《Dungeon Core Abi》Chapter 7 : A Cute Confrontation
How long have monsters inhabited the planet of Tironia?
Not many documents can be found relating to this topic and after searching for answers, in the many different libraries around the world, this is what I have learned.
Monsters have inhabited Tironia for as long as man, or so we are to believe if we read the teachings from the two religions of the largest continents. The holy book of Tira teaches us that Kai, a descendant of Ao and the God who birthed life on our planet, created dungeons to help the people grow stronger and to reward their efforts. However, the holy book from Cair states that it was not Kai that created them, but a different God altogether.
Cair's church states that it was Gela, a descendant of Lo and the creator of monsters, who made the dungeons. They say she made them so that they could kill Kai's followers faster and on two fronts. Luckily for us, the inhabitants of Tironia, there are not many religious fanatics and most people choose the life of adventure over the work of a priest. Churches around the world are still quite small in stature, because they lack of members.
So, what evidence can be learned from these two texts, that differ so much from each other in their teachings?
Regardless of which God did what, and for whatever reason, both books clearly state that monsters have been on this planet just as long as people have, therefore answering our original question.
A short article aptly named, 'How long have monsters inhabited the world of Tironia'. The Year 1921.
Pali Patiti. Adventurer, Scholar, self-named Documentarian and now Explorer.
Why? Why? Why?
Why did it have to be Goblins!?
It's been 30 minutes since I opened and eight out of the nine Rogues that left have already arrived back at the dungeon. Only Ali still has to return. Each one has brought back a different type of Goblin, which is a little startling to me because I only knew of five different types myself. Also, how good are these Rogues that are taking out Goblins that cost more DP than they do?
To say that I hate Goblins, somehow I seem to know a lot about them. You've got regular Goblins. They're ugly, smelly and carry daggers. Not much of a threat. Then there's the defender Goblins. Similar to regular gobs except they carry a shield. They're usually paired up with a partner. You've got the Archers, also like regular gobs except they use ranged weapons. They don't smell as bad, but that's only because they're further away. As soon as you get in close enough for the kill, it stinks. Hobgoblins are the stronger, uglier, and smellier versions of regular Goblins. I've read about the Mage Goblin as well, but never encountered one in my brief time as an adventurer.
There's apparently a Goblin King, but those are just rumours and no one has ever substantiated them.
Is it because Goblins are stupid?
That's probably it.
But back to the point, what the hell guys!?
I wish I could ask them where they're getting these Goblins from, but I got lucky when Dropper told me her story.
I send the Rogues back out to the acquire more suitable materials this time to help with my growth. I swear when I get a voice, or form, this lot are gonna get a mouthful. Once they've left, the familiar feeling of stupidity creeps over me as I realise that I could probably will them into telling me what happened. That's more than likely what happened with Dropper.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, Abi.
When they get back I'm going to will the hell out of them!
All in all, what they've brought back has opened up a lot of new monsters on my list. Sadly though, the problem I have with that is that I don't want to purchase a single one of them.
Goblin: 3DP
Goblin Warrior: 6DP
Goblin Archer: 6DP
Goblin Defender: 6DP
Goblin Scout: 6DP
Hobgoblin: 12DP
Hobgoblin Mage: 25DP
Hobgoblin Healer: 25DP
Goblin Shaman: 50DP
Wolf: 5DP
Alpha Wolf: 10DP
Rogue: 10DP
Vagabond: 20DP
As bad as my growing list of Goblins is, they've been a great boon to me at the same time in the form of XP. Even though I'm slightly reluctant to admit it.
Each one provided me with a first-time acquisiton bonus. That means that I earn half of what they would cost to summon with DP as XP. That's why I got so much from the shaman when Dropper dropped him off. Least to say the others took me over the threshold again with their tributes and now check out this hot mama jama.
Dungeon Core Abi Level 6:
25/40 XP Until Next Level
9 Rooms
8 Tunnels
22 Monsters
34 Traps
DP: 201/120
Even though they were horrible, smelly, dirty-little Goblins, at least they contributed in some way to my advancement and I can continue to grow with the points they've provided me.
With Stockpile I can now hold just over 200 DP. That's ten times the amount I started with, I knew this skill would come in handy. I could even purchase Veris's upgrade, if I wanted to. It would be better to get on with finishing my floor first though and then creating the next one, just as Me suggested.
Dropping points like it's Solstice, I place rooms ten and eleven and earn another 4XP before I'm blocked off by a recurring trend.
Unable to place tunnel in the specified location.
I was actually expecting the error this time. Same as the last two I've seen, I ignore it for now and continue on. Turning right for the third and last time, I continue to place more tunnels and rooms twelve and thirteen. At this point in my dungeon, I've circled around on myself and I'm now 50 foot away from reaching the first room that I created myself.
Doing this also nets me another 4XP leaving me 7 points away from level 7.
As soon as I finish admiring my work, I'm assaulted by a gut-wrenching pain. A nauseating feeling accompanies it and makes it hard for me to concentrate. I'm not sure what's happening to me.
A monster has entered your dungeon.
There we go.
Is that why I feel like I've just downed four bottles of Lightning Jacks?
No, that feeling is because a monster is on the same floor as your core. Hence why you should have placed the second floor as I told you to. You would not feel like this if you would have followed my advice sooner.
Alright, Me, I could do without the 'I told you' so attitude, please. What do I do?
At the moment, there's nothing you can do. You're unable to use dungeon points whilst there is an intruder on the floor. You will have to wait until it dies in the dungeon before you can do anything.
Can't I just do what I did with Barry and try something new?
I... Do not know. You can certainly try. Usually a dungeon's will is separated from the floor due to anything hostile entering it. Your monsters should not be able to perceive your will because of the intruder absorbing the mana in the dungeon.
Hopefully, what's here won't kill any of my monsters. I can't really afford to lose them if I'm being honest.
Viewing my dungeon is usually as easy as a thought. Whatever I want to see, I can. It's that simple. I can even view two different rooms at once and more if I really concentrate. Right now though, it's a little more challenging than it usually would be thanks to my intruder.
I really have to put some effort in just to be able to view different rooms. I suppose this is my first time trying this while under threat. I eventually succeed and am now staring at the invader in disbelief.
Less than a foot tall and shaking visibly, an abnormally vibrant and extremely-pink Slime is wobbling its way towards my trap room.
Don't go in there.
I don't want this adorable little beauty to die...
... Or do I?
Me, if I absorb the Slime after it dies that means I can summon it, right?
Yes, Abi. Provided you have the DP that is, but after the Goblins I hardly see the need for you to ask me.
Please don't remind me about the Goblins. If only I could shiver at the thought.
It's not a pleasant thought, imagining how such a beautiful monster would die, but I promise that I'll summon it back as soon as possible.
OK, Slime. Let's see how far you can get.
It ignored my previous attempt to dissuade it from the trap room just as it ignored my promise of rebirth. I'm not surprised though. I still can't speak to my own monsters yet, nevermind ones that don't belong to me.
The Slime, which appears to be very lucky or is somehow cheating, sails through my trap room at a mediocre pace. It stopped in front of a fire pit at one point, literally stopped a foot before it, then made its way around. It is definitely a cheater!
Slime 1, Abi 0.
10 minutes later, as I'm wondering why Ali and the rest of the Rogues haven't returned yet, the Slime reaches Rogues' Corner. All the aforementioned monsters are out except for Tavernkeeper Talia. She never leaves the bar usually, but for some unknown reason, has chosen now to do so and is currently in the process of feeding the Slime her weak ale.
What the hell, Talia?
Why is she giving it booze, Me?
I... You ask a lot of question that I don't know the answers to, Abi. I told you before that Rogues are new, just like yourself. So, you don't know, I don't know and the Gods damned System doesn't know.
What's that about, Me? I know I ask some stupid stuff, but i this dungeon life is still new to me, remember? I'm sorry for offending you, but are you sure you're alright?
I am what I'm supposed to be.
Yeah, you said something like that before. Are you actually sure though?
Fine, back to Slime watch then.
Slime 2, Abi 0.
Seeing how it managed to drink its way past Talia, this next obstacle will definitely be a point in my favour.
Slimes don't have hands, is what I was thinking. The slime however, squashed itself under the wooden door I'd placed and is now making its way down the shady tunnel.
Does it actually think it can reach my core?
Well, it is winning 3 - 0 but it's highly unlikely. It doesn't stand a chance against my wolves or Veris. They are both much faster than this gorgeous moocher of a Slime.
As though it heard my mockery of its speed, which is extremely unlikely, the Slime suddenly disappears into thin air. Vanishing just before the door at the end of the tunnel.
Where's it gone?
I've never seen a slime teleport before, or is it invisibility? Was it because of Talia and the ale she gave it? Although, I've never seen a Pink Slime before. It could be a natural characteristic of its species for all I know.
Hard as it is, I search all the rooms in my dungeon but am still unable to find it. I know it's still here as the feeling of being intruded upon hasn't left me yet. Out of nowhere, the Slime reappears. Instead of being trapped inside the Shady Tunnel like I expect it to be, the Slime has managed to skip two whole rooms and is now shaking even more than it was before as it stands in front of the gorgeous Trixie in the Wolves' Den.
This Slime is almost at the end of my dungeon, what do I do?
How did it get so far so fast?
It's barely been a minute!
The slime stops moving completely. It isn't even wobbling anymore. Has it run out of whatever magic caused it to go invisible? Or can it sense the Alpha waking from her slumber before it? Either way, your time to lose has come cutie pie.
I can't wait to see what you will give me or how much you'll cost to summon.
The lazy wolf, who to be fair has had nothing to do until now, opens her golden eyes and stares at the pretty pink rival in front of her. My Alpha looks as though she is eyeing up her beautiful competition before the contest starts and she doesn't look too impressed. As though she believes no one other than herself and the Wolves should inhabit this space in the dungeon, she raises her magnificent body up off the floor and towers over the still-unmoving, pink Slime.
Yes, Trixie. Kill it so I can absorb it!
I put my plan into motion and begin willing my Alpha to squash her prey However, it would appear that Me was correct once again and Trixie doesn't seem to be able to sense me. She does look to be scanning the room though, rather than the Slime, almost like she is trying to see if I'm watching.
Who's a good wolf?
She then clamps her mouth around the Slime and swallows it whole.
No! Bad girl! Spit it out, right now.
Me? Is it gone?
Can I still summon it even though she ate it?
No. There's nothing left for you to absorb.
Why, Trixie!?
That slime was mega cute and it was pink as well.
Picking up on my sadness, now that the Slime is gone and our connection has been reestablished, my Alpha Wolf senses my will and lowers her head knowing she has wronged her master. Feeling regret, or maybe it's because the slime doesn't taste too good, she lays down and begins to whimper.
It's okay, Trixie. I'm not mad at you. I'm just a little sad, that's all.
I'm sure we'll find another one. Don't worry about it.
Pink Slime are extremely rare monsters just like Mythril Golems. Especially wild ones. The chances of seeing another are less than 1%.
At some point, Ali returns which brings me and Trixie out of our joint wailing session. Well, I suppose it was just me really. The moment I stopped, so did she.
To my surprise, Ali seems to have a bulging sack-full of goodies to brighten my mood. Where did she get all that from and the sack for that matter?
She engages me in conversation and I find myself eased by her casual attitude. Although it's strange to be spoken to without actually being in the room. It's even worse that I'm only able to reply with feelings.
She's telling me how she crept up on a boar while she was in the forest outside. She skinned the boar to make the sack and earned a new skill in the process. Which I think is awesome, way to go Ali. I convey my gratitude through my will, which is getting slightly easier now that I'm using it more. It's also easier because there's no adorably invading monsters on my floor right now.
Oh crap, floors!
Hold on, Ali.
Using my will, I urge her to wait and not deposit the bag full of goodies just yet. This is incase she has more than I can handle.
Me, can I see my status, please?
You can always will your status up, you know. You do not have to ask every time, although I suppose it is nice when you use pleasantries with me.
You're weird sometimes, Me. That's a conversation for later.
Dungeon Core Abi Level 6:
33/40 XP until next level
13 Rooms
12 Tunnels
22 Monsters
34 Traps
DP: 131/120
I place the entrance to the second floor in the last room that I created, edging closer to my next level up. This is going to be my Boss Room, that's why I waited to place the second floor at what-I-now-know-to-be my own risk.
As soon as I confirm my purchase, a small hole appears in the centre of the wall opposite the entrance. It grows in size, stretching and pulling on itself, digging deeper into the wall. The earth shapes and contorts itself as it opens wider still before the ground just past the newly formed hole forms itself into a stairwell that all adventurers should be familiar with seeing. Stairs drill downwards to where a new room awaits. This one has already been created for me and I didn't even have to pay anything extra for it. Looking at my new floor, I feel as though I've grown in some unseen way.
Second Floor has been created:
5XP Awarded
New Monsters have been unlocked:
Weak Darkness Elemental: 10DP
Darkling: 20DP
New features have been unlocked:
Wall Torch: 2DP
Wooden Door: 2DP
Weak Wooden Walls: 5DP
All rooms and tunnels can now be doubled in size upon placement for no extra cost
All rooms and tunnels can now be customised with the woodland effect for no extra cost
Passive Skill Regeneration has reached Level 2:
DP has increased to a rate of 1 per hour
Yes, yes, yes!
New monsters, better DP regeneration and upgraded items that I didn't have to fork out for.
That's just the boost I needed to keep me far away from falling into another wailing session.
I move my core to my newest safe-room on the second floor. Hopefully, that should mean I won't feel as shitty if, or when, I'm invaded again. I then use my will to bring Veris to the last room of the first floor because any self-respecting Floor Boss is always set before the exit.
I try not to let the wasted points that I spent on Weak Wooden Doors get to me as I have just earned the upgraded version. I suppose I will automatically unlock certain upgrades whilst building and levelling up, without actually having to upgrade them myself.
With my DP spent and my new floor placed, let's go see what Ali still has waiting for me in her big bag of goodies. Then I can continue building my dungeon.
Hehe. My dungeon.
I've said it a few times now but it still feels strange.
My dungeon.
Yes. My dungeon and I am not going to die here.
I've definitely still got a lot to learn though. Good thing I've got Me.
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