《General's Call》Chapter 1: A new Beginning Part 4
It had been two days since Zen had taken ownership of Coral Heights, and he had spent both of those days making a large circle around the village and checking out the two locations Bena had mentioned. The two locations were far enough away that him and Banick had to sleep in the wilderness and on the way, they trained up his skills the best he could.
His archery had raised to level 3 and his swordplay had reached 2, but over the first two days he had gained several skills that were vital to life in the wilds. The biggest gain was that he had raised his endurance and awareness to 6. It may not have seemed like much, but the more he raised his stats naturally the better. GCO didn’t have levels because they said it hampered the players growth potential. It used the players experience as a currency to raise stats and learn skills. The initial price was just 1 experience point, but as people improved it cost more.
Combat, trade skill and diplomacy were the three types of experience gained, and depending on the skill or attribute you had to pay a certain amount of experience points. Zen had raised his awareness and endurance attributes, but he had to pay 6 combat experience for endurance, and 4 combat and 2 diplomacy experience for awareness.
GCO made it easy for you to know what experience point types were needed to raise skills and attributes. You just needed to click on them an you could see at what level the potential bar was at, and what type of experience you needed to upgrade it to the next level. The physical type attributes and skills were easy because you just had to use your combat experience, but the combination for the others were things that had to be planned.
My thoughts were interrupted when we reached the second of the possible building sites and discovered there was already a small group of homes there. Banick stopped and dismounted the horse and I followed suit. The open area in front of them was a long stretch of flat land that had a good size river flowing through it. There were mountains not far away to the north and east was a large forested zone. This would be a perfect place to set up a village, and if fell directly inside his territory.
“What do you think Banick?” Zen asked as he nodded to the small houses. “Do you think this will be a problem?”
“No Sir. It is inside your territory, so this is your due, but we are currently weak now and only have a few able men.”
“I count 8 or 9 people down there and it looks like they have little to no defenses.”
Zen watched the group and then a frown came across his face as he noticed movement at the river, and saw the two lizard type creatures coming out of the water. That was when he realized that this was an occurrence and he pointed to the lizards. Banick didn’t say anything but started to ride down the side of the hill toward the river. There wasn’t a direct route to the valley from the hill, but Zen’s riding skill had improved over the last two days, so he was able to keep up with Banick as they rode toward the huts with as much haste as they could.
When they reached the small homesteads, the lizards were just approaching, and two strong looking men were trying to draw them away from there families. The lizards were much larger than they seemed from the hill, but without hesitation both dismounted and Banick brought out his axe while Zen used his bow. After his time in the wilderness, Zen was getting used to the hunting and his first arrow struck the nearest lizard low near its underside, and the lizard reacted with a hiss.
The second arrow was already notched, and Zen concentrated aiming for the bulbus eyes on its head. The arrow hit but bounced off the scales only leaving a red mark on it. He didn’t stop and continued to fire his arrows at the fastest pace he could. The fourth arrow struck the left eye penetrating deeply into it causing it to thrash around violently. Banick took the opportunity and swung down at its fore leg using his strength to dig deep in to the joint. The next strike put the lizard down for good, but Zen was already concentrating on the other lizard. The lizard had already injured one of the men and was trying to get at him.
It raised up and left his underbelly open and Zen took the shot hitting it squarely. The arrow sank in a few inches, in to the less tough skin, and suddenly the lizards head turned and looked at him. Banick had finished with the first lizard and was already at his side, when the lizard turned and charged. This lizard was much larger than the other and as it moved forward its head moved from side to side making its eyes difficult to hit.
Zen tried to focus and let loose his arrow, but it bounced off its snout leaving no scar at all. Zen put away his bow and took out his sword getting into a defensive position, and as the Lizard was just about to reach him an arrow struck its eye causing it to stumble. Banick and Zen didn’t hesitate and struck the lizard from opposite sides. Banick’s axe drew the lizard’s attention as Zen thrust his blade striking at the same eye the arrow was sticking out from. His blade slid in all the way and the lizard started to thrash around its tale striking Zen nocking him down. Zen’s health dropped three quarters of the way as he rolled to the side just barely missing the second strike from the lizard’s tale.
Banick drew the lizard away and then quickly disabled the lizard with a strike to the leg. Banick then backed away and allowed the lizard to die naturally. Zen struggled to his feet as Banick moved to stand between him and the lizard, but the lizard was already in its last throws of life. It died moments later, and Zen checked his body for any bleeding. He didn’t find any gashes, so he sat down and tried to gain back his HP.
The two of them didn’t approach the two injured men, but waited for their health to max out before getting up, and walking over to the horses. The tension was still strong when Banick and Zen led there horses over to the two men. There was two young men and a woman trying to bandage the wounded man’s torso. The two boys had their hands on there weapons, but Zen didn’t pay them any attention and looked at the wounded man. He had a claw mark across his chest and it was bleeding, and why the woman was bandaging the wounds they weren’t bandaged tight enough to stop all the bleeding.
“Would you mind if I let Banick look at those wounds?” Zen asked in a calm tone. “He is trained so he might be able to stop the bleeding.”
The woman looked up at Zen and he could see tears running down her dirt stained face, as she showed fear in her green eyes. He tried to give a reassuring smile and nodded to Banick, which moved to help stop the wounds from bleeding. The natives were much like players in that regard, that hp would start to increase when the bleeding was taken care of. A wound would cause a block of their health from restoring completely, but when healed they would regain their full health points.
Zen looked over to the other man and smiled and asked. “How long have you all been in this area?”
“Why do you want to know?” A black-haired boy asked rudely.
“Yea why would we need to tell you.” A second boy with blond hair yelled.
“Because he is the Lord of this territory.” Banick said coldly as he raised up from helping bandage the injured man. “This land belongs to him by right of the emperor’s decree.”
The two boys’ eyes widened as the older man that wasn’t injured came forward and knelt pushing the two boys down too. There was a look of fear in his eyes as he held down on the two boys’ heads as he knelt trembling. Zen only could let out a sigh before talking.
“Why don’t you two go help the injured man back to the hut and let me speak with your senior.”
“We are sorry for being disrespectful your lordship.” The older man said as he glared at the two youths.
Zen could only smile inside as he held a cold smile on his face outwardly. He had to be firm with them because it was expected of nobility, but he could also use this to make them owe him. He would use their own perspective against them, and if he did this right they will feel like he did them a service. It was just a matter of not going to far and getting the desired results.
“What is your name?” Zen commanded.
“It is Vermi my lord.” The older man muttered.
“Alright Vermi how many people do you have here on the land?
“We have nine here in total my lord.” The old man said quickly. “Me and my brother and our wives along with the two lads and lass you saw earlier. There are two other lasses beside them.”
“It isn’t safe for you here yet.” Zen stated plainly. “Gather your things and come back to Coral Heights with us.”
“Yes, your lordship.”
“Banick how was the other man?”
“He had some deep wounds, but he will be alright after they heal.” Banick answered.
“We will stay the night here and then take everybody back with us in the morning.” Zen ordered so the old man could hear him plainly.
Zen saw Banick nod approvingly as they walked the horse to the homestead. The afternoon would give him enough time to clearly inspect the area to verify it would be a good spot for Coral Heights. He could see the old man Vermi shaking as he walked in front of them and felt somewhat bad for scaring him, but it had to be done. If he was to nice the man would probably not respect him, and he couldn’t have that happen.
When they reached the homestead, Vermi had ordered everybody to prepare for the trip to Coral Heights, and even though they were scared they followed through with his orders starting to pack what they had. It looked like they didn’t have much to prepare, but they were quick to pack like they had done it a few times before. The moment Zen informed the old man that he was going to go out and check the lands. He offered the services of his daughter Cora. She had been the one that hit the lizard in the eye, and even though Zen didn’t think she needed to come. He allowed her to come with them to make the old man feel better.
Cora seemed to be a year or so younger than him, and she wore multiple tunics which made everything look bulky on her. She carried a ragged bow and a quiver of handmade arrows, and as they left she silently followed behind them with out saying a word. She still had tear stains on her muddy face, but her eyes seemed to have cleared more.
“Have you investigated much of the land yet?” Zen asked the girl.
“Yes sir.” The girl replied. “Almost everywhere but the river because pa said that it was too dangerous there.”
“Your father is wise.” Zen said as they first headed toward the foothills of the small mountain range.
Zen spent most of the afternoon riding through the hills following Cora, as she guided them to locations that she had found. He found it amusing that even though this was an occurrence, and might have been generated less than an hour before they arrived at that hill. She had all this knowledge about the valley area, and had led them to three spots that might have mineral deposits. It was almost like she had been there for years even though she was created randomly in an instant.
When they returned to the homestead he was surprised to see that somewhere they had a wagon and two oxen. He didn’t remember seeing any animals or a wagon earlier, but again he had to remind himself this was not reality, but a virtual game. The head of the homestead had offered him one of the homesteads, and they went in to the other. He almost refused, but he remembered his position and accepted it. The wife of Verli and Cora stayed to make them a meal. There meal was good and both Banick and him were grateful. He was just about to prepare for sleep when the wife of Verli came up to him and bowed.
“My lord do you have a moment?” The woman asked.
“I ask you to spare my son and nephew from their rude comments they said before.” She cried out with tears running down her cheeks. “We will be sure to teach them manners, so they can be assets to the lordship in the future.”
Zen looked a little confused at the actions of the woman, but they seemed to be genuine. She was truly afraid he would kill them, and when he was about to say something the woman got down on her knees and pulled Cora down with her.
“Your lordship I know that asking your forgiveness for these unforgivable offenses is too much, so I offer the service of my daughter in their place. She is a fine cook and has many skills with the bow. Please accept my offering.”
Zen was speechless that she was willing to give up her daughter like this. It would have been much better for the boys to run away in the middle of the night than her offering up her child. He was about to refuse when a box popped up in front of him.
Cora Vansader has offered to swear loyalty to you. Do you accept? Yes or No.
This was something that Bena had stressed, when they talked, before Zen had left for the scouting mission. GCO had a set of prerequisites that had to be met before the village could move to the new location. One of the prerequisites was to have 5 sworn bound retainers, and they had to volunteer and couldn’t be forced in any way. This was exactly what the woman was doing by offering her self to swear loyalty. Zen had two choices he could do the right thing and reject or just accept it, and in the end the pragmatic part of Zen won out.
“If it is the girl that voluntarily swears service then I will accept.” Zen said with a stern face. “If you are forcing her to do this then I cannot.”
“I am not being forced my lord.” Cora said with her eyes tearing.
“Then I accept.”
You have accepted Cora Vansader as a sworn bound retainer. You now have control over her future progress. You can set tasks for her growth in the sanctuary under the retainer section. You currently have 1 retainer.
Zen was confused because he didn’t know what made her different from his four guards and Bena. They served him as a retainer in a way. He would have to ask Bena about that when he got back, but for now he had to think of a way to resolve the issue of Cora and her mother.
“We will discuss more about your duties Cora when we return to the village.” Zen said with a stern tone. “As for the incident with your son and nephew think of it as resolved.”
“Thank you, your lordship.” The woman sniffled. “Thank you for saving us, and I know my daughter will serve you well.”
Zen really didn’t know what to say and he just nodded and moved his hand to allow her to leave. She didn’t hesitate and left, but Cora stayed in a kneeling position. He sighed softly and knew he had to resolve this soon.
“Cora I am going to bed. You should make yourself something to eat and get a good night’s sleep. You will have a long day of traveling tomorrow.”
“Yes, my lord and thank you my lord.” She said and stayed kneeling.
Zen just sighed and left not looking at Banick or her as he shut the door to the small room. There he laid on the bed and wondered if all nobles struck so much fear in to their people. He would have to find out what options he had for retainers when he got back to his sanctuary. He could normally access it from his office or any permanent residence or inn, but this was an occurrence, so this homestead wasn’t his or permanent. He just seemed to be picking up stray girls all the time and he felt like this was taking a bizarre direction.
Tomorrow morning he would go back to Coral Heights, with the new residents and start to plan how to move the village. He still had a number of things to work out, but he would worry about that when he returned.
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