《Dungeon Games》Chapter Six: Working toward a Goal
Gonna see if I can put some more length into the Chapter, along with some more Dungeon Chatter. Till the Finals I can't begin really upgrading and doing things for Sidnie's Dungeon, because of the point accumulation, maybe throw a surprise in for folks. Also, a bit of another Info Dump in regards to how much Sidnie knows in regards to the foundations of building the Dungeon Races starting points.
When we woke up, we went through the basic morning necessities, and checked on our Dungeons. We each got a bit of a surprise when we looked at them. First among the surprises was that both Franny, and Jessica's A.I had begun to show a bit of personality, they were curious and asking small questions.
It wasn't much, they retained the programed machine like voice, according to my friends, but they were asking questions such as how something should be done, Franny's even made a suggestion about Wolf Pack infrastructure.
Apparently an entire night connected with Leo allowed them to grow through interaction with an already semi formed Personality with an A.I. Leo himself also appeared to grow to a degree. His voice was more detailed, and his overall speech pattern was more defined.
"Good morning Leo" I said softly, letting Franny and Jessica do the same with their A.I's while seeing what all they may be able to do now.
Good morning Sidnie, did you sleep well?
I nodded a bit at the Dungeon map. He was showing concern for my health in a more direct manner as well. It meant that he would be more active in my personal life as well to gain further knowledge.
I swallowed a bit, and looked at the Imp village. It remained the same size, but the numbers were larger. I asked Leo about that, and he said that they were at a maxed population. Apparently sometime over the night the previous leader, the largest male, had perished in one of the hunts, and Red had taken control of the Swarm.
She was a bit more intelligent due to her Variant status, and had begun forcing her minions to train at a more accelerated pace, above what Leo had sent to do. When the Imps were not hunting, they were practicing maneuvers, and training in the use of making sharp sticks with stones that had been chipped into tips tied to them.
Because they learned this method on their own, it cost nothing, and showed the Advancement Tree as unlocked within the subcategory of basic weapons.
Their overall level had jumped to 5 as well, and this meant, according to Leo, that the outside monsters had grown in strength as well. According to him he has been monitoring strange fluctuations within the Wild Dog populations, one pack had grown considerably, and he suspected a 'Boss' class monster spawned and was growing their pack through that method.
'Boss' monsters were not uncommon, and were a natural occurrence in the natural populations of the base creatures the A.I created as a predator/prey environment for it's starting Race.
Daddy had told me that once the A.I was fully formed, and you had acquired at least Three Races within your Dungeon ecosystem Dragons could even form. Some Dungeon Gamers used the natural beasts as pets for their Race. Only the more intelligent Race managed that though, and those were saved for either Tier 10 of your starting Races Evolutionary paths, or an intermediate Race.
Because Demons were set for Master Rank, I could probably use the more intelligent Species to do just that, but I did not think any pets would survive long. It was best to leave the Ecosystem as it was.
The 'Boss' Monsters would also give a large chunk of points, because they were the first recorded of their particular species within the ecosystem.
In all likelihood it was a wolf, based off of the canine species being the largest inside Leo's world. The Cat species were also beginning to grow, and some of the Lizards that were small were growing in strength and size based on the Level rise in the Imps, and the population growth.
That would be one of the largest downsides to such huge population booms in what is the weakest Species for my race. It would soon become very difficult to gain points through hunting. I'd have to focus on an Evolution soon, probably go for the Hell Hounds, honestly.
I liked the idea of using them to set up within a spot I will have cleared out for their den later. The problem with doing this is, because of how Daddy Set the Demon Race up, it would in turn double the cost of all other known Evolutions, regardless of tier, or original cost upon discovery. But that would be why it is a Master Dungeon Race.
Added to the the only way to Evolve the Imps were to get some to Level 10, it would have to be a small enough number in the population so that the ecosystem did not automatically compensate by increasing the size, number, and level of dangerous predators with the Prey in the system.
"Leo, can you select a group of two female, and two male Imps and begin having them focus on training over everything else to rush them to 10?"
I believe so, Sidnie. Are you planning to create a starting population for an evolution? I would still recommend saving points to unlock the Rare Variant you choose before hand.
I knew why he wanted that, because it would allow for more power in the Imp species, and it would be helpful, but without a more diverse Species population inside the Race it would stagnate as well.
"I will, but with them hunting two times a day, and the amount of points they can bring in at roughly 200-300 per hunt, a single Evolution won't hurt early. It will allow us to increase the amount of hunts as well because the Imp Numbers will be 200, and the next Evolution will have it's own population limit that can be used as well."
I told him this, determined to add further Species for the Race. The upside to the Demons, because each evolution cost points, and selection to occur, the Species within my race would never have one species become extinct outside of the Race themselves crushing them. Some Dungeon users tended to rush Evolution pathways, without maintaining the populations of the previous species, and because of that lost all the pathways that were possible before hand.
They could spend points to re-spawn the species, but it cost nearly quadruple what the last Evolution bought cost. For beginners that are still learning, and even the Adept players it was a crippling blow that set them back months.
I wouldn't have to worry about that thanks to this Race 'limitation' as it had been dubbed on the T.V
As you wish Sidnie, which species would you like to have as the first Evolution? I can focus the training given them, as I will be controlling them personally, and allow for a stronger version. The available Evolutions, and their costs are as follows.
Hell Hound - 300
Husk - 300
Dark Wisp - 300
I frowned at the options, taking my time debating on the proper pathway. Husks would give me a stronger based species, but without a Species to direct their natural aggression I was worried they would begin killing all the Imps I had, and their population would not be able to properly keep up.
Dark Wisps were a more roundabout method, and would be harder to kill. But I bet they would still decimate the ecosystems creatures in a drive for malicious growth.
Hell Hounds were far stronger than the Imps, but otherwise still beasts with little intelligence. They were one of the few species that the Imps could control within the Race. In my mind at least.
"Go with Hell Hounds, when the four of them reach the level, let me know. We can purchase the Evolution then, and then evolve them in one go. Perhaps even spend points to accelerate their growth so we can have a pack able to fight for their first Den."
The last of that was more to myself. All of this was more or less obsolete once I managed to reach the more advanced evolutions, and unlocked Towns, then Cities for when I grew the table to increase the world size. But early it was much needed.
Of course, Sidnie.
Finishing the preparations, I turned to see Franny, and Jessica were looking at me with an odd expression. I frowned at them and asked them why. Jessica explained.
"You kind of went into your own world, and how you were talking...I think I know why your Dad gave you a Race meant for Masters that would take you so long to reach where Starter Races in the hand of careful players would take a few months. You're to knowledgeable on how to build the starting foundations."
Franny chimed in around then.
"Yes, I mean, our Dungeons have a limitation that will allow us to gather points, but after we reach the Second Tier of evolutions, and a set amount of unlocks have been done the functions would be locked by our A.I so we didn't get to powerful when we first started and questions got asked. It would seem we were just really good.
You'd have an almost unstoppable force if you were given a base starting Race, even with that limitation. You'd have found methods to unlock things naturally without needing points spent, that's what I think. I knew you were good, because of the last few years and your illness keeping you in here, along with your Dad helping make the Races and the A.I, but that is a bit frightening."
I pouted at them, and crossed my arms. "It's not my fault all I have time to do aside from online homework is learning about Dungeon War's. I also liked learning with Daddy when he was home."
"We know, Sid, just kinda hit home how good you were with the basics of Dungeon set up." Jessica mentioned.
I stuck my tongue out at her, and she smiled like it didn't happen. Now I wouldn't help them. Meanies, picking on me because I was a bit odd. I knew they were not picking on me, but I was self conscious about my illness, and how I knew more than the others about the basics of Dungeon building.
Daddy also let me read all the hard copy books of the starter races, so it would have been unfair if I received one of them, and Adept, along with Intermediate Races didn't have the point stipulation the Master Races did. Daddy no doubt didn't want to limit my A.I like with Jessica, and Franny because it would keep me stagnant, so he gave me a Race that would be all but impossible to grow quickly.
I'd be around their level of strength, and advancement by the time we started school, and once they reached their locked stage, they could spend their time breeding, and learning how to unlock Variants of the Species they have available, along with hidden Variants that they could unlock once they hit school. No doubt Daddy put a slow on point gather in the Base codes of the A.I to keep them from getting too much so they just unlocked a lot by then.
Franny came up and poked my cheek. "Stop pouting, it's almost time for the tournament semifinals to start, and I bet you wanna hear about our Dungeons right now too, don't you?"
I huffed and nodded my head. Jessica started off with her progress.
Apparently her Ghouls had managed to locate, and claim, one of the multiple pits she had, had spawned in her A.I's world. Clearing the beasts that had made it their home, and he begun using it to spawn more Ghouls.
The points she gained from the kills, and deaths of a few of her Ghouls allowed her to increase the population of her Ghouls, and with two Pits popping out Ghouls for the cost of one Point per Ghouls, she began having them hunt in a territory defined by her A.I's main sphere of vision.
That was a side effect of the Undead race. They didn't breed until you unlocked high end evolutions where they had the organs to do so. As such, you required points to spawn more within set points you create within your A.I's world. I had a feeling Jessica planned to move down the Vampire line first, because then she could begin breeding a population, rather than spawning them. She had the least progress, because her main point accumulation was small for the evening. It should pick up now that she set up a hunting pattern with her A.I.
Franny had a lot of growth. She used cunning, and strategy to increase her Wolves coordination, and had split her main Pack of around 200 into four separate packs of 50 and had them split move out into the world in different sections so their territories didn't overlap and create interpack squabbles.
She had said she wanted to have four main towns grown ones they began evolving, and create Kingdoms she could have meet later and watch the interplay between different factions. She loves strategy games a great deal.
Her population would take a while to reach it's limit of course, wolf gestation was medium in length, but they had litters of 3-6 pups each time. They were also more coordinated as a species, and they learned maneuvers quicker due to their pack mentality.
Franny was also just scary smart with how she set up her stuff. I knew the basics, but she was amazing at detailed long term thinking. She had used the points taken from the four separate hunting parties, an easy 500 points, and used it to increase her wolves base Intelligence five times. She wanted Kobolds, and that was the best way to get them. She had also located each pack near a unique environment to attempt to have Variants born.
She had managed to get two Wolf pup Variants in a rocky area she set one pack up at. It had mines littered throughout the area, and she had gotten Steel Wolfs. Silver in coloration, they had the interesting ability to harden their fur to be the same as steel. It was an uncommon Variant, as opposed to Rare, but few people bothered to get it.
I blinked at them both, and their steady progression, and swore I would not be left behind. I'd talk to leo about it later once we gained the Hell Hounds. With the Hell Hounds I could increase the amount of hunts, and point accumulation. Then I could get HellFire Imps as a common breed, and work from there toward advancing the population of the Imps again.
Once they finished talking about their Dungeons, we went downstairs to see Mommy had made us Lunch, and left out some books with a note on top.
'Here is some lunch girls, be sure to eat it. Also, the books are some personal notes on your respective races, Sidnie, I'm sorry but your Father made me promise to not give you any. He want's you to learn it on your own. Jessica, and Franny, these will help you and show you some methods to assist your growth.'
Oh Daddy was gonna get it for that. We ate lunch, and I giggled when Jessica spurted her milk from her nose at something Mommy put in her notes for her, and Franny giggled with me. I was glad they got them, but jealous as well. Mommy wouldn't be helping me because of Daddy.
Once we finished eating, we went into the living room, and turned the T.V on. We were in time to see the first match of the day. It was Greydon versus the Fire Wolf guy from yesterday....
Hmmph, a guy with one Tier 2 evolution, the Ogre huh? I'll fry him like all the others who thought Werewolves were only good for brute strength.
I'd fry his Goblins, and Hobs to a crisp and feed his Ogre to my wolves!
Once the gong sounded, and we entered the stage I sent the 40 Fire Wolves, and 40 Fire Werewolves into a line formation before the forest plan, and began having them build their internal fires up to a raging inferno like before.
After 10 minutes, I had them set it free, and 'WHOOSH' the flames lept forward, starving for the green buffet before them, and surged forward toward the center of the forest.
I grinned in triumph. I'd have them all burn alive and win again. After 30 minutes of it charging forward though, I had yet to hear screams of pain, and in truth it looked like the fire had stopped it's insane forward march. Another 15 minutes and the flames died. I sent forth a scouting party of five Wolves, and my A.I informed me that their was a long ditch about five feet wide cut in a circle, and within that circle was the Goblin ranks.
What...He..He had stopped the food source by packing his forces in a small area, and digging a wide ditch to starve the flames?
My Wolves suddenly began barking and went down, the last Glimpse my A.I could show me was that they had arrows in their bodies. Shit! He'd gotten his Hobgoblins bows. My Fire Wolves had regained the ability to use their flames by this point, at least. It seems it would come down to brute strength afterall.
My chosen monster, a large grey Wolf, I kept near the rear, I growled and my Werewolves took up a V formation, shouldering their muscled frames into position, and I set my wolves to fill the space between the V lines. I had set it up in four V's of 10 Fire Werewolves, and then mixed in the Fire Wolves, with my regular Wolves, minus myself.
The Fire Werewolves I had set their fur a flame for a kind of AOE damaging burst when they burst into the rank and file Goblins to create panic in their feeble minds.
The enemy in question had already traversed their manmade ditch, and had created a block from what I could see. four lines deep, eight lines long. Goblins at the front, and Hobgoblins in the rear with their bows. Behind them towered the massive male Ogre with yellow tinged skin, a Variant in all likelihood, Obviously that was the one we had to kill.
I barked and my Wolves went forward, charging at a breakneck pace, the Fire Werewolves going to all fours to move fast, my wolves behind them lagging a pace behind them. The strategy of having them do this was simple, the Werewolves would hit the front lines with their wooden bucklers, and butcher the Goblins, while my wolves would fault over the Werewolf bodies and launch themselves at the Hobgoblins. I moved to the side, circling the coming battle.
I needed a clear shot at that Ogre's jugular. They were known for their regeneration, but if I got it just right and held on for a second, air would enter his bloodstream, reaching his heart in seconds and causing a bubble to form and kill him.
My wolves struck the enemy lines, a few were lying battered in the open ground of soot and ash, filled with arrows. But the majority had struck home.
I heard the squeal of Goblins as they were burnt, and rent to pieces, the howl and snarls of my Wolves, and the Yips of those falling in battle.
The Ogre was not moving though, in fact he seemed bored. After a moment, I saw him extend a hand, and...lightening shot out of his fingertips, and fried an entire section of the battle, friend and foe alike. It was like he didn't care about his troops.
He did this a few more times, and before long, it was down to just his Hobgoblins, and Ten of my Fire Werewolves. I saw the Ogre cross his arms, and grunt out something, judging by how the Hobs reacted, before they dropped their bows and charged forward with small short swords to fight my remaining Wolves...It was a one sided slaughter, My Wolves destroyed his Hobs, and it ended after my last Werewolf fell due to his wounds.
Jesus, what was this guy? He sacrificed all of his monsters, just for the points after the battle? Or for another reason? I growled, low in my throat, and lunged from my spot just behind him, only to be smacked to the ground without any effort made on his behalf. I just got backhanded.
"Little puppy made a mistake. Thank you, for making sure I had to use the replenish rule. I had grown tired of using my weaklings."
Dear god, the Replenish rule, once per tournament round, you could replenish your troops if they all perished. He had also said weakest, which meant he had not shown all of his cards.
I'd been used, and the last thing I saw through my favorite wolfs eyes was a smiling yellow Ogre, and the scent of ozone, then the connection cut.
I blinked at the screen, having just watched what was, for all intents and purposes, a never before seen Ogre Variant, fry his own people, along with the wolves he fought.
The fight was a masterful battle of strategy and coordination from the Fire Wolf user's side. But, it had fallen to pieces before the strikes and methods of Greydon, and his...Lightning Ogre.
I looked at Franny, and Jessica who both seemed shocked, even the crowd and announcer were silent for a moment.
But the crowd soon roared with applause, the sound alone seemed to shake the stadium, nearly drowning out the sound of the Announcer
"Did you see that folks! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it. Greydon won the match, though the methods were cruel, it showed us a NEVER before seen Ogre Variant!! He shot lightning from his hands!"
He paused a moment.
"I'm receiving word from our sponsors stating that this new Variant is a Hidden Ogre Variant, and is one of the hardest to obtain. The details are classified, and shall be for Greydon alone, unless he decides to share. All attempts to obtain this outside of his permission, unless found by themselves, will be seen as a violation of rights, and the perpetrators will lose their A.I and ability to obtain Dungeons ever again!' Congratulations to Greydon, the lightning Ogre!"
The Announcer coined him a new title, and it seemed to make the crowd go even more crazy.
"That....Was...Amazing!" Jessica said pausing between each word. We had all been on the edge of our seats during that battle. I personally got sick to my stomach with how casually Greydon had fried his own Goblins, and Hobgoblins, but he had won.
"He...He sacrificed his people." Franny mentioned. I'd turned down the T.V at this point. Another match was happening, but it was an Undead vs. Undead. Plus the crowd was still roaring at the last fight.
"He used the replenishment rule, he ensured his entire force would die for the chance to replenish them. That can't be the only Lightening based species in his Race. It was just the only one he used." I said.
They nodded, and I felt my stomach twist a bit. The match had lasted almost an hour.
We continued watching them for a time, and even got to see Suzuki fight. She had evolved her Rabbits to an odd Beast man form, not unlike Kobolds. They were called Rabbids. It was some pun on an old, old game that one of the developers of the race enjoyed. They were a carbon copy of the Kobolds, but with bunny ears, and a bunny tail. They also retained the legs. It was a common pathway choice. What was not, was the Rabbit Variant she had, Berserk Rabbit. A rare Variant that was suited more to the Bear race, or Wolf race, but could be obtained with all beast races, if they were fighters.
Suzuki was a skilled player as well, with how she used them to bait in the Undead Ghouls she had fought.
We saw Griffon again as well, and he used much the same strategy as before. A tried and true method of attrition, and Defence is the best offence. It worked for him, and when the Goblins he was fighting broke through, his Skeletons rent them to pieces by using the shattered bones of the ones killed as spears.
A very...disturbing sight, but Jessica went on and on about how she should create a Legion of Skeletons based off the concept of using the fallen as weapons in a battle, when she reached the Intermediate stage of tournaments. The limit for numbers was nearly in the thousands in that stage. I grinned at her, she had her goals.
Franny wanted to find unique, Hidden, and Ultra rare Variants for the Wolf Race, and any other she added to her Dungeon. She reminded me of Daddy, wanted to advance the A.I Dungeon technology, and understanding of the intricate connection between them, and their races, as opposed to the creatures naturally spawned to feed them.
We finished watching the Tournament round of the Semi Finals, and the Numbers went down to 14, they had, had an extra match to make the numbers even. Tomorrow the matches would be bracket based, and end with one of two people fighting for the Prizes! I could hardly wait to see it.
Once the Round was over, we all went upstairs, and Jessica and Franny helped me with my homework while working with their Dungeon A.I's who were growing a bit more and obtaining slight moments of true voices. I smiled at that, I could see them coming over more often now as well.
We had something to do, just the three of us, other than watch T.V now.
After a time, Mommy came home, I finished my homework, and we all four ate Dinner, Mommy was thanked for the Notes, and then they had to leave for home.
I hugged them both one at a time, and told them goodbye. I held back a sniffle, I hated not being able to see them anytime I wanted.
Mommy heard it, and wrapped her arms around me from behind and kissed the top of my head.
"Baby, it's ok. Shhh, can you be a strong girl for Mommy? If so I'll tell you a secret about Daddy."
I nodded, and stopped another sniff.
"Daddy will be released the Demon race Next month, and has the full book version ready to upgrade the semi version you purchased. He is also announcing a new Race to go with the Demons. So you best be ready to fight people with that Race if you plan to become a Master Dungeoneer sweetheart."
She smiled at me, and I snuggled into her. "I'll try Mommy, it's just crummy that I can't see them when I want, also, what is the Race?" I gave her my big sad blue eyes to try and cone it out of her.
She laughed, and poked my nose with hers. "Not telling, you little cheater you. So mean, making Mommy the subject of those baby blues. I swear, Daddy is gonna have a heart attack once you're better, and fill out in your mid Teen years."
I gave her a funny look. "Why?"
She just looked at me, and said because her Daddy had nearly done the same when Mommy was that age and first met Daddy. That confused me, but I let it go and just hugged her before going upstairs.
Sidnie, I have powered the four Imps in question to level 10. It took some doing, but it has been managed. Red has also successfully lead, and completed two hunts. They were on a larger scale, and the points gained were adequate for your goals.
I plopped onto my bed, and looked at the screen displaying available points, and smiled. It was being gained quickly, but it wouldn't matter after a few upgrades were purchased.
"Display your current status, please, Leo."
Of course Sidnie.
Leo - Amateur Dungeon A.I
Personality - 35% formed
Race - Demon
Starting Species - Imps (Population maxed at 200)
Natural Boss creatures within ecosystem - 3
Naturally occurring species - 50
Number of Imp enclaves - 1
Current Points - 1390
It was the basic display of what is currently know of my Dungeon, and his personal progress. I was surprised his personality had formed that much, even with Daddy's boost to it.
"Amazing Leo! You're amazing!" I said in excitement.
Thank you, Sidnie, so are you.
I blinked at his response, and smiled. Time to begin evolving the Imps.
"Display the four Imps set and ready for evolution, and then purchase the Hellhound Evolution, and tell me how much it will cost to evolve each one."
Evolution purchased, congratulations, for purchasing your first evolution you have been granted 100 points to aid in additional purchases. The cost to evolve each Imp is 100 Points, this cost will not increase.
I grinned, time to already lose 400 extra points. "Begin evolving each of them, and then inform me of their population limit, and what it will cost to increase their breeding rate for a day."
Leo confirmed the Evolving process had begun, and I watched all four Imps fall to the ground where they had been separated from the main group by Leo, and watched as their small wings disappeared, along with their horns. Their small limbs twisted and snapped as they grew in muscle mass, and size, along with the length of their bodies. It was kind of icky to watch.
What came out when it was finished was a dog shaped creature with black fur with a red underside, and beat red eyes. They were at least the size of a Doberman, and looked a lot like one. The tails were about as stubby as the Doberman I saw a long time ago. But they seemed...mean, and vicious compared to the loving animal I had petted once.
{window] Evolution complete, the entry to Hellhounds has been unlocked in the Demon book you have purchased, Sidnie, I am reading it now. I would recommend you do the same soon. It's fascinating. The cost to increase breeding rates for a day is 100 points, the population limit is 80. The cost to increase the population limit to 160 is 400 points. [/window]
I winced at that, but told him to increase it for a day. 800 points spent to ensure the start. Tomorrow, I should be able to make sure they gained a dwelling outside the Imp enclave. Leo had informed me just now that they were...aggressive to a degree, but he was managing the situation.
The Imps were the weakest of the Demons, and the newly evolved Hellhounds sensed this, though intellectually they were to dim to know why they felt aggressive beyond hunger. I was wrong, it strength was to large a factor, and without a strong intelligent force to guide the weaker species, this was an inevitability. A mistake, but it could work in the end for the best.
I had just ensured a future cavalry like species for my Demons. I'd have to move them far enough outside the Imp hunting grounds to grow on their own after clearing a Wild Dog den out until they could be reintroduced to each other when I got a more intelligent species unlocked.
The process has been purchased, and should take effect immediately. It is time for sleep now, though Sidnie, I wish you sweet dreams and to sleep well.
I blinked at him, and just said goodnight. Leo had just shown caring, that was not common. Just what did Daddy do to Leo to make him like this?
I'd ask him next time, for now, it was bed time. So I laid down and got comfy before slowly drifting off to sleep.
They all get introduced in after the 5 year time skip, and become main people in the end for them all. But the winner get's a special role in the story.
I'd also love to think what you all think I mean by going hand in hand with the Demon race, there are only a few options, but I wonder who will get it right. ^.^
As always, much love and cookies. Expect a massive chapter next time.
- In Serial135 Chapters
Aevalin and The Age of Readventure
Below you can find the blurbs for each arc of Aevalin and The Age of Readventure. Aevalin: Klause Schuar the Grand Bastard (Aevalin and the Age of Readventure, #1) Klause Schuar, the Grand Bastard who destroyed the world in his pursuit of magical power, believed to be a only legend by some, is a horror of the distance past. Though seven-hundred years after the Age of Darkness, the world is birthing itself anew—the dark magicks have receded and the festering plague that extinguished entire kingdoms is no more. The roads have been opened and regular travel between nations is now possible. The newly formed guilds are active. Where monster hunting and dungeon diving are lucrative trades, long dead kingdoms are being rebuilt in this glorious age of rediscovery. This is the story of Arlian Brennovo, lord and commander of the City Watch during the last days before the Age of Darkness—before the Age of Readventure! * Glorious New Age (Aevalin and The Age of Readventure, #2) Yoreno Brendara, a relatively sheltered noble, has joined his father in the mythical kingdom of Aevalin with his mother and sister. His father has arranged for him to train under Dantera Brennovo, a descendant of the legendary Arlian Brennovo who fought in the Grand Bastard’s war against King Balthazar and his High Mage to save the world. Now Yoreno will become an adventurer, fighting alongside a successful lady in arms—and a rich one at that. It is a grand opportunity for Yoreno to become a knight of Aevalin and to participate in the glorious new Age or Readventure! * Knight of Aevalin (Aevalin and The Age of Readventure, #3) After being conferred with a knighthood, Yoreno plans to enjoy the Age of Readventure festival with his friends and mentor. During the festivities Yoreno witnesses a plot to assassinate king Branlin. Dantera Brennovo, top-tier adventurer, knight of Aevalin and lady of rank, is charged by the king to quietly uncover the plot. As her newly knighted protégé, Yoreno must assist Dantera in her efforts to keep the king and his new Age of Readventure alive. * Errant Adventurer (Aevalin and the Age of Readventure, #4) Having unexpectedly received Dantera’s lands and titles after her banishment, Yoreno places Yorinius in command of the Roaming Lions. Together with his friends, Yoreno and the members of the Emblazoned Party set out in search of Dantera as she pursues King Branlin’s assassin far outside of the safety found within the borders of Aevalin. * Kingdom of the Blue Dragon (Aevalin and the Age of Readventure, #5)Having survived capture and escape from the barbarous tribal stronghold in the hills, Yoreno and his friends set forth with Dantera to scout out the assassin clan responsible for King Branlin’s death. Weather they have the necessary strength to challenge the assassins, they do not know. Meanwhile Yoreno’s close proximity to Dantera continues to distract him from their quest at hand.
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8 89 - In Serial42 Chapters
An Alpha's Bite
"Look dude, I get that you probably have some emotional problems, and you have taken to random strangers to find comfort. I mean I get it, I really do" I totally didn't "But it isn't really cool to do this sort of thing, so I'll tell you what. My Sisters, Husbands, Uncles, adopted daughters, mom is seeing a shrink for the exact same thing, I could get you her number or something? It's probably better than going around hugging random strangers." I told him. The dude didn't answer me, no. He decided to bite me.And I blacked out.***Sarah is a normal human, with a normal family. she goes to a normal university, and she has normal obsessions with hot TV stars. Everything about her is normal. That is till some random dude snatches her up from the Saturday market and brings her away to somewhere she would have never imagined existed.Awesome cover made by @valiantsouls
8 137 - In Serial30 Chapters
Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)
I'm Amara Harper, I am 17 (I think?), and I am rogue. My dad and my mom died in a wolf attack, so my brother and I live in a small house by the woods. You may think this is a perfect life, but it's not. My brother is a gamble addict. Every time he loses he comes home and drinks, then hits and kicks me over and over again. I cook and clean, I don't go to school, instead I learn online behind closed doors. My brother was in so deep, so he offered me up. And I am currently in shock, because the guy said...Yes 16,825 words Read my story and you will know what it was like to be 'Sold to my Mate'
8 128 - In Serial55 Chapters
Snape x reader
A new teacher comes to Hogwarts, (y/n). you where best friends with the cute kinda emo Snape but you lost contact with him after leaving school. Coming back you meet Snape again. What will happen?It follows the years which Harry Potter is in school so it's abit long...It now also includes added bonus scenes at the end, inspired from one tik tok account which is linked in he chapter it starts.
8 161