《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 11 – Work Ⅴ


Later that night, a man with tattoos on his back lets out a grunt as rolls over to the side of the bed for a smoke. Hú Jiao’s body is covered in lustful marks as she pulls the bed sheet to cover her perky chest. Hú Jiao venomously says, “Péng Ho, when are you going to take care of that bit**?!”

Péng Ho lets out a puff of smoke and grumbles, “We’ll catch her after work on Monday morning. Or do you already know where the foreign bit** lives?”

Hú Jiao bites her lip in impatience, but wisely leans forward and rubs her breasts against Péng Ho’s back. Péng Ho’s loins begin to stir as he grunts, “I’ll have the boys be on the lookout for her this weekend. Who knows, we might just get lucky.”

Hú Jiao smiles invitingly as Péng Ho tosses his cigarette butt to the floor and turns around. Pressing Hú Jiao underneath him, Péng Ho begins to move expertly around. And soon enough the room is filled with both of their cries as they busy themselves with more physical things.


It is Saturday night and despite it being close to being midnight, Reyn found she is hungry and in the mood for street food. So, with carefree ease, Reyn walks out into the streets in search of food. To her surprise, Reyn’s phone begins to ring with Lisa’s ringtone. The reason it was so surprising was that it was barely noon in Usonia. Lisa never got up before one in the afternoon on Saturday’s.

Reyn shrugs and answers, “You’re up early.”

“I know, but I was so excited! Did you see how it blew up? And it even made it Usonia news as it involves a branch company! Heh, that cheating bastard’s wife already filed for divorce and he lost his job! He’s now being taken to court to face criminal charges of bribery, theft, and fraud! And as for that wench, well, let’s just say she lost her job and probably will disappear soon enough!” Lisa proudly exclaimed.


“Trapped rats turn around to attack, you know,” Reyn muttered. Frankly speaking, such a woman, wouldn’t go so down easily. Especially given that woman probably suspected Reyn was the author behind the incident. However, technically speaking, Reyn was innocent. She didn’t so much lift a finger to do anything, really.

Lisa snorts and says, “Anywho, I demand snacks as payment!”

“I already transferred some money over to your bank account in thanks, so go crazy tonight and enjoy yourself,” Reyn replied.

Lisa mischievously says, “Oh, I will trust me.”

“I already don’t want to know,” Reyn drily retorted. Lisa giggles and says, “Well, I gotta go. My man-toy is waking up and I have to kick him out of my apartment as I have a date with a very cute guy later tonight.”

Reyn snorts and says, “Seriously, where do you get the time and energy to fool around?”

Lisa shrugs and says, “I’m just blessed that way. Call you later, love ya.”

Reyn grunts in reply as the call ended and puts her phone away. Reyn feeling rather peckish heads further into the night street area. Those vendors always have the best night food stalls.

By sheer coincidence, a couple of men take a picture of a foreign woman with short hair and send it to their boss. A second later, the message arrives at Péng Ho’s phone. Glancing at the image, Péng Ho shows the image to Hú Jiao. “Is that the bit**?” Péng Ho loudly asked over the nightclub’s speakers.

"That’s the slut!” Hú Jiao hatefully said with relish.

“Good,” Péng Ho said as he makes his way out of the nightclub. Hú Jiao hastily follows suit not about to be left behind and miss witnessing her revenge.

The three men not very subtly follow Reyn as they wait for the boss to arrive. Reyn with ease notices the three brutish men and decides to play around with them for a bit. Though the eerie thing is that Reyn suddenly disappeared from the CCTV cameras and any person’s eyesight. And though Reyn makes random street turns or stops at random small shops to try things on, before continuing onward no one can see her except for three men. Finally, after a while, Reyn finds an abandoned street alley and heads into the alleyway to pretend to make a phone call.


The three men text their boss their current location as the three men subtly block the exit of the alley. In fact, as luck would have it, their boss was only a street away. Within minutes, the buff figure of Péng Ho arrives being closely followed by Hú Jiao.

Reyn glances impatiently at her watch as she waits for the remaining players to arrive having already guessed the three men’s intentions. With a faint smile, Reyn spots their leader and the face full of hatred of Hú Jiao. A slight red tint enters Reyn’s eyes as she purposefully narrows her eyes. Humans are so easy to manipulate when their foolish hearts are full of greed and hatred.

Hú Jiao and the men fail to see the red tint in Reyn’s eyes as Reyn trains her eyes onto the ground. Even more chilling, Reyn removes her eyeglasses and places them into her jacket’s inner pocket. “Well, I might as well enjoy myself,” Reyn privately thought to herself.

Hú Jiao arrogantly takes a step into the alleyway and laughs mockingly at Reyn. “This is what you get for messing with me, you, stupid slut! And now you’re going to regret it!”

Failing to gain any type of reaction from Reyn, Hú Jiao frowns angrily and turns towards the men. “Beat her and rape the slut until she breaks!” Hú Jiao ruthlessly roared.

Reyn drily snorts at Hú Jiao’s words and thinks to herself, “I guess there’s no honor among women. At least, there should be a worldwide sisterhood code that rape is unacceptable in any form. And here I was going to go easy on them, but I guess not, which is just fine by me.”

The three men glanced up at their boss, Péng Ho for confirmation. Péng Ho takes a step forward and coldly growls, “Do as you’ve been ordered.” The other men take their cues and all leer at the trapped foreign woman. Tall and moderately curved, she wouldn’t be a bad lay.

Reyn eyes turn even redder as she glances up at them and says, “I’m honored by your attention.”

The men blink in surprise at the foreign woman speaking fluent Anatolia, which made it that much easier for them to reply, “Don’t worry, bit**. Soon you’ll be eating our coc*s.” In reply, Reyn’s eyes mercilessly twinkle as crimson flashing light is released from her eyes causing the three men to suddenly halt in the alleyway as if frozen by some unseen power.

Péng Ho frowns and roars, “Stop playing around you fools!” And steps into the alleyway, before suddenly meeting the crimson gaze of the foreign woman. Péng Ho to his horror finds he is unable to move except for his eyes that dart frantically around.

The foreign woman easily walks past his three men and pauses next to Péng Ho’s ear. “I’ll have to return the favor, it’s the least I can do,” Reyn whispered in a chilly voice as her hand reached into his back pocket and carefully used her to sleeve to remove a certain and rather illegal item.

“Just who and what did that idiot Hú Jia, go and involve them with!” Péng Ho fearfully thought as he and his three men remain frozen stiff in the alleyway as that foreign woman walks past them. But one thing was for certain, things weren’t going to end well for them at this rate.

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