《Pokemon: Jordinio Version!》Chapter 19
As expected, after the commotion we caused, we couldn't exactly stick around at the...what was the place called again? I'm sure Hilda told me the name of the place.
Honestly, I totally forget. Oh well, not important.
Really the people who saw it all were great and I basked in their adoration. They clearly had good sense to be on my side and I had boastingly informed them to watch out for me at the Indigo League. I got myself my first fans.
But yeah we, mostly me, caused a lot of crap and shit so we really did have to get a move on and not disrupt their time.
So away back to our room at the Pokemon Centre we went, ya' know?
Even so, I could not wipe the huge, shit eating grin off of my face. And how could I? I got myself a beast Krabby, and a Raboot on top of it. And most importantly of all. I got to wipe my ass with that little shit head Goh.
God what I wouldn't do to have encountered him alone without Hilda and no witnesses around. I'd have broken that little shits jaw and took a shit in his backpack.
"You seem happy." Hilda noted as she sat down on her bed opposite mine in the Pokemon Centre.
I shrugged, "What can I say," I replied, "Today has just been a really good day."
"I can see that," The brunette Unovan's eyebrow raised, "And you did make out pretty well today. That beast of a Krabby and even a starter pokemon. A Galarian one at that, I've never even seen one in person."
"Like I said, a good day," I leaned back on the bed and didn't bother commenting on the fact that shitting on Goh was the best part of it. That would open up way too many questions, "I'm surprised though." I raised an eyebrow right back at her.
"At what?" Hilda asked.
"At you," I couldn't help but snort, remembering the way she headbutted that little fucker and laid him out, "I wasn't expecting you to step up like that before I broke that punk ass bitch in half." it was pretty awesome though and funny as fuck.
Hilda shook her head, "I know you think I'm just some hot actress and director wannabe, but I'm not just some useless girl you know," she pointed out, "Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty talented. I've been an actress since a young age, I passed all my school exams easily, I got trained in a bunch of different things over my career to fit parts and even when it comes to pokemon battling I'm pretty amazing, seriously do you know how impressive it is for someone to get as many badges as I did in my first year?"
My head involuntarily tilted to the side, "...It is?" I asked, focusing on that final bit she added on.
But Ash wasn't exactly what I'd call skilled during his first run and he got all his badges. And say what you will, but some of those fuckers were crazy. Battling atop volcanoes, broken psychics and electroshock torture battles.
Hilda shook her head and gave me a deadpan look, "The fact you don't even notice is the craziest part of it," she sighed before pinning me with another deadpan look, "Gym Leaders are the best of the best. For the most part, they're the highest authority in any town or city they reside in even above mayors and they are the main defenders of these places. Getting by all eight of them gives people an in to the Pokemon League and the chance at becoming either an Elite Four member or even a Champion if they're really that good. Pretty much the most powerful positions in the government and rulers of regions bar a few other people like Mr. Goodshow."
...Wait seriously the Champion and Elite Four had that much power? "What does that have to do with you being an amazing trainer?" I asked. Not that I was going to refute it. Hilda had some pretty awesome pokemon. Once the rest of her team evolved, like her Fraxure, she'd have one badass team.
Hilda sighed and shook her head at my apparent obliviousness, "It means that only the best of the best can get by a Gym Leader, they don't exactly give freebie wins and fight people with new pokemon regardless of how long you've been a trainer," she explained, "Remember what I told you? The Champion and Elite Four of any one region are its greatest defenders. The ones tasked with dealing with stuff like rampaging Legendary Pokemon. They cannot go easy on trainers wanting to go that path or baby them because it would more or less weaken trainers in the long run. People aren't supposed to be able to start their journey and beat a gym leader within a month of being a trainer, that's just crazy talk."
Now that I think about it. That does make a lot of sense. And in that context, Hilda getting six badges during her first year did really paint her as a really talented trainer. And now that I think about it, compared to Ash battling Misty in the anime, her sister Lily had a much crazier team of pokemon.
Then again, she was one of the sisters that trained that Gyarados that Misty used as her ace...in every single battle. Heh, funny how she used to get on at Ash about using his older pokemon in Johto like Charizard and mocked him about it, claiming he was unskilled and shit. More or less what I'm sure led to him deciding to 'start over' with new pokemon in each Region. Only for her to do the exact same.
And with a pokemon she hadn't raised herself. At least Ash fucking raised Charizard up.
Well not like it matters. Misty here is way more likeable than she was in the anime. Probably because she's much older. And much hotter.
I should hit her up for another date next time I see her.
"What about me?" I couldn't help but ask Hilda once I thought on her words a bit.
After all, it's only been a month and I already have two gym badges. Give it another week or two and I'll have three. And once Pidgeotto evolves it'll be a synch to fly all over Kanto and mop up all the other gyms.
Sans Sabrina. Fuck that noise. I'll leave her for Ash to deal with.
"You?" Hilda raised another eyebrow and scoffed, "You're a freak of nature."
I couldn't help but grin in pride.
"I am, aren't I?" I nodded in agreement. Things are going great man.
"So shameless," Hilda shook her head in amusement, then slumped into her bed, "So I suppose we should move on tomorrow, there's really nothing else to see around here and that asshole earlier even ruined going to Cyan Lake for me."
"We can stay another few days if you want." I offered. If she wanted to stay and check things out, I didn't mind and it really is the least I can do after she had my back like she did earlier.
Besides, now that Clefable knew Thunderbolt I can really double down on the training I want to do with Pidgeotto and Fearow. I'm totally going to steal Winona's lightning grounding technique that she used against Ash. I bet Surge is going to be really surprised when that stupid ass Raichu of his tries to fire off a 'tundabolt' only for my try hard birds to casually negate it like badasses.
It'll be perfect. Because I know that fucker is going to end up calling me a 'baby' like he did to Ash cuz of my age, dismiss me and probably hit on Hilda.
Because he did that to Misty. Eleven to twelve year old Misty to that. Ironic that even the pokemon anime was showing off how blase shit was when it came to the age of consent.
That lightning American shit won't hold up to the power of the Scottish Master.
"Nah, no point," Hilda shook her head, "Most of the attractions I came here to see have already been done away with, it's understandable why, even if it's really disappointing. So there's no point in sticking around here."
"Fair enough," I shrugged. I honestly wouldn't mind sticking around a few days longer just to double check things in regards to the property prices. Though, that did bring a thought to mind, "Hey, how much money do you have saved?" I asked.
"...Why?" Hilda gave me a searching look.
"I'm not asking for a tap or anything," I laughed, "I'm just bringing it up because you're looking to save enough money to build your own studio and shit right?"
Hilda nodded slowly, "Yes, I am...but where exactly are you going with this?" she asked.
"See this place isn't as useless as I first thought," I replied smugly, because I am who I am, "Have you seen how cheap the property prices are here? Like seriously, with a little investment I made I've got enough cash to by so much land and I'm planning on buying a ton here to build a place of my own later."
"Ah!" Hilda's eyes widened slightly in realisation, before pausing, "Wait, how do you know what property is cheap or not?" she asked, looking at me oddly.
"I don't need to be a business tycoon to know twenty poke dollars per square meter is cheap." I snorted.
Hilda whistled, "That is cheap," she admitted with a nod, "I've got a little over one point five million saved up right now, so I could buy out a pretty decent sized bit of land here huh? With my pokemon clearing out all the old stuff wouldn't be too hard as well..."
I could practically see the gears turning in her head as she considered my words, "Exactly," I grinned, "It's the same reason I'm thinking of. The only parts that will really cost that much will be getting new stuff built here."
Hilda nodded absently at my words before suddenly bouncing up to her feet in one smooth motion, said motion doing delightful things to her chest in that tight tank top of hers, "I need to look into this!" the fluffy brown haired girl pumped her fist excitedly and then surprised me, by leaning down to press a quick kiss on my cheek, "Thanks for letting me know." she thanked me before standing back up and prancing over to the computer and sitting down in front of it.
Huh. I rubbed my cheek. Well, okay then.
That'll do.
For now.
"I may as well get some training in with my pokemon then and check in with Nurse Joy." I mused standing up myself. I did promise to check back in with her more often, especially after capturing pokemon.
I let Hilda know before leaving, but she didn't even look at me as she tossed me a wave and bid me goodbye for now. She was too absorbed now in looking into what I told her.
Now is a good time to get started on having Pidgeotto and Fearow learn how to ground electric attacks shot at them using Steel Wing.
Eat your heart Winona.
And while I'm at it, I should just go ahead and see about having everyone with a steel type attack learn it, like Charmander with Iron Tail and Metal Claw. Oh an Milotic specifically would benefit a great deal from it now that she knew Iron Tail as well, and Zubat too of course.
With a whistle on my lips I left our shared bedroom at the Pokemon Centre behind and made my way out to get some training done.
I need to work a bit on my legs anyway. Can't skip leg day. Don't want to have little Torchic legs and Machamp arms after all.
The next day we were up bright and early, or well, I was. As usual, while I got up at five in the morning to get those epic gains, Hilda lay in bed until nine am.
Still, it was a very, very good day. Why? Because when I was done training with my pokemon and cruised around the local market area, I found it. It was in the display window of a second hand electronics store, but I found it. An electrical generator that could connect to a pokemon.
It cost me a full on thousand pokedollars to buy, expensive as all fuck, but I got my hands on one. And you know what that means right? Electricity, even in the wild!
I made great haste in zooming throughout all the shops in the area after that, picking up a gaming system, games to go with it, a television, master plug extension and more.
Alongside the supplies I stocked up on, alongside pokeballs to make up for the ones I had used while in this city, I ended up spending a full five thousand pokedollars in total, especially considering I was upgrading my diet.
Still, by time I was done and Hilda was up and had her breakfast alongside her pokemon, it was eleven in the morning, so still quite early.
And we set off from Hollywood, resuming the journey towards Vermillion City.
I was not the only one wide a wide ass smile on my face as we left the city behind though, Hilda couldn't have wiped the one off of her own face if she tried, "Somebody's in a good mood." I pointed out.
"Look who's talking," Hilda snorted, but continued smiling, "Besides, why wouldn't I be? Things are looking all bright and shiny for me now!" she pumped a fist into the air happily.
"Because of the prices on land?" I asked, eyebrow raised at her. She was doggedly pouring over the computer last night looking it all over even after I returned from training my pokemon Winona style and was still at it when I went to sleep.
"Obviously!" Hilda shook her head and rolled her eyes, "Do you have any idea what kind of treasure trove that place is?"
"...I mean it's land, at super cheap prices and with no taxes, it kinda speaks for itself." I pointed out. Beyond there probably being some useful items scattered throughout the area that were lost and dropped by accident, or even just left behind because the owner didn't know the true value.
My Meowth's with Pickup would be good for trawling through all of the abandoned side of Hollywood to find anything of use. Pickup as I'd learned from the Pokedex, was for pokemon, like a sixth sense that led them towards scattered items that they themselves considered valuable. Basically, an item finder. I have no idea how that works, just that it does and I will happily abuse it for my own gains.
I am awesome like that. Strategy is good, great even, but finite. But gains? Gains are eternal!
Or at least they will be for me once I get a Honedge. Hopefully. I mean, if it worked for AZ it should work for me right? 'Heh, y'know if this was actually the anime television show with people watching, I'd be the total boss villain hidden in the shadow of Team Rocket, wouldn't I?' I mused. And I am totally okay with that, I won't lie and say my plans in regards to getting a Honedge aren't quite fucked up.
'Wait, shit!' My eyes widened as I remembered. I had totally forgot to see about getting into contact with Professor Sycamore! Damnit!
Damn you Goldeen memory! 'Note to self, figure out a way to do something about that.' I reminded myself. Maybe I should get an Alakazam or something to connect to my mind twenty four seven and read my mind, then remind me when I forget something?
Delegation at its finest.
"Still a kid, huh?" Hilda teased, breaking me from my thoughts. And I am not ashamed to admit my eye almost twitched as she reminded me of Iris, "Have you forgotten what I'm wanting to do?"
"...Build a studio?" I gave her a blank look. C'mon, I know my memory is shit, but it isn't quite that bad.
"Yes, and do you remember what's on all that land for sale that the city of Hollywood has given up claim to, that has no ownership currently?" she arced a brown eyebrow at me.
"Broken down buildings?" I asked. Because that really was all there was there. It was a shit hole after all.
Hilda sighed at my apparent stupidity, "Theatres and other studios you dolt!" she huffed at me, "They left tons of equipment behind that I can easily repurpose, Dusion will be able to gather it all for me easily and I'll save even more money in starting up my studio!"
Oh, right. I forgot for a moment that there were tons of theatres and crap that were abandoned as well.
Wait! Wouldn't they also have those massive screens for playing movies and shit? "Dibs." I grinned at her. I want one of those, I'll make a huge home entertainment system in my future epic mansion.
Can you imagine watching porn on one of those screens? 'In the immortal words of Austin Powers, yeah baby, yeah!'
"You can't call dibs!" Hilda squawked.
"And why can't I?" I crossed my arms and sassed her with a smug smirk.
"Because for one, you haven't bought any of the land yet!" she shot back, "I haven't either, but I at least contacted the mayor this morning and put my name down as a future buyer."
I stopped walking. Huh. Another thing I totally forgot. This is a bit beyond a joke now. I turned on my heel and began walking in the other direction, "And where the heck are you going!?" Hilda called after me.
"Gotta go back and put my name down." I replied. As unlikely as it is, I don't want anyone else swooping in and yoinking the land right from under my nose.
"Hold it you idiot, I already did that!"
I stopped and turned back around, "You did?" I asked. Nice of her, and I'm really grateful, but; "Why?"
Hilda crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "We've been travelling together for nearly two full weeks now, I think I've got a decent figure on your personality at this point," the beautiful brunette replied, "You're so focused on your pokemon, a lot of minor things like that slip right by you if you don't follow up on them right away, I gave the mayor your name as well because I figured you hadn't done so, and I was right."
"Ah...thanks." I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. She had a good grasp on me so far, huh?
"Not worth thanking me for, we're friends remember?" she pointed out.
Ah right, we are. That is the kind of thing friends would do for each other. I'd said so before myself, but I hadn't really internalised it. Because, it still felt a bit surreal talking to someone I once thought fictional. "Yeah, right." I agreed.
"Now c'mon, we're burning daylight here," she waved me back over towards her, "Honestly, with how forgetful you are, I'm gonna end up worrying myself into grey hairs about you once you fly off on your own you idiot." she huffed as I made my way back over to her.
"Can't have that, I like your hair." I replied, a genuine smile spreading across my face. Fondness welled up in me. We really are friends, huh? Pretty good ones actually. Yesterday with her stepping up and putting Goh in his place and now this.
"You do?" Hilda reached up to stroke her ponytail, "I'm not really a fan of it, it's all puffy because of travelling so much, when I was working as an actress I had it all silky and smooth."
"Yeah, the way it's all fluffy looking is cute, adds to your charm." I nodded as we began walking once again, making our way down south Route six. I admired the older girl beside me out of my peripheral vision as she fiddled with the fluffy brown haired ponytail jutting out of the back of her cap.
She really was incredibly good looking, with a dynamite body. But, she wasn't just some hot piece of ass. Hilda was my friend, who just so happened to be a hot piece of ass at the same time.
Minor as that distinction seemed, it made a world of difference, to me at least.
"Mmm, I dunno if I should take your word for it, you'd probably hit on a tree trunk if it was shaped like a girls crotch." Hilda pointed out with a teasing grin.
I was about to reply with an incredibly witty retort that would no doubt have left her dumbfounded at my sheer genius, but alas I could not.
The loud rev of a car engine and the sounds of thick tires crunching over the gravel of the route reached my ears. Odd, I rarely saw any cars going through the routes I'd been travelling through.
Then again, I flew the way between Pewter and Cerulean, so I'm probably not the greatest authority.
I looked over my shoulder at the approaching car and I felt my jaw drop. It was a shiny red convertible. A convertible filled to the brim with girls in cheerleader outfits, bar the one guy, a teenager looking a few years older than me with spiky brown hair sitting at the back with his arms wrapped around the shoulders of two of the cheerleaders, a smug grin on his face.
It was Gary motherfucking Oak. I can practically hear the rival theme from the first generation games resounding in my ears right now.
I honestly thought he would just drive right passed when Hilda pulled me to the side to give them space, but instead, the red convertible slowed to a stop.
"Hello there fellow trainers," Gary greeted us with a huge smug smirk, not even bothering to remove his arms from around the two cheerleaders, "The name is Gary Oak, future Pokemon Master, how about a battle?" he asked, looking directly at me.
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