《Lesser Throne of Seventh Heaven》Chapter 10: One-hundred Percent!
Chapter 10: One-hundred Percent!
“…My intent?”
“Yes, your intent.”
Krone answered. He was speaking with the boy with a large build, Doran Ashwalt. He was wearing green tunic, thick trousers and boot. At his back was his large green shield. He was frowning, disagreeing with his statement.
“What do you mean? I don’t intent to fail—”
“Of course you don’t.”
Krone cut him short, putting up his finger as though he was a teacher.
“Yet in your mind, you’re thinking I couldn’t possibly make it, I’m slow. What if I fail? What do I do then? That type of thought. Am I wrong?”
“Ah, how do you kn—”
“It’s written all over your face.”
“Eh? Really? You can read from my face?”
“Yeah, but let’s put that aside first. Do you want to pass?”
“Of course I do. But you see, I don’t think I can,"
“You’re lucky, I know the absolute best way to make you pass!”
“Eh? How?”
Krone made a lofty claim.
He knew that was not the case, yet he knew unless he made it that way, the boy would not be confident enough. He also wished to save time, thus he opted this method.
He spoke with him in a hush tone, as though it was a secret. In a way, he right now was akin to a conman, trying to con a naïve customer into buying his product.
“You see, the knights are generally intelligent, do you agree?”
“Yes, of course they are.”
“The knights are known for their fairness, especially in their judgement, right yeah?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Should they design a test, then surely they would make it fair to everyone. Makes sense, right?”
“Right, that does make sense,"
“Being intelligent, just by looking at you, knights would know your specialty and weakness. With their experience and all, yes?”
“Hmm, yeah, that’s likely,"
“Then why would you focus on your weakness? Instead of that, you should focus on your forte!”
“Yes? My forte? I don’t quite get it."
He smiled, putting on an air of a guru.
Placing his hand on his chin, his finger resting by the side of his eye. He closed his eyes while making the “tsk, tsk” sound, as if disappointed with him not noticing such an obvious thing.
‘This, this guy, could he be a scion of a great house? Or maybe, a son of a great knight? If that’s the case,’
His confident demeanor filled the boy with a bit hope.
“Yeah, your forte. What you excel at, you ought to understand.”
“What I excel at? My big body? But how? This obstacle course is exactly my weakness—”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk… You seemed to forget, knights tend to be fair, isn’t that true?”
“…Yeah, true, but what’s the relation,”
“The way they see it would be like this. Your build, your specialty, does not lie in being fast. Instead, your big build and strong muscle. This obstacle course would be a disadvantage to you, but that’s exactly what makes it valuable to you!”
“Eh? How?”
“Listen. Focus on what the traits the knights are looking for traits that are rare among average people.”
“Traits? I still don’t—”
“I can tell you, but I’m not sure if you’ll believe me,”
“Just tell me, it’s fine right?”
“No, it’s absolutely a waste. Unless you believe me, telling you is a waste of time."
He sighed, face filled with disappointment.
He slowly turned away.
“Wait— I, I’ll believe you! I’ll believe you, Brother Krone, please.”
“Ho-ho-ho… Then let me tell you, seeing that you would even call me brother,"
“Yes please, Brother Krone! Do enlighten this lowly self!”
The two of them again whispered with each other. Those who witnessed this frowned. It was as if the two were scheming something.
After a moment.
“…Eh, that’ll work?”
“See? I told you it’ll be a waste of time unless you believe me, aii,”
“Of— Of course I believe you, Brother Krone.. I’m just confused, that’s all, haha, ha?"
“Good! Listen, you must go at it with your all. Doesn’t matter what people say, you must absolutely trust what I’ve said. It won’t work unless you yourself trust it one-hundred percent! One-hundred percent, you hear?! Absolutely one-hundred percent!”
He made a gesture of a gripping fist, eyes filled with burning fire. The young boy, witnessing this, contracted this dangerous disease, zealotry.
“Y-yes, Brother Krone! I will – No, I already believe it! One-hundred percent!”
“Good, repeat after me! One-hundred percent!”
“One-hundred percent!”
They were at it for some time, gaining some unnecessary attention. However, as it looked like the boy was merely encouraging the other, no one made a commotion.
After awhile.
‘Brainwash complete. I’ll let the course flow by itself.’
The culprit said goodbye to the now teary, full-of-inspiration big boy. After a full, brotherly-like bear hug, they parted.
The predator surveyed his next victim.
‘Ah, the twins, coincidence, coincidence.’
Krone accidently tripped one of the sister’s leg.
The elder sister.
She was about to fall when he turned and caught her on her back and shoulder, kneeling while putting her into a position of a ‘princess carry’.
She laid slanted, supported with his hands.
With his and her face a mere finger away from each other, her eyes opened wide. That moment, it was as if the time slow down.
The wind blew his hair, caressing her face.
Soon, realizing their awkward distance, she brushed him away.
“T-thank you,"
“No, it’s my mistake. My mind was wandering and I couldn’t see you. I sincerely apologize.”
He bowed, hand on his chest, as though he was a gentleman. He stayed in that position for a second.
“N-no big deal. Please, get up,”
“Hm? Aren’t you two the twins with high lightning affinity?”
“Ah yes, you noticed us?”
“How could I not—”
He got up from the bowing position, making a cheerful expression. It was an expression filled with gratitude.
“I wished to strike a conversation before, I just couldn’t find a good reason to so I just forget it. What a coincidence, to meet you two here. I’m glad,"
“…Really? Why?”
‘That’s a start!’
As long as one asked why, he would have the chance to explain himself.
Girls of Kharlussia usually put up their guard against strangers, especially so those who had not socialized much. However, giving some incentive for them to ask why would open a little hole in the guard they put up, giving him opportunity to break it all down.
All he need was the access to their time!
Their permission, and “Why you’re interested in me,” was a classic permission, granted unconsciously.
Krone laughed within his mind. People would always be interested in themselves first.
One of Shurran’s teaching.
“Well, I think you’re interesting,"
Thiana frowned. Suspicion rose, and Krone noticed that.
He had to act fast!
“Just a gut feeling. I wished to ask you that, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know.”
“You wish, to ask question?”
“Yes, if you don’t mind?”
“W-well, as long as it’s nothing sensitive,”
She still had her guard up, and had it clearly exposed by putting up a condition.
“Oh, how rude of me. I’m Krone, Krone Kozak. I’m just a simple villager, from Lithia village, east from here. Pleasure to meet the two of you.”
‘Must not come in too hard. These two seemed like mere fledgings, just left their nest. They’re still anxious of things,'
Krone had Shurran’s teaching flowing within him in full cycle. He noticed the little sister, with golden ribbon on her hairs, was clenching her sister’s arm.
He ought to do this carefully, gradually. Introducing himself as a simple villager was part of that.
“…Ah, I’m Thiana, Thiana Arlance. This is my lil’ sister, Liliana. We’re from Ausburg, in the north. Uh, nice to meet you?”
“Well met, Thiana, Liliana.”
The two was so close to each other. The little sister’s legs were in inner position, with knees almost meeting each other. She was half-hiding behind Thiana.
The elder sister put up a bold front, while legs were fidgeting.
She had oil shining on her face, and its fragrance was similar to baby’s oil. Meanwhile, Liliana had traces of white perfume talc on her forehead and cheek.
‘Damnit, these two, so adorable! Apprentice knights, ha! It’s like I’m coercing naïve girls right now. If I’m the father I would’ve drive me away, as far as heavenly possible!"
The image of a fox eyeing chicks came into his mind. His awareness took into mind the knights around, hoping they’re not paying attention.
In a split second, he answered Thiana’s curiousity.
“Well, I had a feeling that you’re here, in this test, the same reason as myself.”
“Same reason?”
“Yes, you wish for some unanswered questions, answered here. Perhaps, by becoming knight, the answer will be available? The questions had tortured you two for a while, and you have to get the answer, no matter what. Or am I wrong?”
The girls gasped, stepping back a step.
“Me as well. My questions had tortured me. I don’t know if it’s the same as yours, but I want to get into the bottom of things.”
“You, you as well?”
They went a half-step closer.
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep well these three years. Ahh, I even had nightmares of it, times and times again. I’ve kept it hidden from my sister, so not to worry her.”
He sighed, as though the burden of the world was on him. Melancholy filled his countenance, tears came to his eyes. He breathed in deeply, in stutters.
The sisters trembled.
They could feel him. They could empathize with him. They recalled those strong feelings.
The tearing feeling of wanting to know, yet at the same time wishing not to worry the one they love, their mother.
In a way, he was so similar.
So similar!
‘He’s the same as us!’
‘Someone similar to us. His sister? What about his mom?’
They had found a comrade in a similar voyage, the voyage to find the answer, of something that had ripped apart their emotion over and over, all these years.
Krone gazed the sky, as if asking the heavens why. A single tear flowed down his cheek.
“Cause of this, Mom… She loved him too much,”
Krone sniffed, taking out a handkerchief he got from his sister. It was a small, red handkerchief.
He slowly wiped away his tears.
“Ah, please excuse me. I’ve shamed myself in front of you girls…”
“No, it's not. Nothing to be ashamed about,”
The little sister, Liliana, finally opened her mouth. She wished to ask, yet held back.
‘Another shield ripped apart! Urraah!’
Krone was delighted, while outwardly, he seemed filled with sorrow.
“…T-three years ago?”
Liliana spoked.
She had emboldened herself to ask. Surprisingly, she caught that one detail. Finally realizing what her sister was asking, Thiana had a look of revelation.
This time, it was Krone who was taken aback. She caught that one detail?
“Was it the Grandia Conflict?”
Thiana continued where she left, asking for confirmation. Krone had his eyes opened wide.
What was the chance?
The coincidence here was too much!
They had relation to that event too?
“You too?”
This time, he was not jumping in delight or hurrahing within as per usual. He knew with this revelation, he would have more information to utilize. However, he was sober.
Totally so.
That was because the event was not something to poke fun into. It was related personally to him. Yet never did it cross his mind, that the twins had similar circumstance.
The three was silent, all thinking. Noticing the air around became heavy, Thiana was reluctant to ask, yet she had to break the ice.
“…What happened?”
“My father, fell in battle, there.”
“You too?”
Thiana felt her heart constricted. Liliana lightly gasped, her expression was no longer curious or anxious. Her brow lightly furrowed, soft expression on her.
She was saddened, she felt for him.
“…His body was not recovered. Never.”
“…Our father, too,”
This time, Liliana was the one replying. It really was strange, meeting one with similar misfortune as them. Being one with sheltered life, she finally felt like opening up to someone.
She felt like tearing up, lightly sniffing.
Krone recalled what the army had sent back, leaving his mother losing her will to live.
“For his grave, I could only place his helmet.”
“Ah, that’s,”
Tears filled Thiana’s eyes.
She closed in, putting her hand on his shoulder, wishing to console him. She quickly pulled back, confused of her being so familiar without her own consent.
“Did they tell you the details?”
“No, their explanation was too vague. That was what torturing me.”
“That’s what we thought too!”
Liliana replied in haste.
Krone was being truthful. He was being dramatic at first, yet now he got caught up with the atmosphere. He thought he had to get out of the depressing vibe, gradually.
‘This is getting nowhere. I don’t have much time,'
It was almost the time for the second group of a hundred candidates to gather. He stopped before to observe Ron’s performance. He did the course splendidly, almost as good as Ryan. Right now, they were about to release the fourteenth line.
“Do you know, um, have any idea of what happened back then?”
Thiana no longer held back.
Being able to meet someone in similar circumstance, she definitely would take as much information as possible.
“…I did some investigation, and I do have some idea.”
“Please, tell us!”
“Well that’s,”
Another green light went up into the sky. Krone noticed this, and decided to use this as the trigger. He turned to the twins, now looking hopeful to get even a tiny bit of information about the demise of their father.
“It’s a long story, also some details are blurry, so it’s inappropriate to say it all right now. The test, I’m number 114, what about you girls?”
“Ah, I’m number 219, Liliana 220. Ah, 114? It’s almost time.”
He turned to look at the starting line. One of the evaluator seemed to keep track of when to call the next hundred candidates.
“Listen, I promised I’ll definitely tell you two later. We share the same fate, so I thought, let’s stick together for as long as we can. What do you say?”
“Ah, yes, definitely!”
Both of them nodded.
Liliana in particular, clenched her tender hand into fist. In just a short time, a new level of trust had emerged between them.
It was not at a level of friends yet, but definitely no longer a stranger. Krone did not know whether he was lucky or not.
With this information, it would be easier to increase the level of trust, but to speak of the event from three years ago.
It meant mentioning things he was not comfortable with, but he had to agree in one thing.
These girls had the right to know.
He had asked General Shurran the truth many times, and he had told him only after a few years later. It was hard to swallow, but he had to accept the truth.
Of course, he intended to tell them bit by bit, gradually over long years. It’ll be hard for them to know the bitter truth all of a sudden. It took him, an adult, some years to fully accept it.
He definitely did not wish to destroy these girls’ mind.
‘I’ll let them sip the bitter medicine bit by bit. Ahh,’
He thought, then remembered a crucial aspect of their meeting.
“Thiana, you’re 219, Liliana 220? So after I’m finish with my turn, it’s your turn. Then, let’s meet again after that, is that fine?”
“Yeah, you need to focus on your test now, afterall.”
“Em, let’s, after the test.”
“Speaking of test, it bothered me a little, but,"
Aside from forming impression, he also wished to lend some help. These girls had that anxious look before, so it was a tad bit worrying. When he knew of their numbers, he was glad.
“What is it…?”
“I meant no offense, but do you girls have confidence for this test? This obstacle course?”
“Err… To tell you the truth,”
“Sis. It’s fine, right? We can tell him,”
“Em, to tell you the truth – we’re actually quite, well, not confident?”
“I see. Then, do you mind if I offer you two an advice?”
“You have one?”
“Em, if you follow this advice, then at the very least, you won’t fail this obstacle course. Definitely not!”
He turned around to look, then direct the two girls to an empty space at the back. They walked to the back. He sat kneeling on the grass, waving them to huddle.
The two blondes huddled with him, and their gathering turned into a team planning.
A simple plan.
After a while.
Krone told them everything there was to pass this course, something youngsters such as them could not think about, or even imagine about before. The method he told them would be special for them, it would not be as effective for others.
Listening to his explanation, they were wide-eyed.
It sounds ridiculous, but not quite impossible. Given the mentality of the knights...
“… Is that possible?”
“Yeah, my late father was fond of knights, so he studied their mentality and methods.”
“He sounds like a wise father,”
“He was,”
“Er, Krone, your father wasn’t a knight?”
Liliana said his name for the first time. Being newly acquainted, addressing others by name, for her was a fresh breakthrough. Thiana had a light surprise, putting it behind her as she pondered what he had told them.
“No, he wasn’t, unfortunately. It seemed yours was. He must have been a really brave knight.”
“He was, definitely.”
“Yeah, Dad was brave and kind!”
Liliana had sad, yet firm eyes. Thiana nodded, still considering Krone’s counsel.
He noticed her deliberation.
“Well, it will still be up to you. I can’t force you, and I’ll respect your decision. Know that I only wish to help, that’s all.”
It was the first time for Thiana to call him by name, so he specially paid attention.
“Are you confident, I mean, how many percent you’re confident this will work?”
“How much, eh… I don’t want to sound arrogant, but since you ask me, one-hundred percent.”
“Eh, you mean it?”
“Yeah, I mean it. One-hundred percent you girls will pass. One-hundred percent! No way around it!”
He had his palm open, gesturing as if he was cutting something. It was a powerful display of confidence; even those around them looked at him with curiousity.
Both girls stared at him, blanking.
A short moment later,
Someone laughed. It was a low, suppressed laughter.
Liliana had a surprise look, yet she soon was infected by her sister, laughing with low voice. Thiana put her right hand on her mouth, while Liliana put both.
Thiana had a pleasant expression as she gazed him.
His confidence was illogical, yet it gave her a sense of security. In a way, he reminded her of someone. Someone she and her sister really wished to see again, as impossible as that might be.
‘Mom did say all men are boys. Are all boys like this? …No, they must be a unique kind? Endangered species, yeah, that must be it.’
“Hmph! Since you’re confident, I’ll ride on that confidence along.”
“I’ll ride along too!”
Liliana put up her right hand, as if volunteering. This girl, just a few minutes ago still had her guard up at 100%, but right now she had tossed it all away. Krone felt warmth within his chest.
His heart actually skipped a beat.
‘These two… Aii, keep yourself together, Krone! You’re not a fourteen years old!’
He taught them a quick way to maintain their balance and the right way to maintain grip. Soon, the evaluator called for the next hundred to gather.
“Oh yeah, Thiana, I have a favour to ask.”
“Could you hold this one for me?”
He handed her his green spear. The spear sparkled as sunlight hit it.
“You want me to hold it?”
“Yes, it’s an important memento. My late mother left it for me. I want you to keep it for me.”
“Your late mother…”
She received the spear, seemingly petrified. In a few second, she shook away her confusion. She nodded, her eyes fixed on him.
“Leave it to me.”
“Yeah, I’m leaving it in your hands.”
He bid them farewell, promising to meet again afterward.
He decided to leave the important spear to the elder sister. This was one of the way he knew could be used to develop relation.
This seemingly simple task; asking for favour, left deeper impression within someone.
As he went to the starting line, he knocked his head a bit.
“Damn. Must be my hormone affecting my emotion, keep it together, Krone!”
Consoling himself, assuring himself he was not a pe—um, He recalled the two yellow hamsters his sister kept as pet back at their village. They were cute!
‘Those two, are just too adorable. That’s all. Nothing wrong feeling that way!’
He ran to the starting line, putting aside his sadness, embracing fully the brightness radiating from the twins.
"One-hundred percent, eh?"
He beamed, an innocent smile.
====== Chapter 10 End ======
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*¡NEEDS MAJOR EDITING!**~*~*~*"You parked your bike in my spot." He said with a slight glare and I rolled my eyes. "Do you see me giving a fuck if its your spot or not? I don't see your name on it, so what's the problem?" I asked as I looked behind him at my bike in the same spot and he glared at me. "You look new so I will just let that slide. But I need to park my bike at my spot, so get your bike out of my spot! Understood?" He spoke slowly and I rolled my eyes once more. "I am not moving my bike because I was here first and I saw the spot first. So I parked first and I repeat myself again.... I don't see your name on it so I will not move my bike to please you nor a soul. So good luck with that and I swear... If you touch my bike, you will regret it. Take that as a warning." "You're the one that will be regretting this later and take that as a hint." I heard him yelling and I smirked. "Hint taken, asshole." "Make sure, blonde."*~*~*~*Ashley Sky is the daughter of a millionaire and she's typical a badass, but kinda a nerd at times. She has two side, a good sweet side and the side which no one should mess with. So moving to a new town and attending a new school, she decided to play it cool. She placed her badass ways behind her and went with the flow. But everything went downward when she parked her bike at the wrong spot at her new school.Tyson king is the school main bad boy and player but he surely knows how to love a girl which is worth it. He's the Captain of the football team and the Gangleader of the Q's - Quest Gang which is currently one of the strongest gang in town. He has been looking for a badass bitch ever since senior year and he knows whenever he finds her, there's no turning back for both of them. What will happen when these two meet?*~*~*~*Book #1 of, Him and Me series.*~*~*~*
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