《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.03 - Making Myself
*Chronos’ Realm*
Chronos gave a small giggle, “Zeon huh? How did I know you were going to pick that universe.” I just simply smiled while I responded, “Well C its simple you know about my personality and my interests and stuff due to the divine Soogle.” Not to mention the possibility of an A.I. in an elf’s body who would pass that up seriously? I had a semi-perverted look on my face which Chronos noticed along with my thoughts. She giggled a little bit with a semi-surprised look on her face, “You really are a pervert. I do have to admit though it surprises me that after just a few hours of talking to a god, you are already starting to feel comfortable. With that sort of calmness I believe you would do just fine in whatever world you would have picked.”
I just keep feeling violated around this woman, “Aw come one with the mind reading seriously!” She giggled cutely before replying, “Sorry doll I just can’t help myself.” Yeah I bet you can’t. Just wait until the day I take your heart, I’ll make you pay. The whole universe will hear you scream my name. She said with a semi-red face and a giggle, “I’ll be looking forward to it sugar, but back on track. Now that you have chosen Zeon as your new world you need to choose your Body Stature, Age, Race, Stats, Starting Skills, and Name.” Hearing her I was starting to get excited. Finally some more good stuff, I get to revert my age if I choose to do so and choose some starting skills.
Hearing the last part though it caused me to pause slightly, “Wait what do you mean name? I have to change my name?” I couldn’t help but ask why I needed to pick a new name. She thought for a second before answering, “Well no you don’t, but I will warn you. If you don’t change your name you will literally be sticking out like a sore thumb in your new world.” After she explained why it would be good for me to change my name I felt unable to control my mouth. “Vitamor” I was shocked for a minute. What the hell did I just say? She seemed to like the name some, “Vitamor? Are you combining the Latin words for Life and Death, Vitae and Mors? Interesting; is that your choice for your name?”
I kind of sat there stunned at what just happened to spew out of my mouth. What the hell? I don’t even know where that came from. The only time I have used Latin words is when I am naming my video game characters. What the hell lets go with it. “Yes” I said seeing as how I couldn’t come up with anything else right now, plus it’s not like the name is that bad. Chronos just smiled and sweetly said, “Okay then one moment”
All of a sudden the air in the atmosphere started to get really thin and I could barely breathe. Chronos started muttering something, I couldn’t quiet distinguish, in a language I have never heard of. I lost my ability to stand due to the lack of oxygen in the immediate area. I crash down to one knee holding my chest and suddenly a bright light shot out of Chronos’ right index finger and shot directly into my head causing my world to go black.
Unbeknownst to me Chronos sat there with a worried expression on her face. “Oh dear, I forgot to tell him to be prepared because his world has no magic or divinities that when I started to use my divine power he would feel a little bit uncomfortable. I never thought he would pass out though he does look absolutely adorable just lying there peacefully.” She couldn’t help but smile at the thought. I awoke to the sound of a beautiful voice humming a tune that sounds extremely familiar. Is that the theme song for an anime that I have watched before? It sounds really pleasant. I tried to sit up from the bed that I was lying in.
What the fuck did I just hit? Ouch why am I in a bed that is literally shoved in a hole big enough for someone to roll over in? I groaned, “Ugh my head.” I heard a sweet voice and a giggle coming from the other side of the room I was in. “Well good morning JD; or should I say Vitamor. The hole is that big because I didn’t really want to dig a bigger one.” I sighed in my heart; well because you didn’t want to I now have a knot the size of Texas on my head. Chronos once again invaded my mind, “I’m pretty sure Texas is bigger than your knot dear.”
I screamed in my heart before speaking, “It’s an expression C anyways what the hell happened?” She seemed to have a look of concern on her face when she answered, “Well when someone who isn’t strong enough is in the immediate area of a divinity when we use our powers they tend to not be able to breathe, sometimes they pass out such as your case, or die. You’re lucky you are in my domain otherwise you would have perished.” I nodded my head hearing her explanation before I froze and yelled out, “Wait I could have died? What the hell C?”
She seemed like she felt bad for what happened, “Not here of course the flow of energy in my domain is controlled by me, but I cannot control some of the side effects of being in the presence of divine power. In your old world where I can’t control the flow of energy you would have been dead the moment I started to utter the words needed for the divine spell I casted.” I was a little annoyed at the fact that I could have died, “You had to cast a spell to change my name? Couldn’t we have just said okay my name is Vitamor now?”
She sighed before she spoke, “Well we could have yes, but in the world you are going to there is such a thing as a status menu which people with certain skills can view even if you don’t want them too. Even if we just say “Hey your Vitamor now” if someone was to look at your status menu, which to them would only show your name, level, title, race, age, and sex, it would still say JD. I will have to do the same thing to change your race if you so choose to do so.” What she says makes complete sense when you stop and think about it, but a status menu huh? That sounds really freaking cool.
I looked at Chronos after calming down, “So how do I view my status menu?” She quickly responded, “Just simply say [Status] and it will pop up with your status. If you have the skill that lets you view others status menu you would say there name followed by status, but you will learn all that in time.” Is it really that easy I thought, “Okay let’s give it a go. [Status]!” All of a sudden a violet menu just kind of like the one that popped up when showing me the list of worlds appeared in front of me.
Name: Vitamor
Race: Human
Title: Perverted Nerd
Level: 1
Health: 22/100
Mana: 0/0
Strength: 15
Vitality: 10
Intelligence: 13
Agility: 7
Charisma: 8
Luck: 20
Oh nice my name really has been changed to Vitamor. Perverted Nerd really? Why do I have a feeling that, a little time god, decided to add that when she changed my name. I sighed deeply; I need to find out how to change that quickly. I mumbled a few words hoping to find the right keyword without Chronos noticing being that she is a god she probably can hear me anyways, but I finally ran across it when I said “Title Change” it gave me a list of things to pick from which was horribly short with just two choices, Perverted Nerd or simply None, so I chose None for now and gave Chronos a glare. She just giggled and gave a beautiful smile. “I see you figured out how to change your title.” I gave her a slight snort, “Yeah, well thanks to you I had to figure out how to do it. Also why is my health so low? I mean eleven out of a hundred?” She answered matter-of-factly, “Oh that’s because of the effects of the divine spell from earlier. It caused your health to drop below ten which is why you passed out, which is important information so you need to remember that.”
I felt a chill run through my body, “Okay got it, health below ten equals passing out, I can see why that is important in a fight especially. Oh by the way do you have a status menu, even though you’re a god?” She smiled before speaking, “Well yes I do would you like to see it?” I kind of perked up at the thought of seeing her status menu, “You mean I can see your status without the skill?” She smiled while answering, “Yes you can, but since you don’t know the correct skill to view it without my permission you can only see it if I voluntarily allow you to.” I thought in my head well I can’t pass up this opportunity to see a gods status how often will I get this chance? “Can I see it C?” She smiled and giggled, “Sure, [Status].” Another violet window popped up.
Chronos would like to share her status menu with you.
Yes - No
Well this answer is simple. I select yes and another violet popup, which I am starting to get familiar with, comes into view.
Name: Chronos
Race: Divine
Title: God of Time
Age: ???
Level: ???
Sex: Female
She was telling the truth is does only show the basics of what I would need to know. But something was bothering me, “Why does your level and age have three question marks?” She explained, “Well if a beings level is one hundred levels or more than yours it is listed with three question marks, but if you are strong enough it will show no matter what your level. As for the age It is hidden because it is never polite to ask a lady her age, plus you don’t need to know.” She actually showed a teasing smile on that last part. Damn what are you an old broad or something that you can’t even show you age?
All of a sudden I see nothing but black. I woke up to find myself in the same bed that I woke up in before. Taking care to not hit my head I looked at my status and saw that my health is at eleven out of a hundred. Ugh what the fuck happened? I look around to see Chronos standing next to a broken hourglass with sand all around her. I walked over and looked at the hourglass and then her, “What happened?” She looked at me and I couldn’t help but think that she was slightly irritated. “Well you thought of something that pissed me off causing me to slap you and I forgot to hold back my strength. Thus I sent you flying into this hourglass.” Oh well that explains the throbbing pain in my right cheek I thought as I touched my right cheek.
I looked at her apologetically, “About that my mind sometimes acts like my mouth and stuff just pops into it that shouldn’t. Sorry.” She sighed before gently smiling at me, “It’s okay at least the hour glass you smashed into was of a planet on the verge of collapse and was void of life so there is no loss.” Hearing this I was confused, “Wait what are you talking about C?” She raised her arm up and pointed off in the distance, “Didn’t you notice all the hourglasses around you for as far as you can see?” As she gestured to the hourglasses literally scattered around for as far as the eye can see I realized that they are at different times and some have even stopped.
I stared in shock at the sheer amount of hourglasses, “So all of these represent different worlds?” She nodded her head, “Not just the worlds though. Do you see the ones that are twice the size of most? Those are for different universes; of course there aren’t any hourglasses for universes that are anywhere close to their end. Though the same can’t be said for the vast amount of worlds out there look at this one.” As she says that we were all of a sudden teleported in front of a hourglass that looks like it had just started. I couldn’t help but ask, “Which world is this one?”
She smiled gently before answering, “This is Earths hourglass.” I was shocked to the point where I almost screamed, “What? Are you serious? It looks like it has just barely gotten started!” She laughed at my expression before speaking, “That’s because it has I personally restarted this hourglass after the creatures you called dinosaurs where wiped out. Unless the hourglass is broken the planet itself will hold on, but the life on it will eventually be restarted. When the hourglass stops a natural or unnatural event will wipe out all life on that world.”
My head was starting to hurt because of all of the information I was getting, or the slap that Chronos gave me earlier. “You mean to tell me Earth has a long time before the reign of humans comes to an end?” She nodded her head slightly, “Yes I believe that when the time comes for the humans from Earth to finally claim half of that universe. All life on the human home world of Earth will be wiped out, but due to the strength of some of the beings in that universe it will take a long time for them to control half of that universe.”
Feeling my head continuing to hurt I wanted to stop the lesson for now. “So what comes next on our list of transferring me to my next universe?” She quickly got back to business, “Well that would be your race and body stature” I quickly responded, “My race will be the same.” She was kind of shocked at my answer, “You want to stay a human? I figured you would want to be an Elf or something.” I shook my head, “No I would like my Race to stay the same along with my looks and body stature.”
I think that I look decent enough and I don’t want to be one of those pretty boys who women fawn all over, but the moment that something damages those looks they dip out faster than a fat kid after a Twinkie. My body stature is good a 6’ 4” and weighing 250 pounds of pure muscle, but it isn’t the really noticeable kind of muscle I do have a little bit of a belly to me, but it isn’t that noticeable when I stand up only when I sit down. Plus I have always imagined being a human conquering an elf. There is one thing I would like to change about my physical appearance though.
I looked over at Chronos with a slightly lewd look on my face, “There is one thing I would like to change about my physical appearance C.” She didn’t seem to notice my look when she answered, “Oh what’s that?” I walk over to Chronos and whispered into her right ear a few words. All of a sudden I feel a heat on my right cheek. I move back to look at C and her face is the color of a tomato. She screamed at me, “You Pervert!”
All I remember after that darkness and yet again waking up in the same damn bed. Ugh she seriously needs to learn to hold back some damn. I start to stand up and noticed a difference in my balance for a couple of seconds before I got used to it. I smiled because even if it embarrassed her or made her mad she did as I asked. I felt a shiver run down my spine and look up to find Chronos staring daggers into me. Oh yeah she is mad. I gave out a small laugh, “Uh so what’s next C?”
She gave me a slight humph, “That’s Chronos to you pervert.” Yup defiantly mad I thought, “Why so mad C? Get glad.” I laughed trying to clear the atmosphere. She glared daggers at me, “Do you want to die before you even get to your world?” I gulped, “Sorry.” She sighed deeply, “It’s fine I should have expected it from a pervert like you.” I laughed a little embarrassed, “Yeah; So what’s next?” She answered with a blank look on her face, “Next would be your age. Do you want to stay twenty-four, be older, or be younger?”
I thought about it for a second, “Well what’s the average age of a human who is an adult and can go out on their own in this universe?” She thought for a second, “Fourteen.” I nodded and gave my answer, “Fourteen it is then C I have been about 6’ since I was fourteen so it shouldn’t be a big shock in the universe.” She nodded, “In the universe you’re going to 6’ 4’ is tallish for a human, but to a couple races you are average in height.” I smiled, “Well then I guess that’s good. I choose Fourteen then; final answer.” She nodded her head, “Okay hold on then.”
Chronos starts to glow again and the air around us starts to get extremely thin, but for some reason it is bearable. All of a sudden I am hit in the head again with the same beam of light, from her right index finger, as the time she changed my name. When she was done I nodded my head, “Sweet I don’t really feel different, but I know it worked. Why does my voice sound like the pitch is higher?” She giggled with her hand over her mouth, “Well puberty is just now starting for you so your voice hasn’t deepened a lot yet. I think it’s kind of cute.” I pretended to fret about it, “Ah! I sound like a mouse! Oh well it will get deeper eventually. What’s next C?”
She quickly put her business face on, “Next would have to be Skills. Since you chose the human race your stats will be about the same as when you were on earth, but the more you train them they will advance slowly and they will advance when you level up.” I was starting to get more excited, “Sweet finally we can get down to the good stuff my starting skills!” She giggled a little bit before continuing to be serious. “I will warn you though choose carefully; because the skills you don’t choose now will have to be learned later and depending on where you land at it might be extremely hard to learn those skills let alone survive to use the ones you pick.” She said that last part with a small smirk. Ugh why do I feel she is going to enjoy watching me struggle?
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