《The Great Conqueror》Chapter 24 - His Weakness
Wesley continued walking towards the academic building with his shoulders stooped and his head down. He really was unwilling to spend anymore time than absolutely necessary with that old monster. Very few people made Wesley deep dread and fear, and aside from his master, this old monster ranks up there.
Unfortunately for Wesley, He couldn’t drag his feet forever as he eventually reached the Academic Hall. Wesley immediately went to the second floor and headed to his first class of the day; History. Wesley was already used to how classes were located in the academy after spending a year here, so he easily found the History classroom.
Wesley immediately saw a red clothed youth sitting in the very front of the class. This youth was burly with bulging muscles showing through his shirt and a giant broadsword leaned on his table. Seeing that Kellan was already here, Wesley was somewhat delighted, he immediately headed towards the desk next to him.
"Good Morning Kellan."
Kellan immediately turned his head with his eyes half clothed and his face showing a lazy expression.
"Oh, Wesley. Good Morning."
Suddenly Wesley had a thought and spoke up with slight hesitation:
"Hey Kellan."
"What swordsmanship class are you taking?"
Kellan's face suddenly flashed with a tint of red because of embarrassment, and he started scratching his head as he replied:
"It seems I have failed last year's swordsmanship class, so I am retaking it this year."
Wesley suddenly understood that his being flunked by the second elder was not him being singled out. However, that did not make him too much at ease, he still had to spend another year with that old monster.
"Haha, it seems we'll be taking the same class together again."
"Did you fail too."
"Am afraid so, I don't know how though, we did pass the final examination after all."
"Am really not too worried about it. I always liked the second elder."
Hearing Kellan's words, Wesley couldn’t help but laugh inwardly at how nice it must be to be ignorant of someone's true nature. He wondered if Kellan would feel so comfortable with the second elder if he felt his bloodthirst like Wesley did on the first day he met him. Wesley also felt that the second elder was not evil perse, but he still he didn’t want to be too close to him after the incident on that day.
Wesley and Kellan continued talking for a while before the class started, at which point they did the customary self introduction then the teacher proceeded to speak about the importance of this class, what the students will learn, and what to expect throughout the following year.
After the allocated hour, the class ended and Wesley proceeded to his Geography class, then his Strategy and Tactics class. The periods in both of these classes were also spent student introductions and monologues from each of the teachers either praising or introducing their subjects while outlining what the students need to know.
Now Wesley had to go to his Light Magic class since Wesley has failed this class last year, however, Wesley was not looking forward to attending that class. During the ranking competition, Wesley was almost killed by the light sword of that student, at that time Wesley Found out that this third elder did not care if Wesley died or not, In fact, Wesley felt that he very much wanted it to happen, but that is simply speculation.
Even though Wesley does have some reservation regarding the third elder, he was still not going to stop attending his class because he has gained tremendous benefits from simply being there, namely his Dark Port. And as far as the third elder goes, Wesley will simply minimize interactions with him.
Wesley headed downstairs since this was a first year class. The hallways downstairs were filled with blue robed students, causing Wesley with his red cloth to stand out like a sore thumb. Wesley simply ignored the confused and sometimes condescending looks around him and headed straight to the light magic class.
What did it mean to be a second year student walking around the first floor, it meant that you have failed a class, earning you plenty of mockery a disdainful looks from the first years. Fortunetly, Wesley was always seen as a talentless faliyre, a few looks of disdain were simply not enough to get his attention.
Walking into the class, Wesley noticed that the third elder was already sitting in front of the class lecturing while all the seats were filled with blue robed students. The class had about twenty students and the seating was arranged in the usual semi-circle facing the one seat which the third elder sat on. As soon as Wesley walked in, the third elder stopped his lecturing and looked at him with a surprised look on his face for a short amount of time and then spoke in his usual monotone voice:
"Oh Wesley. I wasn’t expecting that you'll come. Usually when people fail a class, they don’t attend class."
Wesley noticed the meaning behind the elder's mocking words. He simply stood there motionless while the blue robed students started giggling and murmuring amongst themselves. Wesley didn’t pay them any mind and spoke:
"It seems I misunderstood something elder. Am I not supposed to attend?"
"Of course you can attend. But, unfortunately I wasn't counting on you attending so there are no seats available. Do you mind standing for the remainder of the period."
Wesley simply smiled as the elder spoke his words. This elder clearly disliked Wesley but Wesley always felt that denying the satisfaction of your anger to those who provoke you causes them more pain than if he responded the way they expect, he answered:
"Of course not elder."
The elder couldn’t help but feel annoyed at how composed and calm Wesley was in front of his clear provocation, but he simply spoke in a monotone voice:
"Good. Now where were we. Ah yes; the fact that there are only three basic light magic spells makes holy mages inferior to other mages. In fact that is precisely what makes light magic the strongest. It has unlimited potential....."
Wesley cared very little what others thought of him, even more of what those he disliked thought of him, so he didn’t mind standing there. But more than the elder's insult, something else caused Wesley to frown.
The third elder's lecture was the exact same one he gave on Wesley's first day of taking this class. This meant that he was planning on reteaching everything like he did last year, meaning that Wesley won't be learning anything new.
Wesley deeply cared about his time so he was not too keen at the prospect of listening to the exact same things he heard last year, but he decided to listen for a short while to ascertain whether this elder would truly teach the exact same things as last year. After more than half hour of listening to the third elder's lecture, Wesley was convinced that it was the exact same thing he heard on his first day, hence verifying his suspicion.
Now that Wesley was sure that this third elder was going to teach the same things as last year, Wesley had no more reason to remain in this class so he immediately walked out. Wesley was not one to disrespect others, but Wesley's attitude towards someone was reflective of the person's attitude towards Wesley.
Seeing Wesley walk out of the class without taking his leave from him like a student must from his teacher, the third elder couldn’t help but frown. This was the second time Wesley has turned his back to him, and just like last time, the third elder felt his annoyance increase. Wesley, on the other hand, didn’t care what this elder thought anymore.
Wesley immediately walked towards the swordsmanship class to inquire about the reason behind his failing. In any other occasion, Wesley would just ignore the entire issue and go on with his life, but everytime Wesley thought back to the pressure he felt from the second elder on his examination day, Wesley couldn’t imagine spending another year being near him.
Walking in to the swordsmanship classroom, Wesley noticed that there were no students present since the earlier class has not ended yet. Only an azure robed old man with a sincere smile and half closed eyes sat in a chair that was at the front of the class.
Seeing this old man sit there, Wesley couldn’t help but feel his heart clench. Wesley stood at the entrance considering if he should leave and come back when there are more people present, but before he could even make up his mind, an amused elderly voice rung out throughout the hall.
"Oh Wesley, come come."
Hearing this voice, Wesley knew that turning back was no longer an option so he bit his lip and walked forward. While walking forward, Wesley sunconciously placed his hand on his dark sword. After getting within five feet of where the elder was sitting, Wesley bowed respectfully and spoke:
"Wesley, why have you come to class so early. I wasn’t expecting you for another half hour."
Wesley was thinking of a way to bring up his failing the class while not angering the old monster. After a short moment of silence, Wesley immediately spoke while still being respectful:
"Elder, I came early so that I can ask why you failed me and Kellan."
Wesley used Kellan's name so that it didn’t sound like he was the only one wondering why they failed. The elder simply continued looking at Wesley with his ever present smile and spoke:
"After seeing your performances at the ranking competition, I felt that you two were lacking and needed some more tutoring. That’s all."
Hearing the elder's words, Wesley couldn’t help but laugh inwardly. If he and Kellan were lacking then their entire class should've failed as well.
"Elder, is there anyway you can let me proceed to the next level."
"Out of the question. If I sent you to the next level with your pitiful skills, I would be embarrassing myself."
"Elder. You call us lacking and yet pass the other students? This is simply...."
Wesley couldn’t help but raise his voice as he felt his anger swell, but realizing that he was talking to the one person he feared most in this school, Wesley immediately stopped talking and looked at the elder to see if he was angered.
"Haha Wesley. You actually raised your voice at me, you always avoid me so I was under the impression that you were afraid, but it seems you can actually get angry. Good, good."
The second elder started laughing loudly while Wesley simply stared at him dumbfounded. Only one thought was floating around Wesley's mind; this elder might actually be crazy.
"Let me ask you Wesley, why do you really want to leave this class."
Wesley was surprised at the elder's question. Is 'I am terrified to death by you' a proper answer. Wesley thought for a moment and spoke:
"Elder, I need to improve my swordsmanship, and I can't do that if I am stuck in this first year class."
"Oh, so you feel you’ve learned everything you can from me and this class?"
Wesley knew that this was not a simple question. If he said no then he would stay here, but if he said yes then he risked offending the elder. After weighing his two options, he spoke:
"Yes Elder."
The second elder's eyes narrowed as Wesley spoke and his smile disappeared.
"Let me tell you why you really want to leave this class. On the day of you admittance examination, I pressured you alitle causing you to feel that I was dangerous to be around."
Wesley couldn’t help but curse this elder inwardly, this so called little pressure caused Wesley to feel like he could die at any moment. He even considered warping out because he was so terrified.
"Wesley, that was nothing but a probe. If I wanted to kill you, then you wouldn’t even have time to think...."
As the second-elder said those words, a tremendous, invisible pressure descended on Wesley. This pressure was so intense that Wesley immediately felt that he has finally met his end. Wesley's heart started beating exceedingly fast and his blood boiled, but Wesley couldn’t even move an inch.
Wesley's entire body locked up, he knew that staying there meant death, but he also believed that moving would also lead to his death. Wesley immediately decided to use his Dark Port, but to his surprise, even though he had his hand on his sword, he simply couldn’t circulate any mana.
Wesley simply stood there with a fearful look on his face as his face was drained of any semblance of blood and his forehead was filled with sweat. He simply stared at the second elder who was casually sitting in his chair as if he was the king of death staring at an ant.
"As for learning everything I have to offer, you simply have no idea. I could kill you two dozen times before you even realize you're dead."
Hearing this, Wesley felt something cold press against his neck. Wesley fearfully and hesitantly turned his eyes from the second elder and looked downwards only to see a five feet long, green bladed, longsword floating magically midair, with its tip already on his neck.
Wesley was startled beyond compare. He was so fearful of the tremendous pressure he felt, that he couldn’t even notice that he was already standing with one foot in the grave. The second elder only looked at Wesley with an unamused look on his face.
"Let me tell you a little secret."
The second elder waved his hand and the sword that was at Wesley's throat returned to his side and floated behind him while pointing menacingly at Wesley. The elder simply continued his speaking while lessening the pressure on Wesley until it completely disappeared:
"Even though killing you is truly effortless. No one in this academy would dare to, least of all I, who is such good friends with your master."
After hearing the elder's words and felt the huge pressure was lifted, he breathed a sigh of relief. Wesley felt that he has somehow evaded death after hearing the elder's words about being friends with his master. He still wanted to ran away as far as possible, but he realized that he was simply too weak, and that id the elder wanted to kill him then he would have already died. The second elder continued talking
"Your master Rale and I were classmates in this Academy some sixty years ago, we are practically brothers. I would never harm my brother's protegee, so stop being so afraid. Also, your master's power is simply tyrannical, no one in their right mind would harm you lest they incur his wrath, although am not too afraid of him, hahaha."
Wesley was relieved at the elder's words. But he felt that something was not right, he has never performed any magic, and he always kept a low profile, so how did this elder figure out who his master was. Wesley looked at the elder suspiciously and then spoke hesitantly:
"How do you know who my master is."
Seeing Wesley's hesitant expression, the second elder couldn't help but smile and spoke with his usual amused tone:
"Haha, Rale sent a letter to the academy regarding you. But even if he didn’t do so, I would have just as easily recognized you."
Wesley started feeling uneasy, he didn’t dare believe that people could easily figure out that he was a dark mage or else his master wouldn’t have sent him here.
"Simple. Rale and I were friends yes, but we were also rivals. I have faced his magic and sword countless times. If I couldn’t recognize that that sword you carry and those techniques are his, then wouldn’t I be counted as a senile old man. Haha..."
Wesley was now somewhat at ease, but recalling the tremendous power the elder showed, he couldn’t help but sigh at how week he is. Seeing the look on Wesley's face, the elder spoke as if he could read his mind:
"You are young little Wesley. Your talent for swordsmanship is above average, and I assume your talent for magic is extremely high for you to be Rale's student. There is no need to doubt your own abilities and you absolutely must not compare yourself to old snakes, haha. But, you will still must attend my class. Right?"
Wesley immediately nodded his head. Seeing this the second elder burst out in a loud laugh and spoke:
"Good. Your talent for the sword is not bad, I will make a great swordsman out of you."
While speaking the elder suddenly raised his head and looked at the entrance to the classroom and spoke again:
"Speaking of talent for the sword, here comes someone who exceeds even you."
"Kellan, come over quickly."
Kellan who just walked in was surprised to find Wesley already there, but after hearing the elder's words, he immediately ran over. Reaching the place where the elder was, Kellan shot Wesley a smile and spoke:
"Kellan, Wesley. Now that you're both here, let me tell you the plan for this year."
"Yes Elder." They both responded.
The elder looked at both Wesley and Kellan with the praising eye of a senior. In Wesley's eyes, this elder has instantly transformed from a monstrous old man who he feared would one day end his life to a revered senior whose power was enough to plant the seed of admiration in his heart. Wesley was still but a youth in his early years, and all children shared the love and admiration of powerful figures.
"Now the two of you are already second year students so you wont have to participate in the regular class. However, everyday, after the regular class is over and the first years leave, the two of you will remain behind for special lessons."
The second elder emphasized on the 'special lessons' bit with an eerie smile on his face. this caused both Wesley and Kellan to feel ominous thoughts surface in their minds. Wesley truly trusted this elder since he was his master's friend, he also respected him for his strength, but his heart still trembled at the thought of this elder's special lessons.
The second elder continued speaking while Wesley and Kellan simply stood there and listened. The elder talked about how their performance at the ranking competition was simply unsattidafactory and how they would help him teach the first years.
After almost ten minutes, the bell signifying the end of the period rung. This meant that the first years would be heading towards class about now.
"Wesley Kellan, the two of you stand behind me, those little first years are coming soon."
"Yes elder."
Both Wesley and Kellan immediately stood behind the elder's seat with Wesley on his right and Kellan on the left.
Hola guys. I have some things i want to ask you all.
First, This school arc is getting so long, i feel like am reliving my school days all over again, tell me if you would rather have me go on like this for a while or if you would prefer some coiling dragon quality time-skips.
Second, Do you guys feel like Wesley's age is somewhat uncharacteristic of his actions.I made him young because i have so much planned, and i don't want to waste too many years with hm just doing childish things. so tell me what you feel. Should i slow down Wesley's development, or are you guys willing to pretend that the development of children in this world is simply different than ours. Screw you Piaget and your stages of cognitive development.
Just leave a quick comment, i don't know how to do polls, so we'll just do it like our forefathers did it.
Anyway, enjoy and hasta tarde.
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