《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》12. Revelations and Acceptance
Benimaru fell asleep on the couch after binge-watching a new K-drama Kat recommended. He almost finished it before exhaustion caused him to nod off. Benimaru hadn't been sleeping much, and in occupying his time, he caught up on everything he was reading.
Charlie passed by and smiled. She was happy to have Benimaru there, but she was also troubled.
"He looks so peaceful," Charlie thought, "more like Beni before I dragged him here to live in this house. He and Aaron would have probably been better off on campus."
She grabbed a blanket and put it over Benimaru, sitting next to him on the edge of the couch. Charlie let out a shaky breath as she examined his face.
"Hey, Beni," Charlie smiled, brushing her fingers through his hair, "You're burning up."
Charlie's smile faded. Between Chad and the void, it was no surprise he was getting sick.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Beni," Charlie began, "I was on the bridge that day, but I should start before that."
Benimaru made a sound in his sleep, but he didn't wake up. Charlie jumped at first but sighed in relief, and she didn't actually want to wake him.
"Beni, I'm the grim reaper… that sounds crazy," Charlie began confidently, but her anxiety took over, "Well, I suppose I should probably show you."
Before summoning her scythe, Charlie hesitated. She was doing this more to convince herself than the sleeping Benimaru. Charlie shook her head and put it away because it felt silly to try to prove it in that way.
"I was— on the bridge that day, harvesting the dead. Mom was there, but— well, when I'm harvesting, the only people who can see me are the dying or those already dead," Charlie paused, furrowing her brow.
"Anyway, when she saw me, I— I broke the rules and saved her. In doing so, I made myself pretty sick. I can't change back and forth mid-harvest, at least not often. It takes a toll," Charlie continued, her voice quavering, "so, when I finally came home after sorting, I— well, my cousins bullied me pretty harshly."
Charlie half chuckled, half scoffed when she said the next thing, "They still do. Chad, in particular, hates me. I am a half-mortal abomination after all— and because of that, I'm not strong enough to—"
She shook her head, trying to wave away her current failures, "I heard their taunts in my weakened state. The thing is— aside from it being against the rules— I couldn't tell you. Being rejected by you and mom scares me more than anything."
Charlie's eye glistened, "I can't bear the thought…."
She buried her face in Benimaru's chest, shedding a few tears, "So please, don't hate me."
Charlie sat up and quickly wiped her tears away. She put a finger to Benimaru's temple, pulling the sickness out of him. It made her feel ill briefly, but Charlie could bear it like she always does and always will. Charlie kissed his forehead before heading off to the void.
"The dead don't guide themselves…."
Aaron was standing around the corner in the dining area.
"She's the what? Wait— where did that scythe come from?" Aaron's eyes widened, and he was going to jump to Benimaru's rescue when Charlie put it away.
"What the hell is happening right now?" Aaron thought, fear and concern crawling through his body.
Aaron paused to listen further before jumping to more conclusions. He stepped farther behind the corner as Charlie walked away and slid down the wall covering his mouth, shaking.
"Is— that why she's stopped me from going after Chad? Because he's a god? I can't reconcile this. There's no such thing as a higher power— is there? I would have rather lived without knowing Chad is god," Aaron's mind was rushing, "but it's more than Chad. I guess that Caz guy is like Chad too, and— so is Charlie somehow?"
"This doesn't make any sense," Aaron's heart was racing, "Does pops know? Tensei and Tetsu? Or is this just something Charlie is keeping from everyone? Does she get hurt because she's half-human? Regardless, it's obviously not safe here. I need to take Beni and leave, and that's probably the best thing I can do for him."
Aaron jumped up when he realized Tenseiga was standing there. Tenseiga came halfway through what was going on and wondered why Aaron would be hiding around the corner. When he caught on, Aaron's fear made him angry somehow. Tenseiga stepped around quickly before Aaron could react to confront him.
"I gather you heard all of that," Tenseiga leered down at Aaron, "I know you did because I get the feeling your fight has turned to flee."
"Tensei— did— did you know about this?" Aaron asked nervously.
Tenseiga had him cornered. Despite his disdain for all things exercise, Tenseiga was extremely fast. Aaron wondered if this was due to Tenseiga being one of them.
"Know about it? I raised that child," Tenseiga laughed. However, it didn't feel friendly at all. As a matter of fact, it was pretty menacing.
"I was there when her human incubator abandoned Sam— abandoned her. I was there when she had difficulty making friends because of what she is. I was there when she chose to smile despite her cousins' abuse. She didn't want them to get in trouble, my tender-hearted girl. I couldn't be there for her when her cousins released Sam's brother to possess her body, but I could feel her pain in my prison in the dank depths of hell. I— was— there."
With each word, Tenseiga stepped closer to Aaron, emerald eyes glowing.
"Do you understand the pain she goes through behind that smile? When she says, 'Don't worry about it, I've got it covered.' Or 'leave it to me, I'll figure it out.' 'Don't worry, I'll come up with a solution.' 'I got this,'" Tenseiga asked, and when Aaron didn't answer, Tenseiga asked again, "Do you?"
"I— no. Charlie was always so happy-go-lucky," Aaron mumbled, "I didn't think any of this was going on."
"That's right, you mortals don't think unless it's to save your own asses," Tenseiga glared, "I will not allow you to crush her further. If you want to leave Aaron, then, by all means, leave, but Benimaru stays here."
"Why? So you all can keep failing to protect him from all of your higher power, mortal assault-y bull shit?" Aaron glared back.
"I will admit, I have been on edge since that Laurelie person started poking about."
"What does Laurelie have to do with any of this?" Aaron asked, but Tenseiga ignored him as he continued.
"I am also on edge because I cannot figure out how Chad is getting in, let alone why he cares," Tenseiga gritted his teeth, "I am the best. I know everything. I can resolve everything. Any curse, spell, ritual, all of it, yet I cannot grasp who is violating our space."
"Sounds like a personal problem," Aaron muttered, then jumped when Tenseiga slammed his hand against the wall by his face sending a crack through the ceiling.
"Do you think that Chad will stop if you leave here? Whoever Laurelie was, is going to stop? Without us, do you really and truly think you can keep yourselves safe now that you're in the crosshairs of a god?" Tenseiga hissed.
"Are those fangs?" Aaron thought, "Yes, those are totally fangs. What is he?"
"Easy, stupid fox, you're terrifying one of the mortals I can stand," Tetsuya pulled Tenseiga away from Aaron rolling his eyes, "Now what happened?"
“Tensei— are you—“ Aaron was taken aback. He was going to finish by asking if Tenseiga was actually a fox.
"Gods, Tetsu, why are you such an idiot?" Tenseiga facepalmed, exasperated.
"You're the one flashing your eyes with your fangs showing," Tetsuya looked at him deadpan, "So who is the idiot here?"
"Tetsu, you're in on this, too?" Aaron was incredulous.
"In on what?" Tetsuya was confused as to the details of what he walked in on.
"Charlotte was honest with Benimaru though he was asleep, Aaron overheard," Tenseiga glared but returned to normal.
"And Aaron was considering running, so you went all papa fox on him," Tetsuya shook his head. He continued somberly, "It'll break the princess's heart, but she has us. She has had us well before these mortals' ancestors were conceived, and we will be here long after they are gone."
“Tetsu…” Tenseiga muttered.
"I know you've been on edge. I sense something is up, too, but can you blame Aaron for being afraid? He's an atheist who found out gods are real today," Tetsuya shrugged.
Tenseiga smoothed his hands through his hair, "It's obvious I need to take a walk."
"It's almost dinner time!" Tetsuya exclaimed because Tenseiga cooks everything.
"Eat the snack food or order take out," Tenseiga slammed the back door on his way out.
Tetsuya sighed, shook his head, and looked at Aaron.
"Come with me," Tetsuya nodded toward the back door, indicating that Aaron should follow him.
Aaron hesitated, but he went after Tetsuya. He couldn't help but wonder how little Benimaru was sleeping since he slept through that entire exchange.
"Jump on my back," Tetsuya demanded.
"What?" Aaron asked in surprise.
Tetsuya rolled his eyes, "Just do it."
Aaron hesitated but complied, "Like this—"
The air rushed around them like a tornado. Aaron squeezed his eyes shut and clutched Tetsuya.
"Bro, what the hell was—" Aaron shouted.
When he opened his eyes, he realized he clutched a giant lizard? No…
"A dragon? Really?" Aaron threw his hands up in exasperation then went back to clutching Tetsuya. He didn't realize they were in the air now.
"I mean, I'd catch you if you fell, but that was pretty foolish," Tetsuya's voice reverberated inside Aaron's mind.
"What is the purpose of this?" Aaron shouted, "Are you taking me away to eat me or something?"
"Gross dude," Tetsuya snorted, "I haven't eaten a mortal in centuries. You all are gamey now that you eat more and more artificial crap."
"I just saw you eat a whole pack of Oreos last night?" Aaron raised his voice over the rushing wind, insulted, "You still didn't answer my question."
"Just hold on. We're almost there," Tetsuya dove as he began their descent.
They landed on the mouth of a cave. It was pretty well worn, and the area didn't look anything like home. Aaron only saw places like this in pictures.
"This was my home until Charlie dragged me out of here," Tetsuya resumed his humanoid form, reminiscing. "I was one of the few mortal dragons left— and now I'm the only one."
"What do you mean? Dragons aren't even—" Aaron was going to say 'real' but remembered how they got there.
"Mortals hunted my kind until we are down to just me," Tetsuya looked somber, "I come here on occasion when I need a level of clarity. To remind me how lucky I am to be alive and how lucky I am that the princess dragged me out of here."
Aaron stood in silence as he and Tetsuya stared into the cave.
"It's pretty easy to judge and fear something you don't understand," Tetsuya continued, "the mortals judged me as not worthy of life. The celestial beasts judge me the same way gods judge the princess."
"What does that have to do with Beni and me?"
"Everything— and nothing," Tetsuya glanced at Aaron, "That's up to you. But I want to inform you that princes Charlotte would rather us leave if we bother you that much and you two keep the house to finish your education than you run from us. That's the kind of woman she is."
"Okay, but how would we afford—" Aaron began.
"The land and utilities have been paid for well into your 40s. The only thing you'd be responsible for is food," Tetsuya explained, putting his hands on his hips and cocking his head back. "It's a pretty good deal considering it'll crush the kindest being you'll ever meet. She's willing to sacrifice what little she has left of herself to make the two of you comfortable, and she'll do it with a smile, so you don't worry."
Aaron was somehow not surprised that Charlie would do that for them.
Tetsuya started glaring, "And I want to inform you that her giving what little of herself she has left cuts into my time with her."
"Um, okay, whatever, dude," Aaron grimaced.
"I brought you here to tell you all this because I want you to choose carefully what you do next," Tetsuya looked up at the sky.
"Personally, I like you and the high-strung one, but I follow what she wants," Tetsuya continued, "I'd burn heaven and earth for her and do this wisdom crap. Even though the stupid fox is supposed to be doing this."
Aaron nodded slowly, considering Tetsuya's words, "You care about her that much, huh?"
"You have no idea," Tetsuya smirked.
"I may have an inkling of an idea," Aaron thought of Benimaru, "fine. I'll stay. At least as long as Beni wants to."
"So— I've been kicking a dragon's ass in basketball this whole time?" Aaron put a finger to his chin as he considered every time they played each other.
"I'm sure you're mistaken, mortal boy. I've pretty well wiped the court with your sorry ass," Tetsuya squinted his eyes as he smirked.
"Obviously, your memory is cloudy," Aaron examined his nails.
"Maybe I need to jog yours," Tetsuya was glancing down at Aaron as a dragon, "get on, and I'll show you who the real king of the court is."
Aaron climbed on, "It'll be clear that it's actually me."
The two goaded each other the whole way home.
"Tensei, what's wrong?" Benimaru was rubbing his eyes and yawning as he entered the dining room.
Tenseiga was staring down into his tea. It was lukewarm, and Benimaru noted he hadn't really touched it.
"Tensei?" Benimaru repeated.
"Oh! Beni!" Tenseiga jumped at Benimaru's voice as if he had awoken from a trance and put on a smile.
"How long have you been sitting there like that? Your tea looks like it's gotten cold," Benimaru pointed out.
"So it has, Beni," Tenseiga hesitated, "Do you think I'm losing it?"
"What?" Benimaru was confused.
"I feel like I'm losing my touch and my good sense," Tenseiga squeezed his teacup.
Benimaru thought for a moment, "I don't think so. We've all been under stress lately, though I feel like I'm suddenly over my cold."
"Damn it, Charlotte," Tenseiga thought.
"Well, that's good to hear. Also," Tenseiga hesitated again.
"Maybe something is going on," Benimaru sat next to Tenseiga and put a hand on his, "You're always quick to say what you want and ask what you need to ask."
"Right," Tenseiga pat Benimaru's hand, "How do you feel about Charlotte?"
"Charlie? I love her, of course! She's my sister," Benimaru said with conviction.
"Unconditionally?" Tenseiga pressed.
"Yes. Tensei, why are you asking these questions? There's next to nothing she could say or do that would make me love her any less," Benimaru reassured him.
"Even if she was a god," Tenseiga asked unconsciously, then caught himself, "Never mind. Forget I said that."
"If she said she was god, I'd certainly be a little alarmed, especially if she could make it rain or pull the stick out of professor Gordon's ass. But would I love her any less? No," Benimaru shook his head as he explained.
"What if she was the god of death?" Tenseiga continued, tension developing in his jaw.
"Hmm…" Benimaru considered the implication of what being a god of death would entail, "Well, it would certainly explain a few things like her workload. So many people die every day."
Benimaru leaned back in his chair, still chewing on the thought, "Even so, I still wouldn't love her any less. I mean, it's not like she would be killing them herself, right?"
Tenseiga nodded, a weight lifting from his shoulders.
"These are weird hypotheticals, Tensei," Benimaru shook his head, "Maybe lay off the supernatural and isekai webtoons for a while, yeah?"
Benimaru pat Tenseiga on his shoulder before rising, "I'm going to go finish up my homework."
Tetsuya and Aaron walked into the dining room as Benimaru walked out. They hadn't noticed Benimaru as Aaron continued to tease Tetsuya.
"Told you I beat your sorry ass," Aaron clapped Tetsuya on the back, "You aren't holding back, are you?"
"I mean, I have to at least a little, but for the most part, no," Tetsuya half sulked.
Benimaru and Aaron froze when they stood in front of each other. They each looked like they would say something. It was a long, awkward moment of silence. Tetsuya and Tenseiga made hopeful eye contact. However, Benimaru side-stepped Aaron, and Aaron let him pass. Aaron went to the living room without another word.
"Yeesh," Tetsuya plopped down in a chair across from Tenseiga, "it's like they get more awkward by the day. What's your problem?"
"I- I don't know," Tenseiga shook his head.
Tetsuya sighed and rolled his eyes as he reheated Tenseiga's tea for him.
"Why did you do that?"
"You look like you needed it," Tetsuya let out a breath before slumping back on his chair.
"You really let Aaron beat you?" Tenseiga squinted his eyes, smirking.
"Hey, I don't see you flying anyone across the world with people on your back and thinking about some wise shit to say," Tetsuya leered at Tenseiga, "the super zen advice is supposed to come from you, ya know?"
"I know… perhaps I should retire," Tenseiga closed his eyes.
"This ain't retirement to you? Living here like this should be easier than running the palace, counseling the emperor, lifting curses, fucking everything in the underworld that moved, and raising a demigoddess child..." Tetsuya recounted everything Tenseiga did before they came to live how they do now.
"I was a younger fox then. Now— I don't know," Tenseiga shook his head, "it's not like Charlotte needs me or anyone for that matter."
"What about mentoring the high-strung one to fuck at least a couple of things that move or whatever you're doing?" Tetsuya raised his eyebrows.
"Confidence. I'm helping Beni build confidence, Tetsu," Tenseiga grimaced.
"Sure," Tetsuya rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "if that's what you want to call it."
"Anyway, I'm failing him. And I lost it in front of Aaron," Tenseiga sipped his tea, still looking morose.
"I'm about five seconds from kicking your ass, fox," Tetsuya leered.
“Excuse me?” Tenseiga flinched.
"You heard me. If you think I'm gonna let you feel sorry for yourself and quit because you're having a bad season, you've got another thing coming," Tetsuya growled.
"I would think you of all people would enjoy my absence," Tenseiga furrowed his brow.
"You're a pain in my ass, but I'd miss— I'd mi— Charlie would be upset that you're gone," Tetsuya couldn't say what he meant.
"I'd miss you too, you big idiot," Tenseiga smiled.
"Okay, I'm going to kick your ass for real," Tetsuya got up and then fell backward, "I'll do it tomorrow."
"Fair enough. I'm sure you've used quite a few muscles neither of us has used in decades now," Tenseiga chuckled.
Tetsuya couldn't come up with a comeback. The exhaustion hit him hard, so he grunted in response and smirked back at Tenseiga. No one was sure what would happen next, but some of the tension did leave the Obsidian estate for now.
"Master, it's almost ready," Kumiho alerted Chad holding a dagger.
Chad grabbed the knife, examining it.
"Be careful, master!" Kumiho held out a hand as Chad cut his palm.
He let golden blood pool on the floor, "Kumiho, I'm beginning to think you are really the genius between you and Tensei. Well done."
"Master, you flatter me!" Kumiho blushed.
"Credit where credit is due, Kumiho," Chad smirked, bandaging his hand and pulling on a cloak, "Now to find foolish mortals. There's no shortage, I'm sure."
- In Serial8 Chapters
Dawn of the Blessing's Night
A God who has known infinite strength is exiled into a lower realm, where he finds himself trapped inside the body of a country boy. This citizens of this world are seemingly granted their wishes by a mysterious asteroid. Under the veil of a dreamlike world lies a storm in which the god struggles to find his way back to Heaven.
8 156 - In Serial12 Chapters
A Royal Knight From Another World Got Reincarnated To Earth
Ragur, a Royal Knight from another world has passed away after defending his country against the demons. After waking up he found himself in a place where everything is white. There was a woman floating in the air who called herself a goddess. She promised Ragur that she'll reincarnate him to a place called Earth if he swears his loyalty to her. After the goddess reincarnated him to Earth, he woke up as a baby laying under a bridge. He stayed in the cold and starved there for hours till a girl came and took him to the orphanage she was raised in. When Ragur waked up again he found himself on a bed, with a girl laying next to the bed.
8 112 - In Serial39 Chapters
Trashy story ! v1.5
Author: I've made alot of mistakes in my plot, I've relied on force to do it naught. Where does quality go? When you give up patience for speed though? This is a story I will begin, Hopefully this will make your hearts sing! There's not much I do that is right, But I will enjoy writing it this night. So those of you who will cheer me on, Or not i'll be happy to sing you a song! A song in text! Wish me luck next! - authors (singular) Trashy story v1.5: starto! Serious synopsis: Hey everyone it's the author here (Not my character named "Author" or "Also author") I'd like to introduce to you my new book "Trashy story"! So you're proboaly wondering what this "Trashy story" is about, well wait no longer I shall tell you! (Or try to sound cool as I tell you nothing.) This story will be written entirely in poem style assides from the author notes (Which are in itself a out of character in character commentary of the story.) With this type of format I hope to talk about things which are commonly overlooked in novels, and or things which are blaringly obvious yet often ignored! In the earlier version of this novel I had gone over things such as how the conditions of a fantasy world may force bandits to do what they do, and also the effects of killing a leader will cause! Even if the leader is a tyrant a power vacuum makes life a living hell, and often more of a living hell than before. This story was written on qidian as well but I felt like I was rushing too much on the writing (As qidian is use to crazy release rates) so I hope to port it over to here as I rewrite problamatic chapters. Said chapters may be updated on qidian once I find a good foothold to improve the plot again. Well thankyou for reading this far down on the synopsis, I'm not sure why you've read so far down but thankyou! I hope you will enjoy "Trashy story" v1.5 as much as I enjoyed writing it! "Trashy story" v1.0 : 46 chapters (24 not counting side storys) "Trashy story" v1.5: rewrite starting at chapter 35 (21 not counting side storys) You may be wondering why half of the novels publication so far (as of writing this synopsis) is side story (Bleh... filler!) Well that is because the side stories are where I develop most of the world building. (They really are only called side stories because they follow the side characters and antagonist) Note: The origional novel (V.1) can be found on webnovel... Howeverrrrr I will reupload every "Okay" chapter up to the breakoff point here as well. Proof of me moving over to royal road (And not shamelessly stealing chapters) can be found in the latest chapter "Temporary haitus: Partial rewrite") V.1: Link V.1.5: You're looking at it (Well atleast I think you are!) (Hosted on royalroadl)
8 123 - In Serial9 Chapters
All my stats are ZERO and my first mission, IS TO KILL GOD!?
I have to become faster, stronger and powerful than anyone else. Or all the people i love, will perish in the maws of God.
8 64 - In Serial135 Chapters
Empress' Evolution
The bright red light of the flames swallowed her vision but soon that red light transformed into a blue hue and she was dragged into that light. ‘What’s happening?’ It was too bright and she was forced to close her eyes, she was blinded — even though she was already dead. After being pulled into the light she began to feel annoyed as her skin was irritated by some kind of rough sand. By the time she opened her eyes. She could see the full view of the sky. It was blue and there were clouds scattered about. ‘Ugh, is this Hell?’ She stated as she rubbed her head with her fluffy and furry ‘hand’. ‘Furry?’ She looked at her ‘hands’ and her mouth opened wide. Her hands had become soft and fluffy paws of a white-furred beast with purple spots. ‘What the hell?’ She touched her face with her paws and confirmed that it too did not belong to a human. Below, she felt something was moving, she can tell as if it was another limb connected to her. ‘Don’t tell me!’ Turning her head around, she found a seven-inch tail sticking out behind. ‘Phew!’ She felt relieved that it wasn’t what she thought it was. “These soft and paws, this cuddly fluffy hair, this cute tail — ah shit, did I become a beast after my death or have I been dreaming of being human as a beast all this time? If it is the latter that is one long and realistic dream.” === [It’s the former, stupid *] === Said a woman’s voice from in her head. === As always thank you for reading, also the image in the cover is not mine, I found it on Pinterest and thought it was cool and suitable. All credits got to the illustrator. Also, this is a new type of story that I have not read about yet. Basically I am writing an evolution novel without prior knowledge so I don't really know what is considered cliche in this genre.
8 185 - In Serial13 Chapters
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