《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.27 - Symphony of Destruction
*Earth – Dani’s POV*
“Ahh!” I screamed backing up into the garage door. I bumped into JD’s night stand, but nothing moved or even made a sound. I looked down in confusion and then the thing spoke. “Don’t be scared I’m not here to hurt you. I have frozen the time for this world; nobody will hear anything and you can’t move anything. We are the only ones who can move. Controlling Time is a wonderful power, but it is extremely frustrating to use.” I looked at the monster in fear and slight wonder. He was standing there rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration and was speaking fluent English. I was frozen and I couldn’t say anything.
The monster looked at me and smiled, “I am serious Dani I am not here to hurt you I promise.” He held his hands up in the universal sign of showing he had no weapons or malic. I finally managed to squeeze a few words out, “Then who, or what, are you and what do you want with me?” The monster smiled before walking up to one of the posters on the wall, “Ah JD was a big fan of one of my favorite shows I see.” I looked over at the poster on the wall and saw that it was JD’s prized poster of his favorite anime, Swordom Seed.
(AN: Copyright issues for later publication if there is one.)
The monster just stood there and stared at the poster for a few minutes before looking over towards me causing me to shiver in fear. He smiled and spoke again, “I guess I have had enough fun teasing you. My name is Origin-D and I come from another universe; the same universe that your best friend JD has been taken.” I looked at the monster in shock and then looked back down at JD lying on the bed. He saw this and spoke again, “That is not JD; it is but a copy of him, a very good one I might add, that Chronos made when he was taken.”
When I heard this I looked at JD then back at the monster and I started to get pissed, somewhat forgetting my fear. “What the fuck did you do with JD if this isn’t him?” The monster smiled seeing my anger, “I did nothing with him, it was some very bored god kings and their game who took him from you.” I was still fuming when I spoke, “Which gods took him from me?” The monster laughed, “It’s good that you care enough to get pissed about this, but you need to calm down some. That anger will only lead you to your death.”
I saw the vicious glint in the monsters eyes and I somewhat came back to my senses, “Tell me exactly what is going on.” The monster laughed and smiled before speaking, “Well some God Kings decided they were bored and started waging wars using the humans and other species of the universes as their army. Chronos, Pangu, and Nuwa didn’t like this so they came up with a game they could play using the people who were tired of their world or wanted to commit suicide and etc. This game went on for millions of years and is still going. JD was one of the last participants for this game, but Chronos intervened because the other God Kings where abusing the game and were taking whoever they pleased.”
The monster was looking around the room as he continued his explanation, “Chronos stopped JD from being thrown where ever those God Kings wanted to throw him and gave him a better chance at survival. Though who would have thought that he would have turned out to be even more than Chronos and I would have imagined.” I had a confused look on my face, which he apparently noticed. “Don’t ask me how because we still don’t know, even the know it all Pangu has no idea what he will become. We do know one thing though; without people close to him to keep him sane, he will be the end of everything.”
Hearing this I was worried about him, “What do you mean?” The monster was no longer laughing as he was speaking seriously, “What I mean is in the all to cliché saying, having great power comes with great responsibility. Sometimes having too much responsibility can drive people insane and cause them to snap. The more people he has closer to him the better they can keep him the same old JD that everybody knows, well I guess we should say Vitamor now since that is what he changed his name to. He already has one lover and is closing in on a second, but the more the better.”
When I heard him say that JD had a lover and almost two at that I felt my heart break and I could feel wetness coming down my face. I reached my hand up and touched my cheek feeling tears rolling down. The monster saw this and had a face full of compassion, “Don’t worry about them Dani, JD still holds you deep in his heart, more than you think actually.” I looked back towards the monster trying to stop the tears, “You said I could be together with him? I don’t care about his other lovers as long as I can be with him and make him happy. He has done so much for me over the years, but he has always been so dense towards my feelings treating me like a sister.”
The monster smiled and showed a look that one would show his daughter when she was dumped for the first time, “JD feels more for you than you think Dani, but he has his reasons for not showing it. To answer your first question yes you can be with him and I can make it happen.” Hearing the monster tell me I could be together with the real JD again I was ecstatic, “How do we do this then?” The monster thought for a second before answering, “Well we basically make a new body and transfer you into this new body. We will leave a copy of you just like we did for JD. If you two ever come back to Earth for any reason though, these bodies will disappear giving you guys a chance to tell your families what is really going on.”
I was listening to the monster speak about some amazing things, “Now we can go about creating your new body. First thing is what race do you want to be?” I heard him say this and I thought about it for a second, “Are there Elves where JD is at?” The monster smiled and nodded his head. I was happy, because I know that JD has always wanted to see and Elf and even possibly date one, “Then I want to be an Elf, but I want to look the same in the face and ass.” My ass is already big enough as it is, but my chest on the other hand. I looked at the monster, who looked like he was making some mental notes, “I want my chest to be huge though, not unrealistic huge but huge.”
The monster smiled and nodded, “Okay now what about your skills and traits?” I thought about it for a second and made a decision, “Just make me like what the normal Elves are.” He nodded his head, “Okay so you just want to be proficient in magic then got it. So we have a normal Elf, big ass, huge chest, and same face just elfish. Did I miss anything?”
I shook my head causing him to smile, “Okay just wait a second while I call a friend.” After he said this he pulled out what looked like a cell phone and called someone. A few minutes after he hung up the call there was a bright light in the room blinding me. After I could finally see I saw a figure standing next to the monster that was dressed in a white robe, but his face was blocked by a blinding white light.
The monster said a few things to him before turning towards me, “Well Dani this is my friend; he is the Primordial God of Creation. He is the third strongest being in the universes behind Nuwa and Pangu. The people of earth though just call him “God”.” I almost had a heart attack and looked towards what I assumed was a man blocked by the bright light. I couldn’t see a face, but I could hear him speak. “Hello my child, I am what you call God on this planet. As Origin said I am the Primordial God of Creation.”
I was staring in awe at the bright light where his face would be thinking about all the things my grandma would tell me about God, “You’re real? Why is your face covered and how are Pangu and Nuwa stronger than you if you are a God of Creation?” The figure just laughed before answering my stupid questions, “Well Pangu created all of the universes and Nuwa created all of the beings living in them. I was created by Lady Nuwa to govern all of creation while Pangu and Nuwa did other things. So as my creator she is, of course, stronger than me and Pangu is stronger than her making him stronger than me. I created this planet called Earth in this universe to act as my home when I am not busy with the other universes. I have been extremely busy so I let my son, who became a God King ever since he “died” on earth, take over the governing earth. My face has been covered by a bright light ever since Nuwa made me as to hide my identity. The power of the Primordial God of Creation is too much and if someone evil was to kill me and take the powers for themselves then a great calamity would befall the universes. So to prevent people from seeing what I look like I keep myself hidden with this bright light, which not only hides my face but also acts as a cloak against other gods senses.”
My head was starting to hurt with all of the information it was being fed, “So what exactly is your role here God?” The monster laughed before answering for him, “Well he is going to make your body for you and transfer you over to it. He is also going to make your clone to leave behind on Earth.” I nodded my head in understanding and waited while God worked. After a few hours the body was ready. I felt my consciousness fade and then when it came back I was looking at my body lying on the floor. I had a nagging pain in my shoulders and I looked down to notice that I couldn’t see my belly or my feet pasted the giant melons on my chest. I beamed an ecstatic smile towards the monster and God.
The monster just laughed while God did something to my other body before he said something to the monster and left. I looked at the monster and asked what was next, he answered quickly. “Well now that you have your new body and an Artificial Intelligence has been implanted in your old body it is time for you to go.” I nodded my head, “Where am I going?” He thought about it for a minute, “I am going to put you on the same planet as JD, but how close I can get you towards him I can’t tell. My power over space is not that great so you may end up right on top of him or thousands of miles from him.”
I was sad that he might not be able to put me right next to him, but I swallowed my sadness and got determined to find him. I’m coming JD, wait for me. I smiled at the monster and told him I was ready. The monster smiled, “Well here we go.” I was greeted with a distorted view of the area around me then blackness. After what seemed like eternity I found myself in a forest. I looked around for a bit and I was unable to find a person or even a road. I sat down on a boulder close to me and sighed. After thinking about what to do for a few minutes I heard a noise coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a giant monster that looked like a Minotaur. I screamed loudly trying to run, but then all I could see was darkness.
*Shendar – Vitamor’s POV*
We were walking through the forest enjoying the scenery around us. Well I was enjoying the scenery in front of me. I was watching the hips sway of the two beautiful draconians traveling with me. I was in a good mood because I had just noticed a notification window a second ago. When I opened it I was met with something I was hoping to see.
Congratulations! Dragon Scale Body has reached level 3!
Getting this news along with the two beauties in front of me made for a very happy day so far, but sometimes good things must come to an end. After a few minutes of walking we heard a scream coming in the distance, I froze for a second because this scream sounded very familiar. Looking in the direction the scream came in Kira spoke to me mentally, “Master, there is a Minotaur dragging a female Elf through the forest a few miles ahead. The Minotaur is moving quickly, based on his speed I estimate him to be at the Immortal Rank in cultivation.” Hearing her speak I was shocked, the Immortal Rank? Would Zellfina be able to handle it?
I looked at the two girls and told them to follow me, they nodded in silence. We headed towards the direction of the sound. After running for a minute we came across what looked like a small struggle. I pointed in the direction of the tracks and the girls nodded. They both spread out, one on each side, while I followed the tracks directly. We followed the tracks for a few minutes before I noticed something that made my body freeze. The girls noticed that I stopped running and came over towards me and Zellfina spoke, “What’s wrong babe?”
I looked over at Zellfina and cringed, “They ran into a red zone.” Zellfina’s eyes got really big and Camellia covered her mouth. I thought about it for a few minutes, but I finally came to a decision. “We’re going in, but we need to move slowly and carefully.” They both were shocked, but they nodded their heads. I’m sorry girls, but if that voice belongs to is who I think it does, I have to go in. I don’t know why or how she would be here and it may just be her doppelganger, but I don’t want to risk it.
We took off, in the same way as before, following the trail. After running for almost thirty minutes we came across a group of Minotaurs standing around a fire. There were a few Minotaurs that where putting off the same vibe as Zellfina meaning that they were the same level as her. The one standing at the head of the group though was giving off a power that was almost suffocating. I tried using [Identify], not knowing if it would work, on the lead Minotaur and the window I saw made me sweat. I couldn’t even get excited that it actually worked.
Name: Minoruff
Race: Minotaur
Age: 3,278
Cultivation Level: Demi-God
Power Level (Magic): N/A
Sex: Male
Shit, I cursed to myself; he is a fucking Demi-God. I don’t know if the three of us combined can handle him, let alone Zellfina. He was speaking to the other Minotaurs in the group, “My brothers, it has been a long time since we have had the taste of a beautiful woman and even longer since we have had the taste of a virgin. Thanks to one of the rookies though, we have that chance once again!” After he stopped speaking another Minotaur brought a beautiful elf out was struggling. I looked her over and she was indeed beautiful, she was about 5’10” and had a perfect tanned hourglass body. She had long silver colored hair with violet colored eyes and her ass was plentiful. Her chest had to be at least an EE-Cup if not an H-Cup; I was unintentionally drooling and was smacked on the back of the head by Zellfina, “Now is not the time to be fantasizing.”
I pretended to be hurt and remembered she was right. I looked back towards the scene which had progressed rather quickly. One of the Immortal Rank Minotaurs had ripped the simple dress she was wearing and was admiring her secret garden. The Minotaurs slong, which was just hidden by a loincloth got erect and stood at attention. Seeing his hulking rod I felt sorry for any woman who had to take it. It was fucking huge; I am talking about fifteen inches long, if not longer, and around three inches wide. Normal women would probably die after being pierced with that.
I looked towards the face of the Elf and everything around me froze. I quickly used [Identify] on the elf and I was greeted with a window that I was not expecting. I didn’t even read past the first item in the window before something inside of me snapped and I blacked out.
Name: Daniel
Race: Elf
Age: 25
Cultivation Level: N/A
Power Level (Magic): Rank B
Sex: Female
*Zellfina’s POV*
I was looking towards the poor elf, who was about to be violated by the Minotaurs when I noticed the vacant look on Vitamor’s face. I waved my hand in front of his face and I got no response. I looked back towards the elf, who was trying to fight with all of her power, but it was no use. She finally broke down and started to cry. The words that came out of her mouth next though triggered an event I would never forget as long as I lived.
*Dani’s POV*
I was trying to fight the Minotaur, who was holding me down, as much as I could, but it was no use. I tried kicking, screaming, and even biting, but nothing was working. I eventually broke down and cried. I thought about the monster who brought me here with the hope of being together with JD again and it made me cry even more. Through the tears I said the only thing that came to mind, “JD please save me.”
*Zellfina’s POV*
“JD please save me.” Once those words left her mouth Vitamor’s aura changed. I looked over at the young man I fell in love with and noticed that his normal gentle and loving aura changed. It reminded me of the time he killed the rude draconian who called me a whore back at the capital. His shoulders started to shake and his fists released a crackling noise as he clenched them. There was actually a visible aura that started to surround him, it was black in color, but sometimes it would go between violet and red. If I remember what I was told about auras from my dad, black is the color of destruction, while red is rage, and violet is love. Does Vitamor love this elf? It that why this change in him happened?
While I was thinking about all of this Vitamor literally disappeared from where he was crouched. I looked towards the Minotaurs in time to see him appear in front of the Minotaur that was holding the elf down. I was staring at the scene with bulging eyes, how did he move fast enough that the Demi-God leader didn’t notice him? Is this the power of his [Blink] spell? What happened next was unimaginable for me.
Vitamor backhanded the Minotaur that was holding the Elf down directly beheading it. What the fuck is going on? First he has a visible aura that shouldn’t be possible for those below the God Rank and then he beheaded an Immortal with just a backhand to the face! His power and cultivation ranks should be an S at most. What the fuck is going on here? Coming back to my senses I watched as the aura surrounding him turned a deep shade of violet as he looked at the elf woman that had passed out from fear.
The Immortals around him and even the Demi-God didn’t move a muscle. Vitamor picked up the elf and appeared in front of me in an instant. He looked at the elf woman and then looked at me the loving expression was a little awkward with his vacant eyes. He spoke to me and it felt like the words directly vibrated in my soul, “Watch her please. Don’t let anything happen to her.” I couldn’t do anything except nod my head. He hander her to me and then stood up walking back towards the Minotaurs. I couldn’t say anything, but Camellia spoke up, “What are you going to do?”
He looked toward Camellia and showed a gentle smile while the aura around him turned black with a tinge of red, “I am going to compose a symphony of destruction.” After saying this he disappeared and reappeared in the middle of the group of Minotaurs. He had an evil grin on his face as he spoke to them, “I hope you have prayed to whatever god you believe in, though even if you did they wouldn’t be able to save you now.” The Immortal Minotaurs started to run away screaming, but Vitamor showed no mercy. He would disappear and reappear in front of a running Minotaur and grab its head, directly ripping it from its body. There was blood raining everywhere, some even splashed on us, which roused the passed out Elf.
*Dani’s POV*
I felt something wet on my face, which brought me back to consciousness. I looked up and saw that there was a female version of the monster that sent me here holding me while looking towards our front with a look of fear on her face. I looked towards the direction she was looking in and I saw a scene that I thought you could only see in movies. I saw JD flashing about ripping the heads off of monsters that look like Minotaurs. There was blood everywhere and he was covered in it from head to toe. He had the look of a mad man on his face, he was even grinning while going on a massacre.
I gasped, “JD?” When the monster holding me heard me speak she looked down at me and smiled. Her smile showed a deep concern and love. Who is this beautiful female monster? She gently put me down and helped me stand while we both looked towards JD. There was only one more monster left and he was shaking so much, the loincloth in front of him was wet as well. JD walked closer towards him causing the monster to fall down on his butt in fear.
JD had an evil grin on his face while he spoke, but his eyes were vacant; it was like he wasn’t even there. “Any last words before you die?” There was so much malic in these words that it caused the three of us to shiver from them. At this time a robot showed up beside us and muttered something low enough I barely caught it, “Shit, it happened already?” I looked towards JD who had punched his fist through the chest of the monster making it come out of it back. In his hands was the still beating heart of the monster. JD crushed the heart of the monster while using his other hand to crush the monsters head. He slid his arm out of the chest of the monster and just stood there among the bodies and blood. He looked up at the sky and screamed.
*Chiron and the Universe*
Vitamor’s scream resounded throughout Chiron causing all of the creatures to look in the direction of the sound. Any creature below the God Rank was shivering where they stood, some even pissed themselves. On other planets of the Universe there were beings of might that looked towards the direction of Chiron with a bit of sweat appearing on their foreheads. Chronos was in her realm drinking tea while watching one of her favorite anime’s from earth. She looked up towards the direction of the sound and had a look of great concern on her face as well as a little fear. Origin-D was flying through space and when he heard the yell he gave out a grin before speaking, “I didn’t think it would partially awaken this soon.”
*Dani’s POV*
I looked over towards JD who just stood there gazing towards the sky after screaming his lungs out. I felt my heart break as I looked at his back; I was brought back to the time when he walked away after dropping me off at my house when he saved me from the football team members. I let go of the beautiful monster next to me and walked towards him. As I got closer I could feel a power radiating from him that was making it hard to breath. After a few minutes of struggling I finally made it to him and hugged him from the back, ignoring all of the blood. His body stiffened for a second before relaxing, he turned towards me. When I looked into his eyes they were no longer vacant and an expression of great love was on his face; it was then that he spoke.
*Vitamor’s POV*
I was brought back to consciousness with a hug from my back; I stiffened up a bit in surprise, but I could tell that whoever it was that hugged me was filled with concern for me. I turned my body towards them and I saw Dani, although in the body of an Elf, hugging me and crying. I had a familiar feeling cross my heart. I cupped my hand on her check while speaking, “Is that really you Dani?” She didn’t say anything; she just nodded her head and put her head in my chest. I hugged her tightly and right after I was immediately hit with a pain in my head followed by some notifications that I had no control over. I was barely able to read the notifications before I passed out.
Congratulations! You have unlocked a new skill! [Wrath of the Asura]
[Wrath of the Asura] – Ability to unlock the powers of the Asura. Current rank unlocks the powers of a God Rank Cultivator. Can only be used in a case of extreme emotion, mainly rage.
Congratulations! You have unlocked a new title! Asura of Destruction*
*Title unusable at current power and cultivation rank.
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