《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.05 - I'm Glad I'm Not Alone
*Somewhere In a Galaxy*
I groaned, “Ugh.” My head was killing me. I tried to sit up.
I grabbed my head, “Ouch!” What the fuck did I just hit? As my vision starts to return to me I realize that I’m trapped in some kind of capsule and I can’t seem to find a way to open it. I start to panic a little bit feeling like I’m going to die in some rectangular box right after I came to this world. All of a sudden I hear a beautifully sweet, somewhat mechanical, sounding voice. “Please calm down master and look to your right.” Who was that? “Who are you? And where are you!?” I looked around trying to see I anyone was there. “It is me master. I was created to serve you.” I was confused as I was still trying to get my bearings. “Okay where are you though?”
I’m not going to lie I was starting to panic a little bit more trying to figure out where this mechanical female voice was coming from. Wait mechanical don’t tell me. “I’m inside your head master. I am the A.I. that has been entrusted to you by Lady Chronos.” I sighed in my heart, Okay everything is starting to makes sense now. I muttered under my breath, “I feel embarrassed about being scared of something that is in my head.”
The A.I. giggled, which sounded very cute, “Don’t be embarrassed master there are plenty of things in all the universes that may be inside your head, but they are still very dangerous. For example, in the Chezzer Galaxy, in the Quazar Sector, on planet Ramshine there is an intelligent worm species, who call the planet their home, that know an ancient magical spell which makes you think that a snake is drilling into your head through your ears and makes its way out of your body through your genitalia. It really isn’t happening, but unless you know that you will literally die from fear and a false sense of extreme pain. It is very good magic for torture, but the Union has outlawed its use in official measures unless the threat is to the Union Queen herself then all is fair.”
Just listening to the A.I. ramble on about the worm on planet Ramshine’s abilities makes me cringe and hold my manhood in fear and I’m just hearing about it. By the way how much does this A.I. really know? “If it is in any of the universes; whatever you want to know I most likely know about it master.” Wait I can talk to you in my head without talking out loud? “Yes master I am integrated with your very soul and sometimes can even know what you’re going to think or ask before you do.” That’s pretty neat, at least I won’t look like a crazy person while I am talking to you. “Master would never look crazy to me” she sweetly responded.
Well not specifically you, but the others around me. She giggled, “Oh okay master.” Can you stop with the master stuff already I have a name you know call me Vitamor, Vita, Mors, or V for short. “Yes master V, I can do that” I yelled at her in my head, I said no master! “I’m sorry.” Why is it that she sounded so heart broken right there? Jeez I feel like such an ass. I’m sorry. Wait I don’t even know your name what are you called? “I don’t have a name yet master you have to give me one.”
There she goes again with the master bit. Ugh I guess I can deal with it since no one can hear it. I guess I need to give you a name then. How about Kiralee? Yeah that sounds good it was the name I was going to give my daughter if I ever had one. Maybe later I can build her a body and I can have a real daughter named Kiralee. Sounds like a plan but first things first. She giggled a little, “Kiralee… Kiralee… I like it master! From now on I am Kiralee!”
Jeez, she sounds like I just gave her the most precious thing in the universe. Anyways now where was it that she said to look to my right? “Yes master look down and to the right you should see an emergency lever to release the sleeping cell.” I look down and slightly to the right and I see it. It’s a little red lever sunk into the wall of the capsule. I reach down and try to grab the lever. I manage to reach it and give it a good pull. All of a sudden a loud piercing alarm goes off, kind of like the sound the animes I used to watch made when a mecha was taking off from the starship even had the flashing orange light too.
The sound of releasing air, kind of like the air that a semi-trailer releases after it comes to a stop, sounded out and the lid of the capsule started to rise. All of a sudden I couldn’t breathe which made me start to panic again. Kira! I need air where is the closest source? “It’s on the far side of the room master! There is an emergency station with a bottle pull of pills take one of those pills!”
In the midst of my panic I tried to look around for the station she was talking about and I found it on the right side of the room on the wall. I pull myself up out of the capsule as you would do getting out of the bath. Due to the lack in gravity I had to aim myself at the station and pull with all my might catapulting me to the station. I slammed into the station, which if there was air in the room might have made a loud racket, but due to being in the vacuum of space it was quiet almost to the point I could literally hear the blood rushing through my veins. I grabbed a few pill bottles and looked at the labels, but it was in a language I couldn’t read so I had to ask Kira again. Kira which bottle is the one I need? She answered me immediately, “The blue bottle with the big O on it master.”
Why is it that she sounded a little amused when she said that? I look through the bottles again an sure enough there is a blue bottle with a big O on the label I open the bottle and the pills start to float up I grab one and quickly close the lid on the rest. I started to panic some more because I couldn’t put the pill in my mouth due to the helmet that I was wearing! Damn it! "Master push the button on the right side of you helmet it should open the mouth guard on the helmet."
I did as she said and the mouth piece slide open and I popped the pill into my mouth. My lungs start to feel like they are filling up with oxygen and I could finally breathe. Now all of that may have seemed like it took forever and a day, but in reality it took less than a minute for all of it to transpire. “Jeez that was a fright.” Even though I said something due to the vacuum of space no sound came out… “Don’t talk out loud master it will waste a lot of oxygen the pill gave you plus it does no good.” Oh okay, that would have been helpful to know beforehand. “Sorry master, I thought you knew that talking uses up more oxygen than just breathing.” Really? How would I know that jeez. “I’m sorry master.”
It’s okay Kira it’s not your fault, I actually knew that I just forgot about it and was embarrassed. I’m just upset at the fact that it looks like Chronos is trying to kill me right off the bat. Anyways what was the pill I just took? “The pill you took was a medicine invented about fifteen thousand years ago to be used by those species that couldn’t use magic. Back it was invented right about the time that science started to be able to do things that only people with magic could do. Such as flight, breathing in space and underwater, teleporting, and even reattaching limbs.” Okay so what exactly does it do besides give me some oxygen to breathe?
“Well the pill that you took was actually an experimental version that was being developed to give people around twenty-four hours of breathing time. If my estimations are right there should be about thirteen more pills in the bottle master. That is if the bottle wasn’t open before you used it.” Good thing when I opened it I felt the seal break so there should be about thirteen like she said, but twenty-four hours of breathing time from one little pill!? Damn that’s a long time. “Not really master oxygen pills nowadays give people around two weeks’ worth of oxygen per pill.” Really how the hell does that work anyways?
“Well the way it works master is that the pill you swallowed goes directly into your lungs and being that the pill is really just a compressed hardened ball of oxygen it slowly releases oxygen into your lungs whenever it meets the vacuum of space or water vapor from the water you’re swimming in reaches your lungs. Be careful when using the pill underwater master because once the pill runs out water will immediately try and rush into your lungs. So keep track of how long it has been since you have taken the pill. Lucky for you I can project a little monitor with a countdown of how much oxygen is left in the pill you just took.
All of a sudden a little violet window popped up in my field of view in the bottom left corner.
Oxygen Remaining: 23hrs & 53m
Now that’s neat and will come in handy. Okay now let’s get down to business first I need to figure out how to get some oxygen flowing into this space station and I only got about two weeks to do it. Now the time I had would be less if I had to do all this work under gravity due to the extra stress gravity puts on the body when doing activities my oxygen would run out faster. Kira is there any way you can project a layout of the space station in my field of view?
“Master I’m sorry due to the age of this space station the blueprints for it have been long lost I’m afraid I can only show you the rooms you have been in, but here is the map of what you have seen so far the little blue dot is you master, a green dot would be those with friendly intent, and anyone who wishes you harm or theft are highlighted in red.”
Nice not only do I have a digital map of the interiors of buildings, but I also have a radar for living beings. “Master the radar only works on beings of the size of a bird or bigger anything smaller such as insects don’t show up unless they are allied to you or wish you harm.” Ah that’s good to know and a good thing to have otherwise my radar on planets would constantly be clogged with dots. So let’s get a move on then. I floated around the room I’m in looking for anything useful and notice more capsules like the one I was in.
About half of them have bodies in them and about half are empty. Unfortunately the half with bodies in them the monitor on the capsule reads zero life signs so they are most likely dead. Searching around the room I finally found the door. It was built into the wall seamlessly and I would have never found it if it wasn’t for the fact that the door was slightly ajar. I tried to brace myself, which in zero g is almost impossible, and pry the door open. I look around and find myself in a corridor of the space station and I notice a massive hole in the wall of the corridor with a giant rock nestled snugly in the interior wall of the corridor.
Holding on to the railing attached to the wall. Why is there a rail on the wall? I guess it is there for times of zero g kind of like now. I laughed, in my head, at my stupid question and poked my head out the massive hole in the wall to look at the surroundings. “Bloody hell!” I was dumbstruck at the sheer size of the planet in front of me that I completely forgot to not speak. I checked my remaining oxygen.
Oxygen Remaining: 23hrs & 23m
Damnit! I lost 15 minutes of oxygen because I yelled two words argh! I mentally screamed to no one except maybe Kiralee who just stayed silent and let me vent for a moment. After I finally was able to calm down and three minutes of oxygen later I continue to explore the space station. Turning the other way, going along the wall away from the meteor, I started down the other end of the corridor. After what seems like a few minutes of floating I find the door to another room slightly ajar.
I attempt to brace myself and open the door. I finally got the door open wide enough for me to squeeze through and I found myself in a room that looks like a control room of some sort. I walk up to a nearby monitor and touch a few keys. The monitor comes alive with some words scrolling across the screen. The screen changes to show a couple of messages on the screen. I mentally screamed, I can’t read this language! “Oh hold on master.” She went quiet and after a few minutes she finally spoke again. “There done.” What did you do? “I just unlocked the memory of the language of the body you are in possession of.” Sweet does it have anything else you can unlock? “Unfortunately I am only allowed to help by unlocking the language the body you own already possessed everything else must be learned on your own… Miss Chronos didn’t want you to have too much of an advantage.”
I swear that woman will be the death of me. Why do I possess someone else’s dead body when I was able to choose how I wanted my body to look like? "Well master have you heard of doppelgangers?" Yes I have heard of them they are supposed to be extremely rare though, if they are even real. "Well they are real master, but not on a planet level as much as everyone thinks. Everyone has a doppelganger in another universe which is a 100% match to their own body. The only difference being their experiences and names. Your doppelganger in this universe, after you chose your body, just happened to be dead. So Miss Chronos was able just to put you into the body using it as a host. So now you have the body that you want and you will be able to unlock some of the host’s memories as you progress on in life."
Oh okay that explains that then. I turn back to the monitor and read the green message on the screen.
Hello! Welcome to the Backup Control Station for Space Station ArchAngel please enter your credentials…
Crap! I don’t have any credentials, I cursed in my head. “Don’t worry master luckily there is a wireless point in this room and I can access the system and grant you credentials.” You can do that Kira? “Yes master please give me a moment.” She went quiet again for a few minutes, “Okay all done master.” That was pretty fast. Did it work? I walked over to the monitor and push a key to light up the screen again. “Okay master please enter this username and password. Username: Life. Password: Death.” What is up with the cryptic username and password? “Well your name is a combination of the words Life in Death in the almost dead language of Latin”
Wow I’m shocked you knew that. “Well I did say that if it was in any universe I know it. Unfortunately I am not allow to give you certain information unless you find it or learn the basics per Miss Chronos. By that I mean things such as martial arts, combat arts, magic spells, and etc. Now if you find a book or scroll or anything on them I can help you study them and learn them at a faster rate.”
Jeeze just another way that woman is enjoying my pain. I sighed deeply in my heart. Oh well let’s get a move on. I entered the username and password and the screen changed.
Hello welcome back master! What would you like to view?
Master? When did I become the master of this machine? Kira giggled a little bit “Look at the status of the space station master.” I look at the screen and I click down to the status screen, like she says, causing a green window to pop up on the screen.
Space Station: ArchAngel
Owner: Vitamor
Condition: Hull Breach
Power: On Backup (3 Months & 28 Days left)
Life Support: Offline
Gravity: Offline
Life Signs: 1
Cargo: None
1 High Capacity Rail Gun (Unarmed)
50 Medium Capacity Anti-Capital Ship Rotating Rail Guns (Unarmed)
100 Medium Capacity Anti-Frigate Rotating Rail Guns (Unarmed
200 Small Capacity Anti-Fighter Laser Turrets (Unarmed)
1 Bridge
1 Captain’s Room
1 Co-Captain’s Room
50 Barracks (25 Capacity plus showers/latrines)
10 Recreation Lounges
5 Gardens
5 Hangers
1 Capital Ship Hanger
5 Medical Bays
1 Emergency Cryogenic Room
2000 Escape Pods
2 Training Rooms (Pilots and Infantry)
Since when did I become the owner of this space station? Why does it have so many rooms!? Is there an option to check out why the life support and gravity is offline… after searching through some options I found what I was looking for and clicked on the status for the life support and the gravity.
Life Support: Offline due to hull breach in north corridor.
Gravity: Offline due to hull breach in north corridor.
Oh okay so if I fix the hull breach I should be able to turn the life support and the gravity back on. Seems easy enough, I hope. “Master I recommend getting the main power back up and running before attempting to run the life support and gravity they may run down the remaining back up power too fast.” She has a point well let’s find the power supply room then. I searched through the computer some and found what looks to be a basic schematic for the space station. Kira download the schematic to my field of view please. “Yes Master.”
All of a sudden I’m looking at a map of the space station with a blue dot showing my location and a red X showing the location of the hull breach and a green X showing the location of the power room that I need to go to. Great, it’s on the other side of the freaking meteor. Just my luck, there’s no telling how long it will take me to go around. I might as well try floating across to the other side. I sighed deeply in my heart again. “Master if I may recommend how about checking one of the rooms we passed by on the way there might be a storage room with some kind of tool that may be able to help you across the gap.”
Rooms I passed? Looking at the schematic I notice that there were in fact some rooms that I never noticed due to the doors being built seamlessly into the wall. I check on the computer if there is a way to get the doors to work again and sure enough I found a way to reactivate the doors and I clicked activate and a message popped up on the screen.
Power Doors Active: Remaining power in back up now draining 5% faster remaining power at 2 months 29 days.
Damn! I lost almost an entire month of power activating the doors, but hopefully when I get to the power room I won’t need that long to get it back running. Hell I only have thirteen days’ worth of oxygen left so it better not take me longer than a few days I hope. There is one plus to this whole situation at least I’m not alone. If I was I may have done something rash such as jumping across the hole without even looking for an alternative. Kira I’m glad you’re here. “Happy to be here with you master.” I laughed to myself, if she had a face I swear she would be smiling or blushing, either one works.
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