《Pokemon: Jordinio Version!》Chapter 28
As I was swinging Victreebel around, supporting his entire body weight in the air with both hands and celebrating our victory, an odd glint caught my eye.
Coming from my newly captured Blastoise's nest.
It was just a brief little sparkle that I would have totally missed if I wasn't spinning around in a circle with Victreebel.
"One sec." I said, placing Victreebel down, the large fly trap pokemon cocking his entire body slightly to the side in curiosity at why I stopped.
With my pokemon's eyes on me, I made my way over and climbed my wya up the rocks Blastoise had been perched upon.
When I got up to the top a few seconds later, I noticed it wasn't so much a nest, as it was a groove torn straight into the huge rocks themselves.
Quite impressive looking actually, since I know for a fact it isn't natural and the groove is both round and large enough for Blastoise's body to comfortably rest in.
Blastoise must have blasted this out using its cannons. Water pressure cutters at their finest.
Looking into the nest, I noted it was quite sparse. There was a leafy bedding to make it soft to rest on, and some berries spread about through the nest.
It took me a second to find what I was looking for, nestled between a few oran berries, there it sat.
It was a small, tiny even spherical opaque stone, with a flaming helix-like symbol held within of various light blues and a dash of brown in the middle.
I blinked.
Then my mouth dropped low and my eyes widened.
Holy shit!
Are you fucking kidding me?
I wasted no time in jumping down into the nest and quickly snatching the small stone up and bringing it up to my face to examine it closely.
There's no mistake.
This is a fucking mega stone.
And not just any mega stone, but a Blastoiseite at that. What the hell is it doing here?
I mean, I'm pretty sure it was already long since disproven that mega stones don't just form from mass gatherings of the type of pokemon they resonate with. If they were, they wouldn't be as hard to find at all.
…But that doesn't explain why this is here.
Granted, I do know that pokemon who can mega evolve have, while not quite a sixth sense, a natural ability to feel a mega stone that is compatible with them if they get within range.
That Manectric in the manga after all found the Manectite like that, and it was just randomly sitting around in a tree.
'Maybe this Blastoise just came across it luckily one day?' I thought.
I continued staring at it for a few moments, before slowly, a massive, massive grin spread across my face and I clenched my fist around the mega stone.
"Well, whatever." I laughed.
How Blastoise came across it doesn't really matter in the end. All that matters is that I have it.
A Blastoisenite.
And a Blastoise.
Now I just need to earn Blastoise's loyalty like the rest of my pokemon and get my hands on a key stone and I'll be able to mega evolve my Blastoise!
So super duper funnily ironic that the pokemon I caught for my main team, the most recent one, would have a mega stone.
If it were Pidgeotite and I had a keystone, I'd be able to mega evolve Pidgeot right here and now!
I couldn't help it, I burst into loud, echoing and victorious laughter.
This is where it begins!
It's just one stone, but it's a start. Now, I need Pidgeotite, Charizardite, both in fact so I can try something out, Venusaurite, Gyaradosite, Sceptilite, Metagrossite-
Actually, I just need to get my hands on any and all mega stones I come across!
Which is exactly why I'm heading to Kalos!
…Well first I still have one more spot I need to hit up in Kanto before moving on. And I'll need to fly through the Orange Islands for the quickest route to Kalos and there's a few things there for me to pick up.
But eh, whatever.
I reigned in my laughter and turned towards my four pokemon. Fearow was giving me an odd, eyebrow-like raised look, while Bellossom, Victreebel and Milotic just watched on happily.
Apparently not at all disturbed by my crazy spontaneous laughter.
I hopped down out of Blastoise's former nest, mega stone in hand and approached my pokemon with a massive grin on my face.
"Things turned out even better than I thought they would you guys, great job," I said, praising them again, before raising the mega stone in my hand up into the air to let them see it, "Not only did we catch all those Squirtle, Wartortle and that Blastoise, but I even found this!"
Four pairs of eyes gave the stone in my hand curious looks and my grin just got larger, "Yeah, see this?" I said, waving it back and forth, "This is a real special stone, and to find ones like it is why we're heading to the Kalos Region soon, it's called a Mega Stone!"
"Row?" Fearow hopped over and leaned up, inspecting the small stone with a critical eye, before shrugging his wings and looking distinctly un-impressed.
"Yeah, they don't look all that impressive, huh?" I agreed with a laugh, "But don't let its small size fool you, these things are real special."
And small size was relative. Because this thing was about half the size of my palm, maybe a bit bigger, length wise and about as wide as a typical evolution stone.
Fearow shrugged again, "Well you might not see it, but I'm not joking," I snorted, "This is called a mega stone, specifically this is a Blastoiseite, and with it, and another stone called a key stone, it can let Blastoise evolve again temporarily into Mega Blastoise and getting a massive power boost."
That did it.
Fearow's eyes widened and his eyes darted back to look at the stone on shock. I nodded, "Yeah, that's why we're going to Kalos, because there's a bunch of pokemon that can mega evolve, like Pidgeot, Charizard and Gyarados just to name a few and I want to get my hands mega stones for them."
"Row, row fea!" Fearow eagerly pointed one of his wings at his chest and looked hopeful.
Sorry buddy, but I'm gonna have to burst that shining bubble of hope.
"Sorry mate, Fearow's can't mega evolve." I replied.
Fearow slumped over onto the ground immediately in depression, wings spread wide out in defeat.
He looked almost like a shaggy feather carpet.
"Yeah, so Pidgeot will be able to get even stronger as a Mega Pidgeot, gonna be killer for you to keep up with him now," I crouched down and pat his head, not being gentle about the assessment at all, Fearow buried his face in the ground, beak literally piercing into the ground as if it were butter as he avoided looking at me, "Mega evolution isn't unbeatable or anything mind you, it's just a power boost in the end. And I said it already before didn't I? You have the potential to beat legendaries, you don't need mega evolution to be a badass, you already are, I mean, remember, you kicked the shit out of that absurd Pikachu earlier, that stupidly strong Scizor right after it and then a Dragonite as well."
Not to mention that Wartortle which was decently tough that he took out in one hit.
Fearow's a beast for sure.
Fearow pushed up and hopped to his feet, chest puffed out proudly, "Fearow!" he spread his wings wide and posed cockily as if he was never slumped down in depression a few moments ago.
He sure recovered quick.
I laughed, reaching up to pat his head once more and looked at the other three. Milotic cocked her head and smiled gently at me, while Victreebel and Bellossom seemed totally nonplussed, not really caring.
…Well two of them don't really care for battling and getting stronger anyway. And Miloitic doesn't have a rivalry with Pidgeot to try and become the strongest try hard bird of my team.
Fearow indeed recovered fast.
Mentally and physically.
And not long later, I was up on his back again, heading for Cinnabar Island once more. And it didn't take long once more for us to land back on the island at the pokemon centre.
…By time I did though, my phone had buzzed no more than six times.
All messages from Nurse Joy.
She wasn't very happy with me right now going by what she wrote to me. Well, I did kind of just dump a bunch of rare pokemon on her.
With to warning whatsoever.
Yeah, so I decided just to send her a simple reply message.
'I'll explain later, in a rush. Prepare for more in the next few days.'
I figure it will be easier just to take her scolding all at once. Instead of calling her up, getting scolded and then getting scolded again tomorrow or the next day.
Especially since I plan heading back to Viridian City and the Pokemon Centre where all my pokemon are specifically before I head out to Kalos.
And I'll be heading out there first thing in the morning after training.
…While tonight, I have three specific pokemon to have a look at.
After they get healed up of course.
Though Dragonite and Gyarados are already good to go more or less.
Just need to get Blastoise fixed up.
I left Blastoise with the Nurse Joy of the Cinnabar Island pokemon centre for an hour and a half and just chilled out in my room for a bit with a few of my pokemon.
Specifically, Bellossom and Victreebel.
Bellossom is tiny and likes sitting on my head and playing with my hair while I'm laying down, and not gonna lie it feels good, especially when she's using sweet scent.
Note to self, get a massage from Chansey and Bellossom at some point.
While Victreebel just practically moulded himself to my back. Despite his oddly shaped body, he could contort or compress himself in such weird ways. It took a bit of getting used to, but it's actually really good for my back I'm thinking. Keeping it straight, not slouched even when laying down, yet comfortably so.
My pokemon rock man.
I spent just over an hour like that watching some stuff on the rooms television and chilling with my mons.
I only got up, and reluctantly so when Nurse Joy called up to my room to let me know Blastoise had been rejuvenated.
Bellssom and Victreebel had both fallen asleep, so I eased myself out of their grips and left them sleeping on my bed and headed down to collect Blastoise's pokeball.
Moments later, I left the pokemon centre and made my way to behind it where there was a decently large battlefield that would work for some good open space.
I yawned, stretching my arms out above my head. Chilling out had left my a bit sluggish and I kinda just wanted to crawl back into bed right now.
But, needs must and all that.
I traced my hands over the three new additions to my belt. Dragonite, Gyarados and Blastoise's pokeballs on my belt, in that order.
Hmm…who to start with?
I don't really know to be honest.
I guess a time honoured decision making tactic could be employed, one that had seen many a use over the centuries.
I put my finger on Dragonite's pokeball, "Eanie, meanie," my hand went to Gyarados' pokeball, "Minie, mo," then my finger went to Blastoise's, before back to Dragonite's.
"Catch an Incineroar by the toe, if it squeals, let it go, innie, meanie, minie mo!" as I finished my strategic genius chant, my finger came to a halt atop Gyarados' pokeball.
Big water snake it is then.
I grabbed the pokeball and enlarged it, "Come on out Gyarados." I said, pressing the button in the middle and releasing the huge scaly blue serpent of the deep from within in a burst of bright light.
Gyardos materialised in front of me, shaking his massive head and looking a bit confused.
Before his eyes landed on me and promptly narrowed.
I forgot something because of my tired daze.
To send out my other pokemon to work as insurance just in case.
Gyarados roared, rearing back, before his massive head shot down towards me, mouth open wide, fangs longer and thicker than my awesomely muscular arms gleaming in the moonlight.
You know, I totally should have saw this coming.
Of course I did not though.
Because I am dumb.
Fantastically awesome with muscles even a Machoke would be jealous of and a penis that would make even my current attacker bow in fear of, but dumb all the same.
As it was, despite Gyarados huge ass size, he was a quick wee bugger.
I wouldn't have been able to evade him even if I tried.
I didn't.
My hands came up on instinct just as he attempted to chompy chomp chomp me and I grabbed onto his fangs, wrapping my hands around the pointy tips with all my strength.
I felt my skin tear and blood ooze just from the sharp sides, not even the point and I was barrelled into the ground, my back slamming into it hard.
If I didn't work on my back constantly, what with increased gravity constantly pressing down on it, I would probably have had the wind knocked out of me and got munched up in short order.
Thankfully, my back is made of tougher stuff and not something weak, like paper mache…or Surge.
I was still pinned under the huge size of my big water serpent though.
'Great goin' mate, didn't even think at all when you sent this guy out did yae ya mad fud?' I berated myself.
Gyarados big angry eyes were locked on to me and inch by inch he forced his massive head down with more force, overpowering my grip on his fangs, inching my arms back and back and back.
I couldn't even let one of my pokemon out right now, the second I let go of even one of these huge ass fangs, I'm gonna get ganked.
I can feel a few of the pokeballs shaking on my belt though. One, or more of them are about to bust out.
But you know what?
The fact I can hold Gyarados back this long is proof enough, I don't need help here.
I don't need to be saved.
I just need to stop being such a pussy.
Gritting my teeth, I raised and straightened my legs and slammed the soles of them down on the ground and dug in, and then grit my teeth even harder, so hard I'm probably lucky they didn't chip and break.
With my feet on the ground good and proper now, I've got some leverage. I pushed down with my feet with all my strength at the same time I I exerted all the strength I had in my beautiful, badass bulging muscles.
Gyarados' eyes widened in shock as I began pushing it back and then back some more, up and up until I was in a sitting position.
"BAD BOY!" I roared and used everything I had to whip my arms and bodily jerk the huge serpent into the air and used the chance to surge to my feet.
Gyarados roared in confusion, the sound being drowned out my by own roar of exertion though as I heaved the huge serpent up above my hand and then used the momentum of its own long serpentine body to slam it down into the ground.
A loud grunt left the water and flying types mouth and my legs and arms felt like absolute jelly.
Good thing I I know to use my head.
Stunned from the throw and slam, Gyarados couldn't react in time as I lurched forward and slammed my forehead into his snout, right above his huge mouth.
The impact rocked not only Gyarados who flinched back, but me as well. Snout or not, Gyarados' body is rock solid all over, those plate like scales are something else.
Blood dribbled down my face from where I headbutted him and I bared my teeth in a wild savage grin while Gyarados stared wide eyed at me, absolutely shocked, "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough son." I taunted.
I took one step forward and had to force myself not to stumble, I'm super dizzy right now. Gyarados isn't as heavy as Golem, but that huge ass body made him super hard and awkward to lift, especially with how pinned I was.
Gyarados flinched back, staring wide eyed at me still. He looked confused, perplexed, bamboozled even, stunned with fear and a bunch of other shit at once.
"You done throwing a hissy fit?" I asked with a growl, idly glancing at Gyarados' pokeball a few feet away, it had tumbled out of my hands when I made my grab for his gangs, "Or you wanna go a few rounds with me? Milotic kicked your ass and I will too, no pokemon needed." I said, raising my hands up into a loose boxing guard.
Gyarados just stared at me with wide eyes still, not a peep leaving his gaping maw of a mouth.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." I jutted my chin out threateningly, before lowering my arms and walking to to grab his pokeball.
Gyarados didn't make a move as I did.
And then once I had it in hand, I turned towards him and crossed my arms, before walking towards the huge water serpent pokemon.
This time, I'm ready to use the pokeball the second he gets violent again.
Gyarados' body contorted like a snakes and raised his head up high to look down at me warily, he was prepared to lunge either at me or more likely, away from me.
"Now, you've got no room to complain, you attacked me and Milotic, so we beat you and then I caught you, and now I've put you on your ass again myself this time," I pointed up at his face, "You're my pokemon now, got it? If you've got any problems with that, I'll kick your ass any time."
…And by that I mean I'll get one of my pokemon to do it. Because fuck it's taking all I have to keep them from shaking.
Gyarados stared at me, before noticeably swallowing and then lowering his head down to me, eyes closing and nodding in agreement, submitting to me.
"Good boy," I reached out and pat his snout, making the huge serpent freeze up for a few seconds, only relaxing when he noticed I wasn't actually hitting him, "Gimme a second, I'll get you healed up from those hits I gave you."
…Also I need Chansey out to heal me.
Like right now.
I turned away from Gyarados, my hand going down to my belt, only with how numb my arm was, I accidentally brushed over one of the other pokeballs.
In a burst of light, a large, bipedal small winged being formed out of the pokeball and Dragonite appeared in front of me, snarl on his lips and eyes narrowed into a glare.
Oh you've got to be kidding me!
Come on mate, get a fucking hold of yourself!
Dragonite howled and lunged forward at me, one clawed fist aimed straight towards my face.
Electricity exploded into existence around Dragonite's fist and I could barely follow his fist with my eyes as he attempted to punch my head clean off.
It's a good thing though-
Dragonite telegraphs his punches like a fucking toddler.
I managed to jerk my head down and just narrowly avoid the Thunderpunch attack, "That's fucking it!" I snarled and lunged forward, foot out and stomped on Dragonite's knee cap.
"Bowu!?" Dragonite gave a cry of shock as his leg buckled from the force of my hit forcing him to fall to one knee.
Coincidentally, leaving his arm open, over my shoulder and his body slumped over mine.
I spun, grabbing the arm over my shoulder and with a shout, heaved the seven foot tall dragon pokemon up into the air over my shoulder and slammed him bodily into the ground in front of me.
"You think you're hot shit son!?" I spat, keeping hold of his arm after he slammed face first into the ground, I grasped it with both arms and twisted the limb behind the dragons back.
And then I started unleashing a barrage of kicks into Dragonite's side.
I unleashed a rapid fire shot of six or seven kicks into Dragonite's side, each one feeling like I was kicking against a brick wall, probably hurting me more than Dragonite, but I made sure he at least felt it and confirmed with the grunts he let out with each impact.
Of course, something like this wouldn't be able to keep a Dragonite pinned for long, runt or not.
Dragonite recovered quick thrashed against my grip on his arm, only to roar in pain when he forced his arm back into my twist hold even more.
He learned quick though, I'll admit.
Instead of trying to wrench his arm free or hit me with the other, Dragonite lifted his long tail up and tried to slam it into me from behind.
I saw it coming and juked to the side and let the tail slam into Dragonite's own back, slamming him back into the ground.
Fast learning or not, he wasn't very coordinated for sure.
A perfect opportunity.
I jumped on Dragonite's back, one hand going over his head while the other wrapped around his neck, "You think you're tough cuz' you're a Dragonite mate? I've met a Bellsprout that could clap you." I taunted, sqieezing on his throat.
Granted, it was my own Bellsprout that trained under heavy gravity, but still a Bellsprout!
Dragonite thrashed madly under my grip and shot up to his full height, lofting me into the air, "Drooo!" he roared and shook back and froth widely trying to dislodge me.
I let go of his head with one arm and Dragonite took that chance to pull his head forward.
But I didn't let go for no reason.
I caught both feelers on top of his head and yanked on them like a bitches hair.
A surprised squeal of pain left Dragonite's mouth and he toppled back in surprise.
Huh, guess they're sensitive.
I took the chance to jump off his back and spin around him while he shook himself off and tried to recover.
My arms came out and I unleashed a rapid 1-2 jab combo into his stomach. My knuckles cracked from the force and I felt the bones creak, but ignored it.
Adrenaline for the win.
Despite how durable Dragonite's body is, I still went straight for where his solar plexus is more or less.
A gasp of pain and air erupted from Dragonite's mouth and he doubled over, bringing his head just down enough for me as I came in with a full on heavy haymaker straight to his cheek, "Sit down!" I snarled myself, slamming my fist into his cheek.
Despite his size, weight, bulk and immensely durable scales, Dragonite slammed into the ground, hard.
'Fuck!' I screamed internally.
My fist was flaring in agony. I think I just broke my knuckles and my fucking wrist with that. And now that I look at my arms in general, they're all red and oozing blood.
His fucking scales tore my skin just from rubbing against me too hard. Fucking hell, pokemon with Rough Skin must be able to slice and dice at a gentle touch at this rate.
And yet despite all the hits I just laid into Dragonite, he didn't even seem hurt, just stunned and was laying on his side, staring at me gobsmacked, wide eyed in astonishment.
"You might be a Dragonite, but you're nothing impressive right now," I huffed, and sat down cross legged while grabbing a pokeball from my belt…and I just realised I'd dropped Gyarados' pokeball…again, "Most of my pokemon are stronger than you, hell never mind them I just laid you out."
Dragonite continued staring at me wide eyed before my words registered and a growl rumbled from between his lips.
"Oh shut up, you're a weakling right now, get over it," I scoffed, grabbing his snout with my palm and muffling his growl, "And I get it, you wanna be the toughest guy around, but you're not, you're a runt compared to those other Dragonite and you can't even come close to them in strength."
Dragonite gave me another shocked look, before his eyes narrowed, "Don't look at me like that or I'll beat your ass again," I threatened, making the dragon type blink, "But, don't worry about that, you might be a weakling right now, but you're my pokemon now. So one day in the future, you'll be the strongest Dragonite in the world, so just shut up and do what I tell ya' kaapesh?"
I lifted my hand from Dragonite's face and he just stared blankly, before sighing and nodding.
Just like Gyarados before him, the dragon and flying type submitted to my authority.
'Right, now I need to let Chansey out to heal me.' I thought, doing my level best to ignore the throbbing pain coming from my wrist and knuckles.
Fucking brick wall scales man.
I grabbed Gyarados' pokeball and attached it to my belt, before reaching down to grab Chansey's pokeball.
I paused just before I did though.
And instead I grabbed the pokeball at the end, the newest addition to my team as of tonight.
'I may as well go three for three.' I huffed, enlarging the ball and pressing the button in the middle, unleashing the pokemon within.
Blastoise appeared in front of me a second later, the bright light of the pokeball dying down to reveal his form. The huge turtle pokemon shook his head, gaining his bearings after being sent out of a pokeball for the first time before looking at me, eyes narrowing, "Blaaa-" he began rumbling at me, only to cut himself off and look around.
At the Dragonite curled up on his side just a few feet away and the huge wide eyed Gyarados that was curled up and waiting nice and docile.
"So, what about you big guy?" I grinned at the water type.
Hmm, I think the blood coming from my forehead has dribbled into my mouth, cuz I taste blood.
Hope it hasn't stained my teeth.
Blastoise looked at me, before looking at Dragonite and then Gyarados again, then back to me.
"Blast." Blastoise shrugged, raising both hands up placantingly and then sat down on his haunches.
Quite an agreeable guy really.
Why couldn't Gyarados and Dragonite be like that?
"Good on you." I nodded.
Now that this has been taken care of, I really need to heal up, "Come on out Chansey." I called, taking her pokeball from my belt and releasing her.
I smiled at her as she appeared in front of me, "Hey girl can you heal me up I think I kinda bro-"
Chansey had a genial smile on her face as she appeared, and had one right up until she cut me off with a slap to the face that lifted me bodily off my feet and downed me a second later.
I groaned in pain, my cheek smarting.
Then groaned in relief as a familiar pink energy suffused my body and began healing me, "Chanse- chans chansey! Chans chans chans!" I didn't get to enjoy it fully though.
Because Chansey was not happy with me and took the time to scold me, a disappointed look on her face and a cute angry frown.
Ack, my heart hurts.
"I'm sorry!" I apologised.
I don't know what I did wrong.
But I'm totally sorry!
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