《Dungeon Core Abi》Chaper 14 : Rogues' Retreat
A tooth clashes against the blade and begins to show signs of cracking, not wanting to be bettered Tweedledum pushes back against the Boar that has just charged him. Applying more force than one would think he could, the tusk shatters and he pushes to the right drawing a large gash through the side of the creature. It's not near enough to finish off the large animal which turns round to face off against the lone Rogue once more.
Once it has primed itself and is about to charge Tweedledee appears from behind it, as though he was always there, deftly slicing off the back right hoof of the overgrown opponent. His knife gets lodged in the beast's second back appendage and it collapses down on top of it as he was attempting to take both in one swing.
"Hahaha, you're useless sometimes." Dum comments on Dee's performance in a jovial manner as the raging beast from before is now immobile.
"Shut up, I got one of its feet and you didn't take it down, I did," Dee responds with pride as he is attempting to pull his dagger from the still breathing and squealing beast.
"Maybe not, but did you see all the damage I did, gwahahaha. I'm feeling pretty hardcore right now." He boasts, sticking out his chest and placing his hand on his hips.
Dee puts in more force and successfully manages to dislodge the knife that had been trapped in bone, partially severing the other back hoof whilst breaking the rusty blade at the same time. Not that the extra wound was needed, the Boar isn't going anywhere ever again after sustaining these types of injuries. Even if they didn't finish it off, the creature would still become food for the forest as it can no longer walk and any predator that may come across it would find an easy meal primed for the taking.
"So, who gets to kill this one?" Dum chuckles to his partner who is sadly staring at the broken dagger that came out of the Boar.
"You may as well finish it, I'll try and find something strong enough to carry the weight of this thing. I don't really want to carry it by the legs, having its blood cover me all the way back." Dee states miserably.
"But if we have to, that's your side because you made the mess." Laughs Dum.
"What? We should at least flip for it. It was a stealth attack, I couldn't rightly appear in front of him and..." Dee's words trail off into nothing as a rhythmic beat is ringing through the forest around them.
The Boar is staring straight into the eyes of Tweedledum and if animals could smile, then the face of the creature is exactly what one would look like. Louder and louder with each second, the sound of drumming getting closer means only one thing.
"Kill it now and let's go, we don't have time to take it anymore!" Dee states. Dum thrusts his blade and a portion of his arm through the Boar's eye socket before stabbing the thought processing organ. The beast goes limp as he retrieves his arm, covered in the brains of the creature before him, he and Tweedledee set off with haste to avoid the incoming drove of beasts.
"Are we going back?"
"We have too, my weapon is broken," Dee replies with more than a hint of sadness.
"Ok, but you can tell the Boss what happened." Dum states.
"Why me?" Really not wanting to explain how his knife had broken, he says the only words that came to mind.
"Because... You're the one with the broken knife."
Caught out by the superior insight of Dum, Dee grumbles begrudgingly but accepts the logic in the argument. Even if he is a little worried about reporting this to his master, the first time they had returned the dungeon was extremely disappointed with them. She wasn't even happy with the great quality of Goblin they had originally carried home, or the Troll that Light and Dropper had just brought back, what's she going to be like now he's broken his knife.
With these thoughts running through his mind, Tweedledee and his partner Tweedledum set off back home to report their adventure and accident, probably getting an earful from Abi in the process. This dungeon was strict, not that they had ever belonged to any other dungeons before to know otherwise but they still wished to prove they were loyal and strong beyond compare.
The life of a dungeon monster.
The Adventures of Dum and Dee.
Part One.
As soon as I appear to be grasping the reins of the new life that has been thrust upon me, something new slaps me in the face and assures me that my sanity is still teetering on the edges of the abyss keeping me on my toes.
Seriously, can't a girl catch a break, I was almost caught up with all my buildings and monsters that I'd yet to place and now my catalogue has just been doubled. Well, not literally, and it's not as if I'm ungrateful for the bountiful points I seem to be receiving from my hard-working teams but being a dungeon feels like I'm living in the fast lane.
It's always a new skill, after a feature, after a monster, after... you get where I was going with that, right?
Since you brought it to my attention before, it has been noted that you are progressing more than a hundred times faster than any average dungeon that would have been created.
I knew it was fast, but that's a lot faster than I thought.
It's as though I'm on the Cair Expressway, with no carts in sight, Max Level Wind and Dark magic propelling me forward and I don't even remember earning the skills for them or the names of the ones I'm obtaining on the way past levelling up.
I haven't really done any calculations and that was just an assumption based on the fact that most other Dungeon Cores meditate for the majority of their first month, waiting for their DP to regenerate rather than adopting your method. They slowly build their first floor and amass a small number of monsters for protection hoping to go unnoticed during the month as it is the most dangerous period of time for new Cores. Remember even if a dungeon is harmless, some adventurers will still try to destroy the Core for the power it possesses.
Ufff, it's a tough life for us new Cores.
I'd say we better keep our eyes open then, but we definitely have enough of those in this dungeon for someone not to go unseen.
I'm still rather amazed at the potential of my Vagabonds but I need to get a move on.
I bring my status back up even though I only saw it not too long ago.
Dungeon Core Abi Level 15:
46/390 XP until next level
4 Floors
26 Rooms
37 Tunnels
92 Monsters
1 Contract Monster
65 Traps
720/400 DP Available
My DP is at its limit and Stockpile just earned another 92 points from the size of Sandy and Senna's haul.
I wouldn't have been able to hold it all even if I had been empty to begin with.
Oh well, only 1182 points left to go until Stockpile reaches level 9, or so Examine tells me.
I better get spending again before Barry continues to aid my skill rather than me, I'll also have words with these two Vagabonds once I'm done.
Jeez, see what I mean?
This Core really can't catch a break.
I disperse my manifestation form for the moment, which actually seemed to be larger than it was before, to have a quick look at my overview. It's easier to see them all rather than having Me list them and I decide to start with one of the originals from my dungeon. One that has waited a while, even as the many other structures around it have been levelled up recently, it is still the highest level building I own so far and is going to cost quite the sum to upgrade.
Nonetheless, upgrade it I shall.
Rogues' Tavern has been upgraded to The Rogues' Retreat:
Shady Barkeeper Talia has been upgraded to Task Master Talia and will now reward Monsters that venture out with extra XP upon completion of one of her missions
A place for the weary Rogues to rest their heads
Whilst on the same floor as the bar all Rogue type monsters have their attributes increased by 40%
Task Master Talia:
All attributes have been increased
New Skills have been acquired
A new Contract has been unlocked for Task Master Talia:
Replenish Contracts: 20DP
New features have been unlocked:
Lightning Jacks: 8DP
New Loot unlocked:
Silver Rapier: 40DP
16 XP
Task Master Talia.
That has a nice ring to it.
Contracts too? She's the real deal now!
She even unlocked my favourite drink and I don't have the ability to drink it
Viewing what was the Tavern morph its frame and walls seems almost miraculous, like it shouldn't be happening, even if it is and right before my metaphorical eyes nonetheless. The building has increased in size once again and it may only just fit after another upgrade, I'm going to have to make some changes here in the days that follow no doubt.
Available space aside, the building now looks lovely. Even if the decor does scream broody and foreboding whilst being surrounded by Light Clusters in the darkroom. The building has been raised and now has two stairs that lead between dark oak support beams, where you are greeted by two red saloon type doors, fitted on to the light grey walls of the structure. The roof is dark brown and slants down from the middle, the upstairs windows don't possess a single touch of damage anymore and add to the beauty of the structure. Inside, the oak floor and the bar are as clean as can be, the whole place doesn't own a single spec of dust. The beige walls, or what can be seen of them through the multiple draping banners, look as though a fresh coat of paint was just thrown over them. Each banner is pitch black with a red letter A being the sole feature, on the otherwise plain decorative pieces that hang all around the room. The stairs on the walls to the left and right from the entrance are also made from the same dark oak as the rest of the furnishing and they lead up to the second floor. It now holds twice as many rooms as it did before and crowds the once spacious viewing area, to the room below. The balcony is still present, but smaller than before, with a single couch that serves to remind me of my little mishap with Veris and the rest of the gang.
Ahh, good times.
Talia is now featuring a new long black leather cloak, with a soft blue underlay, and the same insignia that decorates the bar is embroidered on the back in fancy material. Her sky blue hair is now tied up in a nice bun and she is wearing a gold choker around her neck. A silver rapier with a golden hilt is tied to her hip and she still sports the crude-looking rusty dagger on her other side, I can't wait to give them better equipment but I know that now isn't the time for that. Still, even without a better quality dagger she actually looks like some type of Guildmaster and a damn good looking one too.
What an upgrade!
I am very pleased with that.
Talia was already beautiful but now so is the Rogues' Retreat.
Although it was almost a quarter of my DP slashed off in the space of a confirmation, which was certainly worth it, let's move straight on to fill the corner between the Prayer Room and the Shop of Secrets.
Gotta spend those points, I don't want to be known as the Hoarding Dungeon.
What buildings are there still to place, Me?
Do you not wish to see the available buildings in a list?
Nope, you can just tell me.
It would be much simpler to just view the list...
I don't want to see the list.
Me, are you trying to avoid talking to me?
I'm not, it's just that...the list is my job, as well as watching out for a large knight named Kal, it is what I do.
Okay then, how about this. You can list them to me...
...one by one.
Fine. There is the Processing Hut for 80DP.
No, thank you, I don't need another hut just yet.
What about The Pit for 40DP?
I briefly saw that before, but I didn't have the chance to Examine it, what does it do? I mean what use will I have for it?
It can be upgraded to The Sparring Grounds after being purchased and Dungeon Monsters will be able to train there improving combat-related skills.
And that is why I asked you, Me!
It would have taken me a while to decide or I would have chosen something and not got what I wanted, regardless though that sounds great.
Let's do it.
The Pit:
A place where men go to release the stress of the day on opponents who are also there for the same reason
Any Monster who fights in The Pit will earn a 10% boost to all stats for 24 hours
New Emblems have been unlocked
A new feature has been unlocked:
Add dried blood to any room or tunnel decreasing intruders' resistance to fear-based attacks by 20%
4 XP
That was nice but I'm not finished yet. I look at the circular hole forming on the floor and watch the soil change colour, little stones and bricks are pushing themselves into place trying to create a circular pattern. I assume that the ring is for contenders but before it has finished, I hit confirm on the upgrade notification.
The Pit has been upgraded to The Sparring Grounds:
A place where men go to release the stress of the day on opponents who are also there for the same reason
Any sparring that is done here gives a 25% boost to the skill levels
Any Monster who fights in The Sparring Grounds will earn a 20% boost to all stats for 24 hours
New Emblems have been unlocked
A feature has been upgraded:
Add dried blood to any room or tunnel decreasing intruders' resistance to fear-based attacks by 40%
8 XP
Wow, that's my first decor that drops resistance and the upgrade to go with it too.
I'm on a roll here.
The location that first belonged to the Wolves Den is now no longer a depressed pit, the Sparring Grounds is now a raised circular platform of hard-packed earth, with spears staked into the ground outside it representing the point of entry and exit to pain. It already takes up the majority of the room and there's no way in hell the next upgrade will fit in here. Once the feature's creation has finished my attention is brought to a weapon rack, just inside the confines to my new purchase and it has quite a few available weapons as far as I can tell, some that I can't even summon yet.
How's that possible?
The weapons just come with the feature, it did cost 80DP for the upgrade after all.
Fair enough, so what's next Me?
Should I do another building or a monster? What do you think?
You seem to be asking quite a few more questions than usual at the moment, are you ok Abi?
Yeah, I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about.
Why? I am functioning perfectly fine.
Are you though, Me? Are you really?
There may be a few...bugs along the way or some...errors, but other than that my performance would be judged as adequate.
Who judges your performance? The system?
Yes, when we die the system will judge how well I aided the Dungeon Core trying to help the humans level up.
It's always the damn system, isn't i...
Wait, you never mentioned that part before, help the humans?
Yes, that is the secondary purpose of the dungeon. To aid the inhabitants of Tironia in becoming stronger to help in the war.
What war? There wasn't a war when I was still alive.
The war between the Hero Gods and the Demon Gods.
I really want to jump back to my 'I don't care' attitude right now, but I wanted to get a bit of info from Me about how he's feeling. I didn't expect to end back up at stupid Gods and that bitch the system.
I don't know why, but I just don't like her.
Even if she gives me what I want, I don't know what it is about her that gets me so frustrated.
I don't think there's a war going on anymore.
Me, what if the system in charge's programming is outdated because of the stupid God's lack of interest?
That...could be a likely possibility. It has been a few thousand years since the system was created so I suppose that idea is feasible. However, it was not the lack of interest but instead the lack of progress that caused the God to abandon her work, seeking methods elsewhere.
So that means you don't need to worry about the system in charge no more Me, you're your own system now, well you're still mine but you know what I mean.
Dungeon Abi is where it is going to be happenin' so you got lucky being partnered with me as I got lucky being partnered with you. You have been invaluable to me, Me, I honestly don't know what I would do without you?
We both know exactly what you would be doing right now Abi.
I feel better now that Me seems a little more cheerful, it's time to press on.
I'll do one more building and then look at what I have left afterwards. The Sparring Grounds were quite expensive too, Me, what's the cheapest building I have to purchase.
The Cracked Cauldron is a potion shop and costs 20DP.
That is a cheap one, I remember seeing that too but it's another one of those I haven't checked. Seriously, my list is getting huge, with the DP gain from my last two patrols I could even stop Barry if I wanted to, this Core likes to spend though so I'll class that as another stupid idea and confirm my purchase. I'm going to place it in the same room as the Shop of Secrets because it makes sense to keep the shops together.
The Cracked Cauldron:
A place to buy magical potions
All potions come with a 20% chance to cause paralysis to the user
Requires one Rogue to operate successfully
New Loot unlocked:
Weak Health Potion: 10DP
Weak Mana potion: 10DP
Weak Stamina Potion: 10DP
2 XP
A small stone cottage starts building itself beside the wooden stall that Tara and Lara run and is finished within moments. Mainly because small was the main word in my previous sentence and the size is actually closer to a hobbit's den. It is missing a few bricks, as are most first level buildings, that's nothing new and it doesn't have a roof in sight. It looks as if someone has pulled a well up from the floor, smashed a hole in the front and then decided to make it a business.
It was more than I was expecting for a 20 point purchase though, it needs a Rogue to fill the vacant position but it was still worth it. Should I try and give it a Vagabond, would that work, or would it be a waste of points as she won't be going out anywhere?
I settle on a Rogue and name her Lucinda, she has a darker skin tone than my others so far with bright red lips and dark black hair that falls from her cowl.
I place her in charge of the Cracked Cauldron and she begins to change as Talia did, in what feels like such a long time ago.
When constant events and no sleep is your very world, your existence, time loses concept and everything blends into one gorgeous... Slime.
"Hey, Peaches!!"
I pop my manifestation mode on and beckon to the gorgeous pink babe that has come to watch Lucinda evolve into something more. Veris is with her and so are the other four Vagabonds, they're as beautiful as ever but Peaches is an absolute idol. I hope she stays here forever with us. Tara, Lara and everyone else is watching in silence, waiting for Lucinda to become more. Peaches, however, is still new to my dungeon and is watching an upgrade for the first time in awe.
"What's happening?" She questions once next to me.
The transformation ends just as she poses the question.
Rogue Lucinda has been upgraded to Potion Brewer Lucinda:
All attributes have been increased
New Skills have been acquired
New Loot unlocked:
Poison: 5DP
Sleeping Potion: 5DP
Gone are the clothes of the regular Rogue now replaced with a green one-piece robe which she is wearing with the hood down. Her hair looks a little bit thicker than before and curls naturally as it flows down her before sitting upon the shoulders of her robe. Two large pockets are sewn on front and another insignia, the same one decorating the Retreat and Talia, is stitched in red onto the left chest pocket.
"Wow she's... beautiful. Just... like us." Peaches declares for the whole dungeon to hear.
Not missing her chance, Veris pipes up also, "You know what Boss is like, only the finest."
What is it with Veris, Me?
I have no idea unless she embodies what you were like as an adventurer?
I wasn't perfect, but I was never that crass.
Veris is... something else.
Lucinda bows before me "Thank you, master."
I feel the gratitude for the upgrade beaming from her own will.
"Thank you, Lucinda, I hope you do well in your new position." I congratulate her.
"So anyway Boss, the reason we came over was that I was thinking, I want to go out with the Parties ya know. Now that you have stronger monsters we could take it in turns being the Boss of the First Floor, the girls are all happy with it too as it's like our place now. I don't want to give up my job and I won't if you say I have to, to be able to go out. But I really want to get stronger!"
Maybe that room was getting to her, I'm glad she still wants to be the Boss as she's my standout Vagabond, the superstar of the group. The rest all have a sandy hair colour but Veris's is snow-white, just like Trixie, I'd be sad if she couldn't flaunt her bossly beauty in a way and being in that room nobody is likely to reach for a while I can see why she wants to go out.
"Sure, why not." I casually reply sounding gracious in the process.
"Really? Yes! Thank you, Boss, you won't regret it!" She screams and attempts a dive to hug my Core but sails straight through me landing in the bosom of the Vagabond on my other side.
I thought she might have been able to grab me then, nevermind, that just means I need more level-ups for it to be able to happen for real.
I can't wait.
I inform Veris that she can choose two members of her group to take out, but state that Peaches has to remain here as she is contracted to me and still new. Plus she doesn't possess a complete human form so she would be easily identifiable by adventurers.
With Veris only mildly sad that her new bestie will not be venturing out with her, she still has high spirits and rushes off with two of the Vagabonds from her entourage. Peaches and the other two remaining women have started a conversation with the new Potion Brewer, Lucinda whilst Tara and Lara are talking between themselves by their stall.
We're getting quite a population going now.
I may as well keep on spending.
Next up is two 40DP Shadow Walkers, I've decided to create these two strong individuals to try and unlock the next tier of the Rogue line, by having them level up to Max outside my dungeon. They won't join the rotating patrols but instead, because of their strength, I'll give them the freedom to come and go as they please. So long as they're reporting frequently and dropping off DP parcels, I'll see them as independent agents on an important mission.
It sends tingles up my core to make the purchase, just like the retreat did. This time the summoning light is a soft yellow which I presume is due to them being worth the price of a building each. Once it has faded I can see that my new additions are of mixed gender and that they don't appear to be wearing armour, but rather expensive clothing.
The male has a gorgeous white silk shirt, with golden embroidery on the shoulders. It holds tight to his sculpted arms, showing off his muscular physique, and gold cufflinks in the shape of an A shine from the light of creation. Soft pants that, for all intents and purposes, make no sound on movement give him the appearance of royalty. The pumps on his feet are a far cry from the royal designer's standards though but serve to help with more noise reduction. A red sash is tied around his waist and the two ends that hang down also showcase the familiar A that I keep spotting, except this time the letter is black. A small mask, made from dark leather, is worn just over his nose and the shining amber eyes that can be seen show a burning passion inside him. Vibrant red hair is swept back in a wavy fashion with bangs that hang over each side of his mask
The female is wearing a low cut black dress with ruffled white half sleeves and lace gloves stretching up to the elbow. The black and white, ruffled checkered skirt gets marginally wider towards the end before stopping at the bottom of the thigh, where the mysterious symbol is once more present in scarlet red embroidery once again. Beautifully designed knee-length boots with a small heel serve to cover almost all her flesh whilst standing impeccably still, however, upon movement I can imagine some may show starting hearts racing and driving men wild. Beautiful light blue hair is tied up in french plaits showing off her gorgeous facial features and draws all gazes into her ice-cold blue eyes hidden within a crystal white mask similar to her companions.
Both Shadow Walkers look like they are going to be attending a masquerade gala.
I'm shocked at the lack of armour, almost more so than the mesmerising beauty before me. It's strange seeing people so underdressed for combat whilst also looking like they would never lose a fight either.
"I am here to serve!" My new male declares boldly while placing a closed fist on his chest before kneeling. The female Shadow Walker just side-eyes him in exhaustion, as though they have been together for years and she is tired of his overbearing attitude.
What a pair.
I think I'll call them, Noir and Carrie.
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