《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》15. Declaration of War
"So you both finally pulled your heads out of your asses, huh?" Kat was eating lunch with Benimaru in the student union.
"Well… yeah," Benimaru smiled.
"Now you're all goofy. Well, goofier than usual," Kat smirked, "Hey!"
Benimaru tossed a fry at her, and she threw one back at him.
"Anyway, Ben-bun, how was the date?" Kat leaned her chin on one of her hands, sipping her smoothie.
"It was fun! We ate at the Bistro on 11th street, then went to see the Captain Vice film. Afterward, we watched one of Aaron's crime shows, but I got too scared," Benimaru sighed.
"And?" Kat raised her eyebrows.
"And what?" Benimaru was confused.
Kat started gesturing that she knew there was more to it.
"Oh. Ah… Well, Kit-Kat, we kissed good night, and that was it!" Benimaru laughed nervously.
"I know you're lying about that, but I'm happy for you, Ben-Bun," Kat chimed, "Will you be meeting Linda and me later in the library to study for Gordon's class?"
"Cool! I have to head off to my graphic design course! I'll see you later," Kat waved as she headed out.
"Good evening, Tensei!" Sam chimed on the phone.
"Hello, Sam, how is everything? Is lady Maki well?"
"Extraordinary as always," Sam affirmed.
"Are you letting her drive again yet?"
"Absolutely not," Sam's tone was stern.
Tenseiga laughed, "I don't blame you. That was a pretty close call."
"Speaking of close calls," Sam whispered, "Have you heard from Charlotte?"
"Not since her flight landed. You?"
"No… I haven't heard from Charlotte since her flight landed also. It's not like her to not check in," Sam's voice was strained, "and what's worse is I can't seem to sense or see her anywhere. She's… gone."
Tenseiga was silent, eyes flashing, "I— can't sense her either. What is happening?"
Tenseiga tried to check find-my-phone, "And… she lost signal after calling. Her last known location was within a 20-mile radius of the airport."
"I'm going into the void," Sam declared.
"Sam… you can't. It'll be a declaration of war," Tenseiga warned.
"If any of my family is involved, this has been a declaration of war since we lost Charlotte."
"Sam, wait!" The line clicked, "Damn it!
"Tensei, what's wrong?" Aaron passed by the dining room when he heard a pan sound like it was thrown across the room, "I will never stop being surprised by this magical thing. Did you really put a hole in the wall with a saucepan?"
"Everything is fine, Aaron! I'll fix the wall," Tenseiga went to pick up debris.
"The hole in the wall tells me everything is definitely not fine," Aaron went to help Tenseiga pick up.
Tenseiga took a shaky breath, "Charlotte is gone."
"Like she— died?" Aaron's face went pale.
"No— no. Charlotte can't die. And even then, I'd still be able to sense her body. I can't— it's like she doesn't exist," Tenseiga gripped his head, "and what's worse is the emperor is going into the void, which is a declaration of war among his brothers."
"The emperor?" Aaron was confused.
"Pops… pops is the emperor of the underworld," Tenseiga tried to compose himself.
"Pops is— wait a minute— are you saying pops is a god?" Aaron raised his eyebrows.
"Not just a god, one of the architects of creation," Tenseiga beamed with pride.
Aaron was dumbfounded, "So you're telling me… pops is responsible for creating the universe as we know it."
"Yes. That's right."
Aaron plopped down on the ground, "I was just coming to terms with the fact that you're a fox, Tetsu's a dragon, and Charlie is the goddess of death, but… pops is... That would explain how he wipes the floor with everyone in every sport in an Italian suit without breaking a sweat… even in summer."
Tenseiga replied slowly, "Um.. basically."
"Wait! If he made everything, isn't he basically cheating?"
"Yeah! He could have made all the rules in his favor from the outset!"
"That's not the biggest thing we should worry about right now… and he hasn't directly impacted humanity since the renaissance," Tenseiga explained.
"Ah, my next question was, if he's a god, can't he fix this?"
"The gods took an oath… He's on thin ice because of the incident at the party," Tenseiga sighed, "Now that he's going into the void… there will be a celestial war."
"A celestial war?"
"Essentially the apocalypse for mortals. The universe can't handle a war between the gods. How do you think the Big Bang happened?"
"Oh boy… the only thing we need to worry about right now is… living life normally until Charlotte comes back. Despite Sam being the emperor, we only take orders from Charlotte," Tenseiga ran his fingers through his hair, "That hot-headed dragon cannot know about this. Not yet."
"Yeah…" Aaron nodded, "Don't worry, I won't say anything to Tetsu or Beni."
"You were always the level-headed one, Aaron," Tenseiga pat him on the shoulder, "Sorry I almost ripped out your throat the other day."
"Um… thanks?" Aaron gave a nervous laugh, heading out to his evening class.
"I'll see you later, Linda and Kit-Kat! I'm going to wait for Aaron to finish his class in Charleston Hall!" Benimaru waved as they passed in front of the building.
"Are you sure you don't want to wait in the lobby? He's on the fifth floor, and he insists on taking the stairs. Do you know what's up with that?" Kat asked.
"Aaron is severely claustrophobic," Benimaru explained, "Charlie renovated his room to eliminate the closets and expand his bathroom."
"What does your sister do for a living again?" Linda asked, surprised.
"The answer I've gotten is that she works for the government," Benimaru shrugged.
"I think I believe that about as much as you do, Ben-bun, but if that's what she told you, we will accept it," Kat sighed.
"Wait, how is it that you went out of your way to prove a point about Aaron, but you don't want to investigate Charlie," Linda huffed.
"Because Big C is cool as shit, so her business is her business," Kat crossed her arms and nodded.
Linda threw up her arms then waved as she and Kat walked away.
Benimaru chuckled, then went inside, and he noted they were doing construction on the stairs.
"Oh no…"
"What do you mean the stairs are out? What would happen if this place caught fire or something!" Aaron yelled at the construction worker.
"That's why we waited until most of the classes let out. Your class is the last class of the day, isn't it?" The construction worker was irritated, "Listen, son, just take the elevator. Most people would be elated to not have to take the stairs."
"It's okay, Aaron," Benimaru pat his shoulder, "we need a break anyway. Your ankle is still messed up from your match with Tetsu."
Aaron clenched his fists and stood like a statue. He awkwardly moved towards the elevator.
"It's no big deal. Beni will be there," Aaron reassured himself, "it's just an elevator."
They got into the elevator, and Aaron leaned against the wall. Benimaru gave him that usual sweet smile.
"See, it's not so bad," Benimaru punched the button to go to the bottom floor.
He noticed Aaron held onto the stainless steel so tight his knuckles were more pale than usual.
Aaron felt like he was being suffocated in that small space. All he wanted was to be out of that cold metal prison. His mouth was dry as his chest heaved. He gripped the polyester that felt tighter around his chest. All he could think about was being that little boy, scared and alone in a small dark space.
His father would toss him in a closet after beating him senseless. He remembered hearing his mother screaming at him, but her beating was next. At the time, he didn't know what else they were doing out there, but as an adult, he figured it out, making him sicker. He always wished he was big enough to protect his mother from that foul bastard. Aaron would bang on the door so hard with his fists sometimes they'd bleed.
"Let me out," he would scream until he wore himself out and all that was left was the sounds of his sobs and the gripping darkness.
"Let me out…."
Benimaru noticed Aaron was pale as a ghost, almost hyperventilating.
"Aaron! It's okay! We're almost down," Benimaru tried to be reassuring.
"Let me out!" Aaron cried out, crouching on the ground.
The door dinged and opened. Benimaru guided Aaron out of the elevator outside.
"Damn it," Aaron put his head in his hands.
Benimaru steered Aaron to a bench and sat himself and Aaron on it. Benimaru stroked Aaron's hair leaning his head against Aaron's.
"Beni, I—"
"Well, well. If it isn't the strong one curled up like an infant who crawled out of a tiny box," Chad approached the two.
Benimaru squeezed Aaron, "Go away, Chad. Now is not the time."
Chad appeared in front of Benimaru. Gripping Benimaru's face, Chad shoved Aaron away.
"Oh, it's always the time with me," Chad rubbed his thumb roughly over Benimaru's bottom lip.
Benimaru struggled, "Let me go, Chad."
Aaron sprung up at Chad but was slapped away like a mosquito. He hit the ground hard 5 feet away. Aaron felt something may have come out wrong on impact when he landed, but he was too dazed to figure out precisely what. He took his phone out and typed out one word to whom he didn't know, "Help."
Chad kissed Benimaru hard, biting his lip when they broke away, "I'll take my father's legacy and you very soon."
"You won't be taking the high-strung one anywhere," Tetsuya appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
Chad glanced at Tetsuya as if he were nothing, "Don't get too big for your scales."
Tetsuya's eye flashed, "My friends called for my help, and I've been feeling pent up lately. This ass-whooping has been a long time coming."
Chad let go of Benimaru, who hit the ground hard, "What did you say to me? Have you forgotten your place, beast?"
"I'm well aware of my place," Tetsuya glanced at Aaron as a signal to take Benimaru and go while he had Chad distracted, "But do I look like the type of guy to give a shit about a hierarchy?"
Aaron scooped up Benimaru and bolted. The first time he ever had to do so. Something hurt like hell, but Aaron wasn't going to stop until they were inside the house. In the distance, he heard a roar and a crack of thunder.
"Aaron! What about Tetsu?"
"Believe me, Tetsu can handle himself," Aaron was out of breath.
"Aaron— you're— something isn't right."
"Now is not the time, Beni," Aaron huffed. It was hard to breathe.
When they reached the front door, someone was standing there.
"Aaron! Put down the damsel in distress and come back to me," Laurelie extended her arms.
Aaron was shaking. The door was right there, and he just had to get Beni inside.
"Whatever you want, Kumiho, it can wait," Aaron said firmly.
"So you know who I am, huh?" Kumiho squinted her eyes, "Then you know I can take you by force."
"You aren't taking them anywhere, you tacky bitch." Tenseiga towered over her from inside the doorway, "I can't believe I didn't know it was you skulking around."
"Losing your touch, cousin?" Kumiho sneered.
“Aaron, you and Beni go inside,” Tenseiga glared at Kumiho.
"But—" Benimaru began.
"NOW," Tenseiga ordered.
Aaron whipped inside the door, and the two men heard it lock behind them. Aaron collapsed but fell, so Benimaru didn't hit the ground, and this caused him to cry out and cough up blood.
"Aaron? Aaron," Benimaru scrambled off of him.
Aaron's voice was haggard, "It's okay, Beni."
"It's not okay. People who are okay don't cough up blood," Benimaru was looking Aaron over, "Your arm! How did you carry me back here like this?"
Aaron reached up and brushed Benimaru's cheek, "Because you're too important for me not to."
Benimaru was going to argue how foolish this was. Still, he shook his head and decided to help Aaron to the living area. They heard banging sounds much like the freak lightning storm.
After setting Aaron on the couch, he said, "I'm going to go check on Tensei."
Aaron grabbed Benimaru, "Don't go out there, Beni."
Aaron pulled Benimaru towards him and winced when Benimaru landed against his chest in his lap. He held onto Benimaru with his good arm.
"Don't go."
Benimaru looked at Aaron's face and said, "Okay."
Aaron pulled Benimaru closer and brushed his lips again Benimaru's. When they broke away, Aaron took another shaky breath before kissing him again and again. Benimaru cupped Aaron's face in his hands.
"I'm right here, so just relax. I won't go anywhere," Benimaru reassured him.
Aaron nodded, closing his eyes. It wasn't long before the world went dark as he slipped into unconsciousness.
Tenseiga leaned against the doorway and lit a cigarette.
"You haven't done that in decades. Also, you look like hell," Tetsuya limped across the yard.
"You're one to talk, and how much of that is your opponent's blood," Tenseiga took a long drag.
"Look closer," Tetsuya seemed pleased with himself.
"Is that—? Who did you—?"
"Chad tried to take the high-strung one," Tetsuya almost fell against the door next to Tenseiga.
"You fought Chad? Are you a fool?" Tenseiga shouted.
"Well, it's not the smartest thing I've done, but do those two need to go missing, too?" Tetsuya looked up at the sky.
"So… you knew?"
"I've circled half the world… how can this be?" Tetsuya clenched his jaw, "I knew I should have tailed her. I'm her guardian first. Maybe— my love for her is clouding my judgment."
"If you say something that stupid again, I will kick your ass," Tenseiga blew out smoke.
"I thought you would be happy to hear me step away," Tetsuya raised his eyebrow, hissing as he snapped his broken leg back together.
Tenseiga was silent for a long moment, "No. That wouldn't make me happy. Not anymore. You're an idiot, but you're her idiot, which makes her happy."
"Well, as long as you acknowledge— hey!"
Tenseiga couldn't help but laugh, "Let's go in and check on the boys."
Benimaru was panicking as he held Aaron's face, calling his name. Tenseiga put a hand on Benimaru's shoulder, "Don't worry, Dr. Goldfuss is on his way."
"Good thing I'm here," Dr. Goldfuss seemed to appear out of nowhere, "I'll treat this boy first."
Dr. Goldfuss shooed everyone out of the room.
The next thing Aaron knew, he was in his room. He shot up and looked around frantically, and he saw Benimaru sleeping in a chair next to his bed.
Aaron was sure his shoulder was dislocated and had broken ribs, but he had never felt better.
"Maybe that was just a nightmare," Aaron looked at his hands.
"Aaron? You shouldn't be up like that," Benimaru held his hands over Aaron's, looking concerned.
Aaron smiled, pulling Benimaru's hand to his lips, "Don't look so worried, Beni. I'm okay—"
He was cut off by Benimaru wrapping his arms around him burying his face into Aaron's chest, "Don't do anything crazy like that ever again."
"I can't make any promises, but I'll do my best," Aaron stroked Benimaru's hair, "Now, you can stay in my bed or go to yours, but that chair cannot be comfortable."
Benimaru went still as a statue, and he hadn't considered that there was an option.
"I don't want to seem overeager, but I'm not going to get any sleep with him out of my sight," Benimaru was mulling it over.
Aaron raised his eyebrows, "Is he actually thinking it over? I mean, I wouldn't mind if he stayed, and I don't think I will get any sleep with him out of my sight."
"Maybe I should stay here with you…."
"Maybe you should stay here with me…."
They both blinked at each other, frozen for a moment. Aaron was the first to make the next move, making room for Benimaru. The second was Benimaru crawling into bed next to Aaron. They both stared up at the ceiling in silence.
"So… how are Tetsu and Tensei doing," Aaron asked, resigning to the fact that perhaps he wasn't going to get any sleep at all.
"Tensei is okay. Tetsu seems to be better, but he was just as bad as you were," Benimaru also resigned to the fact that he wasn't sleeping either. Still, something else was on his mind, "Have you heard anything from Charlie?"
Aaron shook his head. He hadn't exactly been able to have normal interactions now that he knows what they all are.
"Something is wrong. I knew it from the second Charlie stopped texting me," Benimaru's lip quivered, "what if she's— what if—"
Benimaru couldn't imagine a world without his sister, and he didn't want to. He was startled from his thoughts when Aaron wrapped his arms around him.
"She will be okay, Beni," Aaron kissed his forehead, "she has to be."
Benimaru nestled in, "You're right."
"Sam? Sam! You can't be in here!" Mal materialized.
"Have you seen or heard from Charlotte?" Sam's voice was stern.
"N-no. Charles hasn't been here for— I'm not sure how long," Mal shook his head.
"Can you sense her at all?"
Sam shouted in frustration that shook the void.
"Didn't I tell you coming back here is a declaration—"
Sam's eyes flashed black as he began to glow. His voices boomed over them, "The war began when Charlotte went missing. Prepare your armies because you all will burn."
Sam disappeared.
"You heard him," Borealis crowed with joy before he disappeared.
"What does he mean the reaper is missing?" Alpharam asked Mal.
"We can't sense her, and they can't reach her via communication of any sort. I can't reach her either," Mal chewed his nails.
Alpharam shook his head, "The reaper cannot disappear this way. It was your responsibility to keep watch, brother. What have you been doing that she's gone?"
"I— I don't know," Mal shook his head.
"You— don't know? This failure cannot be tolerated, but I'll have to deal with you later. Samuel is never one to make idle threats, and paradise will be significantly outnumbered by the citizens of the underworld and the celestial beasts. I only hope the reaper returns before it gets too far out of hand."
Alpharam disappeared from the void, leaving Mal to his darkness and anxiety over Charlie.
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Breaker of Chains
**** This is the 2nd book in a series, the 1st book can be found here. http://royalroadl.com/fiction/8513 - Curse of the Forsaken **** The betrayal and murder of a wise king chosen by the gods condemns all of mankind in the world of Althos to pending extinction at the hands of a terrible curse. Abandoned by the Gods, Fate and Hope, humanity descends into madness and immorality. Now, with most of humanity living as slaves of other races and the great human kingdom but a memory in legend, the scattered remains of the free humans cling desperately to a life worse then death. Prophecy spoke of their redemption and salvation, but as the years grind past, and humanity fades away, no sign of salvation appears. Unable to wait any longer, the last dregs of a once great people attempt to ignite prophecy on their own by summoning a young man against his will from modern day earth. Their goal is to coerced the young man into a fight for the survival of mankind in a fantasy world which is not his home. Taking a new name for himself, Jace traveled across the face of this new world in search of a path home. However fate and prophacy block his paths forward entangling him in the world against his will. Surrounded by a human race warped by crushing poverty, desperation, and immorality, can he survive without losing his dignity and morality? With prophecy involved does he have a choice? Warning: Tagged 18+-this work contains mature scenes involving sexual content, torture, foul language, death, slavery, rape, cannibalism and horror. I apologize beforehand and suggest that you not read if you are offended by any of these topics.
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