ...My reasons are still valid nonetheless.

Aqua: Well, keep it up. I 100% see this world as nothing but hell, but a fool like you who enjoys this place might just survive to the end, long as you keep one foot grounded in reality.

Shin: Thanks, but since you just called me foolish, I can't take your compliment wholeheartedly... Aqua, can I ask you something?

Aqua: It depends. What is it?

Shin: What happened that made you unable to trust new players?

Aqua: ...Are we close enough for me to give you an honest answer?

Wow, so blunt.

It was true. I didn't know Aqua that well. I probably haven't even gain her trust yet since in our training sessions, I wasn't able to really show her that I could protect here back. The truth was that if she doesn't protect mine or the others, then we may all die tomorrow. Still, there was something that I wanted to know.

Shin: Aqua.

Aqua: What is it now?

Shin: Why did you come and save me?

Aqua: ...

Shin: If you hadn't come at that time, the undead would have undoubtedly eaten me alive and I would have had no way to resist.

Aqua: It wasn't that big of a deal. Hikari begged me and all and it wasn't like I was going to die of a mission of that level.

Shin: True, but you could have gotten more points, right? Hell, if you went wild with your wolf form in the middle of a city of THEM and rioters you could have gotten thousands of points. Remember, you told me that despite having an A and D rank reward in reserve you didn't have the points for anything that you wanted. You could have used them to increase your already high fighting potential even more. Then why...

Aqua: Just because! Just because, alright? Isn't that enough of an answer?

It doesn't look like I was going to get anymore out of Aqua today. I am no busybody, but if I want to learn more about Aqua we would both need to survive the next mission and I need her to really see me as a comrade and partner in this world of terror made by God,

Still, there was one last thing I want to confirm. No, it was closer to something that I wanted to tell Aqua for a while now,

Shin: You... You don't want to hear something stupid like, "Lets make a promise not to die" or anything, right?

Aqua: ...Your right, but how did you know?

Shin: Well, this horror filled world just brings out that kind of atmosphere, is all. Aqua, you are also a beautiful woman, so I am sure some male survivor in one of your previous missions said something similar.

Aqua: ...Are you psychic?

Shin: No, but I am thinking of becoming a newtype later on. Those kinds of events happen all the time in anime, so, you know...

Aqua: This is the real world, not... Never mind, forget it. This world may be even more insane and fantasy like then most anime. So why were you asking me that? Did you want to say some cool lile that?

Shin: Kinda, but I won't. This... Isn't the kind of world where we or anyone of us could keep that kind of promise for long, or at all. And since someone mad you that kind of promise before and isn't here now... And seeing you here all alone smoking the hours away before the next mission, I would rather not be responsible for the aftermath for failing to keep such a promise.


Aqua: Good. Your smarter then you look, Shin.

Shin: That is why I want you to promise me that you won't die.

Aqua: ...I'll take that back. What?

Shin: Aqua, for all intents and purposes, you are my savior. You are a strong, beautiful woman who saved my life when no one else could. Your not only my savior, but my role model as a player here. If you were to die here, quite honestly, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. If someone as strong as you could die here, then what about me? At the very least I would lose any confidence that I could live through this horrible place.

Aqua: ...And how is that any different from the promises that other have said to me before?

Shin: What do you mean how is it any different? It isn't like I am promising you that I will live.

Aqua: ...What?

Shin: Don't you understand? You will be living for my sake and my sake only. If both you and I survive then good. If I survive and Aqua dies then bad. But if I die and Aqua lives then it doesn't really effect you since I never promised you that I would live. At most, I would appreciate a mourning period of twenty-four hour at the very least, but afterwards feel free to forget about me... Although I know it will be hard to forget a guy like me in one life time.

Aqua: ...

Shin: What is with that look like I am some pitiful child? This is my ideal promise with my savior. From now on you can live for my sake, but if, and I mean if I die one day, even tomorrow it want be any skin off your back, right? ...Wait, why are you laughing?

Aqua went into a laughing fit that lasted a whole five minutes.

What is wrong? Did I say something strange? This promise benefits only me, yet doesn't burden Aqua. What is wrong with such an easy deal?

Aqua: Shin.

Shin: Yes.

Aqua: That kind of selfish, one sided promise... I'll keep it.

Shin: I don't think it was that bad.

Aqua: It absolutely is. Still, it was very kind. Now then... Won't you come with me for a bit.

Aqua stood up and forcefully took my hand as she opened the door behind her to her rooom.

Shin: What is it? Some special last minute training session.

Aqua: No. I... I am inviting you to my room.

Shin: Well, I can see that, but for what reason if we are not going to train? Battle tactics? Emergency hand signals?

Aqua: Your too stupid for those, so no, that is not why.

Shin: Then for what reason?

Aqau: To spend the night with me in bed. Surprisingly, your my type or maybe a type that I never knew that I liked to begin with. My buttler has his own room which is sound proof, so we can be loud as we want. Are you coming in, or...

Shin: ...


So what should I do people ( Have no idea who I am talking to )?

The issue at hand is that a beautiful, red haired woman that you admire had asked you to come into her room, no into her bed. Should I or should I not?

...Lets do a pro and con list.


1. I can sleep with Aqua, a mature cool beauty who could only be described as stunningly beautiful. If this was a contest to sleep with her and there were over 100 contestants, I would set a bomb off early where they were auditioning just so I wouldn't have any competition. That is how much I desire Aqua's body, I mean like her. In fact, it wouldn't be wrong to say that after saving my life she was my first love ( Excluding Anime character ).

2. I surprisingly get along well with Aqua. More so then any girl that I have ever met before she is someone who understands me and even accepts the twisted side in me who is half enjoying this hell world. She also hasn't mentioned such a hobby, but I bet she even likes, or liked anime and games before she was sent to this world.

In the house I live with relatives in the real world there wa a cousin who was quite attached to me. Despite myself not treating her like real family, she on the other hand thinks of me as an older brother. I should have been happy to hear things like she wanted to grow up to be my bride, but... The fact that she was a false replacement for my sister and the that she didn't like my otaku hobby kept me from liking her as a sister or a romantic partner ( We are technically related, but far enough that no one would bring up the fact if we got married ).

The point is... Aqua is the most compatible partner I could hope for... Long as she doesn't cheat and leave me for someone better.

3. Lastly, and most importantly... I can get rid my virginity. Seventeen years of proof of not being with a woman. At this rate, I am afraid that I will become a magician and not the good kind.


1. If I sleep with her, Aqua will become a special person to me. If she were to ever die it would hurt far more then just losing a comrade whose strength you believed in above all else.

2. Things will get very, very awkward when it is time for me to start creating my anime harem. Worse case scenario and I don't even want to imagine it happening, but... Won't I have to give up my harem for a girlfriend? What an afoul choice to make and not one I would like to ever make ( Like being asked to throw out one's Anime heroine figurines. Come on, I know you all have them. You understand, right!? ).

3. Lastly for the Con side... What is she after here?

I don't believe Aqua is the type of girl to just invite men into her room ( God hope not ). Not that I think she is a virgin... Not that it matters, so there should be some reason that Aqua is doing this. Will she ask later something from me? Does she have something in mind already? And what does this mean for the future?

In the future, long as she offers up her body, I will be come her errand boy. Hell, to be honest just a kiss would be enough reason for me risk my life for her, or do something outrageously dangerous that I shouldn't.

Won't I be effectively selling my soul for the touch of a woman?


Aqua: Shin are you coming in or...

Aqua has asked me again. So Shin... What will your answer be here? Will you sell your soul to a woman you don't know that well for sex, or will you summon up your manly pride and kindly turn her down?

Shin: ...Please lead the way.

Ah, it is no good.

Even if there is some ulterior motive for Aqua asking me to come into her room, I am too weak of a man to say no. What the hell, according to Aqua this place is hell, so what is wrong with selling my soul once or twice? If it is a woman like Aqua... It was definitely worth it.


The day of the second mission had arrived.

It was also the first day of my life that I could greet the day with a smile now that I was no longer pure, yet...

Hikari: Shin, why are you holding on to your knees, sitting on the floor?

Shin: No reason.

Hikari: Why do you look like you experienced something embarrassing, can't help yourself from feeling some great shame?

Shin: ...No reason.

Hikari: Shin. When I look at you, why can't I help seeing the image of a young girl hugging her knees in shame and tears after doing something highly embarrassing, losing their identity as a man, I mean girl?

Shin: No reason, and shut up already!!!

Hikari hit the mark on all counts. To understand my shame and loss of pride of a man would have to go the after events of my of my night with Aqua in her room. It began when I woke up early this morning.

After a night of passion with Aqua I woke up in her bed.

When I opened my eye and saw that I was using her firm, yet soft arm as a pillow, I recalled what happened last night and I was embarrassed. Not a bad kind of embarrassment, but the good kind.

Aqua who saw me wake up kindly greeted me with another of many amazing kisses that we have had. She then left the bed to get dress and ask her butter who stays in a different room to make breakfast for us. It was as she was getting dressed that I had two grand revelations.

1. I have discovered that I don't really mind muscular female bodies like Aqua's.

Aqua was far from a ripped body builder. How did Rudeus Greyrat say it? Not particularly bulging to the surface, a thin layer of soft flesh, but underneath all of that was strong and powerful muscles. I admired them so much that I want them for myself, but since that is unlikely anytime soon, I want her her muscles for myself.

Does this mean that I now have a muscle fetish now? Who knows, but my main problem is my second revelation.

2. When I took a second look through my memories of my first time... I realized that last night I was the girl!

I don't mean anything strange by that, but Aqua took the lead from beginning to end, and the worst part was that she completely outlasted me! I knew that she was stronger then me in battle, but should the girl really do so much better then the man in this kind of thing too? It is like... I knew Aqua had experience before me, but for to be so much better... My male pride couldn't really let this go this time.

Aqua: Shin... Shin! Are you listening?

Shin: Huh? Sorry I wasn't listening.

Aqua: Shin, this is life and death. Were were talking about our plans and you weren't even paying attention... Come her for a second.

Aqua then brought me over to a corner of the platform to speak to me where the others couldn't hear us.

Aqau: You aren't upset about what I said to you this morning, are you?

Shin: This morning? Ah, no it isn't about that. I'm am just having an identity crisis about something else. Completely unrelated to our night together.

Aqua: It doesn't really look seem like it.

About what the two of us talked about before meeting up with Hikari and Misaki. I was able to forget about that negative tidbit of information in my moment of crisis, but now I remembered.

Aqua told me that she didn't want to start a relationship with me after sleeping together, and thank God that it wasn't a performance issue. I wouldn't have hesitated to kill myself with the problems I was already having.

Her reason was the same she didn't like making promises of surviving together. It was very likely that either one of us, or both of us could die at any given time on a mission, so she doesn't want to deal with the strain of a relationship.

Also, it could undermine our judgment in the field if we more feelings for each other then necessary ( One could question that sleeping with someone for the first time could so that, but no point saying that out loud ).

I understood what she said and although I didn't like it, I didn't try to unpersuade her. Doing so now would only lead to an argument and neither of us could afford a strained relationship right now. Aqua might not need me, but I need her power to survive these missions in one piece.

And so... We decided to stay friends or whatever we were.

Aqua: If you stay so down Shin when the mission starts then you will die, Shin.

Shin: I am not down... I am just not looking forward to risking my life in this next mission is all ( Although, I still want the points and rewards ).

Aqua: Really? Well, if that is what you say it is then, then it must be true. I really brought you over here to find away to cheer you up and since we don't have time to do THAT again, so I wanted make you a promise that I think you would like.

Shin: What?

Aqua: I know you were a little disappointed that we didn't become a couple since I don't want a relationship here in this world, but... Long as you are alive I promise that I won't sleep with another man. It might not mean much, but I...

Shin: ...

So... She is mine?

Aqua is saying that she is my woman? That I am the only man for her? Damn, why didn't she say so earlier? If I have time to improve my bed stats and I won't have any future competition to worry about, I can definitely one day make Aqua mine!

Still, I don't want to come off as 'creepy', as Hikari would put it and told Aqua that I appreciate the thought, and that I would strive to do my best. It was the truth after all since it wasn't a lie at all.

Aqua will only sleep with me long as I am alive... What better motivation do I need to stay alive then this? That is right up there with my goal of one day become an almighty OP main character!


Aqua and the rest us had finished packing our supplies. We had also put on our survival gear that we ( I had ) exchanged for.

Lightweight durable clothing, body armor, backpacks full of rations, medical kits, a handgun for each of us ( The extras for the newbies packed away in the Na Ring ) and an extra set of clothing. I could have stored everything in the Na Ring, but there was no guarantee that we will always be together from beginning to end once the mission starts up.

What would happen to Hikari and Misaki if I had all the weapons and supplies and we were separated. That was why each of us had a backpack full of goods ( I got one despite my Na Ring since I wanted to match ).

Any moment now we will be returning to that world.

Though it is the world of manga, anime, novels and games that I love, its true form is that of a hell world full of horrors waiting to devour us. Would we survive or would we live? That was the question, but I, no we were all determined to survive!

Aqua: Even though it's only a few days, but you've trained everything you could. Just remember one point. Anything and everything can happen in missions, so you must be cautious. And try to help others if possible, but if they affect your safety, kill them! I will.

Hikari and Misaki hesitated, yet I already resolved myself to do what ever is necessary to survive. Telling me now again wasn't going to change things.

Shin: How are we going to the next movie? Do we just disappear suddenly?

Aqua: No. When it's time, there will be twenty beams of light shot down from God. You just have to stand in one and we will be transported to the next mission.

We all sat on the floor in the platform as we talked about nothing in particular. Talking now was just a way to calm our nerves. Even Hikari's occasional insults were nice to hear though I would never tell her as much.

Mokoto and the buttler didn't come out to see us four go. Misaki already said what he needed to his girlfriend and the buttler was just made to serve Aqua and nothing more.

After twenty minutes came and gone The sphere of light that we knew as God grew brighter and brighter as of it wanted to take the place of the sun. God then it shot down twenty beams of light to the ground. Then that voice, the dignified voice of God sounded within all of our minds.

- Enter the beam in thirty seconds. Target locked. Transportation to BTOOOM starts!


Authors Note:


Thank you all for reading the first arc of "Terror Infinity - Side B". This is my first Fan Fiction, so I am glad that there were a lot of people who enjoyed it.

There are also two thing that I want to clear up. Shin's current love affairs and his growth direction.

For the time being Shin will have two love interest. The older and cool Aqua, and the young, smart sharp mouthed Hikari.

Aqua is a woman who will get along very well with Shin and is probably his first love, but Aqua is a strong woman who doesn't need Shin or anyone to live.

Hikari is smart, but for a long time she will be a weak girl who needs to depend on others to survive, and the strongest man who is close to his age is Shin, yet fells she is undeserving of liking him at times.

Shin likes Aqua the most, but knows that it is nearly impossible to become her special person. As for Hikari, with her Shin feels a strong need to protect her and is a girl that needs him as opposed to Aqau.

Shin wishes to become strong for both of them, yet... How will this love triangle ends, even I don't know.

Now, I am sure there are people that think that Shin has been too lucky with the amount of points he acquired in his first mission, so I will basically outline what will happen for his growth for his next few future missions.

Shin will acquire a lot of points and rewards in his first and second missions and they will be used for enhancements, weapons/equipment and skills. Afterwards, get will not acquire that many points and rewards as before and his down time will be more of a training arc then sudden increased power.

The reason being is so that he doesn't become to OP quickly and I can narrow down his fighting style. Martial Arts, Sword and One-eyed Ghoul Enhancements. This will be the basic formula for Shin's development for the the time being.

Also, on the subject of martial arts and Ki... I am completely loss about Qi, Chi, Ki and all the techniques that go along with them. That is why I need your help.

Later I will make a page for exclusively Ki related comments. It is a little shameful that I am asking for help like this, but for those who help me out thank you and if I use your skill idea in the future you will be mentioned in the Authors comments.

The skills can be from novel and other Mangas ( I am only really familiar with Ki from UQ Holders and The Breaker series ). Even original skills are ok. Just make sure to put in a skill format ( Don't need the blue box ), and should include how many points and rewards the skill needs for exchange. On the page I will write out an outline for those who are interested.

Also, I will change up my writing style. I just feel that the current way I am going I won't be able to come up with good battles for you all to read.

Thank you, and look forward to future terrors that are to come in the upcoming Terror Infinity - Side B, BTOOOM arc.

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