《The Destiny of a Mortal God (Hiatus)》Chapter 1 - Awakening
“... I want the powers of Wolverine and Deadpool!” – I exclaimed hastily and clearly excited.
“Hahahahahaha! What an interesting choice!” – The guardian seemed exceedingly happy at my choice, which I didn’t understand. I actually knew it may not be the best of choices, but I liked them both too much. Also, immortality didn’t seem such a bad idea.
“You know, there are a lot of things I shouldn’t be able to tell you, but as your choice of powers meets the criteria, I am able to explain more, and that makes me happy, more time for me to talk; too much time closed here alone gets boring, you know? Well, what I was saying, the powers, as in the movie, have certain restrictions, and some powers just can’t coexist with each other.” – I didn’t like where he was going, were the two powers I chose incompatible?! – “But, the same way some powers can’t coexist together, some powers are just meant to be together, and empower each other. Your choice is an example. Normally you would get both powers, but as they can meld together, you will only receive one power. One power which is much better than just having them both, but, when two powers meld, they lower their strength by a tier.
So, instead of having Wolverine’s and Deadpool’s powers, you will have a new kind of power, the power of Fenrir, the immortal wolf. As I said, you won’t have the power at the level it was supposed to be, it will be an S low tier, which is pretty amazing, because even at S low tier level, it’s only half the power of the other two together, and once you upgrade it to G mid tier, the power will be 10 times that of the two powers together, so congratulations on your first power.” – Here he was again smiling like a lunatic; it was getting less disturbing and more heartwarming. I smiled back at him, although I was excited about having my powers, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay here a little more.
“I appreciate your guidance Guardian, once I leave, would you need anything from me?” – I asked him in an attempt to start a conversation; he said he was bored, so I could at least try to entertain him some time.
“You really would? I actually would like to ask you a favor.” – It seems I hit the nail; let’s see what he’ll ask for me. – “I would love to have some fun, but I can’t actually leave here without my master permission, so I would like for you to search for him, and ask him for me to leave, you know, for thousands of years, no one has even tried the trials, so I think I could leave, and then if someone was to come, I would just come back.” – He was completely excited about the idea, I could tell that.
“Okay, tell me his name, and I’ll search for him during my travels, then talk to him and ask him for you to leave.” – I gladly accepted.
“His name is Zamul Ladur, also known as the Fateweaving; I will leave you with an imprint of my soul, so that he knows I send you.” – He smiled again then extended the hand, he touched my left arm, and a strange symbol appeared. It was like a big smile coiled around my arm, with sharp teeth like his. It was cool, and I could feel somehow connected to Khan.
“Okay, that’s it, now close your eyes.” – I did as he asked and I noticed his warm giant hand touching my eyelids and a heavenly feeling extended all around my body.
I felt something tremble and then I opened my eyes. And in front of me was Kronos smiling quite sinisterly. Now I could see him fine, and he looked dark, but handsome, like a diabolic man who would conquer the world just by standing there without doing anything but smile, but also someone who would kill you at the first action which made him angry. I trembled thinking I had made a deal with such a monster.
“Hahaha, how daring ain’t ya? Monster, you say?” – He smiled darkly at me and winked, which only made me shudder more. – “So what kind of powers did you get?”
[F*ck! What if he didn’t like my choice of powers? I know it was supposed to be the best for me, but that was only the system, it was me who chose those two powers, what would he do to me?!
“Ooh, so apart from the powers the trials gave you you also got something else? It’s the tattoo on your arm the proof?” – [True… he can read my mind…]
“No, the tattoo is just a promise to the guardian of the trials, what he let me chose is something from my powers.” – I made my mind and explained what my powers were, including the two powers I chose and how they ended.
“So you actually are not strong right now, but can get much stronger? It works for me. Now let’s get out of here, I will put you to train your powers.” – He told me so and then started walking towards some kind of marks on one wall. As he approached them, they started to shine, and then he turned around. – “Are you coming?” – I hurried to follow him.
Once we were in front of the symbols, we both started shining, and then we disappeared. When I reappeared I saw K…
“Hey Lyon!” – I saw Khan… Wait what?
“What are you doing here?! Weren’t you supposed to be restricted to the trials?” – I was flabbergasted.
“We still are on the trials zone; I stopped you from following that man. I think you can get stronger by training alone, so as a last favor I will get you far from him. I will teleport you to one of the worlds connected to me, in a forest pretty empty of beasts. Don’t worry, now you don’t even need to eat or drink, so you just need to train until you get more powerful than the beasts blocking the exit of the forest, which will take you to a city. I won’t tell you how strong you need to be, that will be up to you, so that you learn to appreciate the strength of your enemies and your own. Good luck.” – He smiled at me then waved his hand, as I was disappearing again I wondered about what he said. [Do I really no longer need to eat or drink? That’s amazing! I guess it’s one of the effects of the fusion of both powers.]
Then I appeared in a clearing. And before I could do anything, a light enveloped me, and I felt pain. I felt my mind and body being remodeled. And when it all finished, I felt strong. I also instinctively knew how to ‘open’ the system. It was all on my mind, all I had to do was to sit down, close my eyes and think about it. Once I did I could see some kind of table.
Status X-System Status Name: Lyon Ironblood Soul Points: 0 Mutations: 2 Powers: 1 Mutations Acquired: Wolverine Locked Deadpool Locked Powers: Power origin: Fenrir, the Immortal Wolf S low tier Wolverine + Deadpool
The table indicated quite a few things. I suppose that the locked part of the two mutations I had was from the merge of them. [I wonder if I can see in detail what Fenrir, the Immortal Wolf does]. As I was thinking so, another table opened.
Fenrir, the Immortal Wolf S low tier Progress: ??? (Knowledge insuficient)
Unlocks a power of regeneration beyond it's original powers. Sharp claws made of bone can surge from between the knuckles, also an upgrade on bone strength and heightened senses, including smell, hearing and eyesight.
Upon upgrade to mid tier bones strengthen and regeneration fasten.
Cool, this means I actually have Wolverine’s claws? Before trying it, though, I thought about the X-System and then the table switched to this one.
Status X-System Mutations Training Upgrades Power Mutant Initial Grade Cost Regeneration + Claws Wolverine D low tier ( ) Great regeneration Deadpool C low tier ( ) Angel Wings Angel G low tier 2.800 SP Life and power stealing Rogue E low tier 95.000 SP ...
Those SP meant Soul Points. I had gotten some info on it when I learned how to open my mind, it seemed that to obtain it I needed to or train through the Training lable on my system or to kill beasts or sentient beings, then my power would refine their soul, get the power they would be leaving after dying and transforming into Soul Points. It seemed that I would need a lot of points to get anything useful, even Angel's powers, which I pretty much disliked, were pretty expensive, so you can imagine cooler powers like Apocalypse's or Magneto's. After looking over the table I thought about the training label, and it switched again, and I was amazed about how little I knew about Aikido, I thought I knew it almost all, but there it said that I didn’t even knew a quarter of what it was.
Status X-System Mutations Training Upgrades Name
Fighting Style Tier
Percentage Aikido B low tier 16.4 % Kendo D low tier 11.7 % Jiujutsu D low tier 6.2 % ...
I tried switching to the upgrades table, but I couldn’t, I guess I needed more power to do so. After seeing I couldn’t swap to upgrades I tried to choose Aikido in the training table, and then this is what I saw.
Atention, user. Once you've selected a training you won't be able to stop or select another until you achieve 50 % in it. For each 5 % learned u will recieve 10*X*Y SP, being X the percentage achieved and Y being the number asociated with the rank of the fighting technique. A technique of G rank will score 1*1 being low, 1*10 being mid, 1*100 being high and 1*1000 being top. A technique of rank F will score 2*1 being low and will follow the same pattern as a G rank technique. If you start training a fighting style which you have already unlocked, you will automatically receive the SP accordingly as if you had started from scratch. Are you ready to start training in Aikido?
Yes No
Of course, I clicked on yes, that was 1.800 Soul Points right now and 16.500 Soul Points when I got to 50 %.
When I clicked an enormous amount of info poured into my mind, it was a training guide; a guide to know how to train into Aikido, and it was much more advanced than anything I’d ever seen.
First I decided to stop looking at the system for a minute and try to understand my new powers. When I opened my eyes and looked towards the sky I saw a blue light on the sky, it seemed the sun here was burning with a different fire than the one on Earth. I put it away and concentrated on figuring out my new powers.
When I tried to draw my claws it felt weird, and I couldn’t get it done at the first try, but after a few minutes trying, I got to draw them, quite slowly and quite painfully, but I did. Then I retracted them and watched in awe as the wounds healed in front of me. Awe-inspiring as nothing I’d lived.
I draw and retracted my claws until I was comfortable with them. Then I breathed in and went to train.
First I would need to train my body, it seemed that I could get 15 % just with physical training, and I only had about a 7 % of my physical training done, so I could work on it a bit. To start I searched a big rock and picked it up. It weighed about a hundred and fifty kilograms; if it was my old me I probably wouldn’t be able to lift it, but even now I was barely able to lift it up more than a few seconds without starting to tremble.
After grabbing it well I concentrated on my arms as the guide said, and started to breathe steadily in the pattern it described. I could feel my arms trembling less and less every second it passed, and eventually they stopped trembling. I almost didn’t believe it worked, but I guess it wasn’t the most surprising thing, thinking that I had claws, hahaha.
[Now let’s do some pushups with this rock on my back.] I stopped after five minutes without trembling, as the guide said I should, and then I lied down on the floor and put the rock on my back. I could barely have my arms extended, and I was sure I couldn’t do pushups, but I ignored my believes and started breathing in a new pattern. These patterns were used to tire faster my arms but at the same time made them ignore that tiredness until I stopped breathing in any of the breathing patterns.
I kept doing these exercises for about half an hour before I stopped a minute, but then I realized my mistake. The tiredness that invaded me was too suffocating. I fell flat on my back and I couldn’t move a muscle. After about an hour I had enough strength to stand up, so I did and went back to train. The reason was easy to understand, I was neither hungry nor thirsty, and the tiredness had gone away pretty fast, and as I had an objective and nothing else to do, why should I stand idly? I repeated the same process of lift, pushup, then crunches, running as fast as I could around the clearing, then squats and finally lifting the stone with my legs. I repeated this cycle twice in half an hour, but I didn’t stop.
If the first half hour had put me to rest for an hour and I pretended to sleep in a cave tonight, I needed to get it done fast but not too much. Although not too much I could tell the difference in strength from the first time I did it to this time, so if instead of half an hour I practiced for an hour, I would be sturdier and harder next time.
After I repeated the cycle two more times I stopped and sat on the floor, instead of stopping I substituted the breathing pattern I was doing for a resting one on the guide. It seemed that it disconnected the body from the mind letting it rest faster and without me feeling it, but if I interrupted the breathing pattern before I had rested enough, I would be more tired than I would have and it could cause me to directly lose consciousness, so I made sure to finish it.
One hour and half later I stopped the breathing pattern and stood up. I felt great, strong, fast and more resilient than before.
I decided to look for a cave to sleep, because I didn’t want to sleep on the outside, so I started running towards what seemed a rocky zone. It wasn’t long until I got to see the rock walls through the forest. I could hear some birds and insects, but I hadn’t seen anything big, nothing bigger than the size of the arm of a man.
As I approached the walls I got nervous, what if there was something on the caves? But I couldn’t sleep on the outside, which was too dangerous. I found a little cave that looked too small for anything dangerous to live in. I entered carefully but I found no one or anything on the inside so I deduced it was not inhabited. I sat against a wall and breathed in. After about a minute of resting I got up and started another round of exercise. This time the only rock there was around was about 180 kilograms and was totally uncomfortable to hold, but it was the only thing there, and I needed to get strong enough to get some powers.
After some cycles of exercise, I got to the worse part and something I’d tried to avoid for around two hours. They were some exercises designed to strengthen the skin. I had to hit the walls time after time until I was bleeding and I felt so much pain I couldn’t stand, but I had to make sure that I could get to see the bone… [What the f*ck is with this hell training?! I’M IMMORTAL AND I REGENERATE, I WON’T SEE THE BONES NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY! AM I SUPPOSED TO JUST HIT THE WALLS UNTIL I LITERALLY FALL DOWN?!]
Well, I actually did that. I did it for 2 hours before the pain made me lose consciousness.
After I woke up totally refreshed but with the pain in my mind, I grunted and stood up, ready for my second day of training.
After half a month of training I was getting bored when something put me on alert.
[That sounded scarily near!] – Something inside me, I don’t know what, told me that whatever that was I couldn’t beat it or expect to survive right now, so my only way was for it not to detect me. I went towards the end of the cave and sat down behind a giant rock trying not to do any noise. I was thinking that it had left already when I heard a shriek less than a hundred meters from the cave. Then the growling sounded again, before it started getting away, probably dragging its prey.
I wonder what kind of beast was that. I stood up and started walking slowly towards the entrance when I heard something on my back. I turned and I saw the giant rock I hid behind move, except it was not a rock; it was a giant rock bear with six paws, 4 in the front and 2 on the back. It stood up on its hind legs and it roared as it looked at me!
It probably was spring right now, I had thought that it may not exist the seasons thinking that we were on a different planet and all, besides having that strange sun, this planet seemed to have 3 moons, but it seems that at least winter existed in this planet, because this was the cave of an hibernating bear, and I had invaded its home.
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