《Dungeon Games》Chapter Twenty-Three: Cuteness overload!
August 1, 3221
Blowing out the candles of the first real birthday cake I have had in years I smiled as widely as I could. I was turning 14, and the dying words of the ‘Happy Birthday’ song still rang in my ears once I managed to blow them out finally.
I stuck my finger into the icing and licked my finger clean of the icing, grinning when Mommy whacked my hand and told me to be patient.
I couldn’t help it, it was real! No more of that nasty paste! I had been released by Dr. Fung to eat normal food, but within moderation, I took utter advantage of it. Daddy was here as well, and was laughing loudly at something Jessica’s Daddy had said and I poked my finger, with a little icing still on it on her nose!
She sputtered, and looked away from me for a moment, I frowned, she’d been acting distant lately when she came over. It made me sad, but not today! I did the same to Franny who laughed and got some on her finger and did the same to me. She also got her hand whacked by my Mommy, we both giggled while Jessica sat there with a little blush.
She had been reaching to do the same, after watching Franny get me, and Mommy had given her the ‘look’ which stopped her cold. Poor Jessica, I leaned over and pulled her into a hug, and grinned.
“That’s Ok Jessica, you’ll get icing on me sometime tonight I’m sure!”
I think Jessica blushed even harder, but she didn’t get away from my hug, progress! I didn’t know why she had started growing distant, and Franny had just looked at me like I was dense, and said it wasn’t her thing to tell.
I didn’t ask again, and was steadily working on getting Jessica to get close again, she was my best friend after all!
“Hey! Stop hogging my Cuddle Bug you two!” I giggled and Daddy gave me a big hug from behind and kissed the top of my head.
“Happy Birthday Cuddle Bug!”
I smacked his arms and got out of my chair to hide behind Jessica, and stuck my tongue out at him. “You were Late Daddy! No hugs!”
I giggled when he looked crestfallen, but he got his hug in the end after Jessica stopped blocking me. No fun! She refused to play along.
Franny, Jessica, and I had grown in the last two years as well, though Franny was the biggest change. She still wore glasses, but her once curly red hair had been beaten into submission at last, and now lay in long wavy curls down to just below her shoulder blades. It went well with her freckled complexion, and her bright green eyes. She also had big breasts! I’d gotten her size out of her, and she was a 30 D. She was really, really beautiful, and she had long legs. She tended to wear boy clothes though, like Jessica. Unlike Jessica though, Franny was never confused for a girly looking boy.
Jessica had changed to, she was about 5’5”, a full foot taller than Franny and I! She looked normal though, she was more athletic, and I’d seen her stomach, she had little half formed abs from the sports she played when not busy with Dungeon Wars. I giggled at the memory, I’d walked in on her last year when she stayed the night, and seen them. She had screamed and told me to get out. I’d tackled her and poked them.
Today she had her hair fully purple, and still wore the Vampire fang Necklace I got her for Christmas a few years ago, Franny wore the earrings I gave her as well, though not as often. Jessica was lean, where Franny was fully feminine, and because she liked to dress in baggy black tripp pants, short hair, and loose fitting shirts, people thought she was a boy, she had tiny breasts, like me. I grinned watching her and Franny talk while I dealt with my heart broken Daddy, patting his head and hugging him again.
I had grown as well, I was 4’5” like Franny, though Mommy was sure we would grow more, we were still young. I didn’t mind as much. I liked being short. I was petite though, and I’d grown my platinum blonde hair down to my butt. It was the only thing I could change for the longest time, so I did. Length wise at least. My breasts had started forming, and I had gotten a little curvy, according to Mommy. I didn’t really see it, and aside from Franny and Jessica I had no other comparisons.
Well, Mommy, but that seemed unfair for me. Mommy was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen afterall. As it was, I put myself as the last in looks to my friends. I was shy, and passive where they were more active. I hoped I could get over that when I got to go to school next year!
We ate the cake, when Mommy finished cutting it, and we got ice cream with it as well, real chocolate! I was in heaven with the taste of pure chocolate on my tongue. I fed some to Franny, and then Jessica because she seemed to be pouting. I giggled when she took a bite and looked away. Franny joined me.
It was a pretty good birthday, overall. I received a new Table Expansion from Daddy, it would increase it from the 25 by 25 it was to a 30 by 30. I looked forward to seeing what it gave me later when I installed it.
Franny had gotten me a cute fluffy dog hat that looked like a husky, and the ear flaps trailed down to my arms length and had paw mittens in them. I put it on right after I got it, and slipped my hands into the mittens, and did a little ‘bark’ and pawed Jessica, she finally laughed and hugged me on her own! Success! I did the same to Franny as well, and then Daddy because he wanted to play. I laughed, he was finally able to be home more, and wanted to make up for all the time he had missed, I enjoyed giving it to him when I could, little moments like this.
Jessica had actually gotten me a beautiful necklace, a small thin silver chain, and the pendant had a little Imp on it, one of the accessories released with the Demons. I looked in awe, and then pounced her, hugging her and saying thank you. She insisted on putting it on me while she blushed, it was really cute, I’d have to tease her more at some point. I grinned, and let her put it on me, lifting my hair and moving it to the side to allow her the room and vision to do so without snagging it in my hair.
When she put it on, I looked at it between my index and middle fingers and smiled. It was really pretty! I turned around and gave her another hug, while saying thank you once more.
The rest of the day went along those lines, Sadly neither Franny or Jessica could stay the night with me, and that was a little depressing but it was alright. Franny had a Date, and Jessica needed to do something at home. She didn’t really elaborate on the subject. She disliked being alone with me though, I kind of figured that out. I had hoped it would have changed after today, guess I was wrong.
I sighed once everyone left, Mommy and Daddy were still here but they were cleaning and told me I could go play with Leo if I wanted.
Happy birthday, once again, Sidnie! I hope you have had a pleasant day with your family and friends.
I smiled, Leo had begun waiting until I was in my room to speak to me. He could do it anywhere, but seemed to prefer it this way. The fact he also had his Personality formed at 86% was a large indication toward that I supposed. He was nearing the second stage of an A.I’s growth.
I knew both Franny, and Jessica’ A.I’s were around 50% right now, thanks to being active with Leo. It just showed me how truly special Leo was, and made me happy that Daddy had given him to me when I was 10. I rarely felt alone with him.
“I had fun Leo. Look! I got this puppy hat from Franny, and Jessica gave me this Necklace!”
I showed them to the Prompt.
The Puppy hat reminded me of Fluffy, did she custom color it? The Necklace is beautiful, and suites you perfectly Sidnie. Small, and adorable.
Shall I give you my present for your Birthday now?
I blinked, he had gotten me something, how? Better question, what? I nodded a little, and a display screen appeared next to the Prompt where he wrote/spoke. The display showed a collection of images, things from Fluffy, Red, Obsidian, and even Specter, though he still creeped me out. It was a collage of several imaged, and they showed the overall progress I had made since first obtaining the Demons as a Race.
The images shrunk, amazing larger numbers while doing so, until when finished it depicted a larger images created from each individual picture of myself as a Ten year old riding Fluffy’s back, and it had Obsidian and Red walking beside me, while Specter floated a little behind us in a darker portion.
It has taken me months to create this, properly, and find the key moments while creating the original design. The Creator allowed me the use of his software for such things under the condition he receive a copy for his work station in his office.
I hope it pleases you, Sidnie.
It was wonderful! I could hardly believe that he had managed to do it at all, let alone gone through the method of asking Daddy to allow him access to the needed programs and software. It was so sweet, and showed once more how special and unique he was. I smiled at the picture.
“I love it! Print it out! Print it out! I wanna frame it!”
As you wish, Sidnie.
I went to the printer near my computer and waited for him to go through transferring the finished image to my computer, and then begin printing it. I was wiggling in excitement! When they were printed, a second copy came out as well. Leo said it was for Daddy. I grinned, I would get him for hiding this with Leo from me.
I grabbed the first copy, carefully, and rushed to the empty frames I had under my bed. I picked the appropriate size, and placed the picture in it before setting it on my night stand so i could look at it whenever I wanted too.
There is one other, Sidnie. I have….Increased the amount of Hunts the Demon Tribes go on to a third, increasing our Point value, and the Creator helped me to hide the Third Hunts point gains until your Birthday this year, though now it will be taken out, of course. But we did this so you could gain a new Evolution, because I know you have been working hard to unlock a few Tier 3 Evolutions.
I frowned, and turned slowly toward him. “What did you and Daddy do?”
He said it again, and seemed a little frightened. Oh, oh I was going to get them both for this surprise! I grumbled, but had him show me. I had around 700,000 Points after a full year of saving, I had stopped worrying about the Building portions once each of the Tribes had actively begun splitting and building within their respective Territories.
Fluffy had sent his two Liquid Flame Dark Hounds to start up Packs of their own, increasing the overall amount within his Territory. Now he fought active, and violent incursions on an hourly basis from the Wolves. But he seemed ok, for now.
Obsidian had advance her Keep to the Castle stage, a great deal larger now. She had also had each of the ‘Royal’ Houses separate from the Castle Ground and create their own small chunks of domain within Territory under their control. Now they had a larger fighting force, but the Wild Demons seemed to be growing stronger, a few right now. But it was really troubling for me to see. They looked like twisted and cruel versions of my Demons. They were actually a little frightening to look at.
Specter, still a bit creepy, has actually sent a few of his Dark Wisps, and Tormentors out to scour his Territory, advancing his Outpost to a Keep in the process. Each of his small groups located, and claimed the Ruined Villages, and Towns within his Territory, I found it a little odd they only seemed to appear in his area, but it made it easier. Once they were claimed, he split his Imps up into five groups of 300, and sent them to the towns for repairs, while his Tormentors and Dark Wisps decimated all threats that attempted to assault them while under repair. His Territory was actually the most advanced in terms of numbers, and methods. Though the Troglodytes never ventured far from the now Keep area by the lake.
Red’s domain was a bit more interesting. She was unable to really expand to other areas, and increase the overall population due to her geographical location, but she built her area higher, it was now a true city of black and lava ‘grown’ into the rocky crag mountain area. She had sent out, and set up two small villages of Imps, and Fiends, her Succubii remaining in her city. It had been fun to watch, though the Villages faced raids from the Cat Kobolds that had become more, and more of a threat over the last two years.
I sighed, once I actually saw the points Daddy and Leo had hidden from me. A year's worth of hidden points from a single extra hunt. Another 400,000 Points were added to my count, along with the other variables of good hunts, bringing it to 1,100,000. More than enough to actually allow me to begin advancing to add in the Tier 3 Evolutions, at least one or two. Depending on which I purchased.
“I’m going to get you both for this, Leo. You know I hate surprises like this.” I pouted at him, I did actually love it, but I disliked being surprised where I had no idea to expect one.
I am aware Sidnie, would you like to be shown the current Tier 3 Evolutions you have available at this time?
He left unsaid the part where a surprise is meant to not be known, meanie. But I nodded, and he showed me the current known Tier 3 Evolutions, I hadn’t really unlocked many other possibilities. I’ve been more focused on setting up their systems of Point gather, and advancing on their own within their Tribes.
Available Tier 3 Evolutions for the Demons.
Lesser Succubus - 90,000 Points
Orthos - 80,000 Points
Dementor - 190,000 Points
Bruiser - 45,000 Points
Shadow Hound - 100,000
So expensive. I picked the Dementor at 190,000 for the first purchase, and the numbers Highlighted to show a doubled price range as a result, I selected the Lesser Succubus for 180,000, then the Orthos for 320,000, and finally the Bruiser for 360,000. leading to a grand total of 1,050,000 Points spent. That left the Shadow Hound out, but I would get them later on.
I felt like having a small heart attack at the sheer cost, all those points would be gone, minus the 50,000 Points left over.
I sighed, and picked the Purchase after the Order they would be purchased in order of selected. Then I saw my Point counter rush down to the 50,000 Points remaining and wanted to cry. All that time. I’d need to work on better methods of Point gathering later, as well as the amount of methods used.
“Leo, how much will it cost for each to Evolve to the Tier three?”
It will be 500 for the Dementor, 400 for the Lesser Succubus, 300 for the Orthos, and 200 for the Bruiser. A total of 1,400 to evolve one of each. How would you like to proceed?
I contemplated that, I had very few points left, and I needed to make sure some remained after this in case Leo required any of it for little things that did not require my permission. I also wanted a stable Population start of them early on as well. Hmmm
“Alright, select 20 of each Species and Evolve them to the third Tier please. Make Sure that Specter, Red, Fluffy, Obsidian, and her brother Frag are included. Alright? Also, make is so that the leaders of the other houses in Obsidians lands are included.”
He did just that. I watched them each Evolve on separate screens.
Red lost her red scaled skin, at least on the majority of her body. Her large hands changed to soft feminine hands with long supple fingers. Her wings moved toward her hips, increasing in size in the process. Her short hair grew to waist length, and had become a fire red, I thought I even saw some flames licking their way through her long red hair. Her rags, having been upgraded to a kind of leather, now fit her far better. Knee high leather boots, leaving a lot of her upper legs bare, a single bottom piece that Mommy called a low riding thong, and a kind of leather sports bra that changed to fit her larger breasts. Her eyes had become more human like, but the pupils were slitted like a cats, or snakes, and she had another set of horns beside the first elegantly long pair, odd that the other forming Lesser Succubus’ did not have that, a part of leading them maybe? Her tail was the only portion that remained somewhat scaled. Her skin, no alabaster white and pale had thin lines of red trailing its way along her body. She...Kind of looked like Mommy as she was now, with the obvious differences of skin, and hair. But her face….
I giggled at that, I couldn’t wait to show Mommy this one. More so because she never wore anything remotely this revealing, and even I was embarrassed for Red when I saw it.
Specter had grown more definition in his features, he had gained a mouth with very white teeth against his black swirling mass of a body. His Purple eyes had gained a third dot, where is forehead was, and he seemed to have a somewhat more defined body formation. Still really creepy looking though.
Fluffy was the cutest change! As a Lesser Orthos, unlike the common Hell Hound that gained a kind of plate armor that expanded upon evolving, he had gained a bit more fur. His hair was thicker, and seemed like naturally forming armor. His upper chest grew wider, leaving a longer gap between the heads, about five inches or so, and he actually got larger again! He was the size of the Lions that the Beastkin in Obsidians territory kept as war animals. But he still had those bright blue eyes, more intelligence gleamed within them as well, not to mention the cute dots between his eyes on each head, buried in his Black fur.
The fact I had sneaked in to control his last born female pup that was a Liquid Flame variant so I could play with him and act cute was soooo not a reason behind me knowing how his fur felt. I giggled, that had been the first thing I did when I could control any of them again.
Frag, Obsidians brother, had grown HUGE compared to his previous average and sleek build as a Pit Fighter. He was now a slab of muscle, easily eight feet tall, and his artifact weapons actually grew to match his new size. His eyes were a bright Yellow, but his mouth, once seemingly overfilled with fangs, and teeth could not close properly. I had no doubt they were still there though.
Obsidian, and the other female Bruisers changed as well. Her hair was still close cropped, but where the males seemed hulking masses of muscle, the females were amazonian in appearance. around seven feet tall, but clearly female. Medium to large breasts, and practical armor covering the defined figures they possessed. She was beautiful in her own way, like Red was. I liked looking at them both. Seeing them grow was a lot of fun, just like with Fluffy and Specter.
Her Axe had grown to match her new size and strength as well. The red stone within the center of the axe heads growing a little larger.
It was interesting, seeing the difference between the male and female Bruisers. Though Obsidian, like Red had four horns adorning her head, Obsidians were just thicker and more fierce looking. Frag had a small set, but still held four of them. The rest only had a small size pair of horns.
Even Fluffy, if you looked under his fur, had four small horns forming beneath them, just above his blue dot on each head. Obsidians and Reds seemed to frame theirs. I wondered if that was the new dot on Specter, a kind of horn for the ethereal Species. I shrugged it away for now. Attributing it toward their obvious leading roles within each Tribe.
I check my point balance, 22,000 Points. I still wanted to cry, all that work to gain them gone, in less than half an hour.
“Leo, the rest you can do with however you want. I’m going to think of new Point gathering Methods, aside from hunting.” I said with a small sigh, letting go the expenditure. At least it had been worth it.
As you wish Sidnie, I will work toward them reaching the maximum population they can for now then.
October 31, 3221
Halloween! It was Halloween and I got to dress up as whatever I wanted, well, almost. Daddy had vehemently denied me dressing up like Red, I liked her boots. Instead I dressed as Fluffy!
Mommy had helped me make the costume, it was actually a lot of fun working with her to make it. She purchased the required materials that were safe for me to use, and washed them. Then we went about creating one large Black and Blue Fluffy suit!
I grinned at myself in the mirror after seeing it on me. I only had one head, but that was alright. The costume was loose and baggy on me, and Mommy said it gave the impression of touching soft warm fur. So I had plans in mind to get Jessica to open up again! It had not become worse, her distance, but it hasn’t really gotten better either. All my plans to change that had failed so far. This time it would work!
I spent a few Hours with Mommy, and Daddy while we set up the Kitchen to take in the guests, and grinned, now was a good time.
“Hey Mommy! Wanna see what Red looks like as a Lesser Succubus?”
I saw Daddy go still beside Mommy, and she looked at him confused before a light went on. She just remembered how she looked as a Succubii.
“Yes, Sweety, I would. Show me?”
I did, and I got to see Mommy Blush at the basic figure and facial similarities, and the fact Red had almost nothing in terms of clothing on, aside from the bikini like top and bottom with leather boots.
I saw Daddy try to sneak away, and he got about one foot before she turned around and began smacking his shoulder with her spatula. I giggled, and went to answer the door. It was fun to watch them be like this. They never actually fought when I was around, they did this play fighting a lot though. It made me think they really loved each other, and I was looking forward to a relationship like it one day.
I remembered when I was little telling Mommy that I wanted to marry someone like Daddy one day. She had kissed my forehead and said I’d find someone when I was older. Daddy had looked conflicted, he was at some stage between proud he was my goal for a ‘type’ and frightened because I had mentioned marriage.
It had been really funny to watch his face switch from the two emotions at the time. He looked like a goofy faced fish! Another reason i couldn’t wait to go to school, I’d be able to see people, maybe make new friends. Find someone like Franny, she seemed really happy with Todd anyway. Though she didn’t talk much about it, regardless of how often Jessica and I pestered her.
When I opened the door, after making sure the cleaning process was done, in came the four Adults that froze a moment after seeing me and said I looked adorable, smiling as they went to the kitchen. Laughter burst out from there, Mommy was probably still whacking Daddy with her spatula.
Franny came in next, she had dressed like a nun. It oddly fit her, for some reason. I hugged her.
“Happy Halloween!” I said while grinning.
“Happy Halloween!” She looked behind her after saying that, and turned back with a big grin and started to nuzzle me.
“So soft! You’re adorable in this costume!” I blushed, embarrassed but enjoyed it. Grinning a bit.
Jessica came in after, looking a little annoyed, but she said Happy Halloween as well. She had dressed like a Vampire from her Race, one of the females no doubt. She looked really spooky with the makeup and costume.
I grinned, and after managing to get out of Franny’s hug went up to her and wiggled while adding a cute whine. “Pet me!” I added a little pout for good measure.
Jessica froze, and I grinned as her face became beat red. It was so funny! But that wasn’t the point. I wanted to knock down the weird wall she had put between us. This should work!
“Pet me!” I whined a little more. I think her face actually became more red as well.
“Why do you look like a tomato?” I asked, genuinely confused at this point. She also had not moved for the last few minutes. I looked at Franny, who looked like she would burst out laughing any moment. But she came over, and guided me to the couch.
“She’s just a bit brain dead right now, Sid. Give her a minute.”
I frowned, but nodded. My plan seems to have backfired a little. When we reached the couch, I sat beside Franny, Jessica still kind of...frozen in place by the door. I leaned over, and whispered to Franny.
“I don’t like how she has been so distant. How can I stop this? It makes me sad.”
Franny just looked at me, and sighed.
“I don’t really know what you can do, she has to get over it herself, and talk to you herself. She’s just being shy. Remember when we were in school, before you got sick? She acted this way when she was worried, mostly after we learned you were sick and would need to leave.”
I nodded, I remembered that. She had been shy, and a bit withdrawn when when were were eight, and had learned I would be sick. It had been her trying to decide to cry, and ask if she would ever see me, or act tough like she pretended then and say she would see me when I got better.
It turned out to be both. I grinned. I still wanted to know what had her so conflicted, and Franny was being mean and not telling me.
I saw Franny develope a very sly looking smile that reminded me of something I had seen Red do, before Leo cut all access to viewing her. It actually looked a little creepy coming from her with that Nun outfit on.
“You know, Sid. I bet if you go up to her one more time and tell her you like her and hug her at the same time, she will move again.”
I gave her a funny look, how would telling her the truth get her to move? I shrugged though, and got up walking toward her. I got in front of her, and looked up at her frozen blushing face and jumped to put my arms around her neck and squeezed. She automatically wrapped hers around me and I grinned.
‘I like you Jessica!”
She did unfreeze, but it was mostly a darker shade of red that occurred followed by a stuttered response and Franny laughing. I giggled and got free from the hug, Jessica needing to put me down.
“you two are weird!” I said, and Jessica, mopping for some reason, walked to the couch and sat on the other side of Franny, flicking her ear for some reason. Franny shrugged it off.
“Serves you right, not moving like that.”
“shut up!”
I frowned, a little worried now. But sat beside Franny, after grabbing some of the Candy that Mommy and Daddy had brought for us the day before, and offered it to them.
We ate candy, talked, and after a while Jessica finally relaxed and opened up! She seemed at least a little less distant now. It had happened some time after I had gone to see what Mommy was laughing at, and when I got back Franny and Jessica had traded places, and Jessica had said she was sorry about how she had been acting. She had been trying to figure some things out, but would be how she use to be and not so distant.
Success! I grinned, and scooted in close. Giving her the same look I had before with a little whine. “Pet me!” I said, and smiled when she extended her hand, slowly, her face a little red and rubbed my head. I wiggled around like I was wagging my tail and Franny just laughed as hard as she could.
A good Halloween! I had destroyed the wall of Distance! Hehe.
February 5, 3222
I was controlling Obsidian, I was enjoying it as well. I didn’t get a chance to do it much anymore, I had been focusing on building up Specters area properly, and sneaking in playing with Fluffy as one of the puppies he enjoyed spending time with when he made his rounds from Pack, to Pack.
I was leading a small expedition of Obsidians people, one of them was actually an offspring of hers. She was a Bruiser, we had learned that all Species offspring became whatever the mother was. Obsidian herself, from what I was able to pick up, was leading her daughter to one of the other Houses domains, planning to marry her to them for a stronger political tie.
I wasn’t really keen on that, but it was how their culture tended to work. I had actually been wondering more why Obsidian had not spoken to me while I controlled her, she was far from stupid, I had ensured that early on. A connection perhaps? I remember Red mentioning differences within her attitude and the feelings I put within her when I controlled her.
I frowned, the action making the captain of the guard that was with us turn to regard me. “My Lady, is all well?” He was a Pit Fighter, they seemed to constitute the majority of the guards employed for each House's main rulers.
I cleared my throat, it came out sounding like a growl, but he stood stoically before it. “I’m fine, just thinking. Has this area been so quiet before?”
“It is a regularly patrolled area, My Lady. We keep it cleared as much as possible. Per your orders.”
Oops, I had done it again. I winced inwardly, and nodded. It was best to just stay quiet for now. The Captain went back to the head of the column, and then I heard it. Rather her.
‘So, that was how to speak, a full understanding it was not me making the choices. You, what are you? I demand answers!’
I tried to stay calm, I could actually feel her anger at me while controlling her. “I am...Sidnie, I have been guiding you, and the others for a long time.’
I felt her pause at the word others, but now her anger was more contemplative. ‘What will it take to keep your favor focused on my House, and people? Men? Women? Children? Would you require sacrifices? I have done what FELT like it would earn it, and to some degree it has. BUt what will it take to have you fully mine? Your power, the ability to control me, ME, speaks volumes. I want it.’
Uh-oh...I forgot she was purely militaristic in her thinking, and what I could do would be akin to a military super weapon in her mind. But why offer me men, women and children? Sacrifices?
‘Um, I don’t want Sacrifices, and why offer me the others? I also do not choose one of you over the others. I love you all equally. You are like my children…’
I felt her mind begin turning, thinking, though I could not actually see what she was thinking. JUst small sensations.
‘A parent? Love? Hardly, you are a power. Something that I desire. I will find a way to have you, everyone has a price, and I will find yours. By any means. The others were for sexual satisfaction. Surely one as powerful as you would have some preference…’
I blushed as much as I could, the action earning an odd look from the daughter beside me. ‘I-i-i-i DO not understand what that is, and sexual preference? I am not even that strong. I g-guide you.’
I felt silly, thinking at her like this. She was also making me very uncomfortable. Her thoughts were leading toward ways of controlling or bribing me to her purposes and I didn’t like it. It was actually making me a bit mad.
My anger must have gone through the link, because her next thought was ‘Such Power’ something I doubt she meant for me to hear, and I just frowned more. I didn’t like that she was so power hungry, but her Species origin, the Husks, thrived on power over all. The strong ruled, the weak served. I understood it was her base nature, and it could be much worse. But I still did not like it.
‘Would my body serve as sufficient payment? You co…’
The connection ended a second later, and I was met with Leo sending message after message at me.
I knew I should not have taken my focus from you, I had felt it was safe because she seemed unable to make the connection, I had hoped she would not be like the other two. I was foolish, and now..Oh god, what did she say?
Each message went along those lines, and then a moment later, after he no doubt applied his focus to her mind, came back and was flustered. Asterisks, and odd letters showed when he started ‘talking’ to me.
@!#$, @#$%,#@!$%%!!! Sidnie, please don’t overthink what she has shown you, or said to you. I can promise no sacrifices will be made, and the rest of it is nothing to concern yourself over. I promise.
He seemed so desperate to make me forget, but I wanted to know. So I asked what sexual preference meant, why did she offer me girls, and kids, and men, as well as why she was offering her body?
I was met with his Error message. I frowned at him.
“I’ll find out you know!” I said a little loudly at him, then stuck my tongue out. Mean! Him and Daddy both were MEAN! Hiding things like that. I huffed, and turned from him, sitting on the bed, pouting for a time.
After a while, I stopped. It wouldn’t change how either of them were. I got comfortable on my bed, scooting toward the foot of it and looking at the Dungeon World. The extra slot that had expanded it to a 30 by 30 table had given that ocean coastline the beginning of small dotted islands all throughout it, though I couldn’t do anything with it unless I wished to expand the Demons beyond their current large territory. Which i did not, and could not at this time do anyway.
“Fine, you win. Show me how Fluffy is doing, please.”
June 17, 3222
I was nervous, it was actually my first day out of my house several years. Dr. Fung had authorized a very small excursion, for an hour to see how my immune system held up. So far, thirty minutes had passed, and nothing bad had happened. I felt fine, if frightened because I was being stared at by everyone on our walk. It made me feel uncomfortable in my semi loose jeans, and baggy oversized hoody Daddy had given me. Like I looked weird.
Mommy saw me, and reached an arm around my shoulder pulling me close.
“Feeling alright sweetheart?”
I nodded and ducked my head, whispering to her “Why are they all staring at me?”
I felt her squeeze my shoulders, and heard her laugh a little.
“Because you, My Baby, are utterly beautiful, and adorable mixed into one tiny little package. Just wait for school, if this goes well at least, your Daddy will be promises all sorts of things. But don’t worry, I’ll keep him in line.”
“What kind of things?” I was honestly curious. She just smiled at me, and I frowned harder.
“But yes, they are staring because you have not been seen in years by these people, and you have grown into such a beautiful young lady. Also, you are just that amazing to see in these cloths.” She snorted, she snorted!
I pouted a bit, and looked at the sweater Daddy had given me, a size to large, and it hung off of my petite frame, while my pants were boy pants. It showed I was a girl though, I was getting curvy around my hips, according to Mommy.
“I like how I look!” I said finally.
Mommy just nodded wisely. “Good, always enjoy how you dress, and look Sweetheart. I like it as well, you’re utterly adorable. Now, let’s head home, ok?”
I nodded, and we turned to head home. Just two more months, and I could go to school, I could spend time with jessica and Franny every day! I was so excited, and happy for that. It made the time seem to fly by.
Obsidian POV -
I felt like smashing something. I growled my frustration as I felt her...warmth fade from my mind. She had left, and I had not finished. My body, and the pleasures I could instil were the only thing I could think to offer, since she would not take the others.
I gnashed my teeth, looking at my Daughter, a pawn for a greater game within my domain. She would secure an alliance with this house through her body, and children. Forging a link to last a generation or two, at least.
One thing had been confirmed at least while I spoke to that powerful girl, for she seemed childish to me. I was not the only one. she had said others, and not as though she meant the other Houses, or the Feral Demons we captured and killed when able.
Other Tribes, the one with the Imps that had been scouting my Lands for some time now, and no doubt others. So, I was not the only blessed with this strength, and attention. It would make my plans to conquer the rest of this pitiful world a bit problematic, but I will find a way to gain her full power for myself.
She will follow me, or I will find a way to cut her influence on the others. Such power belongs to me, and me alone. The military asset implications alone would ensure my superiority for centuries, and longer. As it already has.
I would have to contemplate this further, at some point. For now, I walked with the Pit Fighter Guard, and the Husks that acted as disposable bodies as we escorted my daughter to her new home.
She deserved at least this last act of motherly care from me. I had hardly been good, as that being who felt she loved us all. But I had raised her to be a strong warrior, and she was second to none save myself with a weapon.
I would place my trust in her weapons, all of them, and ensure the Houses united under my banner, then I would crush the Lion Beastkin, and the Feral Demons for good. Once all of that has been done, I will march upon these ‘Others’ and I will crush them beneath my heel. All will bow before me, or die.
Here you go my Lovelies! It is not as long as I intended, and I got a bit lost in the growth of sid, and her friends over some of the Dungeon aspects I wanted to show, such as the first aerial battle. So I will place that within the next, and final chapter of book 1. It will also introduce a Lesser Fiend leader for you all to witness.
I have to say, this chapter was a bit of an emotional cuteness overload ride for me. Haha, but I simply loved writing it. Franny is wicked and cruel isn't she? And how about that cute scene of Sids Mommy just wailing on her Daddy with a Spatula? Oh, and my personal favorite. 'Pet me!' Hehehe, I'm mean to Jessica.
Yes, she is a naive sheltered child. Look forward to book 2 as we watch how it affects her school life.
The Final Chapter of Book 1 will be utterly from Leo's perspective, I think I stated that but just in case, here it is again.
As always, much Love and Cookies.
P.S I will be doing another form of Q&A before Book 2 is released. This will have some common knowledge that you all likely wish to know, and I never elaborated on, because a little girl really would not know. Namely the time difference from her time, and the Dungeon World time, a few other things. Advertisement Previous
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