《I will absolutely cultivate》Chapter 23: Sona's Weapon (2)


"Young Mistress! This! Only dark cultivators posses the Talisman of 'Soul Bind Contract' !!"

Rui Wei, turned a deaf ear to Sona's question...

'Dark Cultivators Path?!' Rui Wei almost choked, she modified this skill from the normal binding skill that martial artists use. And simply wrote it on the talisman!

"This is not, in fact, a Dark Cultivators Talisman... It is simply made out of blood, but it does not use any gruesome technique just to cultivate/create this. While making this, I have used a drop of blood and the Samsara Binding Technique as a guide. This talisman's method is different from the normal 'Soul Binding Contract'---" Rui Wei explained to Sona whilst binding the scythe artifact.

"AaaaaaaaAaaaah!!" Rui Wei's perfect explanation were interrupted by the shrill scream of the scythe artifact.

Rui Wei had sweats forming on her forehead, the scythe artifact's cultivation rank is higher than her. So she could only bind the artifact's soul with the help of several more talismans hovering beside her.

Several Paper Talisman's were circling on Rui Wei's Figure, as she continued to pour her Qi on the 'Soul Binding' talisman. The Paper Talisman's are bursting out with rich Water Qi that is being absorbed by Rui Wei.

Sona's eyes stared fixedly at Rui Wei's Figure. Her eyes flashing with mixed emotions.

Although Rui Wei have tactfully explained that 'Soul Binding' skill that she is using, is one that have been modified. Sona still have doubts in her heart, but she firmly believes that Rui Wei is not someone who could cultivate such an atrocious and inhuman skill...

"AaaaaaAaaaaahhh!!!" The Scythe Artifact's scream resounded through the whole room, sending shivers on Sona's back.

While Ruzi is comfortably sleeping under Rui Wei's soundproof spell.

"....." Sona averted her gaze towards the situation as she faced the wall, muttering a buddha scripture under her breath.

The scream of the Scythe Artifact simply made her remember the times when they were late in subjugating bandits, they arrived at the burning village, almost half of the villagers lay dead on the ground, cries, pleas and curses were mixed.


This was also one of the reason as to why Sona's cultivation was stuck, her heart is way too soft and easily swayed. With a slight act, her heart would soften.


Surprisingly, the scythe artifact's soul did not last for long, as after an stick of incense, the scream have stopped, and the talisman on Sona's hand shone, the symbol of a scythe appearing.

Rui Wei who was drenched in sweat, sat in the hard floor.

Rui Wei waved her hand, her sweats dissolved into mist, she stood up looking fresh.

"One must harden one's resolve when walking the path of cultivation." Rui Wei said.

Sona's shoulders twitched as she clearly knew what Rui Wei meant.

"With your current resolve, I'm afraid that you will

once again be stuck on your cultivation path."

"...Yes." Sona replied.


They both walked out of the treasury, while Sona is mindlessly walking behind Rui Wei. lost in her own thoughts.

Rui Wei suddenly stopped on her tracks, as her brows twitched.

'Wha-- What the hell are they doing here?!'

Her talisman outside have just been destroyed.

Before entering the Dragon Temple, Rui Wei have took some measures and put a simple Eye Talisman on the Dragon Temple's entrance, the Talisman could detect the heat from the human body, similar to a sensor.

'Crap...' Rui Wei looked at the sleeping Ruzi on her arms then glanced over at Sona.

Especially that 9th Prince, his cultivation speed is nothing to laugh at, at the young age of 21 he have reached the 6th Rank of Mortal Realm, Then breaking through his bottleneck at the age of 23 and officially entering the realm of 'Knight'!

Her Qi has almost been depleted on binding the Scythe Artifact's soul.

Although Rui Wei have a stock of talismans on her spatial ring, and she have the confidence to escape with a bit of difficulty.


If she were to meet someone like that, it definitely wouldn't end up good.

It was just the most inconvenient time for her right now.

This Dragon Temple have only one way to enter and leave, and that was the Dragon Temple's gate, where her talisman have been crushed to pieces.

'He should only be aware that someone have successfully entered the Dragon Temple, but with no specific lead, whether the one who entered is a group or an individual. Now then, what should I do?'

Rui Wei took out several talismans such as, Clone Talisman, Mist Talisman and Mute Talisman etc.

The Talisman's have same sizes, texture and color, with the only difference being the symbols written on them.

"Hey, Sona. What rank is your stealth skill at?" Rui Wei asked Sona who was still on daze.

"Eh..? ah, I've stepped on the 'Shadow Merge' some time ago." Sona answered.

The Stealth Skill, is one of the basic skill that martial artist cultivates, it has 3 stages which are respectively ranked, Wind Step, Shadow Merge, and Phantom Walk. Most Martial Artists only cultivate their stealth skill on Wind Step, as further cultivation is just a waste of time for them. They would rather cultivate on a skill which increases their strength.

Achieving Wind Step, you'll be able to walk and move in swift movements which produces the most minimal sounds.

Shadow Merge, having one's presence completely merge within the surroundings, hiding one's presence.

While reaching the Shadow Merge, you can be considered as a high ranked assassin.

"Shadow Merge? That's good!" Rui Wei happily said as she handed a Mist and Clone talisman on Sona.

"Just a moment ago, the Talisman that I've planted outside was destroyed, and I don't think that the 9th Prince would be so kind to let us leave alive. I will try to divert the 9th Prince's attention while you activate the talismans. This one's a Clone Talisman, and Mist." She instructed Sona.

"The 9th Prince?! If I'm not wrong he should be the one that was recruited by the Heavenly Palm as a Core Disciple, just what is he doing here?" Sona muttered under her breath.

"Probably accompanying someone special for him?" Rui Wei snickered as she ripped one paper talisman, her figure started to blur, making out an hazy figure of a Palace Guard.

"That heinous, inhuman, and cold-blooded 9th Prince, accompany someone!? You must be joking, Young Mistress, Although he has demonic beauty, incredibly talented, and an Imperial Prince at that, only a handful of people have tried to offer a marriage on him--" Sona snorted.

"We'll wait them at the hall leading to the library." Rui Wei said, cutting of Sona's sarcastic remarks towards the 9th Prince.

"Yes." Sona's eyes turned serious as she activated her Qi, and positioned her body.

This time, she must apply her skills properly.

Sona threw her previous thoughts at the back of her mind, as she focused on utilizing the Stealth skill.

'Use the internal strength as the foundation, put a layer of Qi on the feet, slow my breathing to match the atmosphere, blend my slow breathing with the Qi.'

'And, wrap around a layer of Qi towards the Young Master, so he would not fall.'

Ruzi who was sleeping peacefully, smiled as he further burrowed his face on Sona's back.

While Rui Wei's figure threw talismans here and there.

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