《Cloud Sailor》CS 28 - On the Job


The rest of the day passed without much of note occurring, the exception being the delicious mushroom pasta that Tom whipped up for them using fresh ingredients from the spire.

It was in high spirits that they took delivery of the goods from Kraus and Sons the next day. Ten pallets and two crates, exactly what Otto had said there would be.

Rhys waited until the loading was done, and he was alone in the cargo hold before moving over to examine the crates. He’d promised not to open them, but that didn’t mean much on this ship.

‘Zaxx, what’s in these crates?’ Rhys asked softly, tapping on the wood as he spoke.

‘They contain a dried herb that has an above-average energy level. Interesting. The energy profile of the herb is significantly different from that of the other foodstuffs that you have onboard. I would like to absorb some for further examination, with your permission?’

‘No. Leave it be. We’ve been contracted to deliver it intact, and we will do so.' Rhys said firmly, cutting off that avenue of thought straight away. He wasn’t going to skim off the top of the cargo, no matter how small an amount Zaxx could take. 'That being said, is there anything else unusual about it apart from the energy content?’

‘Not that I can tell. It is similar in structure to some of the herbs Mr Morgan has brought to the galley in the past but has a few core differences.’

‘Interesting. What about the rest of the cargo?’

‘Nothing of note. The majority is commercial goods of one form or another that we have carried before. There are the large amount of energy-bearing crystals that you mentioned previously. Would you like me to absorb these?’ Zaxx asked, a tinge of urgency in his voice as he spoke.

‘Yes, but leave the pallets there and tell me if anyone inspects them. Take what you need from our existing stock to make it up to ten energy units. I want to add an upgrade at some point.’ Rhys knew that no one would check the crystal until they arrived at the other end in Arn Allinor. Enough time would have passed by then that he could say that he’d moved it to the engine room himself during the trip.

‘Yes, Rhys,’ Zaxx said as a kind of pressure started to build up on Rhys from the direction of the crates. Odd. Rhys hadn’t been able to feel Zaxx’s power at work like that before.

Chalking it up to his imagination, Rhys headed off to find Oliver. He’d promised Otto that they’d head off promptly, so it was time to get things moving.


They were in the air within the hour, Rhys taking the helm as he set a northeasterly course and steadily increased the power to the main vapour thrusters. It would be expensive to fly at full thrust all the way there rather than cruising for the majority, as most ships did.

However, Otto had paid for an express delivery, so that was what he was going to get. The extra sovereigns from Kraus and Sons more than covered the cost in fuel after all.

The whistle of the wind as the Endeavour gained speed always put Rhys in a good mood, and this time was no different. Rhys could almost feel the power thrumming through the ship as it was funnelled down to the thrusters.


Everyone was on deck for the initial takeoff, but they drifted down into the ship’s interior as the Endeavour rose to a cruising altitude. Rhys waited for a few minutes once the last of them had gone before speaking softly. ‘Zaxx, bring up the upgrade list, please.’

‘Yes, Rhys,’ Zaxx said, the cloud quartz panel above the helm station slowly filling with an eldritch script as he spoke.

Propulsion Upgrades

Power Rank 2 - Increases the thrust of all vapour thrusters by a moderate amount. This effect also increases energy consumption by a minor amount.

Cost- 100 Energy Units

Efficiency Rank 1 - Increase the efficiency of all vapour thrusters, reducing power usage by a minor amount. This effect also reduces any increases in energy consumption from other Propulsion Upgrades.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Overclock Rank 1 - Grants the ability to temporarily boost the power of specific vapour thrusters, increasing thrust by a minor amount at the cost of durability. This effect also increases energy consumption by a moderate amount.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Weaponry Upgrades

Power Rank 1 - Increases the raw strength of all cannons by a minor amount. This effect also increases energy consumption by a minor amount.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Efficiency Rank 1 - Increases the efficiency of all cannons, reducing power usage by a minor amount per shot. This effect also reduces any increases in energy consumption from other Weaponry Upgrades.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Compression Rank 1 - Compresses the generated shots of all cannons, improving the cohesiveness of all shot. This increases the effective range of all cannons by a minor amount. This effect also increases energy consumption by a moderate amount.

Cost - 10 Energy Units.

Enhanced Shot Rank 1 - Applies a minor secondary effect to cannon shots on demand for additional power usage. Rank 1 Effects - Fire, Ice, Force. This effect also increases energy consumption by a moderate amount.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Hull Upgrades

Hull Strength Rank 1 - Increase the strength and durability of the Endeavour’s hull by a minor amount.

Cost - 9 Energy Units

Hull Repair Rank 1 - Allows the Endeavour to passively repair itself. Able to repair minor damage. While active, this effect will also cause a minor increase in energy consumption.

Cost - 9 Energy Units

Hull Growth Rank 2 - Reduces the cost of adding new Modules, Hull Upgrades and other structural changes by a minor amount.

Cost - 95 Energy Units

Power Upgrades

Power Rank 1 - Increases the output of the Akast Engine with a minor increase in crystal consumption.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Overclock Rank 1 - Grants the ability to temporarily cause a minor increase in energy production from the Akast Engine, at the cost of durability and a major increase in crystal consumption.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

Harvesting Rank 1 - Allows the Endeavour to passively charge itself from the Morca in the cloud sea, applying a minor charging effect.

Cost - 10 Energy Units.

Capacity Rank 1 - Allows the Endeavour to store a minor amount of excess power for later use.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

‘I see,’ Rhys said, taking note of the new additions to the upgrades that detailed the increase in energy cost. Interestingly, the Efficiency upgrades were actually more useful than he first thought. By buying one of them, Rhys would reduce the increase in energy consumption from the Power upgrade he’d already bought. On top of that, he would also get a flat decrease in energy consumption.


While that wasn’t too powerful, the second rank of the Power upgrade was still a minor increase in energy upkeep. That meant that if the Efficiency upgrade got stronger at its own rank two, he might end up with a net positive.

Rhys frowned as he considered the problem. If he wanted to streamline the running of the Endeavour, he would need as few upgrades as possible.

That just didn’t sit right with him. What was the point of having access to all this if he was going to just try to save money. No, the Efficiency upgrades would help keep costs down, but Rhys fully intended to buy as many upgrades as he could.

‘Zaxx, could you do one of these upgrades without anyone noticing?’ Rhys asked softly. He didn’t want anyone overhearing him talk to himself.

‘That will depend on several variables. Some of the less intrusive upgrades could be completed while the crew are asleep. However, some will cause noticeable changes and will not escape notice.’

‘Okay, so let’s pick something that won’t disturb them. The question is what would be the most useful,’ Rhys said, more to himself than anything. Drumming fingers on the helm, Rhys considered what would make things more convenient for him.

Better weapons and engines would be nice, so would better power generation. Convenience, though, would be some way to make storing things easier. The crates from Otto were a prime example. Rhys had nowhere secure to keep them, despite them being the most valuable part of the cargo.

Rhys trusted everyone onboard, but it was a matter of principle.

‘Zaxx, is there an upgrade where you can absorb things and then hold them for a while?’ Rhys asked, trying to think how such a thing would work.

‘I believe that our bond could provide something of that nature. I will update the upgrade list for you.’

The lines of writing on the cloud quartz slowly vanished before being written out again. Almost everything was the same, with just a single entry extra at the bottom of the list.

Other Upgrades

Pocket Dimension Rank 1 - Allows Zaxx to store a minor amount of materials in an extra-dimensional pocket. While items are within the pocket dimension there is an ongoing minor energy cost.

Cost - 10 Energy Units

‘Oh yes, that’s exactly what I was looking for,’ Rhys said with a grin. ‘What would the limitations be?’

‘I can store anything not being held by a person, as long as it is touching part of the Endeavour or is within a short distance of it. The maximum space is currently barely sufficient for two crates. This upgrade will not be noticeable by the crew, provided that they are asleep.’

‘Excellent, excellent. Go ahead Zaxx, once everyone else is asleep tonight, put that upgrade through.’ Rhys ordered, grinning as he rubbed his hands together. This was the sort of reality-bending power that he was excited about.


Rhys wanted the upgrade to go through as soon as possible, so he sent Oliver away when the cargomaster came to relieve him on the helm. Rhys knew that he would regret pulling a double-shift of piloting, but it would be worth it to see the upgrade process in action.

This was the third time he’d been able to upgrade the Endeavour. He wanted to be present to observe what he could. Who knew what insights could be gleaned from the eldritch process?

Time passed slowly, Rhys’s impatience making each minute seem to drag by as the sun sank below the horizon. Rhys doubted that any of the crew would be awake for long once night fell, especially considering that Lucy didn’t have an active project at the moment to keep her up.

Rhys shuffled uncomfortably at the helm, somehow feeling like the air around him was heavy and reluctant to move. The wind was still a dull roar, and he could feel it tugging at his clothes, but there was still that sense of it pressing down on him.

The conflicting sensations only grew as a tingle ran down Rhys’s spine, and he felt pressure from almost directly below him. Rhys frowned and shook his head as he tried to focus on that pressure. It felt familiar, somehow.

As abruptly as it began, the whole experience came to an end. The pressure vanished from one moment to the next, leaving behind only a throbbing headache that slowly faded over the next minute or so.

‘Is it done?’ Rhys asked, gritting his teeth at the lingering pain.

‘Yes, the storage functionality is now in place. Simply direct me to what you wish to store, and I will attempt to do so. Likewise for what you want removing and where you want it depositing.’

‘So, I could ask you to store one of those crates and then you could release it on deck a day later, in the same condition?’

‘In that case, the only difference would be the normal effects of linear time progression.’

‘Wait, is there a case when that wouldn’t be the case?’ Rhys asked, latching on to the wording Zaxx had used.

‘Yes, or at least, there is the potential for it. Now you are considering it; the pact will update to show you the possibilities for the next rank of the upgrade.’ Zaxx said, an almost pleased tone to his voice.

‘Show me,’ Rhys ordered, the writing appearing once more on the cloud quartz screen.

Other Upgrades

Pocket Dimension Rank 2 - Allows Zaxx to store a moderate amount of materials in an extra-dimensional pocket. While items are within the pocket dimension there is an ongoing minor energy cost.

At this rank, the passage of time within the pocket dimension can be modified by a moderate amount.

Cost - 100 Energy Units

‘Oh, now that is interesting,’ Rhys said, musing on the possibilities. He was sure he could think of a few practical uses that would be interesting to play around with.

The urge to play around with the new upgrade was tempting, but Rhys didn’t want to waste the energy to do it. He’d just spent a horrendous amount of sovereigns getting the ability. He didn’t want to waste more using it meaninglessly.

With the excitement over, Rhys realised that he was only around halfway into his second shift. There was a long way to go before he was relieved.

Sighing, he fixed their course and went to take a walk around the deck. Stretching his legs would keep him awake and help him keep an eye on things.

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