《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》18. Dragon Riders and Chasing Charlotte
“Tensei, what is this place?” Benimaru’s voice echoed and then was swallowed up by the darkness. “It’s called the void,” Tenseiga explained walking himself and Benimaru through the blackness, “It’s the nothingness between realms.” “Nothingness between realms?” Benimaru asked trying to adjust his eyes to the blackness to no avail. “Right. There’s the mortal realm, the Underworld, Paradise, the realm of damnation, mortal paradise, and purgatory,” Tenseiga explained, “this is more or less a waiting area for the souls of the dead. The place where Charlotte and Mal bring and process souls.” “Charlie works in all of this?” Benimaru shook his head in disbelief, “There’s literally nothing here.” “Hey, man! I wouldn’t call us nothing,” another woman with an I-Want-to-Talk-to-a-Manager haircut approached them, “Do you work here?” “Um… no,” Benimaru was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a spirit. “Who even runs this place, I feel like I’ve been here forever,” the woman crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “That’s who we are trying to find,” Benimaru explained. “So, this place is poorly managed too? Tsk, I thought the afterlife would be more organized than this,” the woman grumbled. “Believe me, madam, it is,” Tenseiga clenched his jaw. “Did— that fox just talk?” The ghost woman’s eyes widened. Tenseiga growled in frustration and continued past the ghost woman. “I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t that,” Benimaru looked back at the woman who was stomping her feet and throwing a tantrum. “Believe me, Beni, I wasn’t either,” Tenseiga shook his head. “Becky has only been here for over an hour, meanwhile some of us have been waiting for centuries,” a man laying on nothing appeared before them. “And who are you?” Benimaru asked. “Claudius,” the man stood up, “a gladiator who made a deal with the Devil to be the best.” “A demon, you mean,” Tenseiga corrected. “Demon, Devil, does it matter? That sexy goddess has been fighting on my behalf, but my demon just won’t give up on me,” Claudius shrugged, “but she won’t either.” “C-Centuries? Exactly how old is Charlie?” Benimaru looked down at Tenseiga. “Oi, didn’t your mama ever teach you it ain’t polite to ask a lady her age?” a woman crossed her arms. “She did. I’m sorry, ma’am,” Benimaru held up his hands and apologized. “That’s more like it,” she relaxed her posture, “you’re decidedly more solid than the rest of us.” “He comes from the other side,” a woman with white eyes appeared. “How do you know that devil woman?” the first woman argued. “Ah, a voodoo practitioner,” Tenseiga sighed in relief, “my lady, we are looking for a woman with black hair and obsidian eyes.” “A man who appreciates a woman,” the lady replied, “I have seen her wandering around. She doesn’t seem to be aware of anything.” “Where did you last see her, ma’am?” Benimaru asked. “Oh child,” she reached for Benimaru, “you best find her soon, or you’re doomed to spend eternity in the arms of a ruthless god.” Benimaru rolled his eyes, “I know. Chad has been after me for a while.” “Well, for the sake of your tiny hide I will help you find her,” she nodded. “Wh-what does that mean?” Benimaru asked nervously as Tenseiga followed her. The woman shook her head, “I would rather not tell you, but a salve will be your best friend. Anyway, my name is Ursula.” “Thank you for helping us, Ursula,” Benimaru nodded to her as Tenseiga bowed his head, “Would you prefer to ride ma’am?” “In my life, I would have accepted the offer,” Ursula was appreciative, “but I float here with ease. Plus, you are better off on the fox. There are holes here and it would be difficult to get you back if you fell being solid and all.” “Right…” Benimaru clung to Tenseiga. “Don’t worry, Beni, I won’t let that happen,” Tenseiga reassured him, “Wait… why is this starting to look familiar?” “What do you mean?” Benimaru asked then looked up again. The void was starting to take shape as they approached a searing maw opened up with creatures of all sorts crawling, walking, and flying from it. A familiar blue dragon soared up the maw with a flash of familiar pink hair. “Aaron?” Benimaru asked. “Yep, there they go,” Tenseiga sighed and shook his head. “You know the pink-haired one?” Ursula asked, “Such a cute man. If I were younger and less dead—“ “He’s spoken for,” the words left his mouth before Benimaru can stop them. “Not if we don’t find the reaper,” Ursula reminded, “Well, she went through there. As a spirit from the mortal realm, I can follow you no farther.” “Thank you, Ursula,” Benimaru waved as he and Tenseiga set off for the Underworld. — “This armor is pretty badass,” Aaron spoke to Tetsuya through their psychic connection, “this saddle seems uncomfortable for you though.” “Nah,” Tetsuya looked down at Aaron while they were in a holding area, “It’s not so bad.” “A mortal?” A being twice Aaron’s size chortled. “Has the celestial dragon guard and the council of the eternal flame sunk so low?” Another being rolled her eyes. “Listen, you,” Tetsuya bellowed but their dragons stood in front of each of them. “Insolent halfling,” one dragon boomed, “do not speak to our riders in such a way!” “They started it—“ Tetsuya began, but Aaron pat his leg and shook his head. “A-Aaron? What are you doing here?” Sam approached them. “Wait, this mortal knows the emperor himself?” The chortling one almost fell over. Sam embraced Aaron, “You shouldn’t be here, Aaron.” “I couldn’t let Tetsuya do this by himself, pops. Plus these riders are kind of rude,” Aaron shook his head. “Scandal! You should refer to him as your majesty, boy,” the dragon shook his head. “My son can refer to me as he pleases,” Sam glared at them, “You’ll do well not to disrespect my sons further.” “Sons? The high-strung one isn’t here,” Tetsuya was confused. Sam pat his leg, “If you love my daughter enough to fight a war alongside people you abhor, how can I not consider you my son?” Tetsuya’s eyes welled up, but he shook his head, “I thought we weren’t doing this sentimental crap anymore.” “Awe! Group hug!” Aaron pulled Sam in and Tetsuya’s leg since he was dragon-sized. “I’m sorry,” Sam apologized feeling awkward again. “Don’t be sorry,” Aaron squeezed, “Just enjoy this moment together.” “I guess,” Tetsuya rolled his eyes. “You’re right, Aaron,” Sam squeezed. The dragons and riders in the vicinity stood still mouths gaping. “Aaron, do you understand how dangerous this is,” Sam held Aaron’s shoulders. “I do, pops, but if it means helping out my best friend and keeping my— Beni safe,” Aaron stammered. Sam smiled, patting Aaron on the back, “About damn time. So who asked who out? Where did you go on your first date? What did you wear?” Sam sent out a flurry of questions, but a prim and proper-looking man approached clearing his throat. “Sire,” he looked between Sam, Aaron, and Tetsuya, “the ranks for the second wave are ready.” “And my wife?” “She seems to be watching the princess’s body along with a tiny mortal and lord Caz,” he said. Sam’s eyes widened, then he looked furious, “Caz is there?” “Pops, he was trying to smooth things over. I think he feels bad for letting this all happen,” Aaron tried to be reassuring. “Well… I guess I feel somewhat better with him there than them being alone,” Sam was uneasy, “Well, since we are towards the front here is as good as any.” Sam grew five times his size, “Citizens, Friends, and Noble Celestial beasts, we have breached the mortal realm. Now, we must breach paradise.” The crowd roared and advanced. “Be careful, Aaron, Tetsuya. I don’t want to lose any more of my children,” Sam smiled before heading to the front. Aaron glanced over at their gaping companions and smirked before climbing on Tetsuya. “You saw him coming, didn’t you?” Tetsuya glanced back at Aaron. “He was kind of twenty feet tall before he realized we were here,” Aaron half-laughed. Tetsuya laughed but it came out as a bellow. “Bro, I cannot believe I’ve been beating your ass in basketball this whole time,” Aaron was verbally patting himself on the back. “See, let’s finish this up because we need to fix this cloudy memory of yours!” Tetsuya took off, “I just hope the fox and Beni can figure out how to help the princess…” “They will,” Aaron said to reassure Tetsuya as much as himself. — “There are a lot of people here, Tensei,” Benimaru looked at all the people rushing around as they approached the palace gates, “pops rules them all?” “Yep!” Tenseiga indicated that Benimaru dismount and resumed his humanoid form. “Master Tenseiga!” The guard at the gate was surprised to see him. “Open the gate,” he ordered. “Yes, sir!” The guard indicated that the giant gates be opened. Benimaru stuck close to Tenseiga as they passed through the gate. Many people bowed to Tenseiga as they passed. “You seem pretty important here too, Tensei!” Benimaru marveled. “Master!” A woman ran into his arms kissing Tenseiga deeply. “Master!” Another man wrapped himself around Tenseiga’s arm. Tenseiga also indulged him in a kiss that sent a shiver through the man. “Master, why have you been gone for so long?” The woman pouted. Tenseiga ran his fingers through her hair, “My dear Andrea, you know I am ward to the princess.” Andrea sighed, “but you are gone all the time. Got something to say, Max?” “I distinctly remember you saying, ‘My lord it’ll be a great opportunity for you to be a caregiver to the princess,’” Max did a pretty decent Andrea impression. “I did no such thing!” Andrea crossed her arms. “Yes, you did. The emperor approached us in the bath that night. I’m surprised you forgot it,” Max turned up his nose. “Ah yes. A wonderful night,” Tenseiga kissed Andrea and Max on the cheek in turn. “Benimaru?” Andrea asked then got excited, “Yes! You’re Benimaru. Aaron used to talk about you all the time!” Benimaru reeled as Andrea hugged him. It seemed like forever ago when they talked about these two in Aaron’s old living room. “How is Aaron?” Max asked patting Benimaru on the back. “Well, he’s off riding Tetsuya to go fight,” Benimaru explained. “He what?” Andrea exclaimed. “Master! How could you allow him to do something so dangerous?” Max reprimanded. “I am not the boss of Beni and Aaron. I simply do the cooking and cleaning,” Tenseiga shrugged. “I still don’t understand how you gain so much joy from tasks that are far beneath you, master,” Andrea shook her head. “Have either of you seen Charlie’s ghost?” Benimaru blurted out. Andrea and Max exchanged nervous glances before indicating that Benimaru and Tenseiga follow them. They arrived in a large room with a canopy bed and heard the sounds of a child having a tea party. “Mr. Cerb, would you like some sugar in your tea?” A little girl in a frilly dress asked. “Ch-Charlie?” Benimaru was confused. “You must have me confused for someone else, mister. My name is Charlotte! What’s yours?” The child smiled brightly. “Benimaru,” Benimaru continued slowly. “Would you like to join us for tea, Benimaru?” Young Charlotte indicated that Benimaru have a seat next to a stuffed fox, “Tenseiga jr. loves meeting new people.” Tenseiga got misty eyes, “Awe! I almost forgot about junior.” “Tensei! You’re back from your trip?” Charlotte got up and hugged Tenseiga tightly, “I missed you, papa Tensei.” Benimaru was dumbfounded by the whole thing. “I missed you too, my Charlotte,” Tenseiga said softly picking her up and giving her cheek kisses, “my little Charlotte.” Charlotte giggled, “Papa! What’s gotten into you?” “Just— I miss you too,” Tenseiga smiled, “but it’s time for you to come back home, Charlotte.” “But I am home?” Charlotte was confused. Tenseiga took a shaky breath, “Charlotte, as much as I’d like you to stay as you were before your suffering began, we need you to go back to your body now.” “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, papa!” Charlotte was confused. “Oh dear,” Tenseiga sighed. “I figured us walking down here and finding Charlie’s ghost would be too easy,” Benimaru sipped his imaginary tea, “Tenseiga junior, do you have any ideas on how to get Charlotte to remember that there are important people who miss her?” “Tenseiga jr. Has been saying some funny things, but I don’t like them,” Charlie furrowed her brow. “What kinds of things?” Tenseiga took a seat next to a stuffed deer. “He says I have to hurry and grow up so I can stop Chad. I don’t even know who that is,” Charlotte was still frowning returning to her seat at the head of the table. Benimaru glanced at Tenseiga. “I shielded her from that part of her family for as long as I could,” Tenseiga shrugged. “I understand that,” Benimaru shuddered. “Dr. Deer says you all are here to get me to go back somewhere,” Charlie continued frowning, “Where Tensei Jr. wants me to go.” “Junior was always insightful and so is Dr. Deer,” Tenseiga encouraged. “No. No. I think I should stay here and drink tea. I’m happy here!” Charlotte flashed a bright smile. It caught both men off guard. They rarely see her smile like that. “Charlotte,” Tenseiga began slowly. “Papa…” Charlotte mirrored him. “We need to go, Charlotte,” Tenseiga continued. “No!” Charlie crossed her arms. “We can go get ice cream,” Tenseiga tried bribery. Charlotte squinted her eyes, “Why do I feel like this is a trap?” “It’s not,” Tenseiga nodded. “I’ll hate you forever if you’re lying to me,” Charlotte was still leering. Tenseiga turned to Benimaru, “What’s the harm in letting her stay here?” Benimaru groaned, “Is that all it takes to break you, Tensei?” “Beni… I haven’t seen my Charlotte this at peace in… centuries,” Tenseiga scooped up Charlotte who giggled and hugged him. Benimaru tapped his temple in thought. Of course, Tenseiga would hesitate. “But I can’t,” Benimaru thought, “Not when everyone else is putting their lives on the line.” “Charlie— Charlotte,” Benimaru began. “Yes, mister?” Charlotte responded. “Charlotte, Tenseiga Jr. is saying some pretty scary stuff, huh?” “He sure is! I don’t know why he’s being so mean,” Charlotte glared at the stuffed fox in a way that wounded Tenseiga a little. “I’ve been asked to do some pretty scary stuff, too,” Benimaru gave a half-smile, “I didn’t want to do any of it.” “Why did you, mister?” Charlotte hopped out of Tenseiga’s arms and moved towards Benimaru. “Because sometimes there are even better things on the other side of the scary things,” Benimaru explained, “New friends, adventures, and even…” “Love?” Charlotte finished. “Yes, even love,” Benimaru nodded. Flashes of blue swam around the corners of Charlotte’s mind, “People who are important to me.” Charlotte gripped her head as more things flashed in her mind and became clearer. “Charlotte!” Benimaru grabbed her before she fell. Charlotte shook her head, “Mister, will you— come with me? On these adventures I mean.” “Of course!” Benimaru stood up and held out his hand. Charlotte took it and smiled up at Benimaru, “Then, let’s go!” When they passed through the threshold leading out of the room, Charlotte was gone. — Charlie groaned as her eyes fluttered open. “Charlie?” Maki asked leaning over her. “Big C?” Kat was standing next to Maki. “Mom? Kat? What happened?” Charlie sat up rubbing her temples. In a flash, she jumped between Maki, Kat, and Caz. “Stay behind me you two,” Charlie warned Maki and Kat. “Cousin, I’m not here to—“ Caz began. “I don’t care what you’re here for. You’ve all taken things past my patience and social graces,” Charlie glared ready to attack. “Wait!” Linda dropped the snacks she was bringing to stand between Charlie and Caz. “Linda, he’s dangerous!” Charlie was caught off guard. “No! He was protecting us while we watched over you,” Linda shook her head not moving. “You what?” Charlie looked at Caz. Caz sighed, “My father left me to take command of the situation, however, no one would obey my commands. I sat outside this structure for a long time trying to wrap my mind around why they do not obey. No one had ever refused my commands before… not even you.” “Yeah, well… not everyone wants to follow people who live on a pedestal,” Charlie scoffed. “Too true, cousin. So I did something I’ve never done,” Caz admitted, “following someone else’s lead. Your mortals are— interesting.” “We think you’re pretty okay too, Goldy,” Kat smirked. “Well… okay. But if you all are here, where is everyone else?” Charlie asked. “Well, Ten-ten turned into this cute fox creature and Ben-Bun rode him off to something called the void,” Kat began. “They what? Why would they do that? It’s dangerous!” Charlie panicked. “To find your ghost. Then, I think we saw Aaron on the back of a dragon flying towards this weird-looking hole,” Linda continued Kat’s explanation. “What hole? What is Tetsu thinking?” “Sweetie,” Maki put a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, “Your father has declared war on his siblings.” “Pops? Why?” Caz finished, “It seems Chad and Kumiho have been manipulating things behind the scenes. When you disappeared, uncle was angered. When you came home injured, anger turned to rage. Chad has taken uncle Mal captive and plans to destroy the mortal realm and conquer both paradise and the underworld once the upper gods exhaust themselves fighting each other.” Charlie put a finger to her chin in thought as she approached the window. She saw the gaping maw and the sky cracking with hosts from both the underworld and paradise waging war as the sky began to crack open. The mortals were in a state of pandemonium. There were fires across the neighborhood. Mortals and spirits alike were in chaos. Charlie sighed and shook her head, “And once again, the reaper is supposed to clean up this mess.” She went to prepare herself to go into the battlefield. “Wait! Charlie! You’re not fully healed!” Maki called after her. Charlie sighed, “The world can’t wait. Everything has gone too far in my absence.” In a flash of light, Charlie dawned her armor and the cloak of the reaper. “You are half-mortal and Chad has uncle Malum. What do you intend to do?” Caz raised his eyebrows. “Find pops at the front lines to let him know I’m okay. That’s one fire I can at least try to put out on my own,” Charlie shook her head. Obviously, her scythe didn’t come when she summoned it, “Oh… right… Chad has it.” “But he doesn’t have this,” Tenseiga tossed a Quan Dao to Charlie. Charlie caught it and smiled, “Ah, old reliable.” She flourished it a few times as it emitted a deep black glow. After she set it down, Benimaru ran in and hugged her. Flashes of what happened returned to her. “Thank you, Beni,” Charlie hugged him back, “I have my work cut out for me, but… do you think maybe…” “Of course, I’ll help however I can,” Benimaru smiled up at her. “We all will,” Kat nodded as Maki, Caz, Linda, and Tenseiga nodded. Charlie smiled, then said, “Well, then let’s do this.” Benimaru held out his hand. Charlie grabbed it and they all left the house together.
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