《The Ordinary Life of Tom Nobody》6. Not In Kansas, Anymore
I just sat there for a long time without answering SCHEMA. I can’t even say that I spent the time thinking over my options; I already knew that whether I liked the way that SCHEMA had arrived or not, I had no real choice but to go on with the program. A person can’t affect change in an existing system from without, it has to come from within. SCHEMA’s invasion—call it what you will but coming to our planet and taking over without invitation was as close to an invasion as makes no difference—would cause the extermination of 3/4ths of the world’s population. They hadn’t changed an existing system, they had completely smashed it and replaced it with their own. The very scope of it was mind boggling. I couldn’t even begin to conceive of how it had been done.
One thing I knew, though, the universe as we knew it, with physical laws and limits, was over. There’s a new sheriff in town, and I had to decide whether I was going to call him out or back him up, but either way, I had to work with my brain, not with my emotions. Someone told me once when I tried to argue facts with a flat-earther that what I was doing was bound to fail, because I was bringing facts to a feelings fight. What I wanted to do now was bring feelings to a facts fight, and that wouldn’t work any better. Work smart, not hard; I had to figure out this system, use the resources it was, supposedly, freely offering before I could even think about taking it apart.
So, I’d like to think that I reasoned this all out in the time that I sat under that tree, but that’s not what I was doing. I was just existing. I noticed that the day was past its mid-point. Instead of growing hot and full of light, the sun was now somewhere overhead, blocked by the thick canopy of verdant leaves that grew full overhead. Thick, ropey vines dripped downward into the forest’s gloaming, more like eastern Oklahoma, or Arkansas than any part of Texas I’d ever seen.
Then, I noticed what had been subtly bothering me for some time, there were no animal sounds. No birds singing while they built their nests in the abundant foliage, no squirrels scolding from branches overhead, no rabbits rustling in the thick undergrowth and leafy ground cover. Not an insect chirped or buzzed unseen past my ear.
“Why are there no animals?”
[SCHEMA] The BEGINNER TUTORIAL areas are free of encroaching life forms for the protection of the USER.
SCHEMA surprised me by answering the question, I hadn’t realized that I’d spoken it aloud. Though, come to think of it, that wouldn’t stop an entity who can read minds. Yes, I was still upset and not the least bit embarrassed to be so.
“Why would you need to remove all the animals, even the insects, to protect us? I’ve been in forests before and, sure, there’s the odd feral hog, and the like, but they rarely attack humans.
[SCHEMA]: The introduction of massive amounts of MANA into a planetary system which has not evolved into such an atmosphere always has serious effects on the non-sentient population. You will discover that everything you knew about your planet’s wildlife no longer holds true. Even the most passive and harmless creatures have now or will soon become quite aggressive. Their natural defenses will in most cases be augmented, they will undergo radical changes in size, and quite often, they will develop physical and behavioral characteristics that you would consider mythical in nature.
MANA is found everywhere in the universe, SCHEMA began, answering the question I hadn’t asked, to one degree or another. This planet had, at one time, a higher concentration of MANA, and the beasts that your scientists have relegated to legend, at one time did exist. Perhaps not in every case, but even your leading scientific minds do admit that every legend has at least one grain of truth.
MANA is essential for the SCHEMA system and is a fundamental underpinning of the Greater Galactic Empire. Without it, not only will spells not work, but the technology of the Empire would cease to function. It is with MANA that the Greater Galactic Empire is able to overturn the physical laws of this universe and allows each individual civilization within the galaxy to evolve into something that can be considered not a client civilization, nor a conquered civilization, but an equal to even the Elder Races themselves. The SCHEMA system is here to help!
I didn’t miss that SCHEMA had neglected to include the word “most” before saying we could be equal to the Elder Races of the Galaxy, but I’d spent enough time letting my feelings run free. If I was going to take my own advice and start using my head instead of my heart, I’d better get started doing it. I couldn’t remember, exactly, but I had the strong impression that my heart, mine at least, if nobody else’s, was not a reliable tool for making life decisions.
Besides, I thought, I’m really starting to get hungry, and if I want to end this TUTORIAL before I starve, I’d better get off my ass and get cracking.
My stomach growled loudly in agreement.
“Okay, SCHEMA, I’ve had my little tantrum and I’m ready to begin the next part of the TUTORIAL.” Matching action to words, I stood, dusting fallen leaves and other detritus off my cheap ass homespun trousers. As I did, the trail that I had noticed before that ran from east to west began to shine with a faintly green glow in the dim light. Not all of it, only the part from where it reached the point perpendicular to where I stood and extending to the west.
[SCHEMA]: The next section of the BEGINNER TUTORIAL will be administered by system trainers who have been judged as experts in their respective fields. It is the goal of the SCHEMA system to provide only the very best in training to new USERs. Only in this way can the SCHEMA system ensure that new civilizations are properly incorporated into the Greater Galactic Civilization. WARNING! The style and content of each training session is in the exclusive control of the individual trainers! As you may be familiar with military inductee training, trainer’s methods will simulate real combat scenarios as well as employ means that can be harsh, cause physical pain, injury, and death.
NOTE! Do not worry! There is no cause for alarm! While undergoing combat training, USERs will have access to priests with healing spells as well as healing potions. Additionally, any respawn that a USER experiences during training will not be deducted from that USER’s randomly derived respawn total! The SCHEMA system is here to help!
Should you at any time have any questions, feel free to inquire of your trainers. They are here to prepare you for combat in the best way they know how and will provide adequate answers.
“Can’t you answer my questions?” I asked? Even though I hadn’t known SCHEMA before waking up in this pocket dimension this morning … heck, I didn’t even know if SCHEMA was male or female, or if it was using ‘we’ as the royal we, or if it was singular or plural. Even though I didn’t know any of this, it had readily—and at least to all appearances, openly—answered almost all of my questions without apparent rancor regardless of how it had to know I felt about it. The fact is, it had grown familiar, and, all animosity aside, I’d grown used to it.
[SCHEMA] This section of the SCHEMA system which administers the BEGINNER TUTORIAL will not take an active role in your training. You must trust your trainers, as each one has been chosen specifically for his or her task. Once your combat instruction is completed, we will speak with you again as you prepare to continue on into the CRAFTING section, or to exit the BEGINNER TUTORIAL.
Please follow the marked path to the first training area. WARNING! Do not deviate from the path! While life forms have been excluded from most parts of this pocket dimension, there are some dangerous life forms that inhabit some of this forest. These life forms are here for training purposes and should not be encountered without proper instruction. We will speak again at the end of your combat training.
And just like that, I was on my own.
- In Serial279 Chapters
Come join my Discord: https://discord.gg/d3JZYqY This is the first draft of a project that I try to update daily. A man has been reborn into a land of magic that is rife with strife, death, and war. Perhaps he can shift the world into a new age with his newfound powers and create an empire that will last the test of time.
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The Soldier
The tensions between the U.S and Zeloria are reaching a tipping point and the infant nation of Pithoria is caught in the crossfire. In order to prevent conflict, a NATO peacekeeping force comprised mainly of American and British troops is deployed to the island. One of whom is Sergeant Robin Black, who discovers that restoring peace to the island nation may prove more difficult than previously thought.
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Knights quest
EN, a being of pure immeasurable energy, tired of his lonely existence decided to create multiple universes to fulfill his wanting of love.But as time passed and these worlds advanced they grew to forget about EN....so to fill the void, EN created the nine stars...beings of pure light and with their creation they were each given two universes. As time passed each of the nine stars created five moons each.....these were beings of lesser light.....their task was to enter the universes and spread the Order and teachings of EN....as time passed the moons grew in power, which caused the stars to grow in power. This new found power caused some of the stars to question the strength of their creator,EN, however EN foresaw this, and created a being to rival any of the stars, The Black Sun, is what this being was called, and his sole purpose was to keep the stars in order. As the millenia passed the stars strength kept increasing, eventually the ones who questioned En persuaded the others to rise up against Black Sun, but they were unable to kill him, so they divided his body into six parts keeping them hidden in various worlds. Enraged even further by this, EN, placed the nine stars in a deep sleep, as he could not bring himself to kill his creations.The five strongest moons who were created by Black Sun took this chance to gather and revive The Black Sun, however before they could recover the last piece of him, the remaing moons,forty five in total, stood against them, unable to win they fled to the last remaining world, but they were out of time. So on this last remaining world they decided to spread their essence, which contained their memories and abilities so that someday they may be reborn. Years passed, before the first of the Five Great Moons had been reborn. He had awoken as a decent of one of the lesser Moons, he was known as King, a divine being task with the protection of the Ark. Now reborn as King, he retains his bodies pervious memories, to discover that the last piece of Blacksun's body is being used as the Ark, to give the knights of this world absurdly strong abilities. Hiding in plain sight as King he now waits for his chance to retake the last piece of BlackSun's body and to awake the rebirth of his fallen brothers.
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Being Frank
**Author's Note** This was my 7th attempt at writing this story. I've worked on the story since 20 years ago but my writing style and skills haven't been satisfactory to me. So after working as a digital content manager for 2 years and after a very long deliberation I've decided to drop this 7th attempt and start on my 8th attempt. This 8th attempt will be the same story but starting from a different point in the timeline of my story. Thank you for your support on this 7th try, it is only due to your reviews and comments that I have the confidence to work hard on my 8th attempt. I started on my 8th attempt with the intention that my 8th attempt will be the final one as I'm a lot more confident and content with my where my writing skills are currently at. Volume 1 In a world filled with magic, war, giants and other awesome races lives Frank. Who being Frank is somewhat of a hermit. He loves to tinker with various contraptions trying to bend the laws of magic to his will. Through his successes he has garnered some attention; unwanted attention. If only that was all there was to it. .... war is coming Volume 2 Frank was born as a normal child, born in a normal family. His father was a scientist and was busy working most days. This is also why Frank was especially excited when his father decided to take an extended holiday to travel to Asia with his family. But their trip turns out to be one from which there is no going back. Writer's notice: I will continue to participate in the NaNoWriMo every November till I finish all that I have planned to write. I expect to have this story finished in 14 years approximately.Update:I was unhappy with how I had first written the first and second volume but am leaving the editing and finishing of those volumes till later and have started on the third one. The chronological order so far is 2-1-3. Might fix that too later.
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TBATE | Lingering Flames
Living day by day, reduced to a weapon, a weapon no longer needed in a world without war. Arthur Leywin, the boy wonder, lives his days alone and searching for purpose. Time rewind fanfic of TBATE years after the events of the story, you've read one, you know what it is, just hope I can provide some quality for my first work.TurleMe owns the characters and setting, I'm simply twisting it for my amusement.That cover isn't mine either if you couldn't tell.
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Best part|| Notti Osama
"If life is a movie than ur the best part"
8 197