《Pokemon: Jordinio Version!》Chapter 16
As it turns out, Graveler isn't the only one smarting over not coming out the top contender tonight.
While Butterfree didn't seem to give a crap at all, neither Pidgeotto or Fearow were at all pleased that they did not find Meowths old gang. They were the try hard birds after all, even a simple search mission was a competition for those two.
Possibly Zubat as well. Because, the bat perched on my shoulder and directing me towards my targets? His small form seemed a little bigger and more puffed out in the chest than usual.
'I think this is his first win since joining the team.' I mused, eyeing the bat on my shoulder out of the corner of my eye. Granted, this little mission was tailor made for him with his sonar abilities, but a win was a win.
It was probably pretty grating for him in a way. Going from the strongest of his flock in Mount Moon, to one of the weakest in my team. It was probably why he trained so hard over the last week.
Too bad Pidgeotto and Fearow had little problem putting him down in spars. But, once he evolved and put on a little more bulk, he'd get there, I'm sure!
Which reminded me. I should really look in to finding out how to teach Graveler Rock Polish and maybe Automize while I'm at it. If he wants to be Sonic the Golem in the future, then I'll make it happen.
'Ah, so much to do, so little time.' I withheld a sigh. The sooner Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot the better. There's only about eleven months until the Indigo League.
Call it wishful thinking. But, I want to go dominate it. But before that, there are a ton of pokemon I want to try and get my hands on. Which I can't really do reliably until Pidgeotto evolves.
I've got the money I need now to put my plans into motion, just not the pokemon.
And beyond all the pokemon from the anime I remember that I want, like the shiny Metagross in Sinnoh, there's a single specific pokemon I have a plan for that goes beyond merely being an incredibly rich and powerful trainer that can live the best life possible.
'The pokedex claimed it can drain peoples life force with the cloth hanging around its hilt.' I thought to myself, walking down the abandoned streets of Hollywood.
If it could drain life force. Was it then possible for it to pass that life force on to others? 'There's plenty of evil pieces of shit this world would be better off without.' I felt a grin spread across my face.
And their life force could be better used in the hands of an upstanding citizen like myself. I'd practically be doing the world a favour taking their life force for myself.
It was a win win situation. I get what may possibly be eternal youth, the evil pieces of shit get erased from the world. Everybody wins.
Except them. Which was a good thing in my book.
I put it out of mind as Zubat lifted his wing, grabbing my attention and motioned to a huge hill of junk rising up behind a few buildings. A junk yard, I'm guessing.
"Is that where they are?" I asked.
"Ka!" Zubat grunted and nodded his little furry head.
"Got it, good work." I praised him, reaching up to stroke his fluffy head.
The small flying and poison type grunted and merely ducked his head under his wing, but didn't actively push me away or recoil.
Progress is progress I suppose.
I made my way through the streets towards where I could see the massive hill of junk and soon found myself standing outside a massive junk yard. It was bordered entirely by a huge circular metal fence, but the gates of it were literally rusted to all hell and barely hanging on to the hinges keeping them up.
Leaving them wide open for me to just walk on in.
And just like the junk yard itself, it didn't take me very long to find my quarry at all.
After all, they were all lounging not far from the entrance, relaxing or sleeping on various piles of junk. I counted eight in total. Eight meowth that is.
Seven of them were spread around the piles of junk, while the eight lay at the very top of one junk pile atop a car, laying next to a much larger cream furred feline with a red gem on its forehead.
"Mrow Mrow!" Persian hissed at me as I entered the junk yard and began walking towards where they all lay strewn about. All the Meowth, at the sound of their leaders hissing leaped to their feet and began snarling at me.
They were warning me not to approach I assume. Probably also something about this being their turf or whatever.
The only one not doing so, was the Meowth that had been laying beside the Persian. 'Meowzie, I take it?' I grinned.
I don't at all feel threatened. How could I be after all? For all I wanted to catch this gang of cats, it wasn't for their strength.
Their leader got defeated by Meowth after all.
"How's it going kitty cats?" I greeted them all with a simple wave and smile.
Persian stopped hissing to give me an odd look, before jumping down from the car and getting closer and glaring at me, the gem on its forehead gleaming with crimson light.
"C'mon mate, don't be like that," I chuckled, crossing my arms, "I'm here with a great offer for you guys. Like, how would you like to live in an actual comfortable place and never have to worry about being hungry again?" I tossed the offer.
Persian paused in his hissing, head cocking to the side at my words.
"The names Jord, future strongest trainer in the world," I introduced myself casually, "How would you all like to become my pokemon? You won't even really have to battle much, only you Persian. In return, I'll make sure you're all well looked after and well fed."
Persian stared at me for a few moments, looking me straight in the eye, "Mrow?" the cat pokemon said.
I have no idea what it meant though. I could take a guess though.
"Are you asking how you can trust my words?" I guessed, then my smile stretched wider when Persian nodded his head, "For one, it doesn't cost me anything to look after you guys, in fact, the more pokemon I catch the more funds I get to look after you all. But, to sum it up, I can't really be the strongest pokemon trainer without the strongest pokemon, now can I?"
Persian digested my words for a moment before looking around at his subordinates, "Mroow mrow?"
It seemed to be asking its followers for their opinion. But in return, most of them gave a bunch of varying noises and nods. Apparently, from what I'm guessing;
They're leaving the decision up to Persian itself.
The only one that didn't reply, was the final Meowth sitting at the very top of that junk pile above. It, or rather she was just staring at me.
"Mrow, mrow?" Persian spoke up again, this time directly to Meowzie.
I saw her bite her lip and look away, "Myoth." she replies softly, and Persian frowned, shaking his head and turning back to me.
It looked like he was going to deny because of her. How annoying, "Come on now Meowzie, don't be like that," my mouth ran off before my brain could catch up. The female cat pokemon's head whipped around to stare at me wide eyed, "I'm not like that old lady that tossed you aside, who was only using you as a status symbol. I'm the real deal. Why not put your trust in me, and you and yours won't ever have to struggle just to find food to get by ever again."
I'm much less hesitant about revealing some of my knowledge to my pokemon. Simply because, very few people would be able to get understand anything pokemon said about me.
Persian paused as the female looked down at me, gaze hesitant, "...Mrow?" she asked something, voice low and just as hesitant as her gaze. But, there was a tinge of something else there.
Some hope maybe?
"I already have fifteen pokemon, adding you guys won't at all be a problem for me, once I catch you, you'll be transported to the Viridian Pokemon Centre and be able to live out your lives there in comfort alongside my other pokemon when not in my party," I replied, looking from her, to all the other Meowth and Persian before looking back up into the female Meowth's eyes, "I'll make sure you're well taken care of, all of you, I promise."
Meowzie stared at me for a few moments, before turning her face to look down at Persian and nodding.
"Mrow, mrow!" Persian grinned at them all before turning towards me and lifting one cream furred paw and pointing at Zubat on my shoulder, the nails on his paw glowing white and elongating out into claws.
What he meant was very easy to understand.
"You want to see how strong my pokemon are, huh?" I snorted before nodding. That was totally fine with me, "You up for it?" I asked the bat pokemon on my shoulder.
"Ka!" Zubat snorted and with a flap of his wings hopped off of my shoulder and lazily glided through the air to face Persian.
That seemed to be the signal for the battle to start. Persian gave a yowl and leaped through the air towards Zubat attempting to slash at him.
With a flap of his wings though, Zubat easily shot up into the air and avoided Persian.
Persian landed on the ground but didn't waste a moment after missing, turning around and clapping his front paws together, a small shock wave erupted from his paws and shot up towards Zubat.
Slash and now Fake Out, huh?
"Steel Wing." I ordered.
The dual poison and flying type's wings erupted into silvery white light and he slashed his wings out into the shock wave and tore right through it then sped downwards in a blur of speed.
Before Persian could react, one of Zubat's wings smashed into his face and sent the normal type cat skipping backwards across the ground.
I reached for my pokeballs, thinking it was done. But to my surprise, Persian flipped around to land on all fours, nails digging into the ground to stop him from going any further and his red gem was glowing brightly.
A moment later, a large red beam shot from gem, a corona of white energy surrounding it and shooting through the air towards Zubat.
I know that move as well!
"Block it!" I shouted quickly.
Zubat, wings still enshrouded with the power of Steel Wing crossed his wings over his body and took the Power Gem head on.
He struggled against the beam before losing ground and pushed up through the air by the attack.
The beam carried Zubat higher and higher before my pokemon gave a loud cry and pushed his wings out and physically pushing the beam up and above him to fly off into the air out of the distance.
"MROW!" Persian hissed loudly and began to rapid fire a bunch of Power Gems, though each beam was much smaller than the one fired before.
But were much faster.
Huh, I didn't know they could be fired like that.
To bad for Persian though, the extra distance created by the attack Zubat took initially, made it easy for him to fly higher up in the air and dodge around the attacks, getting closer with each one.
"Now, Hypnosis!" I ordered when he was close enough.
Spinning out of the way of another beam, Zubat flared out his wings to stop mid-air and the upper area of his face, where his eyes would be glowed with dark energy, before a series of ever enlarging rings of power erupted out and shot down towards Persian.
The normal type cat jumped backwards, dodging and juking from side to side as Zubat turned and aimed the hypnosis rings.
And to his credit, Persian did quite a good job of dodging for a good ten seconds. But, Zubat was simply faster and too used to now training against the speed demons that all of my pokemon were.
And before long, the Hypnosis attack washed over Persian. The normal type shook his head under the onslaught and tried to stay awake, but within seconds lost the fight against sleep and tottered to the side before slumping downwards in a heap and laying down.
I didn't waste any time and pulled an empty pokeball from my pocket and walked over, touching it to the sleeping normal type pokemon. The ball clicked open and enveloped Persian in a red beam of energy before sucking it inside.
It closed with a click and shook lightly for a few moments, before giving off a pinging sound. A moment later, the pokeball glowed white and disappeared, being teleported off to the Viridian Pokemon Centre.
The junk yard was silent for a moment, and I looked to see that all of the gathered Meowth, all eight of them were staring at me wide eyed, and seemingly not knowing how to react.
Good thing I was shameless enough to prompt them into action myself, "Alright boys and girl," I grinned at him and reached into my pocket and pulled out a bunch of empty pokeballs, "It's your turn. Line up in a nice and orderly fashion please."
They gave him odd looks and hesitated, but slowly some of them nodded and hopped down and approached me, allowing me to touch the pokeballs gently to them and capture them. And seeing their friends coming to me, it prompted the others to do so.
In two minutes, the last one remaining was Meowzie who looked a bit uncomfortable sitting in front of me, "There's a good girl," I bent down and gently stroked her head, "Don't worry, I wasn't lying, you and your friends will be well taken care of and be able to live comfortably, I've already got a few pokemon there that will show you guys the ropes and help you get settled in, okay?" I explained.
She stared up at me for a moment, before slumping slightly, the tension leaving her, "Mwow." she purred lightly, leaning in to my touch.
"Good girl." I praised her lightly, before tapping a pokeball to her and capturing her just the same as all her friends.
Moments later, she was teleported off to Viridian alongside her friends and I stood up, dusting off any dust that had accumulated on my person.
As soon as I did, Zubat landed on my shoulder, "Doing okay?" I asked, "That was a pretty powerful Power Gem you took." blocking it as he did was pretty amazing to see, but he would have still taken some damage.
"Ka." Zubat shrugged his wings, showing me the edges that were bruised purple a bit, but they were fine beyond that.
I nodded, "I'll get you fixed up at the Pokemon Centre soon," I promises before reaching up to stroke him under the chin, so he couldn't duck under his wing to avoid it this time, "Great work by the way, Persian was stronger than I thought he'd be but you handled him easily. You're gonna be a real power house in the future."
"Ka.." Zubat grunted against and looked away. But, if I'm not wrong and my eye sight isn't failing me.
I can totally see the fur on his cheeks flushing lightly. Huh. How odd to see something like that happening.
Chuckling, I pulled my hand away from his chin, stopping my little bullying of him and left the junk yard behind.
As I did, I pulled out my phone and checked out the pokedex app on it, bringing up my pokemon profiles to check out my new captures.
Interestingly, all of the Meowth's had the same ability and moves. Pick Up as an ability, with Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes and Bite as attacks. The only real difference between any of them besides their general weight and sizes, was Meowzie being female.
Now Persian on the other hand. He looked to be a bigger catch than I initially assumed. I was only really going to capture him and his gang for collectors purposes.
But surprise, surprise. He's actually pretty strong. 'He actually has Technician as an ability, that's amazing!' I mentally cheered. Technician was such a great ability.
On top of that, his move pool was pretty impressive. Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite, Fake Out, Power Gem, Taunt and Play Rough.
"How the hell did this guy ever lose against Meowth?" I couldn't help but gape. Really, it made no sense to me...except for the fact that Persian out of pure kindness took Meowth into his gang, taught him how to survive and made sure he lived.
Zubat gave me an odd look before grunting and going back to ignoring me.
And even when they met back up again, Persian wanted Meowth back in his gang. 'Could it be, that Persian actually took a dive?' I wondered.
Thinking on that, it made much more sense to me than Meowth managing to beat this Persian.
Well, Persian did basically raise Meowth, didn't he? Yeah the more I think on it like that, the more it makes sense.
What a big softie for a feline gang leader. No wonder Meowzie wanted him over Meowth.
Chad Papa Persian versus Virgin Rocket Cuck Meowth.
I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at the thought as I made my way back to the Pokemon Centre where I'd be staying for the night.
As I made my trek back through the abandoned half of Hollywood, heading back to the bustling side of the city and towards the Pokemon Centre, a thought occurred.
This is an urban area.
Better yet. This side of Hollywood is a massive, abandoned urban area. And there was a certain pokemon that the games highlighted as being a pokemon that tended to stay in urban areas.
And my jaunt through the alleys of Pewter City just confirmed it for me.
"Hey," I stopped and spoke up to the pokemon on my shoulder, "I've got another little mission for you if you feel up to it."
Zubat cocked his head to the side at my words and waited, "There's a certain type of pokemon I want to catch, it'll go a long way to helping me reach my goals," I explained, pulling out my phone and quickly bringing up the entry on a specific pokemon, "These are called Smeargle. They're pretty damn rare, but they tend to be found in urban areas like this. You're the perfect guy for the job in finding any here."
"Ke!" Zubat gave a sort of scoff, spreading his lightly bruised wings wide, but nodded confidently.
"I figured you'd be able to handle it." I nodded. Zubat was keen on proving himself after all. A bit dickish to take advantage of that, but he wanted the chance to show off, so I didn't mind providing the opportunity.
Plus, if this works out. It'll be pretty damn amazing.
First things first though. I'm gonna need to take care of the damage on those wings. "Hop down for a sec mate." I said, motioning to the ground.
Zubat did so, flapping his wings and lowering himself to the ground in front of me. With him off of my shoulder, I pulled my backpack off of my back and crouched down and began rifling through it.
A moment later, I pulled my hand back out, grasping a potion, "Right, this'll sting a little but, for a tough guy like you, it should be no problem," I said, "Hold your wings out for me mate?"
Zubat did so without any preamble and I sprayed the potion over his wings. He gave a small jerk as the medicinal spray seeped into his wounds. but, being the try hard mouse bird that he is, Zubat refused to let out any sounds of pain.
"Good lad," I grinned, patting him gently on his little head, "You're a badass."
Zubat simply nodded in agreement before ducking his head away from my gaze.
Shaking my head I pulled three of my pokeballs from earlier out and released the three inside. In a flash of light, the gargantuan form of Butterfree, Fearow and Pidgeotto appeared in front of me.
"Right guys, I've got another job for you," I said standing up and looking them over, "You remember Smeargle, right?" I asked, pullung out my phone once again to show off the profile of my former wannabe Kakashi.
Butterfree nodded, but Pidgeotto and Fearow both gave me blank looks. 'Ah right, I never had Smeargle on the team with them and only Poliwrath really saw him.' I remembered, "Well basically, a pokemon like this in the profile. I think there'll be one or two kicking around here if we're lucky. I want you guys to follow Zubat's lead and search for any of them, okay?"
"Row!" Fearow happily saluted with one of his massive wings, while Butterfree again simply nodded, all stoic and badass like.
Not something you'd expect from a butterfly, but I'm an adaptable, accepting sort. I only beat the crap out of a few gay guys growing up after all.
And that was just because they were pricks. One seriously idolized that 'Leave Brittney' alone dude and shoved it in my face and called me a homophobe when I told him to please not do it near me. We were on a bus, to school.
He was seventeen, and I was 12 and full of piss and vinegar. Suffice to say, I beat his ass and my opinion on homosexuality was soured for a few years.
But that is neither here nor there.
I looked to Pidgeotto who looked at the tiny in comparison to himself, Zubat, and then to me and gave me an aghast, wide eyed look.
I shrugged at his look, "C'mon mate, you don't exactly have sonar," I pointed out, "Anyway, offer them the option to join up with me if you want. If they refuse though, just beat them down and drag them back to the Pokemon Centre, I'll be waiting for you guys there."
Pidgeotto continued to stare at me before scoffing and crossing his wings over his chest and looking to the side with a scowl on his beak.
Yeah, I figured he wouldn't be happy to be following the lead of a pokemon he literally slapped out of the air in spars.
The rest gave sounds of agreement and understanding. Only then did Pidgeotto huff and give a tight nod as well. In mere moments, all four flying pokemon took to the air and began scouring the abandoned half of Hollywood for any Smeargle in sight.
"Now to head back to the Pokemon Centre." I mused. After all, I'm not just going to be lazing on my ass. I needed to get some research done.
Before that though. I stashed the potion bottle back in my bag, put my phone away and clipped the now empty pokeballs to my belt, before grasping another pokeball and letting out the pokemon inside.
"Bella!" in a flash of light, Bellossom was released from her pokeball and smiled brightly up at me. She jumped up into my arms without a months hesitation and began to nuzzle her cute little face against me chest.
It was amazing how tiny she was. Literally at most half the size she was before as a Gloom, if not smaller.
I laughed, and carrying her along began making my way back to the Pokemon Centre now that I have some good company on my walk back.
It didn't take me very long to get back to the Pokemon Centre where I'd be staying the night.
Surprisingly though, when I got to my room and made my way inside, Hilda was nowhere in sight. Her bag was sitting on one of the beds though.
Alongside a familiar little green and serpentine pokemon laying sprawled out over the bed.
"Sni?" Snivy's head perked up when I entered, Bellossom on my arms.
"Heya Snivy," I greeted the grass type with a grin, kicking the door shut behind me. I'd become quite familiar with Snivy over the past week. She loved watching me train for some reason, "I take it Hilda is out and about checking out some of the sights?" I asked, though already kniwing the answer.
Snivy as it turned out, was much more interested in pure battling over just doing so to help Hilda get her name out more and raise some money.
And you wouldn't believe how hyped I was, when I found out Snivy is actually Ash's Snivy! I couldn't believe it when I noticed the first time Hilda introduced me to her pokemon.
"Snivy!" Snivy nodded, before flopping down onto the bed with a sigh.
Bellossom giggled, jumping from me over to the bed Snivy was on, clearing the distance easily and landed lightly on the bed. She was so light, the mattress barely moved at all and Snivy was free from jostling.
Though not from the pure grass type that belonged to me poking Snivy in the cheek with a giggle. She quickly danced to the side with a playful twirl to avoid a vine that snapped out from Snivy's neck trying to smack her away.
I watched them for a moment before tossing my bag onto the other bed, claiming it as my own and made my way over to the corner of the room where a computer sat on a desk.
I took a seat in front of it and quickly booted it on. First things first, I wanted to check out the property rates around here.
Going by the rates of property around my own area back home. If I'm right, buying up a large piece of land here should be incredibly simple. Hell, I should have enough right now to buy up a chunk.
There was an abandoned hospital up near my old place. It had to be a good few multiple thousand square metres in size. And yet, it was going for sixty thousand pounds.
And I'd saw similar places like that for around the same price. Places where everything was run down and abandoned, where it would take a hefty amount of cash to just fix up.
And in a place like this? Where people had more space than they knew what to do with and were actively encouraging mass birth rate increases to fill the space.
Well, it just all pointed towards land in the abandoned half of Hollywood being incredibly cheap.
As the computer booted up, I leaned back into the chair and stapled my fingers together, a grin spreading across my face. 'It's all coming together.' I was incredibly pleased.
I knew where a bunch of rare and powerful pokemon are. I know where legendary pokemon are. My pokemon's progress in strength is simply astounding going by the reactions of others around me.
I know where to find a mass of Mega Stones, in the hands of an evil bastard not a single person will miss when I deal with him. I'm practically rolling in cash and that amount will only increase more and more if I play my hand right.
And if I'm correct here, I'll be able to buy my own huge piece of land and build a great big mansion on it. And with the help of my pokemon, creating a reserve area for all of my pokemon to live will be incredibly easy.
Granted, I'll need to figure out what caused the mass abandonment of the city just to be safe, but even if Team Rocket are behind it. Give me a few months and they'll be running with their tails between their legs as well.
Who needs a construction team when I have powerhouse pokemon capable of mowing down buildings as if they were made of paper mache.
'I even have an idea to become immortal.' I rubbed my hands together eagerly.
The only problem on that front though, is I have no idea where to find a Honedge.
Honedge was one of the few pokemon that were never really shown wild in the anime and only the games. If I'm lucky, there may be one or two hovering around graveyards or places like Lavender Town.
But at the same time, I'm thinking they'd be more likely to hang around ancient battle sites.
Tracking one of those places down would be such a bother though when he had so much other stuff to take care of. 'Professor Sycamore might know where to find one.' a thought occurred.
It was actually surprisingly easy to get in contact with the regional professors. They literally had listed phone numbers on their own wiki entries and league profile pages and such.
He could most likely get his hands on a Honedge much easier than myself. The problem though, was he doubted the guy would just get him one because he asked.
If I could get an in with Professor Sycamore though...
'If I'm not wrong, at this point in time he should barely know what pokemon can mega evolve right now and much of his research goes into finding out about that.' I tapped my chin.
And I just so happen to know of every single Pokemon capable of Mega Evolving.
"That could work." I grinned. That information was probably worth a lot more than a single Honedge.
My eyes widened.
'If I get an in with him through this, couldn't I get the chance to meet and try my hand at getting Froakie's loyalty?'
Jord-Greninja sounded pretty fucking amazing to me.
Ah Jesus- I mean Arceus.
The more thought I put into things, the more shit ends up on my to do schedule. 'Pidgeotto really needs to hurry up and evolve man.' I sighed, slumping deeper into my chair.
I had a possible idea for getting Honedge easily now. And it added the possible benefit of a total amazing, one of a kind power house.
Honestly, it was a win win situation really. Even if Froakie doesn't take to me, I can drop him off with Ash. Ash may not be his Kalos self, but the traits are still there. And Ash getting his power houses early, meant that I'd have even less to worry about when the world goes to shit.
I'll step up if I need to, and there's a few guys I'm planning on taking care of myself before they even get their stupid plans up off of the ground. But, I'm so not interested in playing the hero.
I'd only do that if it got me some hot ass bitches to ride my dick. There's no other reason to actively play hero to me other than that.
A light padding on the desk in front of me broke me from my thoughts. Snivy had landed on the table and was looking from me to the computer curiously.
Oh, it had already booted up. 'I totally zoned out with my plans.' I snorted, "Interested in what I'm up to?" I asked the grass type starter.
She gave me a cool half lidded look, but shrugged and nodded, "Sni, Snivy."
I grasped the mouse and idly pulled up the internet, "The other half of this place is a total shit hole," I explained as I went, "But, it's a shit hole that has quite a lot of potential if I'm right."
"Sni?" she cocked her head to the side and looked at me curiously.
I looked over my shoulder, wondering where Bellossom was for a moment. Just to see she was snoozing away on my pillow. Weird, but I shrugged and put her out of mind for now, "You probably don't know much about this being a pokemon and all, but for people to build places like this pokemon centre we're in, you have to own the land," I explained, keeping it simple, "The reason I think this place has potential is that because of how run down it is and abandoned, land here is bound to be really cheap."
Snivy's orange eyes opened up a bit wider, as she grasped on to what I was saying, "Sni!" she raised a little green arm and pointed at me before nodding in approval.
"Yeah, seems you get it," I grinned. In all her appearances, she did come across is pretty intelligent, "I'll eventually need a place of my own after all, and a big one at that considering all the pokemon I plan on getting."
"Snivy, sni." Snivy nodded in understanding.
A moment later, I found myself on the Hollywood property website. And I promptly choked on my own spit.
I was expecting to have to dig through specific areas and building ownership and the like, places owned by dozens if not hundred of people. But no. There, shown in big bold letters over an image of the abandoned half of Hollywood was an utterly insane caption.
'Land For Sale - 20 per square meter!'
...I felt completely light headed for a moment as I read that over. Seriously, what the actual fuck? Per square meter? Only twenty pokedollars?
This doesn't seem fucking real at all.
With the cash I have right now, I could literally buy over fifteen thousand square meters of land!
That's the size of a massive football stadium.
Hell, forget being light headed. I almost fell right out of the chair I was sitting in. would have, if not for the vines that shot out and wound around my arms and heaved me back up before I could fall.
"...Thanks Snivy." I absently pet her head gently in a daze as she sat me back down in my chair.
That price had to be wrong. It seriously could not be the correct one.
That was my initial thought. I poured over the computer and everything I could find about the land on the website for over an hour. But, no matter how I looked, no other prices appeared for the land on the abandoned side of Hollywood.
And the most I could find on why it was so cheap, was because the city went through a massive depression. It apparently had little export that brought money into the city beyond the movie industry and when that went under, the city followed not long after.
And with the overabundance of land in control of humans, compared to the lack of human population, led to this.
'This is fucking insane.' I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling. The more time I spent in this world, the more I felt how lacking in common sense it all was.
At least compared to what I was used to before. Here, in this world, I am literally basically a thirteen year old that can legally buy and own enough land for an entire football stadium.
It was amazing. Yet at the same time, just so fucking absurd I can barely wrap my mind around it.
I have enough money to buy a football stadium worth of land, just from beating up and capturing then selling a little delinquent vandal in an alley in Pewter City.
I shook my head. Utterly insane, but I'd have to get used to this kind of thing and roll with it.
In the end, I should be happy with this. I can totally put my plans into motion for my own massive place far easier than I thought.
That was totally a good thing, right?
I would have continued letting my mind wander in circles like that, if a sudden sharp tapping noise on the window didn't break me from my thoughts.
"Hm?" I sat up and looked at the window. Through it, I could see Pidgeotto perched on the ledge.
Quickly, I jumped up and bounced over to the window and swung it open. As soon as I did, Pidgeotto flew through to land on my bed, followed by Fearow and Zubat.
And then bringing up the rear was the massive form of Butterfree who had to squeeze through the window due to his sheer size, eclipsing that of even Fearow.
His red eyes were glowing blue with psychic power.
And as he squeezed in, five bipedal tailed figures, limp and unconscious, surrounded with psychic power followed him in.
And the huge butterfly proceeded to unceremoniously drop all five unconscious Smeargle in a heap in front of me.
"...I was not ready for today." a disbelieving laugh choked out from my throat.
What the actual fuck?
From the possible lap dance from Hilda, to catching Persian and his gang, the prices of land in this half of Hollywood and now this?
It honestly feels like everything is coming up Jord now. I feel way too lucky right now.
I'm not used to things going my way so easily like that.
Still. I wasted no time in balling all five of them. I'd feel bad about them, being dragged to me like this if I was planning on raising them as my own pokemon and wouldn't go about it like this.
'But that's not my plan at all.' I grinned shakily, hands trembling with adrenaline and excitement from the sudden turn of things.
They were basically walking money bags after all.
- In Serial38 Chapters
Extra Life Online
Sim and virtu modder Joel is plucked from his outland life and thrown into a hyper-enhanced reality tournament. The stakes are the highest. Battles for survival in high-immersion virtual and augmented reailties against hardened opponents seem to be for life-and death stakes, but Joel suspects it could be worse than that. Joel’s fear grow as he begins to guess what the ultimate purpose of the contest might be.
8 216 - In Serial20 Chapters
Trapped in an Isekai with my best friend
Dorian and Jamie have been best friends for as long as they can remember and so it is only natural for them to be summoned into a fantasy world by the gods together. However neither of them are willing to do the gods bidding, instead they open up a tavern and begin their new lives as bartenders, throwing party after party. Then, one day a young girl named Ruby turns up at their doorstep, requesting to join their quest of defeating the Demon Lord. But when she finds out that the two so called "heroes" refuse to do so, Ruby is left in disbelieve and decides to convince them to fulfill their destiny. However that might be easier said than done, after all Dorian and Jamie show no interest of saving this world, they just want to live a peaceful live. Will they change their selfish ways and help Ruby defeat the demon lord, or will they convince her to join their carefree lives?
8 194 - In Serial11 Chapters
Genso Suikoden: Worlds Collide
The story is set in the Queendom of Falena, the universe of the JRPG game Suikoden V. Though technically a monarchy, the aristocracy holds so much power within Falena that their squabbles and power-plays threaten to de-stablise the whole country. Complicating matters is the presence of the Sun Rune, an royal artifact of apocalyptic power and one of the 27 True Runes in the world of Suikoden. The main character is the Prince of Falena, Freyjadour, who is an unimportant figurehead not in line to the throne. During one of his royal inspections, he meets Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Erza who are a part of an alternate universe (Fairy Tail) and helps them find a way back to their home. Little do they know that it's not only them who came to this world… [This is basically a novelization of the game but with different twists due to the multiple crossovers. Therefore, there is no need to know any of the fandoms involved in this story. This will read like an actual novel itself. The universe and the characters are not owned by me.]
8 287 - In Serial46 Chapters
The Beauty And The Heist
Highest Rank #1 in Action 14/6/16Chevron Raynes 'accidentally' hacks into her college mainframe and finds blueprints to a billion dollar satellite belonging to none other than the Mafia. As if that wasn't bad enough, when the blueprints and a certain Professor go missing, Chevron is thrown under the Mafia's radar. Soon she's running for her life with not one but three Mafias behind her, in a race to get the blueprints. Adrian DeLuca is a genius who has a talent for psychology and manipulation. He may be the youngest Mafia Boss ever, but his raw ambition and ruthlessness scares people twice as old as him. So what happens when his only chance of getting the billion dollar blueprint is a headstrong, intelligent little girl who was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time?An adventure where the two unlikely allies travel the globe to solve cryptic clues and pull off the heist of the century without killing each other. Laced with humor and romance.*Strong Language*
8 203 - In Serial148 Chapters
Chronicles of a Fallen Matriarch
With trouble as her only constant bedmate, the only aim, after being exiled, was to spend her life in peace and relative obscurity. A chance encounter brought back memories of her lost love. The more she pursued her lost love, the more question she faced and the people who were close to her are not what they appear to be. Even in exile, her constant bedmate would not stop. Now, being hunted, embroiled in an age-old conspiracy, torn apart by various factions, how is a lone drow to survive? Of course, by doing what she did best, raising an army. For the dark-elf Matrons have a nasty habit of not staying down when knocked. They rise up again and come back with fury. ===== Series Info======= The world-building is a combination of DnD, Pathfinder and Elderscrolls. Though I prefer to take a few liberties if possible. The yuri/GL Is an extremely slow burn one and the focus is more on the relationship dynamics than romance. =====Author Notes===== This is my first writing attempt, and in the spirit of full disclosure, I am not a native English speaker and I am hoping to use this chance to improve my writing. Constructive criticisms are always welcome. I have a full-time job but I would try to keep the releases consistent.
8 105 - In Serial100 Chapters
Conspiracy Theories✔️
Favorite conspiracy theories explained. Enjoy✖️if you want to hear someone talk about conspiracy theories that everyone is using in their books, go check out https://www.youtube.com/user/shane"The new conspiracy theory is that I'm a woman and I'm transitioning."
8 204