《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》2. Welcome Visitors and Unwelcome Mind Games
“Who’s in here?” Aaron called out as he scanned the room. There’s no real way to tell who is in the kitchen in that studio apartment as it was around a corner. Everything seemed to be in place, and aside from the bubbling of the food and the dryer. “That’s strange,” Aaron stroked his chin, still holding his keys. “I don’t remember you doing laundry,” Beni said nervously, “or you leaving your lights on… and then there’s the stove.” Aaron set Beni down to see what was going on for himself while staying ready to scoop him up and bolt. Benimaru took a look around and noticed something stirring in his bed. Then a foot poked out from under the covers. “Aaron,” Beni gave Aaron side-eye, “There’s someone in your bed. Were you supposed to have company today?” “Not that I can recall. I’m positive I cleared the day for you. Making sure that letter gets in the mail is more important than sex right now.” Beni paused and looked up at Aaron. Well, that was nice of Aaron-- I think… though he probably did forget he promised to go on a date or sleep with someone. If it’s not Laurelie he’s standing up, then it’ll be okay. She hates me. “I’m not really sure who’s in here, and I apologize if I forgot we were supposed to sleep together or not, so…” Aaron began. “Well, that would certainly be awkward since you’re like a little brother to me,” a woman with long black hair sat up, getting oriented to the room. “Charlie?” Aaron questioned. I wouldn’t have guessed because they live three-plus hours from here, and she’s always working. I’m going to guess by the smell in the kitchen that Tensei is with her. Aaron was broken from his thoughts by Beni. “Uhm…” Beni pointed. “Oh, good! You’re wearing underwear this time,” Aaron sighed in relief. “This time?” Beni exclaimed, really confused.” “That hasn’t happened since it was explained to me that it’s not appropriate to wait around naked for laundry,” Charlie stomped her foot and pouted, “but it’s perfectly okay for Tensei and Tetsu to run around shirtless." “I’m just teasing you, Charlie!” Aaron laughed, “I know it’s a dumb societal norm, but it is what it is….” Beni just shrugged it off as one of those things people who come from where she and pops come from do. Where ever that is. They aren’t ever too specific about it. Pops describes his birthplace as brilliant and lush, so Beni guesses pops is from southern Europe. Charlie’s place of birth sounds way up north because she says she remembers the light never reaching the home she grew up in. They say in both places they are from, the concept of shame doesn’t exist. Therefore there is no need for modesty. Clothes were things they wore out of boredom, not out of necessity, and visiting places outside of their homelands. When she was done pouting Charlie hugged Beni and Aaron. Their lives are like a blink of an eye comparatively. I don’t want to miss anything. The souls don’t guide themselves to the afterlife, though. Ugh… “So-- what's with the swimwear?" Benimaru asked nervously. Charlie blinked, then examined her body as if she were looking at it for the first time. She was sure she wore the socially appropriate undergarments. “I must have been pretty tired to make that mistake,” Charlie chuckled, shaking her head, “So, Tensei, when were you going to tell me this was one of my bikini tops?” This is appropriate for the pool but not waiting for laundry. Noted. A tall, slightly muscular man with a smile that could sell water to a fish appeared around the kitchen island in just an apron. “Your bra is in the dryer. It seems you forgot our incident went down your cleavage as well. Fortunately, you’re always prepared for the pool,” Tenseiga said casually as he was stirring something. “Tensei!” Beni covered his face again. If we want to talk about someone being the walking definition of too comfortable in your skin, it’s Tensei. “So, why are you all basically naked, exactly? Not that this is out of the norm for you two,” Aaron asked. “Funny story. On our way here, we had an accident with some rowdy children with ice cream cones. So I put our clothes in the wash!” Tenseiga said as if this situation was normal, “You know our Charlie, she has to stop for ice cream, and the park was extra full today. Likely because it’s almost summer vacation.” “Okay, but where are YOUR underwear?” Beni was still covering his face. Tenseiga laughed, “I don’t wear those things.” “What do you mean you don’t wear those things?” Beni was taken aback. He just assumed everyone wore underwear in public and that this sort of thing only happens in mature-rated media. Tenseiga gave his usual fox-like smile and said matter-of-factly, “I mean, why wear them? Getting them off of myself wastes time. I much prefer taking my time getting them off someone else.” “Ah— I- I see,” Beni muttered, “Silly question.” Tenseiga chuckled, “There is no such thing as a silly question, my dear Beni! At least not from you. Now that dumbass….” Tenseiga indicated the door as a man strolled in from the balcony, thankfully wearing briefs. He blew the last puff of his cigarette out the balcony door before staring at Beni and Aaron coolly with his unnaturally golden eyes. “Told ya we should have called first,” he tossed the butt in the trash, “the short one looks like that last thread that’s keeping him together is gonna snap. Ouch!” Tenseiga tossed a broth pot, nailing the man between the eyes. “What the hell was that for?” Tenseiga glared, “Your lack of social grace dumbfounds even me, Tetsuya. He is not the short one. He is Benimaru. Our Beni, you fool. And the only thing that’s scaring him right now is your dumb face.” Tetsuya growled, “Obviously, today is the day you’re choosing to die, stupid fox….” Charlie stepped between them. “Now, now, you two. Today is about our Beni,” Charlie emphasized Beni while giving Tetsuya side-eye, “save your brawling for later.” “You mean I can kick his ass this time?” Tetsuya got excited. Tenseiga rolled his eyes, "Laughable that you actually think you can win." Before Tetsuya could respond, Aaron moved towards him, and they fist-bumped, "Hey, Tetsu." “Sup, punk,” Tetsu grinned, “ready for me to wipe the court with your sorry ass?” “Pfft, if I remember correctly, asshat, I won last time,” Aaron clapped him on the back. There was an off tension in the room as they stared at each other. “Settle down, boys,” Tenseiga reprimanded. Tetsuya was going to rage again, but a glance from Charlie quelled the flames. “Yeah, whatever,” Tetsuya put his hands behind his head before leaning against the wall and muttering, “stupid fox.” Charlie smiled at Tetsuya, nodding with encouragement causing him to look away, trying to hide his smile. Couldn’t hide his blushing, though. Charlie gave Tenseiga a look to stop him from making witty remarks. Tenseiga turned his nose up and continued stirring. “Well, damn. I feel like I may as well strip too. I mean, aside from Beni, I’m the only one not in my underwear in my apart—ment,” Aaron trailed off as Charlie stripped Aaron, “I should have known better than that….” Before Beni could react, he was also stripped. “Hooray!” Charlie cheered, oddly proud of her work. Tetsuya shook his head, “You know mortals— I mean, regular people find that weird.” “Nice save, idiot dragon,” Tenseiga mouthed from across the room. “Tch…” Tetsuya rolled his eyes. Beni immediately hid behind Aaron, who wrapped an arm around him. Damn, he gets cold quickly. “Anyway, it’s fine, Tetsu. I mean, it’s weird, but all of you are kind of strange in your own way. We love you for that, though, huh, Beni?” “Of course!” Beni agreed through chattering teeth. Benimaru always wanted a sister, and believe it or not, Charlie and Aaron have gotten Benimaru out of his shell. Barely peeking out of his shell, but progress is progress. “Um— when are we putting our clothes back on?” Beni stammered wrapping himself in a blanket. “Beni! Beni! Just enjoy being free! Always hiding in those baggy clothes,” Tenseiga declared. “You do have a cute—“ Charlie began, but Aaron was shaking his head furiously outside of Benimaru’s view. Aaron laughed nervously as Beni fumed, “So Charlie, what brings you here?” “To make sure Beni put his application in the mail. We can’t prepare the house for both of you if you don’t even apply,” Charlie smirked as she booped Beni’s nose. “Uhm… well…” Beni was wringing his hands. Charlie got close to him and met his eyes, “Did you attack the mailman again?” “No! No. I just don’t know if I got in! Besides, I don’t want to be an imposition!” Aaron pointed a thumb at them, “I already accepted their offer." Tetsuya and Charlie nodded and gave a thumbs up. Charlie looked at Beni with her doe eyes, “You mean— you don’t want to stay with us?” “No! That’s not! Charlie, don’t cry!” Beni stammered awkwardly. Beni would honestly love to stay with them. It’s just with how over the top they all are, he’s not sure he could handle 24/7 Charlie, Tetsu, and Tensei. Tenseiga held Charlie, tearing up also, “I can’t believe Beni hates us!” “It’s okay, Tensei. We have to be strong,” Charlie stroked his hair as she choked back tears. Tetsuya rolled his eyes and put his hand to his face, So dramatic. Beni whispered, “I’ll go too.” “Hooray!” They both smiled and hugged Beni. The dryer dinged. “Ah, the laundry is finished. I took the liberty of finishing your laundry as well, Aaron! Everything is organized the way you like it,” Tenseiga nodded. No clothes in the closets, only the drawers. Since they don’t get hung up, I iron and starch before folding so they don’t wrinkle. I also put any belongings left behind by his lovers in boxes and mailed them back to the young ladies so they wouldn’t have a reason to bother Aaron. Mortal relationships are so complicated. At least in the underworld, my servants and I can enjoy each other’s company without silly emotions or weird social contracts. “Thank you, Tensei, but you didn’t have to do that,” Aaron replied. I mean, it’s nice to have my clothes pressed, color-coded, every last sock having a partner, and not having unwanted girls over to come to get their panties, but he’s my friend, not my butler. Tenseiga waved a hand, “Nonsense, it was my pleasure. Well, let’s get dressed and eat dinner." Charlie went to redress in the bathroom because of mortal custom while the others dressed in the living area. They gathered at the table as Tenseiga washed his hands and plated up dinner. “Did you even have permission to cook Aaron’s food?” Beni asked. They did kind of scare the shit out of us, barging in unannounced without a phone call hanging out naked. “Oh! Ha! When we got here, Aaron’s fridge was empty, so Charlie went to the market!” Tenseiga waved a hand as Charlie opened the refrigerator like a bikini model presenting a car. The fridge was packed to the brim. “Guys, I don’t think I can eat all that,” Aaron’s eyes widened. “Of course you can!” Charlie declared. “You better,” Tetsuya glared, “Winning won’t be fun if you’re not in peak condition.” “Pfft, I can beat you full or on an empty stomach,” Aaron glared back. Charlie shook her head, “Aaron, eating once a day is going to shatter your metabolism and your immune system. What if you get sick?” Being death herself, she can think of a million reasons why malnourishment would cause her to visit on official business. Charlie started examining Aaron in a panic. Aaron grabbed her hands as she was feeling his forehead. “Don’t worry, Charlie. I promise I’m okay. I just forgot to get food. That’s all,” he tried to sound reassuring. It’s not that he’s concerned about his weight. It’s just there was rarely any food in his house growing up. It wasn’t until Mrs. Obsidian visited Aaron’s home to figure out what was going on that Aaron started eating more frequently. Once he had food in him, his physique changed. In the proper conditions, Aaron was naturally muscular. “Beni and Tetsu can stay with you if you’re lonely,” Charlie looked at Aaron with doe eyes. “That won’t be—“ Aaron began. It’s not depression; I literally just forgot to… “Brilliant idea, Charlie! The idiot dra— I mean Tetsuya can stay here, take care of Aaron and alert us when the fridge is empty!” Tenseiga instructed. “Wait a damn minute, don’t I get a say in this situation?” Tetsuya fumed. Charlie grabbed Tetsuya’s face, “I’m sure my big strong man can go a week or so without me.” Tetsuya blushed, “I-I guess so. Doesn’t suck any less.” Is he— pouting? Aaron thought. Aaron shrugged, “If Tetsu wants to kick it here a while, why not? Also, you never have to ask to come over Beni. The door is almost always open.” He didn’t mind Tetsuya’s company. They usually ate and played video games, played sports, visited Mr. and Mrs. O, ate some more, stayed up late chatting, ate some more. Then they would pass out, wake up and repeat. Benimaru was usually with them, except on the sports. Since physical contact made him nervous, contact sports were utterly out of the question. “Well, dinner is served! Today’s meal is curry and potatoes with a refreshing green ginger tea,” Tenseiga announced. “Brilliant as always, Tensei!” Charlie clapped her hands together. They thanked Tenseiga for the meal and dug in. After dinner, Charlie, Tetsuya, and Tenseiga decided to pick up desserts after cleaning up the kitchen. Beni thought they had plenty of dessert food in the apartment, but Charlie insisted. Aaron decided to take a shower leaving Beni to stew in his thoughts. This may be my best opportunity to grab that letter out of the box. No! No, Beni, everyone is here today to ensure that the letter goes where it needs to go. Benimaru put his head in his hands; this feels terrible. I don’t like waiting. I feel like I may throw up. The door began to unlock and pop open. Benimaru’s stomach dropped further than he thought it could go at this point when he saw who was coming in the door. “Oh, you’re here,” a woman said, slightly irritated. Of course, it would be Laurelie, Benimaru thought to himself. Of all people, it had to be her. Beni laughed awkwardly, “Oh, hey, Laurelie.” Laurelie was Aaron’s current girlfriend. For some reason, out of all of his girlfriends, Laurelie seemed to hate Beni the most, so when Aaron was going to hang out with her, Beni tried to make himself scarce. He didn’t know she was coming over today. ”He forgot about me again, didn’t he?” Laurelie scoffed, “typical.” “I'm sorry,” Benimaru began, “if I had known you were coming, I would have mailed my letter on a different day, and—“ Laurelie laughed, “You just now mailed that letter? Seriously? So what, Aaron took it upon himself to sit with you until the mailman left town, is that it?" Benimaru just nodded. Laurelie’s voice crescendoed as her irritation grew. “What are you? A child? Does someone have to hold your hand every time you have a nervous breakdown?” Laurelie continued to lecture. Benimaru muttered, “Well, no… I—“ “You are twenty-one Benimaru. Grow up and grow a pair,” Laurelie huffed. Aaron walked out of the bathroom, finally changed into his comfy clothes for the evening. “Beni, what’s wrong?” Aaron looked up and said, “Oh, hey, Laurelie!” “Don’t you, ‘Oh hey, Laurelie’ me. It was just supposed to be the two of us tonight, Aaron. What’s he doing here?” Laurelie indicated Beni, who was sitting there looking down at his lap. Oh no, here comes the fight, Benimaru thought, wanting to disappear. He tried making himself look smaller. I don’t know why she hates me so much, aside from the amount of time Aaron and I spend together. This is going to get really ugly once again, and it’s my fault. Please don’t say anything to piss her off. Aaron scratched his head, “Oh yeah, we were supposed to have sex tonight, huh?” Damn it, Aaron, Benimaru began internally screaming. Aaron was so happy that Benimaru finally got up the courage to mail the letter, he literally forgot Laurelie existed. Laurelie may not get it. She really doesn’t get Beni at all. Still not sure why he insisted that I don’t break up with her. Laurelie nodded her head and said, “Yeah. Though he didn’t need to know that.” Laurelie was getting sick and tired of how everyone treats Benimaru like some innocent lost puppy. Benimaru really didn’t do anything in particular to Laurelie. She just hates weak men and it also pissed her off that Aaron seemed to care more about what Benimaru wants than what she wants. She was dating Aaron, not Benimaru. The fact that he’s more open with Benimaru than he is with her just adds fuel to the fire. And no matter what I do, he’s always skulking around. Even when he tries to make himself scarce, it’s Beni this and Beni that. He’s not that great, Laurelie fumed internally, he’s like his damn sister. Neither of them are special. “Why not? He knows just about everything else there is to know about me,” Aaron shrugged. “Aaron,” Beni whispered. He’s just adding fuel to the fire. Just let Charlie take me home when she gets back. Please get back soon. “You know, this whole third wheel thing is getting old. The two of you are twenty-one now. I’m sure he has other things to do than hang out with you all the time,” Laurelie rolled her eyes. I really could care less about this damn effeminate male damsel in distress. He makes me sick. Maybe I should reveal the fear I’ve been hyping up in his dreams. Oh no, Beni thought, please don’t bring up the fact that I’m still… just because I don’t sleep around doesn’t mean I don’t like girls. I mean, I’m not sure either way, but… I’m not quite sure why Aaron knowing that is so embarrassing except maybe he’d be ashamed of me or something. Laurelie smirked, I almost lost him there for a second. “Maybe you two do have a thing for each other. I mean, I’m pretty sure Beni doesn’t like girls,” Laurelie crossed her arms, "You know, since he's still a virgin." A sore spot for this one. He’s rather easy to manipulate. “Oh yeah, and how would you know that?” Aaron also crossed his arms. “Because he never slept with Amanda. Turns out he was her cover-up because she is a lesbian. That night they did it in high school? They didn’t. They just talked,” Laurelie sneered. Amanda was a pretty good friend of Laurelie, and Laurelie did notice something off about Amanda’s and Beni’s relationship. It wasn’t until Amanda came out of the closet that the truth came out. Amanda tried to explain that she’s pretty sure Beni isn’t gay. He’s just a romantic. Laurelie thinks shit like that is stupid, and so is his and Aaron’s bromance. That's what made the occupation of Laurelie's body so easy when the entity currently controlling Laurelie's conscience took an interest in Aaron. Beni clenched his fists in his lap. Well, there it is. I’m not sure what has me more nauseous, the letter or this argument… Aaron hated that she was doing this to Beni. Aaron could give a shit about what people say about him, but nobody makes his best friend uncomfortable. “So, they talked. And so what if Beni doesn’t like girls? Why should that matter?” But seriously, why does he feel like he has to hide stuff like that? We tell each other everything! Well, mostly everything. Beni is usually an open book. “I don’t know. Maybe he hangs around you like a lost puppy because he’s into you,” Laurelie squinted her eyes at Aaron. Aaron doesn’t help the matter by doing homoerotic shit to him. If Aaron wasn’t so good at what he does I’d get into their heads about denial. Aaron roared with laughter, “Beni? Into me? Get real, Laurelie. Listen, I’m not going to sit here and continue to let you talk about Beni this way.” “You’re not going to sit here and let me-- Aaron, it’s Benimaru or me,” Laurelie yelled. Surely he will pick me. I mean, yeah, I hate his best friend and used my abilities to fuck with him subconsciously, but surely I’m more fun to be around, and the sex is great… Wait, what is he doing? Aaron simply stuck his hand out, “Since you girls seem to talk a lot, surely one of your friends has clued you into what happens when you present me with that ultimatum. We’re done here, Laurelie. Give me the keys to my apartment." “Aaron, you really don’t have to do that! I can just go,” Beni grabbed Aaron’s sleeve, “Charlie can sit with me at home! It’s no big deal!” Laurelie screamed internally, There she is! If it’s not Beni this and Beni that it’s Charlotte this and Charlotte that! “What if she gets called into work?” Aaron’s voice was still flat. Tensei likely can’t stay. Mrs. and Mr. O are on vacation. Tetsuya would likely sit on Beni and drink until he passes out giving Beni the opportunity to crawl away. Laurelie sighed, Right… the stupid surprise meeting. I hope Charlotte is NOT included in this one. I’m about ready to kill something. “Listen well, Laurelie, so maybe you empty-headed bimbos in this town will figure this out. If it comes down to a choice between Beni and the rest of the world, I’ll choose Beni, 100% of the time,” Aaron said seriously. “What if he finally finds some man, woman, or whatever he’s into? Do you think he will do the same for you?” Laurelie pressed. Aaron has a mental fortitude that makes it difficult for me to get in there, but I may get in due to his soft spot for Benimaru. The thought never occurred to him, not that he doesn’t believe Beni will find someone to be with. On the contrary, Aaron thinks anyone would be lucky to date Beni, even though Beni doesn’t believe it himself. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling now that the thought hit him. “However Beni chooses to proceed with his relationships is up to Beni. If he finds someone he cares about, then I hope whomever it is worthy of him,” Aaron's voice was a little strained. Why does the thought of Beni being with someone else sting a little? I’ve dated just about every girl our age in town, a couple of guys. Beni’s only dated, Amanda. Why does it bother me that Beni may find someone else and leave me behind? Laurelie is playing mind games right now and needs to go. “Ugh, you two should date each other because one of you has feelings for the other, and I’m beginning to think it’s not Benimaru,” Laurelie yelled. That damn mental fortitude. He's like a safe that can't be cracked. “Will you stop talking nonsense and leave?” Aaron rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry. I’m out of here,” Laurelie threw Aaron’s keys at him, nailing him in the face, hard, slamming the door on her way out. Aaron stood there silent for a long moment. She’s out of her mind. Beni is my best friend and has been for a decade now. There’s no way I could have those feelings for Beni. I’m just protective of him. That’s all. Beni stepped around in front of him and said, “Aaron, you didn’t have to do that.” “Beni, I’m not going to date someone who is going to be shitty to you,” Aaron was still staring at the door, mulling over what Laurelie was saying and also trying to push the thought from his mind. “ Aaron, you’re bleeding!” Beni exclaimed. Aaron touched a hand to his forehead where the keys hit him. He looked at his hand, “Huh, I guess I am.” Beni grabbed the first aid kit and steered Aaron to the couch. “Beni, do you like hanging out with me?” Aaron asked as Beni was blotting that spot on his forehead. “What?” Beni was confused as to why he even needed to ask. “Do you like hanging out with me?” Aaron pressed. “Of course I do. I just don’t think it’s fair for me to--” Aaron put a finger to Beni’s lips, “Then that’s all that matters.” “Aawon,” Beni began muffled. Aaron grinned, “You sure do like saying my name.” “Aaron, this is not the time to be funny. You literally just broke up with your girlfriend,” Beni exclaimed, concerned. “Believe me, Beni, Laurelie and I weren’t working out anyway,” Aaron sighed. Benimaru was kicking himself for letting her blackmail him this whole time. The door opened again and Tenseiga said as they came back from getting more desert, “The sex was good, wasn’t it.” “Yep,” Aaron replied. Beni always imagined sex was good, but it couldn’t be that good to stay with someone obviously insane. However, Beni was partially to blame for this. “So, now that she’s said her peace, I can go beat her ass now, right, Tensei?” Charlie started for the door. I don’t know who this mortal bitch is, but I’m going to break the rules this one time. Tenseiga picked her up and set her down on Aaron’s desk chair, “You will kill her. Count backward from 10.” There’s something off about the air in here. Someone was using celestial power but masked it. Whomever it was is a fool if they think a celestial fox wouldn’t catch it, though. Charlie started counting as Tetsuya came over to rub her shoulders. “Easy, tiger,” Tetsuya whispered. “I’m sorry,” Beni got up and sighed as he finished bandaging Aaron up. “What are you sorry for, Beni? She had no right to talk about you that way,” Aaron stood up. “I’ve been the reason that you’ve blown through girlfriends, and now I’m the reason you aren’t-- ah--” Beni stammered. “Having sex tonight,” Tenseiga finished his thought. Aaron chuckled and ruffled Beni’s hair, “Don’t worry about that. If I’m that pent up, I can just go to Tensei’s place.” Tenseiga smirked. He couldn’t keep our little secret contained. I was doomed to be caught anyway. Charlie and Tetsuya slowly turned their heads towards Tenseiga. First of all, how does Tenseiga get Aaron to his place in the underworld without setting off any alarms or letting Aaron realize he’s in the underworld, for that matter. Second, what possessed Tenseiga to get an idea that crazy, celestial beings have a level of stamina that most mortals can’t handle. They all wonder how Sam can have relationships with one mortal at a time. “You didn’t,” Tetsuya grimaced. “I didn’t what? There are a lot of things I could not have done, dear Tetsu. What specifically are you wondering about me not doing?” Tenseiga was enjoying this whole situation. “I haven’t slept with Tensei. Just Andrea and Max,” Aaron responded as if that was going to alleviate the situation. Charlie shouted, “You’re talking about me killing people? Are you crazy, Tensei?” Tenseiga sipped his tea, “You all should know that I take it down about twenty notches when I have a guest. You act as if I’m some sort of sadist brute.” “Because you can be a sadist brute,” Tetsuya grimaced. He’s acting all cool but something is agitating that idiot fox. Tenseiga was perturbed, he’s been catching the faint stench of ill intent when Aaron has been around that Laurelie person. She would never be around when they were visiting, so the three of them have never seen her. Beni stood there, thinking. A lot of what Laurelie said bothered him, and he didn’t want anyone to know he was still a virgin… for some weird reason. It made him happy that Aaron stood up to her, but he hates that Aaron puts him up on a pedestal like that. Aaron hugged Beni from behind, “Don’t give any of that a second thought. I meant what I said. I’ll be here until you don’t want me to be.” Beni playfully pushed him away, “Yeah, okay!” Maybe he was overthinking it.
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