《Heart of the Forest (Hiatus)》Chapter 9


Lots of tables in this chapter.

While going back, It occurred to Luke that he should have taken the dead wolves bodies. Their skin would make excellent leather at the same time that they provided more meat than a dozen rabbits. Besides wolves aren’t cannibalistic so they shouldn’t mind...

‘Well, mI would probably lose any favourable opinion I have if I asked’ thought Luke.

Suddenly, he heard noises coming from behind. They were very soft and intermittent. It looked looked something that wanted to go unnoticed and stopped after advancing a few meters. Hearing carefully, he sensed another fainter noise following the first. Luke turned around and saw a small pup being stalked by one of the elites. The young wolf had dark fur. It took a couple of steps forward, stopped, looked back at the other wolf, sniffed the ground and air and advanced a few more steps. The pup repeated this process several times until it saw Luke watching its actions closely. Then it barked excited (it was more like a yip than a bark) and ran all the way up to Luke’s feet. The wolf rubbed its head against his ankle, playfully biting his pants and leg. The mother (because there was no doubt that the elite was the pup mother) watched tenderly the pup’s shenanigans.


A young wolf had seen your courage and skill in battle and has decided to adventure with you. His Alpha had a debt of blood with you for actions in defense of the pack. As such, he allowed the young wolf to leave the pack to travel and train with you.


Further interactions with the pack and the young wolf may influence the young wolf will to travel and loyalty to you.

Luke was surprised by the notification. Realizing some of its possible consequences, he was seriously tempted to refuse. However, by the behaviour shown by the pup, he believed his opinion didn’t matter. After all, the blue pop-up didn’t mention a subservient type of relationship, but a bond between equals.

Luke crouched down extending his hand towards the pup as a sign of acceptance. The black eyes of the wolf stared at Luke’s soul through his brown eyes and Luke stared at the wolf’s in return. After a few seconds that seemed like ages, the bond was established.


You have entered a bonded relationship with a young wolf. Both of you grow stronger through the bond and will continue to do so while the connection remains. Both parts receive 10% of the other stats (minimum 1 point per stat) and the ability to understand the other needs. You receive: +1 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Dexterity, +1 Vitality, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom and +2 Luck.

‘Wow, that was totally unexpected’ thought joyfully Luke. He appeared a lot happier with taking the wolf now.

The mother watched the ‘ritual’ and when it ended it howled into the moon, the first star that had just come out and the night sky. The howl was repeated from the rest of the pack from where they were. It sounded depressed and content at the same time. Then, the elite wolf growled at Luke in warning and left. That warning sounded suspiciously like a mother hen protecting its chicks. Hell hath no fury like a mother worried about her child!

Luke picked the small animal resuming his way home. He was having trouble with how to name the pup. He couldn’t continue calling it ‘pup’ or ‘wolf’. He wanted something simple but not foolish. He didn’t know how smart the young wolf will grow to be (especially taking into account it would receive 10% of his intelligence). It would be problematic if he decided to call him something like blackie and that came back to bite him later. No, he needed a good heroic name.

‘That’s it!’ thought Luke

He grabbed the pup with both hands and put their eyes at the same height. Their noses were almost touching.

“From now on, you will be known as… Steve!”

Steve seemed excited about the name and barked at luke several times as if he was agreeing. Or, he might just have been happy with the attention.

The rest of the journey home was in a brighter mood for Luke.He couldn’t deny that he already liked Steve. Before crossing the glamour, he make sure to recognize the pup as an ally so he wasn’t affected by the ward. Then, he put him back on the ground which the young wolf took as permission to go inspect his new home. He did at least three laps around both the house and the greenhouse, sniffed every inch of ground and lastly scratched the door looking at Luke to open the door. Luke could feel his bonded emotions. He was excited about everything new and had a curiosity that could rival Luke’s own. However it seemed a little apprehensive of being too far away from Luke.


Luke opened the door and found Jack and Sarah about to have dinner. It looked like they have delayed eating waiting for him.

“Luke, where have you been? I was so worried!” said Sarah as she rushed to his side and tried to kill him by hugging.

“I was looking at a tree and felt this rotten smell…” Luke told most of the story but left a few details like the awakening of the forest as well as the full extent of the fight. He heavily minimized the skirmish and his encounter with the wolves. Sarah didn't seem to believe him, she even narrowed her eyes while he expressed the edited version, however Luke was saved of further inquiries by the cuteness most infants of the animal species radiates. It affected females intensely and seemed to block any attempt from Sarah of asking more.

She took one look at Steve and was immediately defeated by the pup. It distracted her for the whole dinner and even a little after that. The wolf was content with the attention. He also enjoyed the rabbit meat he was given.

After dinner, they continue talking for awhile. Sarah had convinced, without much effort, Jack to go to town the next day. The liked the isolated lifestyle as long as it was safe, but they no longer considered so. Besides Luke predicted this would happen as he knew both of them had family in the settlement. He told them that he wouldn't accompany them but he would enchant everything he could to give them more chances of successfully arriving and protecting themselves. After that the mood was pretty bleak so everyone retired to their rooms.

Luke tried to make a comfortable resting place for Steve. Despite his efforts the pup refused to stay anywhere but with Luke in his bed. He decided that it was a concession he could make.

Finally able to rest, he decided to read all notification that were put on hold during and after the battle. He skipped fast over the normal ones (he leveled up twice, Magic Bolt twice too and Minor Healing and surprisingly Mana Control once)

However there were several more interesting notifications:

Hidden Quest Completed!

Protect the wolf pack

A new wolf pack was created near you and is facing the life threatening danger the goblins signifies. Help them survive this ordeal so that they can grow strong in the future.


For solving the quest through your cunning +3 Wisdom +2 Intelligence

The disposition of this wolf pack is now favorable towards you.

One of the youth of the pack decided to follow you on your travels.

Increased in Nature Affinity.

Hidden Quest Completed!

Provide resources to the wolves

It isn't enough to protect them, they also need great quantities of food to develop their full potential. Gather food for the wolf pack.


For transforming a calamity into an opportunity, even though goblin meat is really chewy, +3 Intelligence +2 Wisdom

The wolf pack sees you as an ally

Increased Nature Affinity.

New Achievement Unlocked! Curiosity killed the cat but not you.

Your curiosity got yourself in troubles but your brain was able to overcome them.

+5 Intelligence

New Achievement Unlocked! At the wrong place at the right time.

Your sense of opportunity is outstanding, only surpassed by your luck. You got yourself in a tight spot and the universe provided the solution. You were smart enough to grab it.

+5 Luck

+2 Intelligence

New achievement Unlocked!

The Ancient Guardian of the Forest has noticed your actions and approved of the strength you gave the forest and its inhabitants while not obligated to do so.

+3 Intelligence

+3 Wisdom

Increased Nature Affinity.

The growth of his Intelligence and Nature Affinity made the risk of the fight worth it. He now had 50 Intelligence and 70% Nature Affinity (the affinity had reached fifty at some point, each quest gave five percent and the achievement the missing ten).

Luke decided to make the enchantments for the couple early in the morning. With a warm spot on his chest, Luke went to sleep peacefully.

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