《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.01 - Is this Real?
*Some Town, Oklahoma USA*
I was sitting in the garage/bedroom of my decent sized puke green colored two bedroom, with a garage converted into my room making it three, two bathroom home minding my own business not realizing the adventure I was about to experience.
“God! This sucks! Why isn’t there anything to do in this godforsaken town!? Ha die you freaking scrub!” I was hollering to myself and the random player that I had just killed. This town really does suck aside from the local superstore there is literally nothing to do. We used to have a dirt track for bikes and four wheelers, but it got shut down due to somebody’s spoiled brat getting hurt because he couldn’t drive his bike worth a flip. So now I find myself enjoying my spare time playing a little Call to War or Radiation Society 4.
“Come on it isn’t that bad JD” I looked towards the doorway to find for the source of the voice that startled me enough to end my killing spree, but who else could it be at the perfect time to ruin whatever sort of record I am trying to set but my childhood friend Dani. Her real name is Daniel, but that is a little bit of a sore subject for her so I try not to bring it up
“Says you Dani. You have something to preoccupy your time! And you ruined my killing spree!” I said to her in a fake anger. She responded with a snort and acted like she didn’t care. “It’s not my fault you don’t have a significant other you nerd. Maybe if you leave your room, quit worrying about the amount of fictional people you can kill or save in your video games, and mingle with society you might find somebody to spend your time with. You could also do with getting rid of all the posters of the cartoon girls with unrealistic busts.” She said this with a fake disgusted tone, the only reason I knew it was fake is because she had long gotten used to my tastes in entertainment, and I sometimes think that she was actually starting to take an interest herself.
Feigning being hurt I sarcastically retorted, “Oh way to rub it in Daniel! Also it’s called anime not cartoons and a man can dream of finding a girl with busts as big as them especially if they happen to find happiness in the fictional worlds brought to the average person by the genius minds of video game developers and mangakas” I laughed a little bit in my head because even though I did say I try not to bring it up, it is the perfect ammunition to use to rattler her a bit.
“I thought I told you to never bring that up! Geez I wish my parents would have named me a girl name and not a boy’s name.” Even with a boy’s name Dani still was a knockout. Standing at 5’ 9” she was a bit over the average height for women. She has some decent length legs, an almost nonexistent chest, and an ass that would make almost any woman jealous. Her looks weren’t too bad either she had more of a Scarlett Johansson look witch is totally hot in my book. She has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes, I don't think that the black hair is natural but I don't know and If it wasn’t for the fact that we had been friends since pretty much kindergarten and I see her as more of a sister than a romance partner I would have taken her for myself. Even if her chest was a bit too small for my liking, but I would never say that out loud to her made that mistake once and I swore that I wasn’t going to be able to have kids in the future after she was done with me.
I laughed a little bit before responding, “Come on Dani it’s not that bad at least you’re unique in some aspect. I mean hell my name is Justin you don’t get more normal and common than that.” Which is true Justin is one of the more popular boy names in the good ol’ U.S. of A. “Plus I’m happy that my grandpa gave me the nickname of JD. Oh! Don’t even get me started on what my mom was going to name me even after they found out I was a boy compared to that you situation is kind of tame.” I said the last part as I remember what my mom wanted to call me before they found out I was a boy, which prompted my dad to step in on the name. Please don’t mention that to anyone ever even I don’t like hearing about it, but being a real friend and having to push my buttons Dani came in like a wreaking-ball”
Dani started to hold her gut laughing enough that tears started to fall from her eyes, “Oh yeah that is a good one I can’t believe you even brought that up to me one day you seriously should have kept that to yourself Shelby-san.” She even threw in a twist to the dagger by mocking my deep interest in the Japanese culture by adding the san to the end.
I snorted in fake irritation “You added that to the end just to mock my interests didn’t you!” She was just starting to calm her laughing down when she answered, “I have no clue what you are talking about by the way your kill death ratio is going down the tubes at this rate.” Once again I gave out a small snort before replying and noticing my K/D at the same time. “What are you talking about? What!? No! I am 17 and 35 dammit I was 17 and 2 before you walked in here! Damn you Dani!” I sighed deeply in my heart; leave it to Dani to successfully be able to get out of a difficult situation that she started I never get to have the last word in anything we quarrel about.
I was immediately greeted by a yell from the kitchen, “Justin! You may be twenty three years old, but if you’re going to have your bedroom door open watch your language!” I forgot to mention I live with my parents and little sister at the moment because it is really hard to live on your own even when I’m working forty hours a week and only making eight dollars an hours. I can’t complain too much though free food and electricity for my gaming and I also have a job where I work 4 days a week and pretty much just play Radiation Society 4 all night long.
“Sorry Mom!” I quickly hollered back at her before getting up and shutting the door. I usually try to keep my door shut so they don’t hear me constantly curse and yell at my games while I play… but as usual Dani left it standing wide freaking open. “Dammit Dani haven’t I told you before to shut my door when you come in.” I glared at her, which prompted her to just sit on the edge of my bead and look at my posters. I know she knows to do it and is just acting like she forgot I can tell from the little movements of her shoulders as she is trying not to bust a gut.
“I’m sorry J. I completely forgot to shut the door” I may have believed her, but the giggles in between every other word got rid of that idea. I just scoffed before replying while sitting down in my chair, “Mhm I’m sure you did anyways what did you come over for in the first place?” I asked because lately she has been busy with her boyfriend.
“What I got to have a reason to see my best friend?” She looked a little hurt while saying this, but I simply ignored it while I responded. “No, but you usually send me a text when you’re on your way and you didn’t this time” She is usually good at it. I don’t know why she does it because it doesn’t matter to me, but I did ask her one time and she responded with a sarcastic remark about it having to do with me maybe being preoccupied with a member of the opposite sex and she didn’t want to walk into that. She said this because she knows that I have been single for a very long time and likes to remind me in a typical best friend fashion.
Hearing me say this she seemed to remember something, “Oh yeah I forgot I was coming to talk to you about the disappearances.” Hearing this I was lost, “What are you talking about?” She looked at me like I had grown an extra head. “Are you kidding me? It’s all over the Headbook! There have been disappearances all over the world. People are just vanishing without a trace!”
Now that she mentions it I do remember hearing something about that in a random video on Headbook while I was just browsing through it, but I don’t remember much about it because the only time I get on the social media giant’s site or app is to find interesting food recipes and hilarious memes. “You know that the only time I get on there is to find food and funny cat videos.” Which surprisingly is a very trendy thing right now and it still confuses me even though some of them are funny.
She scoffed a little bit, “Seriously you are helpless get your head out of your damn video games and cartoon porn!” I put my hand over my heart in feigned pain, “It’s not a cartoon and it’s not porn! Just because most of the characters like to show a lot of skin and nipple, a porn it does not make!”
If she seriously thinks that it is porn I hope she never Soogles the word hentai… of course that would be hilarious to see her reaction to that, I laughed a little thinking about it which prompted a glare from her. She is sort of a prude when it comes to anything sexual, the only thing she has ever done is kiss a boy, anytime it gets to that point in their relationship her boyfriend’s usually dumps her for not making any responses to their sexual advantages or just changing the subject completely. It would be priceless to see though I am going to have to bring it up later. I gave off a mischievous smile which caused her to shudder.
“Believe whatever you want you pervert.” She looked away from me with a blood red face. I laughed a little at her embarrassment. “Call me a pervert all you want I don’t care. I like big butts and even bigger breasts so what sue me; anyways back to the disappearances.” Getting back on topic she continued, “Oh yeah, There was one in the city recently!”
Hearing this I was a little shocked, “What? There was actually one so close!?” – JD
Being that Oklahoma City is about an hour and thirty minutes away at highway speeds. 45 minutes if you drive like I do. (A.N. - Obey the traffic laws kids -_-) it actually makes it quite close to us. She continued on, “Yeah I was at the bar with my girlfriend Zena and she was like “Hey girl my cousin’s, younger half-sister’s, boyfriend’s, baby cousin Mario said he seen it all go down he said there was this blinding light and then all of a sudden some guy who was standing there was just gone no trace not even any clothing!” which cause me to doubt what she was saying until I watched the news this morning and there was multiple people saying the same thing!”
I looked at her in shock, “Are you serious? Maybe it’s some high tech criminal empire with some new technology to blind people and wipe out there short term memory for a certain amount of time?” I was thinking about a movie with a certain prince of bel-air in it, even though they weren’t a criminal empire. I was starting to get really interested, because I absolutely love anything fantasy and sci-fi related so this was right up my alley.
Seeing my interest she answered, “That’s a good possibility, but what about the absence of tire markings or anything on any of the area’s security cameras?” Hearing this it did make sense. There should be some sort of evidence being that it was so quick. “Hmm you make a good case; I really wish I could see the area or the camera’s footage I might be able to help do something about it with my interest in almost everything technological.”
She looked at me and smirked, “God you are way too hyped right now calm down or I swear you might have to change your pants.” I glared at her and retorted, “I am not that much of a technology lover! Now if I could make and A.I. and import it into an artificial body that is almost exactly like a real body, except having the A.I. for a consciousness, then maybe.” Especially if I could design the body proportions mmm I can just imagine the fun I could have with absolutely no refusal.
“N.E.R.D. that is exactly what you are.” She emphasized every single letter of the word while saying it. I laughed a little, “Yeah I know, but you still love me” She snorted, “Sometimes I wonder J. Anyways I got to run I told Fenix I would be by later he said he had something he wanted to talk about. He said it had something to do with moving our relationship forward.”
Oh no here It comes; I feel that as her best friend I should warn her, but I also feel that I should try and let her grow on her own as a woman. She might just be destined to be lonely or constantly jump from man to man. Not in a sexual way though just constantly getting dumped, because sadly a lot of men are pigs and only want the physical relationship.
I sighed before answering, “Okay D we have been talking for a while; it’s almost 1 am so I should probably hit the hay anyways” I was looking at the clocked shocked at what time it already was. It’s kind of early compared to when I normally go to bed, but none of my online buddies are on right now and I was starting to get extremely bored playing by myself.
She laughed before speaking, “Sure you are you are probably going to get right back on CTW and play with your buddies” this wouldn’t be far off from the norm, but like I said lack of buddies. I lightly laughed, “Not tonight though. I will catch you later D.” She smiled at me before she started to leave, “You to J” she said as she walked out the door.
After she left I proceeded to get ready for bed. Which means I just pretty much stripped down to my boxers, turn on my window unit, and turn on my army of fans and then I attempted to enter dreamland.
*Somewhere in the Galaxy*
In a room full of mystical aura there were two very powerful and very old beings complaining about how unfair they are being treated. One of them was groaning, “Well we are running out of different worlds to let our subjects play in.” Another was sighing deeply, “If only Chronos didn’t limit us to 3000 different worlds to assign and play with” The being who had groaned first quickly spoke to the other, “Don’t speak rudely of the god of time, though not as powerful as most of us, they are the only one of us that controls time and you don’t want to know what they can do with their mastery over time Odin”
Hearing this Odin realized his mistake, “I am not speaking badly of them Zeus I just really wish we had more worlds to assign. Only three thousand worlds won’t last a really long time and they only let us play this game every couple million years; a million years of boredom sucks.” Zeus sighed in agreement, “I know three thousand isn’t a lot, especially when they put a rule on us that we have to give each subject three choices of three different worlds and we have to wait until they die in one, to reincarnate them in the next.”
Odin looking dejected sighed heavily, “Well we are down to the last three worlds so that makes this the last person. Let’s see who the fates have chosen as the lucky final contestant” Off to the side of Odin and Zeus there was a floating pool filled with liquid subject not highly recognizable. It started to swirl and reveal the chosen person in these two powerful beings game.
*Some Town, Oklahoma USA*
I was startled awake by a blinding light directly above where I was lying in bed. I was still halfway asleep trying to figure out what was going on. “What the fuck is going on!” I blurted out in surprise. “Now that’s not very good language mister” came a beautiful voice, almost sounding like it was singing, seemingly from nowhere.
“What the fuck?” Was the last thing I could say before I was somehow transported to some endless plane where all I could see around me was massive hour glasses. “Why hello JD” I was once again greeted with that beautiful sounding voice. Looking around I couldn’t see anybody in the immediate area so I tried to calm down the panic that was slowly building in my mind and focus on my surroundings to try and get a grasp at where I was.
“Whose there?” I hollered into the air hoping the owner of the voice would answer or show themselves. It wasn’t but a few seconds before my attempt was rewarded, “Oh I’m sorry perhaps I should introduce myself.” All of a sudden a beautiful figure emerges from nowhere and is standing right in front of me and when I say beautiful I feel like it would be an insult to the woman standing in front of me. I can’t even think of a word to describe how she looks; she has to be about 5’ 10” long gorgeous legs, an ass that should belong to a goddess, and breasts big enough they shouldn’t be real or be even possible outside of an anime. She has long violet hair and is wearing a dark violet dress that is barely holding her top in.
I was stunned and said the only thing I could think of at the moment, “Wow.” Smooth man just smooth you meet pretty much the girl that you thought would be never possible to meet in real life and that’s all you can say. She giggled a little before speaking, “I’ll take that as a complement. Hello; allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chronos and I am a God of time. Well goddess, but that’s just nit-picking at the title.” I gave a look of shock. What a god? This has to be a dream. I mean gods aren’t real they are just beings made up by people to explain the unexplainable or to hide from their real life problems and isn’t Chronos supposed to be a guy?
She giggled a little, “No you are not dreaming this is very much real and the gods are very real and me being a guy is just your species concept of me also father time is actually me and mother nature is actually a male named Beetle. He is still pissed at how everybody calls him Mother Nature and he also hates how everybody blames Periods on him when that was actually Loki’s fault. The trickster whispered the idea that it was Beetle’s fault and then he placed the curse of Periods on the women of your species otherwise there eggs making and cleaning process would go unnoticed and come out when they went to the bathroom, but enough on that subject.”
After she got done talking I mumbled in awe, “Wait did you just read my mind?” She didn’t say anything she just nodded her head. What the fuck is going on and where the fuck am I? Once again she answers me before I can ask. “I can answer that for you doll.” Hearing her speak I found way of addressing me, like we were in the sixties, amusing. “Okay then first off where am I?” She answered me very quickly with hardly a pause, “You are in my realm of time where I watch over everyone’s time as well as the time of the all the worlds and universes”
I was dumbfounded, “Everyone’s time? I understand the time of the worlds and universes being yours to control and watch, but why the time of everyone in them?” I figured that those times would be left up to the fates to decide and control. She showed a small smile on her face, “That’s were your wrong babe. I control the time of each living creature in any given world and universe. The Fates just decide when that time should stop, but if I want to use my power to my utmost I can cancel out their power to end or save the timeline of others.” There she goes with the mind reading again, but at least I’m learning a lot of really interesting information about how the universe runs from probably the hottest woman in it.
“Well dear I just happen to be the right type of body style and looks for your particular interests, but according to the multiple universes and worlds I am not the hottest woman out there.” She said with a sneer. Is it just me or did I hear a little bit of sadness when she said that? I guess she really is a woman after all even if she is a god.
Pushing that to the back of my mind I continued, “Okay on to my next question what is going on?” She looked at me and answered in a casual way. “Oh that is easy you have been chosen by a couple of bored gods to be able to start a new life” Hearing this I just nodded my head before the realization of what she just said crashed down upon me. “Oh okay I get to start a new life sound cool; wait what!?”
She laughed at my expression, “Yes dear you have been chosen to start a new life in a completely new world full of all kinds of adventure, excitement, and women!” When she said this, I felt like she knew more about me than she should have. Or maybe the last part of that sentence was a coincidence.
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