《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 22: Questionable Bonding Methods
The Guild was in the lounge the day before the game, waiting for George and Fred to come back from visiting their eldest brothers. Bill and Charlie had visited a couple of times but began avoiding the place when they saw Draco's parents, so the twins decided, much to their displeasure, to go and visit instead. Harry still remembered the day they had visited the Weasleys in their tent and it had been a bizarre experience he was not planning to repeat. He had, therefore, decided not to accompany them, but Luna and Daphne went with them. They were relaxing after a delicious lunch when Ares popped in looking grave. Everyone was on immediate alert at his unexpected arrival.
“Sir, Mister Ragnok has important news and asked me to pop you into the bank,” the little elf informed.
“Let's go, then. I will tell you all what happened when I come back,” he told the others and held the hand the elf was offering.
The next second, Harry looked around and noticed he was inside Ragnok's office instead of the security area, which meant that whatever had happened was urgent. He looked around the room and spotted the goblin talking with a curse-breaker. A deep frown was set into his face.
“Evening, Ragnok. What happened?” he interrupted the conversation and announced himself.
“It's good you arrived so soon, Harry. Let me introduce you to Evgenia Adams. She is our best analyst. Evgenia, Harry is one of our best clients and friend of my people. Let's take a seat before starting,” the goblin said and gestured towards the couches.
“So, I guess this has to do with the Dark Mark,” the boy commented after nodding at the woman.
“Indeed. We managed to break it down to its basic composition and the results are interesting,” the woman began and looked at Ragnok for approval to continue. “You were right with your idea of it being based on the Asian Empire Royal Family seal. Through exhaustive investigation, we discovered that Voldemort had tried to recruit in the country; however, the emperor was not pleased. His Death Eaters were used as a public example of why no one messed with the empire and he barely escaped with his life. During his stay, he discovered the guards were able to communicate without words or signals and kidnapped one to discover the reason. The guard committed suicide before they could even try to torture him, but he discovered the Mark on his body and, ever since, has been trying to re-create it. We believe he got the basic information on the black market in Russia and Slovenia because the basic rune array has their typical runes,” the woman explained and handed him a folder with multiple diagrams and information.
“That's what they managed to discover, but there is one key factor that he believed was the Mark's strength which, in reality, is its biggest weakness,” Ragnok said, allowing the woman to organize her ideas.
“The Mark is based on parselmagic, which means that the only thing a person needs to remove it or even manipulate it is the talent and a residue from Voldemort's magic signature. The thing is that the Mark was created to summon more Death Eaters using his basic magical signature,” she said with a satisfied smirk at his surprised expression.
“In essence, the only thing we need is a parselmouth,” Harry concluded and the woman nodded. “Is it possible to track him using the Dark Mark?"
"We are working on it, but the problem is that we would track all the hints of where he had used magic, not where his actual body is,” she denied and he sighed. It was worth a try.
"Nevertheless, this is great news. I am learning parselmagic, but I believe I'm not qualified for the task. However, I have two parselmouths working in the reserves; I can ask one of them to aid you,” he offered and the woman gaped at him for his casual revelation. "We have to look at ways of manipulating it first, if we are able to do so, we can trap all the Death Eaters, and then dear Tom has no more followers."
“That's the idea and the help would be appreciated. Lucius Malfoy has already offered himself... It seems he really has left Voldemort's side. He's making subtle but important moves in the Ministry to block him."
“Good to know. I will send Mars to the reserves to see if one of the parselmouths is willing to offer his services, under an unbreakable vow or magical contract, of course."
“Excellent. Send me a letter when you receive a response. Now, I believe you must go back before Miss Elizabeth gets too inquisitive,” Ragnok suggested and Harry huffed.
“Of course. Miss Adams, it was a pleasure to meet you. It's always good to see you, Ragnok. Thank you for telling me so soon. Mars!” he called, and an elf popped in within a second. “Thank you for coming. First, I wanted to ask you to take me to the tent, then, if you are willing, to deliver an important letter to Jiwoo and Junichi."
“I have no problems doing so."
“Thank you. Now, let's go,” Harry said and nodded to the other two people in the room as a farewell.
When he arrived at the tent, he walked towards his room, ignoring all the concerned people that were following behind. He got parchment, his fountain pen, and began writing. Once he finished the letters, he dripped the wax on the envelope, and imprinted his family coat of arms, he handed it to Mars, who left with a pop.
"What happened?” asked his sister. Harry was surprised at how much self-control she had shown.
“Remember that I hired Gringotts analysts to examine the Dark Mark? They had some results. It was indeed based on the royal family's Mark,” he announced and Hwasa's eyes narrowed in anger. “However, he does not have the original version and committed many mistakes while creating it. The Mark was made for a parselmouth to use, any parselmouth,” he commented and everyone in the room understood the implication.
“So you will be able to remove it and even manipulate it,” Daphne concluded with a smirk.
“Not me, but an experienced parselmouth certainly will be able. I sent letters to the two I know of to see if one is willing to accept. If not, I'm going to ask help from your grandfather,” he told the Asian girl and she nodded.
“In comparison, our day was tame,” Fred commented, chuckling.
“Did your mother give you any troubles?"
“She tried to, but our little Ronnikins exploded at last. She was trying to blame us for his grades and he was there. He started yelling at her about how it was 'his own damn fault',” George told them with a wide smile.
“It seems that, finally, our little brother has begun to understand that, in real life, wishing is not enough to make something a reality. Bill and Charlie spoke with ickle Ronnikins after he gave you an attitude the day we visited. He wants to be an Auror or a professional Quidditch player. They told us he almost had a heart attack when he discovered you have to actually study,” Fred laughed and leaned on Daphne, who elbowed him none too gently and he retreated, looking offended.
“Charlie laughed at how pale Ronnikins went when they told him that, to be an Auror, you need O's in Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Transfiguration. After hearing that, he decided to be a professional Quidditch player. Too bad Bill popped his bubble."
“He told him that you need eight O's in your NEWTs to be accepted in a professional team, and that most players hold other jobs unless their team was among the best."
“So, our dear brother had a breakdown. He decided that, if that is the case, then he would do both because either way, he needs to study."
“I don't know whether he's motivated or utterly defeated,” Hwasa commented and most of them chuckled.
The next day, Harry woke up earlier than usual and decided to take a walk as a warm-up before exercising. He almost groaned when he got out of bed, but he knew there was no way for him to fall asleep again. Then he got ready to go out. He enjoyed the peaceful silence that suffused the tent. He was walking towards the end of the hall when he heard something crashing inside a room. He reacted instinctively and opened the door with his wand ready. The sight that greeted him was not what he expected and he sighed in exasperation. Of course, it had to be the room belonging to one of the most rambunctious human beings on Earth. Hwasa was in bed, petting her tiger and looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I apologize for barging in the way I did. I heard something crashing and thought someone had managed to break in,” he explained, feeling utterly frustrated and perhaps a bit embarrassed. What would his mother say if she knew that her only son was invading someone's bedroom?
“Did someone ever tell you that you're a bit too paranoid?"
“I will pretend you didn't ask that. What happened?"
“Yoko thought my reading lamp would make an excellent toy,” she sighed and pointed at the broken lamp in the floor.
“I cannot believe you're awake so early. Were you unable to sleep?” Harry asked in curiosity. So far, he had never seen the girl out of her room before ten.
“Nope, I tend to wake up early, but I like staying in bed and reading,” she shrugged. “You seem ready to go out. Did something happen or do you just want to clear your head?"
“The latter; this forest is peaceful and I want to see the sunrise."
“And here I thought you were allergic to it,” she joked with an impish grin. “Mind if I join you?"
“Not at all. I'm eager to see the princess out of her room early for a change,” he said and avoided the pillow she threw at him.
"Wait for me in the living room,” she ordered and he left before being kicked out.
Harry sat down and prepared himself for a long wait. His experience with Elizabeth was enough to know that he would miss the sunrise; perhaps he could try and see it tomorrow... Much to his surprise, not even five minutes later the girl arrived and he had to contain a smile at her appearance. He was used to seeing her with immaculate makeup and perfect clothing, thus the sight of her wearing colourful sweat pants that seemed to be made of fluffy material and an oversized sweater while she dragged a thick, multicolour blanket amused him. Her hair was loose, for a change, and he was surprised by how long it was. If he complained about his hair, and it only reached his chin, he had no idea how she managed to survive with hers.
“So this is why you don't get out of bed before ten?” he asked, unable to resist the temptation to tease her.
“It's because I get cold,” she muttered and wrapped her blanket around her.
He smiled at the amusing sight and began walking. They did not speak and he enjoyed the comfortable silence. He used his wand as torch until they arrived at a high place, perfect for seeing the first light of the day. Hwasa plopped down on the ground and he followed her example with a little more grace. Both of them waited to speak until the sun began to appear on the horizon.
“I think a bit of sun exposure is worth the sight,” he commented in a soft voice.
"Will you tell me the real reason why you allowed me to join you?”
“I would ask how you knew, but I'm just going to assume you're a seer,” he deadpanned, containing his frustration at the perceptive girl.
“Seeing me out of my room before ten is not a decent motivation for you to do something,” she shrugged. Her logic was on point, so he stayed silent.
“You know I have been researching about the Dark Mark... For a while I have been wondering about the one that belongs to the royal family,” he explained. She turned to look at him, her intense dark eyes meeting his own, but he refused to look down.
“You want to make your own,” she concluded. Her gaze did not falter and he believed his theory of her being a seer was perhaps right.
“You're too perceptive,” he muttered and gave up, looking back at the horizon.
“For your own good,” she retorted and silence descended once again. “It's not simple to create one and the intent while applying it is essential. I'm not allowed to reveal information about ours, but I can tell you this: although they are based on runes, the design is pivotal and only the ones who are willing are able to receive it” she whispered after a while.
“I will keep it in mind, though I'm surprised you haven't murdered me yet."
"Why should I? Marks are not inherently evil; everything depends on how you use them. I know that you would give your life for your friends and are trying to find ways of protecting them. Someday, you will realize that it isn't possible to be Atlas all the time, but at the moment you're doing your best,” she said and he had no answer to give her.
He realized with sardonic amusement that he always ended up having this kind of conversation with the girl. Though he appreciated being able to let himself loose, he was perturbed at how much she knew about him. However, he also had information about her in case she ever turned against him. His thoughts were turning in a gloomy direction until something ice-cold was placed on his neck, making him react with a startled jump.
“You weren't listening to me,” the girl shrugged when an accusatory glance was directed at her.
"What did you put on my neck?” he asked with weariness.
“I told you I tend to get cold,” she answered and his eyes widened.
Overwhelmed with curiosity and perhaps a bit worried, he took one of her hands. He blinked when he noticed that they were indeed gelid. How someone could manage that, he had no idea, although it seemed the mental health of the girl was not the only thing he should worry about. He began casting the most potent heating charms he could muster on her clothes for her to regain a normal temperature. Harry was sure that if the princess managed to get sick Elizabeth was going to kill him.
"Why didn't you cast heating charms before going out?” he demanded to know.
“I did, but I still manage to get cold,” she pouted.
“Pouting won't make you any less guilty."
“But it will make you less grumpy. You're worse than a grandmother."
“Excuse me if I don't consider hypothermia the best way of starting a day. Let's get going before you catch a cold,” he retorted and helped her to stand up for them to go back.
“I would like to say how thankful I am for your concern regarding my health, but I know better,” she retorted and he grinned.
They walked back and Harry was feeling exasperated at the girl, hoping she really did not catch a cold. Elizabeth would be insufferable if she did and he did not even want to think about what Aunt Eleadora would say. He observed her steps with attention, in case she managed to trip; he was not willing to risk his integrity because of her clumsiness. When they arrived at the clearing they were camping in, he let out a breath of relief. Somehow they had arrived with no further incidents and he thanked whatever deity had taken pity on him. Most of the Guild was already outside, stretching. He noted with amusement Theo's blush and Adrian's intense gaze at the sight of the girl beside him. It seemed she had managed to capture the attention of more than one.
“Do you wish to join us?” he asked Hwasa, but his frown showed that even if she agreed he would not allow her to.
“Nope, I will go back to bed. Enjoy yourselves!” she exclaimed and went inside the tent.
“Ella!” Harry called his personal elf and ignored the curious eyes.
“Master calls,” the little one said with a toothy grin.
“I did. Thank you for coming so soon. Hwasa just went inside; she was cold so offer to make her something warm. If you could examine her subtly to detect if she managed to get sick, I would be really thankful,” he told his elf and she nodded.
“I will!” she nodded and left with a pop.
Harry looked at Daphne, who was raising an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. There was only so much he could take during the day and the previous hour had been far too eventful for his liking. He started jogging and the others copied his example.
Lucius Malfoy woke up feeling rested. He watched his wife sleeping beside him and smiled. The day he had decided he would put his family before the Dark Lord had been the moment his life had improved. Narcissa and he recovered the deep bond they once had and, although it had been hard to get close to his son, now they shared a better relationship than they ever had. There was no doubt in his mind that he had made the right decision. He walked towards the dining room after getting ready for the day. Sirius was at the entrance and he approached him.
“It's good to see you up so early, for a change,” he greeted, but the man ignored him and kept looking outside. Allowing his curiosity to rule, he did the same and controlled his expression at the sight in front of him.
Draco and his friends were exercising. He had heard about their routine, but had dismissed it until now. Magical people seldom exercised, if at all. He considered it a waste of time that only masochists took pleasure in, but it was a recreational activity nonetheless. It seemed he would need to re-evaluate his ideas. The teenagers were all red in the face and sweating, but kept pushing themselves to continue doing painful-looking movements.
“They're nuts,” Sirius hissed under his breath and he found himself agreeing.
“I didn't imagine them doing this every day."
“They said they would take it easy... I hope Amelia or Moody never see this, otherwise, they will find an excuse to up the Auror training,” he groaned.
“I am glad not to be in your shoes,” Lucius commented, “Anyway, did Moody accept the job as the new Defence teacher?"
“Nah, he's happy to train the recruits. According to him, they are the best bunch he's seen in his life,” the man huffed in indignation. "Who were the other candidates?"
“There was this Bulgarian, but I vetoed him. The man was a blood purist and there were possibilities of him joining the Dark Lord. The other option is taking Aurors on medical leave, but I know Dumbledore won't agree to have an Auror in the school because, that way, it will be easier to hide his mistakes. The last option is that the old man finds one of his allies he believes can teach and hire them,” Lucius explained.
“So he will hire someone he believes he can trust. Another year with an incompetent teacher awaits the kids... I wish this one would be at least useful; the Tournament will be harsh and they need to learn if they want to survive."
“I tried my best to try to prevent it, but that idiot Fudge is set on gaining popularity."
“Yeah, he invited us to sit with him, but we declined. I guess you did the same, so he's panicking about losing support. Especially now that Rita Skeeter turned into a reliable reporter and is exposing every dirty deed she finds out about."
“She is, though I admit that the new newspaper is on another level. I enjoy it more than the Prophet."
"Who doesn't?” Sirius asked and kept watching the teens exercise.
The Guild followed their usual schedule until the early hours of the evening, where they rested instead of duelling. Because of Luna's premonition, Harry decided to take a few personal precautions to protect his people. Taking advantage of the excess of acromantula silk, he asked the elves to create battle robes for them, enchanting the clothes with all the protective spells they could manage. It had taken them more than half a year to have the final product ready, but he admitted being pleased with the results. They were his favourite shade of green, a dark emerald, which was lined with Dyneema on the inside. They had many inside pockets, each one of them for a defined reason: storage, different kind of potions, balms, an extra wand, and a long knife.
However, his favourite features were the basilisk hide body armour and a featureless mask made with graphene and covered in bucky paper. The body armour would offer them extra protection and contained its own pockets in case the robe was somehow ripped. The mask was a last-minute addition - he had forgotten that the face was one of the most vulnerable parts of the body - and was inspired by modern Muggle armour. On the outside, it looked a dark grey blank slate, with no orifices or marks that differentiated one from the other. On the inside, it resembled crystal and did not impair the one wearing it. Besides, it contained charms that simply stuck it and prevented it from moving or falling. He had ordered his security elves to have their own made by the experts, using the same materials, and sent Ragnok the specifications of his protection gear for him to implement it with his people. He obtained the most resistant materials from the Muggle and magical worlds for this project, and he hoped it was enough in case the worst-case scenario occurred.
They were talking in the entrance lounge when Amelia Bones arrived, followed by three Aurors. Sirius went to greet his girlfriend like the besotted mutt he was, embracing her in a hug that she reciprocated for a brief moment, before pushing him away. Harry had no idea why the woman was here, but he worried when Luna's dreamy expression turned to a blank one. The boy signalled for Blaise to watch over Luna and he nodded.
“Excuse our sudden arrival, but we were ordered to escort you,” Amelia announced, looking apologetic.
“Let me guess: the Minister is trying to impress me because I rejected his offer,” Harry guessed. A scarred man laughed at his statement.
“Good lad! That's exactly what the idiot is trying. Alastor Moody,” the man introduced himself.
“It's a pleasure. Sirius complains about you so much that I have wanted to meet you for a long time. Thank you for torturing my godfather,” he said and the man laughed while the other adults tried to hide their own amusement.
“See what I told you? Evil: that's what he is. He got too much of Lily,” Sirius complained to his girlfriend, who was smirking.
"Whatever. Let's get going. The Minister wants us to distract you so he has time to speak with you before the game, so we want to arrive as soon as possible because we all know that the coward won't approach your box,” Amelia ordered with a bright smile.
The whole group followed her, except for Eleadora and Narcissa, who decided to stay behind because neither of them enjoyed the game. Harry watched both women in envy because he would have stayed behind if he was not so worried about a possible attack.
Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
Petunia Dursley was making breakfast in the kitchen, thinking about how much she hated her actual situation. The day the freaks came back to her life was when everything began coming down in her perfect world. Vernon was freed sooner because of good conduct, but that did not improve their lifestyle. Her husband had lost weight and looked to have also lost his will to continue with living. Grunnings had rejected his appliance and he was unable to find any job. If this continued, she knew that they would have to leave her house and find a cheaper place, but it would not be so bad because the neighbours had used their hard times as main conversation topic and she was getting tired of it. While she had once enjoyed gossiping, now she understood what it felt to be the victim of it and she did not like it in the least.
The other problem was her son.
Dudley had been forced to attend therapy for his behaviour and many things had changed. Her son began being cold with her when he learnt what violence was, understanding that his family had been abusive towards a cousin that he barely remembered, but decided that he was family nonetheless. Dudley never spoke with her, but she was not blind. Petunia noticed that he became an excellent student that also had an outstanding performance in different sports. She saw how much mail from boarding schools he had been receiving... Her son was planning to leave and there was nothing she could do to keep him close. When Vernon came back home the situation got even worse, if that was possible.
“Good morning,” her soon greeted in a robotic voice and began looking in the freezer.
“I am making breakfast, dear, it will be ready soon,” Petunia said with as much gentleness as she could put in her voice.
“I have football practise and I need real food. We are going to have lunch with the team and then I have wrestling practise,” he said without looking at her and began putting different vegetables and fruits in the blender.
“At what hour will you be back?” she sighed, hurt by his indifference.
“I don’t know, seven at most. If you want, you can speak to the trainers,” he shrugged.
“I don’t think it will be necessary, you have become into a responsible young man,” she gushed.
“Not thanks to you,” her son muttered and she pretended not to hear.
“Good morning,” Vernon said looking tired. “I see you are up early Dudley, I have been planning to go and visit Marge one of these days, what do you say?” her husband offered but Dudley remained stoic.
“No, thanks, I am entering a competition and don’t have time,” he answered and Vernon deflated. “I’ll get the mail.”
“He has changed so much,” Vernon muttered when their son left.
Dudley came back a few minutes later, carrying his backpack and the mail, which he left on the table and finished his drink. He washed the blender and left the kitchen, they heard the door closing and Petunia sighed. The indifference from her son hurt more than she ever imagined. The sound of Vernon throwing the newspaper away caught her attention and she picked it up. Her face went white at the sight of the headlines, ‘Harry Potter: Rich Young Genius’.
Her blood began boiling as she read that ridiculous thing and she ended up ripping it. How dare he?! How did the freak manage to graduate so early, especial university and important research, as if! She knew the brat was a freak, just like her sister before him; it had to be false... She tried to hide her resentment, that brat somehow managed what she always wished and it seemed Lily enjoyed to see her suffer even after death. She was not even alive and yet she continued being better! Petunia submerged herself in anger. It seemed that she would never be free from the shade from her freak of a sister!
Omake: The Struggles of Being the Best Friend of an Idiot
Amelia Bones was a pragmatic woman who believed in equity above anything else. In her opinion, a person's worth depended on their actions. That was why she was so gentle with Sirius Black when he joined her department and began speaking with her. At first, she thought it was a way for him to show his gratitude at the support she had provided in ensuring he had a fair trial but, as they got closer, she realized it was another very different thing. He was searching for approval.
She did not miss the way he spoke about that best friend of his, Remus Lupin. For a long time, they were at odds, but she would never forget his goofy grin when they met after the two had reconciled. She would never forget how enthusiastic he was when he told her the two of them were going to move into a small house. He had been so happy when she had helped him pick the furniture and choose the new colours and decorations. She would never forget the time he limped for a whole week, blaming sadistic elves, but that did not fool her. Amelia knew the truth about the man who had become her best friend. Sirius Black was in love with Remus Lupin. She understood why they did not want to make the relationship public, and the fact that both of them were males had nothing to do with it. Sirius' partner was a werewolf and he was a Black; any child they decided to blood-adopt in the future would become a target for public disapproval.
She scowled at this thought; both of them looked so happy together and had experienced such hardships that they deserved a peaceful future. A firm knock on the door shook her out of her musings. The dark-haired man she had been thinking about opened the door and walked in, showing how close they were by entering without waiting for authorization. He was looking nervous and an amused Remus Lupin was following the man.
“Ehm, morning. This is Remus Lupin, though you already know him...” the man blurted and she smiled. It seemed her friend had decided to finally tell her about his boyfriend.
“Hello, Remus. Please take a seat. You are about to have a heart attack, so calm down Sirius,” she ordered the anxious man.
“I have to tell you something... Well, you know... We're good friends; we spend all of our time together and... Moony is also my friend, and that is why... But you... I,” the man blabbered and she chuckled in amusement, deciding to help him.
“I know what you're trying to say. I'm happy you told me at last; you aren't as subtle as you think you are,” she smiled at both men, who looked surprised.
“You know? But I didn't... You agree?” Sirius asked, fidgeting on his chair.
“Of course I do!” she exclaimed with a wide smile that he reciprocated. “I'm so happy you finally told me you're dating Remus!” she said. Sirius' smile faltered, and his expression turned into a grimace.
“I beg your pardon, but you think I'm dating this idiot?” a bewildered Remus asked, not knowing whether he should be amused or offended, while Sirius was frozen in his place.
“Of course you are. Don't you try to fool me, you live together,” she deadpanned.
“He's my best friend,” Remus stated with a raised eyebrow.
“Remember the time I went to visit you? Don't tell me you were exercising,” Amelia puffed.
"We were! I swear we were! I was using the Muggle running thing that Lily enchanted. I swear it was nothing else!” Sirius exclaimed, breaking out of his shock.
“Of course you were, and what about the time you limped for a whole week but had the widest smile on the world?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“You think him and me... No! We didn't! I managed to prank Eleadora for the first time, but she handed me to the elves for target practice! Nothing happened between us!” Sirius exclaimed while Remus chortled in pure amusement.
“You were the one who told me about your school days and how you played around. Attractive, defined muscles, sexy scars... Not hard to know who it was,” she puffed with a smile.
“It was school! Everyone experiments in school! It was only a few times!” the man moaned with his face turning a hot pink.
“Sexy scars... I need therapy,” Remus muttered, his amusement forgotten.
“Please! You were so happy when I was helping you get your new house ready for both of you to live in,” Amelia said, no longer amused by her friend's antics.
“That's because I'm in love with you!” Sirius exclaimed in frustration and proceeded to bury his face in his arms.
"What did you do to him?” she asked Remus after a brief moment, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“I did nothing to the idiot. For your information, we are not together, heaven forbid that ever happens, and everything he said is true. He really is in love with you; he realized it a few weeks ago and has been trying to confess. He was driving me crazy, so I came here to tell you... Did you really think we were a couple or are you an excellent prankster?” Remus asked and she raised an eyebrow.
“Do you really need to ask?"
“I guess not, but please accept him. He is really in love with you."
“Perhaps I will give him a chance... That is if he isn't broken,” Amelia sighed and gestured to Sirius, who was muttering to himself.
That was the day Remus Lupin obtained loads of blackmail material against Sirius Black, but he admitted being perturbed by the idea Amelia had about his relationship with his best friend... After a brief moment, a sudden realization hit him and he groaned in utter frustration. So that was why Eleadora gave them that 'special oil' and why Harry kept giving them matching clothing. He sighed. Being the best friend of an idiot was not as easy as most people thought.
- In Serial41 Chapters
Era Of The Kobold
Era of the Kobold Returning July Third! Hi there! Thought I forgot about this series, didn't you? In all seriousness, I am sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been really busy with other things, mainly my education. However, once July hits and I get the time needed to write, I'll be continuing EotK where we left off. It'll be the regular one chapter a week at least, though I'll try to post more frequently for that month. Hopefully you all have been doing well! I'll see you in July. Synopsis: All he wanted was to spend his life gaming. Samuel was an absolute nerd when it came to video games, RPGs especially. He'd play them all day, rarely leaving his house, or even his room for that matter. His peaceful days were sadly ended before he even finished college, however. Despite his expectations, he finds himself reincarnated in a new world as a Kobold. He must now live a hard life as a weak creature that tends to die young and is seen as a monster. How will he manage in this new life and what will he do with it? The rate of publishing will slow down, as I focus on my education.
8 164 - In Serial47 Chapters
Keepers of the Neeft
The Indigo Empire has conquered half the world’s nations, their people, and their gods. According to its citizens, old and new, the rest of the world will follow. In the capital of the Throne-home, the Imperial Academy produces the next generation of great leaders to drive that expansion. Cadryn Bence knows he will be one such leader, he’s overcome his common birth, mixed heritage, and every other obstacle to be the top of his class. He dreams of glory on the southern front against the Gravanik States. He will not be finding it. Instead, if the glory he expects. Far to the north, lies the unassumingly named North-Eastern Extreme Frontier Tower, a backwater post if ever there were one. Through the machinations of the Emperor’s state religion, and a cult within it, Cadryn will find himself on his way to this first assignment. On the frontier, Cadryn will discover that neither his campions, nor the Neeft itself, are what he expects. Follow Cadryn on his journey to discover many truths: about himself, about the Empire, and about the very world he call home. ****** Keepers of the Neeft is a (bit dark) fantasy story revolving around Cadryn and his journey of discovery. There’s a fairly wide cast of supporting characters (his fellow Keepers) all with their own reasons and motivations behind how they came to be at the Neeft. Current release plan is to have part 2 completed, then fully edit up till the end of part 2. I am in the process of editing the earlier content as I complete the updates/re-writes. Apologies for any rough content in the meantime. My primary objective with Keepers of the Neeft is to work on developing content flow and establishing a community of people who enjoy my writing style. I write SF/F and horror as my primary genres, Keepers is actually my 3rd novel length work, but my current project. Updates of new Content will currently be in the form of one larger post on Tuesdays.
8 160 - In Serial126 Chapters
Urasaria Academy [LGBT]
After the end of the Cold War, superpowers taking the form of bacterial colonies on one's heart begin appearing around the world. A new class of law-enforcing "hosts" is established over the next decades, given legal immunity to deal with violent criminals however they choose. In modern day, Mia Schultz is a young socially awkward lesbian. She's attacked by an unknown man and given the power to control a swarm of fire scarabs named Worldwide, and as she begins her new job at Urasaria Academy, she's soon pulled in to a mystery on Worldwide's true origins. A strong focus on character development and superpowered fights. This story is a first draft in the process of being finalized. August 11th, 2020: Year One has been rewritten! You may need to restart your chapter; I apologize, but it's far better now. Optional Year 1 summer arc + Year 2 rewrite coming Soon (TM).
8 97 - In Serial12 Chapters
Modern Superpower In Another World
A modern military superpower in another world and their minister of defence is a loli?
8 180 - In Serial18 Chapters
My Vampire Lover
The vampire group, called Voltron, meets a human, Y/n. A member from the vampire group, the Galra, has taken an interest in Y/n. Keith and Y/n fall in love, but Y/n and Voltron learn something about Y/n that leaves everyone in shock. Y/N uses pronouns they/them, so anyone can be y/n. Keith Kogane x Reader
8 212 - In Serial9 Chapters
Leaving Forks after the fiasco with Bella the Cullen family head to stay at their cousins, the Denali coven in Alaska. Stumbling upon a secret lake Emmett is drawn in by a singing voice, learning the truth about mermaids. Please note that this is an Emmett/Oc/Rosalie fic. I own nothing but the mermaids and their storyline, everything else belongs to Stephanie Meyers.
8 144