《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.2 Ch.17 - Late for a Date
*Vitamor’s POV – Shendar*
I don’t know how long had gone by, but I was utterly exhausted. My aura had dispersed and there were bodies of the creatures that looked like dragons all around me. Halfway through the fight, I realized they weren’t really dragons per se, more like massively overgrown lizards that could fly and breath out elements. They were nothing like Origin-D. They were smaller in size and mindless. They acted more like animals than anything.
I was leaning against the dead body of one of these said dragons. I stood up and stretched my body. Pain coursed through me and I collapsed to one knee. I stood up again and then flew into the sky. When I got high enough I looked down at the destruction I wrought. My eyes widened and my breath caught. Everything within a few miles was either just gone or burnt to cinders. There were dozens of so-called dragon corpses scattered about. Some were bisected, some just had their heads removed, and there were even some that had a massive hole in their chests.
It hurt me deep inside to see the amount of destruction I brought upon the land. I felt it would be years before anyone would be able to settle in this area. I could probably rewind the time for the land and reset it back to its original state, but how much mana would that cost me? Would I be able to channel that much right now? I decided that I would at least attempt to do it when I had rested for a bit. I disappeared from where I was floating and reappeared in my room. I saw that Zellfina was lying in bed and it looked like she was asleep. I quietly walked over to the mirror above the dresser and looked at myself. I was caked in blood and the insides of those creatures.
I looked down at my hands and saw that they were stained with blue blood. I rushed into the bathroom not caring about the noise anymore. I ran water in the sink and started to wash my hands. Some of the blood was washing off, but I couldn’t get it all. I scrubbed and scrubbed until my hands started to bleed. My own violet blood mixed with the blue. I had a split second of clarity where I wondered when my blood turned violet. The thought passed quickly and I continued to scrub my hands trying to remove the trace of the slaughter I was apart of. I heard noise from behind me and I turned to see Zellfina standing in the doorframe. She looked concerned, “Baby? What’s wrong?” I broke down, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
*Zellfina’s POV*
I was lying in bed waiting for Vitamor to come back. The rampage on the mainland stopped a while ago. I didn’t hear him enter the room, but I did hear when he started to try and quietly walk across the floor. I quietly rolled over and saw him standing in front of the mirror. From what I could see he was caked in blue blood and bits of some kind of scaled creature. He was wide-eyed and then he looked down at his hands. He was in the bathroom in an instant and I heard the sound of running water. I got out of bed and put a robe on before walking to the bathroom door.
I saw him standing in front of the sink scrubbing his hands. The blue blood was filling the sink, but after a few minutes, his own violet colored blood joined it. Wait, violet colored blood. I tried to look closer, but my tail hit the door frame and he turned towards me. His eyes were wide and there were tears running down his face. I felt my heart lurch, “Baby? What’s wrong?” He looked at his hands and then looked at me before breaking down, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
He fell to his knees and just stared at his hands as the tears just kept streaming down his face. I rushed over and wrapped him in a hug, “It’s okay baby. There’s nothing wrong with you.” He was shaking, “What are you talking about! I can’t control my anger! I slaughtered dozens of creatures and decimated the land for miles!” I ran my fingers through his hair, “It’s okay baby. We are here for you. We will help you control it.” He put his hands to his face and screamed. I felt utterly useless at this moment. I felt anger at NuWa for the words she said that put him in this state.
I promised that I would do everything I could to hurt her next time I saw her. She would not get off easy for what she has done. I kissed him on the head and rocked him as he silently cried. I remembered everything that Dani told NuWa the other day. I couldn’t believe that he had been through so much and wasn’t already completely insane. Sure, he has a hard time controlling his anger but that doesn’t necessarily make him insane. I looked down at him and saw that he had fallen asleep in my arms so I put my chin on his head as I just sat there as I held him.
*Zendra’s POV*
The destruction that could be heard coming from the mainland had quieted down after a day and a half until finally, it stopped after two whole days. I had been trying to find Vitamor for a while now. I knew he was still here because every single one of his women were still here. I didn’t think he would leave them all, so the logical train of thought was that he was still here, somewhere. I looked over towards the mainland trying to think of what could have been the cause of the ruckus. I heard that Vitamor got pissed off and disappeared from the castle after one of the women that he brought back said something.
A part of me thought that he was the cause for the ruckus, but I scoffed at the thought. There was no way that he could be strong enough this quick to do something that could be felt from the mainland. He was weaker than me when we first found him a few months ago! I sighed and continued in my search for him. I decided to go and talk to his women finally. I really don’t understand how mom just allows him to have more women and is just okay with it. I couldn’t stand it if my significant other was to sleep with someone else. I would probably rip his dick off and use it as a cork for her.
I shook my head to quit thinking about such sour thoughts and knocked on the door to Dani’s room. The door opened a few seconds later and I saw Dani rubbing her eyes in a negligee, “Morning...” She yawned and stretched which caused her breasts to rise up thus pulling the negligee up to fully expose herself. I quickly looked away and was happy that I was blocking the doorway so none of the guards could catch a glimpse. Dani yawned again, “What are you blushing for?” I pushed her inside the room and shut the door.
I quickly turned on her, “What do you think you are doing answering the door like that?” She arched an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” I face-palmed, “You practically answered the door naked!” She grinned, “So?” I furrowed my brows, “What do you think Vitamor would say if he knew?” She put her finger on her chin and thought for a second then shrugged her shoulders, “He probably wouldn't care if anyone saw.” I frowned, “And what makes you think that?”
She laughed, “He isn’t that insecure anymore I hope... Just because someone gets to see a bit of our skin doesn’t mean anything. He is the only one that gets to touch us. He is the only one that gets to kiss and love us. He is the only one that gets to fuck us.” I sighed, “You should probably make sure he is okay with it though. I know that catching a glimpse here and there or even seeing you guys full on naked may not be the end of the world, but I know that some men don’t like that.”
She nodded, “I guess you are right. I’ll be a bit more careful until I can ask him... whenever he comes back.” I widened my eyes, “He is gone?” She nodded, “Yeah after that bitch pissed him off, he disappeared and then started wreaking havoc on the mainland.” I caught my breath, “Wait! You mean all of that ruckus was actually him!” She nodded, “Yeah, she hurt him pretty badly and I guess he needed to blow off some steam. It quieted down a while ago, so I hope he comes back soon... I miss him.”
She sadly looked out the window of her room towards the mainland. I shook my head, “There is no way. Even mom couldn’t cause that much of a ruckus and he was about as strong as her when he left!” She nodded, “That is true, but did you know that he came back as a God Rank in power?” I almost felt my legs turn to jelly, “That’s impossible! It’s only been a couple of weeks at most!” There is no way he is a God Rank in power now! It's not possible that quickly. She nodded, “I know that too. He is also an Immortal Rank in magic as well.” I tried to rack my brain to try and remember if he was that strong in magic before he left and I couldn’t remember anything.
I sat down on the edge of the bed, “I don’t even know what to think anymore.” I looked at her, “What did that woman do to piss him off so much and why didn’t he just hurt her?” Dani sighed and sat down beside me, “Vitamor is a... complicated man. He doesn’t really know how to express emotions such as grief, sadness, and anger. He usually just bottles them up until they explode. He wouldn’t hurt a woman if he could help it and it also doesn’t help that he loves her.” I frowned, “Really another woman to add to his harem? How can you guys just sit aside and allow him to screw around?”
Dani frowned, “I, and hopefully the others do now, feel that he deserves it. That man has been through so much crap and still had the mental capacity and empathy to continue to help those that needed it. He has every right in the universes to hate women. Yet he still treats them with respect and dignity, unless they want to be treated otherwise, but that is a different story.” She frowned and then proceeded to tell me about everything she knew about things that happened to him in his life.
I was crying by the end of her story, “How is he still sane?” She sighed and shook her head, “I honestly don’t know. We are all trying to help keep him that way, but when someone like the bitch comes into play it just nullifies all of the help that we have been trying to give him.” I sniffled, “You would think that since he knows what it is like to be cheated on, he wouldn’t do it to you all.”
She frowned at me, “It isn’t cheating if we allow it and even encourage it. We know he loves us and we all know that even though he takes another woman into the group his love for us won’t shrink. It honestly must be hard to keep track of and spend time with all of us and we understand that. Hell, Camellia hasn’t really spent any time with him since our wedding night.” I sighed, “I will never understand you guys, but as long as you all and my mom are happy then I guess I can’t complain.” She smiled at me, “No you can’t.”
*Vitamor’s POV*
I opened my eyes to see the bathroom floor and part of the bathroom wall. I felt extremely stiff when I tried to move. I felt a tail wrapped around my waist and when I went to get up it held me down, “Don’t go yet, baby.” I twisted around to see Zellfina lying behind me against the sink. I blinked my eyes a couple of times before smiling, “Hey babe.” She smiled back and gave me a gentle kiss, “Hey, you feeling better?” I nodded and then put my head against her bulging chest, “Yeah, a lot better now.” She laughed which pushed her chest more into my face, “You seem to really like tits. All of your women have them. Well, Filly’s are a little smaller than the rest, but she can make her’s grow as big as you want so...”
I grinned and then nibbled on her nipple through her robe. She gasped and pulled my head into her chest. I teased it for a few more seconds before letting it go, “I’m sorry you had to sleep on the bathroom floor with me.” She grinned, “Don’t be sorry baby. I didn’t sleep, plus you were only out for a couple of hours.” She pulled me closer with her tail, “I am perfectly fine being wherever you are at.”
I grinned and then kissed her on the lips, “We should probably get up. I don’t know how long I spent on the mainland, but I probably need to head over so I can try and fix the devastation. She shook her head, “Don’t worry. I sent Sithis over to rewind the time on the area affected. Though she was only able to fix about three miles worth of destruction. The inner two miles had been destroyed for too long and even her power over time can’t restore it. We will have to wait decades for it to restore itself. It’s a good thing you went into the center of the continent. Not sure how Origin D is going to take you destroying part of his continent though...”
I sighed, “Yeah, might as well try and get a hold of him first and see if he wants to punish me or something.” She kissed me one more time before uncurling her tail and letting us get up. I stretched my body and saw my reflection in the mirror. I was clean of all the blood and bits from the creatures I kill. Zellfina hugged me from behind, “I took the time to clean the filth from your body. I didn’t think you would want to wake up covered in grime.” I smiled and put my hand on top of hers, “Thank you.” I gave her yet another kiss and then slipped some better clothes on before leaving the room with her in tow.
We were walking down the hallway when I saw Camellia coming from the opposite direction. She noticed us and smiled, “Hello husband.” I frowned, “Call me by my name or dear or baby or anything more personal. Don’t try and be so formal.” She had a small smile on her face, “I understand. It’s just that it’s still all pretty new to me. We haven’t had much alone time since we got married.” I smiled and cupped her cheek, “You are right, dear. I will change that right now. Let’s go do something.” She beamed a smile at me, “You mean it?” I was about to nod when Zellfina spoke up, “What about Origin D, dear?” Camellia looked down and clenched her skirt.
I put my finger on my chin and pretended to think for a minute. I snapped my finger, “I know! The old man can wait. I’m going to spend some time with my lovely wife.” Camellia beamed and then practically jumped in my arms, “Yippie!” I hugged her back and smiled at how adorable she was acting. It was a stark contrast to her normal cool and intelligent poise. I pull back and looked at her, “What do you want to do?” She smiled, “I want to have a picnic in one of the ruins on the mainland.”
I nodded, “Not very common, but I like it.” I snapped my fingers and another woman in ninja garbs arrived, “Yes, your majesty?” I kissed Camellia on the cheek, “Have the chef prepare some food for me and my wife to have a picnic with. Also, have the Brandi get my mech ready.” The woman bowed, “As you wish your majesty.” The woman disappeared with a shimmer. Zellfina looked over at where the woman was standing and shook her head, “Still can’t get over how devoted they actually became towards you. Their group has always been loyal and willing to die for the crown, but I have never seen them do such mundane tasks such as those.”
I smiled at my lovely Draconian Empress, “I have my ways, dear.” She licked her lips, “That you do babe, that you do.” I told her that Camellia and I were going to go on our date and that to tell the girls we would be back later. She smiled and gave me a kiss before swatting me on the ass as I walked by. She laughed as I flipped her the bird on the way down the hall. Camellia snuggled up to my arm while we were walking down the hall, “Are you sure you have time to be doing this.”
I put my hand on hers, “I always have time for you girls. You may just need to smack me on the back of the head and mention that you want to do something. Life as an Emperor is pretty busy.” There was a smack on the back of my head, but when I went to turn around nobody was there. Camellia hadn’t let go of my arm so I didn’t think it was her, but then something wrapped around my waist and I remembered something I should have never forgotten. Camellia is a Draconian just like her mom! I guess I just see them as my women and they look human for the most part that it just slipped my mind.
As we were walking towards the landing pad on the opposite side of the courtyard the tip of her tail slithered into the front of my pants and traced itself along the length of my member. It rubbed me until I got an erection and then slid out of my waistband. I groaned and not from pleasure but from the torture of being fondled until an erection and then hung out to dry. Camellia was giggling at my discomfort and I couldn’t help but shake my head. I was already making plans on how to get back at her.
We made it to the landing pad just in time to see a drop ship unloading my mech. I had them run it through some more modifications and it looked exactly like the Gundam from my favorite timeline. The Seed timeline is by far my favorite and I haven’t watched a better one yet. Wing comes to a close second and the original is third. The only difference between my mech and the one from the anime was the color scheme and it could hold the passenger attachment on its back. The wings could fold down and wrap around the mech kind of like a skirt. Then the passenger attachment would attach to the back of the mech. The color scheme was my personal favorite of black and dark purple.
I know that they really aren’t wings, but they fan out on the back of the mech kind of like wings so meh, details. We made it to the mech and I grabbed Camellia in a princess carry. I jumped up into the cockpit and proceeded through the hatch behind the pilot’s seat. I was able to enter the passenger compartment from there and place her in one of the seats. I smiled, “Okay, buckle up and we should be on the island pretty quickly.”
She nodded and did as I said while I completed my pre-flight. Everything checked out good, the chef brought our lunch which I handed to Camellia, and then we took off. It only took us about five minutes to reach the mainland. My mech is currently the fastest in the fleet, as it should be. I laughed at that and then flew around for a bit to find a ruin site. I saw the one we went to the first time we arrived on the continent, but I saw that a town was starting to pop up around it so we flew on.
About ten minutes of searching later and I found another ruin. This one was covered in foliage and there was a statue that looked like it was guarding the entrance. It was a dragon that was roaring with its wings flared and it had an arm in front of the door. You could still get in the door if you climb over the arm which honestly came off as a poor design to me. I landed the mech and sat the passenger pod on the ground. I then had the mech kneel over the pod before I put it in standby mode. I jump out of the cockpit and landed on the pod. When I jumped off the pod I saw Camellia standing there holding our lunch and staring at the statue with a glint in her eyes.
I smiled when I saw the look of awe in her eyes and I put a hand on her shoulder, “How about we leave the food in the pod and go do a little exploring. Then we can come out and eat under the statue. She beamed and then quickly put the food up before pulling my arm towards the ruins. I let her drag me all across the outside of the ruins. She walked up to the statue and placed her hand on its flank, “It’s so lifelike! It’s even cold to the touch!” I touched the statue and agreed that it was pretty cold, but it wasn’t all that warm outside to begin with. The sun was shining on this part of the rock though so it should have been a bit warmer.
She walked over to one of the pillars that were sticking halfway out of the ground. She ran her fingers across some etched lettering, “I have never seen this language before.” She pulled a tablet out of nowhere and started to swipe and tap on the screen. She held it up to the pillar and a beam of light shot out to scan it. Once the scanning was done, she played with the screen a bit more before moving on to the neck pillar. She did this a few more times for other pillars before pulling me across the arm of the statue and in front of the entrance to the ruin.
She studied the words on the wall for a bit before scanning them into her tablet too. She looked at me, “Let’s sit here a second before going inside. I want to look over what I scanned first.” I nodded my head and leaned against the arm while she messed around with the tablet. Almost an hour went by as I was playing with a mana river that floated over and tickled my nose like a little kid. I swirled it around a bit and it danced around my finger. I could almost feel its contentment. All of a sudden Camellia spoke up, “Okay let’s get a move on.” I nodded and smiled, “Let’s go do this.” We both walked into the entrance of the ruin and neither one of us noticed the small cracking that started to form on one of the eyes of the statue.
- In Serial170 Chapters
BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT! Threadbare Volume 1: Stuff and Nonsense, Volume 2: Sew You Want to be a Hero, and Volume 3: The Right to Arm Bears are now available on Amazon.com! For US residents, you can find them at the following links: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3. Residents of other countries, please browse your local Amazon market.Meet Threadbare. He is twelve inches tall, full of fluff, and really, really bad at being a hero. Magically animated and discarded by his maker as a failed experiment, he is saved by a little girl. But she's got problems of her own, and he might not be able to help her.Fortunately for the little golem, he's quick to find allies, learn skills, gain levels, and survive horrible predicaments. Which is good, because his creator has a whole lot of enemies...Advance chapters are now available on my Patreon, for those who wish to read ahead.(Cover by Amelia Parris)My name is Andrew Seiple, I'm an author and a long time roleplayer. I am the writer of Threadbare, and I own the rights to this story, and many others. I've published works on Amazon before Threadbare, but this is my first litrpg. You can find my various stories available on Amazon.com
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