《Pokemon: Jordinio Version!》Chapter 8


I made much better time reaching Pewter City than I thought I would. Sure, I gibbered like a little pussy while Pidgeotto carried me along the last leg of the journey. But hey, it saved me an extra few hours of walking.

...And I didn't have piss trailing down the inside of my thigh. As far as I'm concerned, that is a motherfucking win.

Pidgeotto dropped me off at the end of the forest, along the pathway leading out towards Pewter City. And I may have petulantly returned him to his pokeball instead of letting him try and perch on my bag.

In my defence though. He nearly made me shit myself. And I'm a petty person.

'I think I can see the gym from here.' I noted internally as soon as I made it to near the end of the pathway and stood atop a rock ledge jutting out of the hill leading down towards the city.

Granted, to be fair, the Pewter City Gym stands out quite a bit among the suburbs. It's basically a giant ass boulder made into a building after all.

I was just about to hop off and head into the city when-

"You're standing on my merchandise kid." a gruff voice spoke up from below me.

It took more effort than I wanted to never admit not to yelp in fright like a little bitch. I still flinched back though for a moment before catching myself and looking down below me.

I found a very familiar dusky skinned man, half of his face covered by a thick matted brown beard, while the top half of his head was hidden beneath a red beanie hat.

Well, fucking well. If it isn't Flint the deadbeat dad. This is good news for me. It means he hasn't taken over for Brock, and I don't need to deal with taking down a Golem and a Rhydon.

My pokemon are way stronger than I imagined they'd be by this point thanks to abusing Chansey's Gravity and Heal Pulse, alongside stealing training methods I remember Ash using in the anime. But I still don't want to to risk taking on a Golem and a Rhydon right now.

"The fuck are you talking about old man?" I 'asked' him, jumping off the rock to land in front of him and look at him. I decided to play along for now. and I don't even mind being rude to Flint. Because Jesus fuck are Brock's parents useless. I'd make a better parent than them. And I I hate kids. Noisy attention seeking little shit buckets.

"What a rude brat," Flint stated bluntly. He pointed at the rock I was standing on before, jabbing his thumb at the front of at which I couldn't see while I was standing atop it. there was a piece of paper taped to it, reading: ₱500, "You were standing all over it. You break it you buy it."

...Is he fucking kidding me? I actually forgot he pulled this crap on Ash in the anime. Selling literal rocks from the ground. And seriously, that price for a rock, the hell is he smoking?

"Fuck off!" I spat, sticking my finger up at him like the rude little punk ass I am. "I could buy a freaking Geodude for five hundred never mind a damn rock."

"The common price of the average Geodude is a thousand actually," the man shrugged, completely ignoring, "This is a common city for them to be bred and shipped out from."

Interesting trivia. Not that I care. If I want a Geodude, I'll grab one at Mount Moon or something. I'm fairly certain I remember seeing a few there during the anime episode when Team Rocket strung up all those lights.


"Nice to know, later old man." I replied and turned on my heel and began walking towards the city.

"Hey! you forgot to pay for damaging my merchandise!" Flint shouted after me.

"Eat shit!" I shouted back, sticking my finger up at him again over my shoulder, but not bothering to look back at him.

The first thing I did upon entering the Pokemon Centre, was leave my pokemon with Nurse Joy for a quick check up.

Then, I entered the promised land.

You don't know what you have until you've lost it. And you know no euphoria quite like gaining it again. For me, I never knew how much I missed a toilet until I was shitting in the woods and it reminded me all over again just why I fucking hated camping.

And the cafeteria food that came after was freaking godsend after just munching on noodles every time I was hungry the passed few days.

By the time I was down filling my stomach up, my pokemon were already finished with their check up. The only ones with anything of any note were Pidgeotto and Chansey. Chansey was a little fatigued from using her abilities so much while Pidgeotto still had a few injuries from his fight with Shiftry. But it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed up nice and quick.

Though Nurse Joy did advise that I should stock up on Oran, Sitrus or Gold Berries. They were apparently great for restoring a pokemon's stamina and ridding them of fatigue.

And can I just say how weird it is to meet a woman who looks the exact same as one I met a few days ago. I knew of course in an abstract sense they all looked the same, but god damn it was wiggy as fuck.

I could have gotten some training in after dinner with my pokemon. But honestly, I'm not so sure on just how long it will take Ash to get here to Pewter and yoink Brock. Without Team Rocket to hinder him, he could already be here for all I know. Somewhere, even if I haven't seen him around yet.

So instead of training, I'm going to head straight for Brock. There's still a few hours before it gets dark. But before then, I have to make a call.

I made my way to the area of the Pokemon Centre where the video phones are kept and sat down in front of one. A little look on the internet with my phone..pokedex...thing allowed me to get the phone number for it easily enough and I dialled it up.

Moments later, the screen lit up and Nurse Joy appeared on the screen and to my surprise, there was a very familiar brown body topped with a white mane of hair on its head. Shiftry.

"Oh, Jord!" Nurse Joy's eyes lit up when she saw you, "I was wondering when you were going to call."

"Hey, yeah I just got in to Pewter and thought I'd call to check in on my pokemon before I go get my first badge." I replied before letting my eyes move off the pretty pink haired woman and meet the yellow eyes of my most recent capture.

Shiftry's eyes narrowed at me and he crossed his arms in front of his chest. But made no threatening moves. He didn't even posture at all.

"Quite the capture you made here, I have to admit," Joy chuckled, reaching out to ruffle Shiftry's hair. The grass and dark type huffed and broke eye contact with me, looking away in what I assume might be embarrassment, "He was a big help after I got him healed up when he arrived. A trainer's Rhyhorn got a bit rowdy but your Shiftry here defeated it before it could even cause any damage."


I grinned, "Well I do have an eye for talent and Shiftry's something else alright." I replied. Like seriously, when I got a look at his profile on my pokedex I was utterly gobsmacked at the insane attacks Shiftry knew. Hurricane, Extrasensory, Leaf Blade and Dark Pulse just to name a few.

"You've been on quite the catching spree actually," Joy hummed, "What is it now? A total of eleven already? I can understand the Bellsprout since you talked about it before you left, and your Metapod is really something special as well, but I don't quite understand why you captured your Oddish and Feebas. They're sweet pokemon no doubt, but Feebas especially has little to no battle potential."

Huh. That just confirmed something for me. How Feebas evolve into Milotic, or even the fact that they do, isn't common knowledge. "Oddish was a sweetie and I've got big plans for Feebas," I shrugged before looking her in the eyes, "Do you know of an item called a Prism Scale?"

Nurse Joy raised an eyebrow at the question, "..Odd change of subject," she commented looking at me suspiciously, "They're scales off of a Milotic are they not? They're usually made into jewelry." she answered anyway after a moment.

"And how much are they?" I prodded further.

"..Err, not really sure to be honest," she answered with a shrug, "I know they're cheaper around port towns and cities. Buy you can probably get one in Cerulean City for a few thousand."

Eeesh, how pricey. They must really make nice jewelry then.

"Why?" Joy asked a moment later.

"No reason," you waved her off, "But really, how are they all settling in? I want to get a bit more time in with my current roster before switching my team around a bit.

"They're doing fine," she replied easily, "We aren't hosting that many other pokemon right now other than yours so there's plenty of room and with Shiftry here I'm sure they'll have no problem claiming a bit of the territory for themselves."

That brought Shiftry's attention back to the conversation, the grass and dark turn turning his head around to look at Nurse Joy and nodding before smirking at me.

"You're a dependable guy huh?" I praised him a bit, inwardly smirking when his chest puffed out with pride.

I gave my full attention to Shiftry now, "We didn't get much chance to talk since I just challenged you to a battle and caught you," I said, "But how do you feel about being my pokemon? Personally, I'm quite happy with you as my pokemon. You're strong, with amazing attacks and seem a real good sort."

"..Shift..ry.." my newest captured gave me a long hard stare once more before nodding once and turning around and walking away out of the camera.

"Don't mind him," Nurse Joy giggled, "He doesn't seem to have any hard feelings. And as far as Shiftry go, they're a warrior species, so the fact you defeated him to capture him is enough to earn you some of his respect."

"Thanks," I nodded my head gratefully. It was one less thing to worry about, "Do you mind letting the others know I'll probably bring some of them over in a few days?"

"I will, don't worry," she smiled back before flashing you a thumbs up, "Keep up the good work. Your trainer page on the league database and website is only a few days old at this point, but your captures are already attracting attention. You're doing way better than most do when they first start out."

"Well, next time I call you I'll have two badges." I grinned. Brock is going to be easy, I think. And Misty's sisters will be easier still if they're anything like their anime counterparts.

"We'll see." Nurse Joy rolled her eyes before bidding me goodbye and hanging up.

I stood up and stretched out my body, pleased with how things are progressing. And I had to marvel at how light my body felt with my backpack stored in my room for the night.

I felt stronger than I ever had even as an adult in my world and I tended to do at least fifty normal curls a day with my wrist and ankle weights, alongside fifty reverse curls.

"Time to get that fuckin' badge." I said to myself once I got rid of any lingering tightness in my muscles.

The Pewter City Gym was only a mere five minute or so walk from the Pokemon Centre, and only that long because I had to make a few turns since it was in a bit of a sandwiched area right in the centre of the town.

Seeing it up close and personal though, I had to admit. It was bland, just really a big rock fashioned into a building. But somehow, it made it really charming since it was gym dedicated to the rock type.

The large red arch hanging over the boulder like building to help draw attention to it and heavy doors of the same colour stand out quite nicely as well I have to admit. Adds a little dash of colour to an otherwise fully drab sight.

Honestly, it all just kinds works together. Like, it's a big rock, it isn't supposed to be grand or majestic. Simple works well.

Standing in front of it, in between the path leading up to it bordered by large boulders, I have to admit, I'm getting quite psyched.

Making my way forward, I pushed on the heavy doors. I strained for a moment, arms bulging. Even with my increased physical abilities from arriving here and all the working out I've been doing, they're still heavy as shit.

But slowly they began to open up, and after nearly five seconds, they creaked to a stop fully open and I stepped in. I jumped a bit as they slammed shut behind me as soon as I entered, but i'd already had one jump scare today, I was already on edge for another.

'Shit it's dark in here.' I thought to myself. I could barely see a foot in front of my face that was how dim the lighting was in the building.

"Who goes there?" a deep, soft voice asked gruffly a bit ahead of me. Suddenly, light flickered on a good fifty feet from me, and there he was, just as dark skinned as Flint with spiky brown hair and narrowed slit like eyes. Brock, sitting calm as can be on a small stage like pedestal.

"So you're Brock huh?" I eyed him with interest, doing my best to curb any excitement that tried to flood my veins and the butterflies that threatened to blossom in my stomach and try to make me gush over him. Even now, it's still a bit surreal to see some of my favourite childhood characters in the flesh, "The name's Jord Odhar, I'm here for a gym battle."

Brock looked me over for a moment, "..Is this your first gym battle?" he asked. "I'm warning you now, a gym battle is far different from a normal battle. Gym Battles are for Pokemon League authorisation and for raising the newest generation of trainers that will go on to form the backbone of our society."

"Yeah, it's my first." I shrugged. Though, internally I'm wondering how the hell he could tell it was my first time in a gym battle. Heck, from what I remember, he noticed the same with Ash in canon.

Brock nodded, "How long have you been a trainer?" he asked, pushing himself up from his cross legged sitting position.

"Nearly a week." I answered.

"A week?" Brock scoffed, "You're making far too light of the gym challenge. You can't win."

And if I was a normal starting out trainer, I'd agree that he was right. The difference is. I'm a cheating asshole stealing from the experience of Ash motherfucking Ketchum with enough meta knowledge of this world to make him topple over in a dead faint at the sheer absurdity of all I know.

"Try making that claim after you've seen my pokemon in action." I scoffed right back, crossing my arms over my chest and tilting my chin up at him defiantly.

..Honestly, I have to wonder has my mentality been affected at all alongside my body change? Because it's been so easy to fall back into old petty and defiant habits I used to have as a teenager. Sure, even as an adult, I wasn't fully rid of them, but I feel like they're much more instinctive reactions now.

"Suit yourself," Brock shook his head, "As a gym leader, I have to accept any and all challenges. Just don't regret it when you see how daunting things really are against a gym leader."

Then, before I could say anything else, the dark skinned teenager raised his hand up and clicked his fingers. The lights came on instantly and the gym was illuminated brightly. And the walls on each side of me pulled up to reveal rocks, lots and lots of rocks that began to slide out. The ground rumbled beneath me and I almost stumbled.

I of course didn't. Since I didn't want to make myself look like an idiot. I have my pride after all. But it was probably only thanks to balancing that heavy ass backpack of mine for so long lately that I managed it.

Bit by bit the rocks slid out from each side, atop a pair of sliding granite floors that connected in the middle of the room to form the rocky battlefield I remembered from canon.

As soon as it fully settled together, Brock jumped nimbly off of his pedestal and landed right at the edge of the battlefield brandishing a gleaming pokeball in his hand that he pointed towards me, "We will be battling in a one on one battle until one sides pokemon can no longer continue," he told me, "Let the battle begin!" he declared, winding up his arm.

From everything I'd gathered so far. the more of a disadvantage you were at when you defeated a gym leader, the more money you could earn. A way to promote powerful trainers that could overcome the odds stacked against them was what Nurse Joy told me about it when I asked her about it.

I originally planned to use Pidgey for this battle before he evolved. He was the strongest of my team even then. Instead, my hand went to Spearow's pokeball on my belt and I grabbed it, enlarging it to fit in my palm and I copied Brock, winding up my arm.

"Onix, come out!" Brock shouted, pitching his hand forward and releasing his pokemon.

At the same time, I did the same, "Kick his ass Spearow!" I shouted myself.

While the familiar form of my small red winged bird appeared before me, flapping his wings to keep himself aloft in the air. A titanic serpentine beast made up of segmented boulders, each taller than my current body appeared before Brock, the building shaking under its immense weight as soon as it landed on the battlefield and an splitting roar left its mouth. so loud I could barely even hear myself think for a few moments.

Spearow, even with the couple of inches he'd gained in body size thanks to our intense training looked miniscule in comparison to Onix. And I had to admit, like Gyarados, Onix was something else. It drew awe from me that I didn't particularly want to feel right now, but I couldn't help it. Sometimes pure size is mind blowingly amazing in its own way.

The literal weight of its sheer existence spat in the face of the laws of my reality of my own world.

To Spearow's credit, he didn't even bat an eye at the intimidating sight and sound of Onix. Instead, my little bird flared his wings out and cawed right back as loud as he could.

Mad props little bird. If it was me before I arrived here that roar was aimed at, I'd have probably topped over in a dead faint and shit myself silly. Bowl voiding terror at its finest.

"Your Spearow is a feisty little thing and in great condition," Brock noted, "But it can't win. Flying type pokemon like Spearow are weak against Rock types like my Onix."

Onix at his words reared up to its full height and roared again. I ignored it this time and just smirked at him, "We'll see," I replied idly and nodded at Spearow, "Rain Dance."

Spearow smirked at me and spread his wings wide a split moment later in front of himself, conjuring a sphere of glowing blue energy nearly as large as he was between them and chucking it into the air.

"Why would you use Rain Dance?" Brock asked in puzzlement, just as the orb of hydro energy reached into the air and burst apart in a film of energy that swelled and formed into dark clouds that immediately began to spit down a rapid downpour of rain.

Onix groaned as the many, many droplets of water washed over its form, slumping ever so slightly. Brock staggered back, "..I see!" he gasped in shock.

Smirk widening, I pointed at the towering rock snake, "Steel Wing, now!" I ordered.

"Row!" Cawing proudly, Spearow threw himself into a dive through the air towards Onix, wings tucking back against his body to make himself more aerodynamic. Those same wings burst into bright silver power as he went.

"Rock Throw!" Brock countered, recovering quickly, "Not so fast kid!"

The rain seemed to bother Onix, but not enough to keep it idle. Opening its mouth, bright white light shone within the giant pokemon maw and a split moment later, a barrage of rocks the size of my torso shot out, aimed at Spearow.

Spinning mid-air, my littlest bird dodged around three of them, then lashed out with his wing to throw himself back and dodge another. His momentum slowed only slightly as his wings flared out to help navigate, Spearow began weaving through the barrage of rocks in a small brown and red blur.

The rocks were big and fast. But Spearow had spent most of his time training sparring with my other pokemon, his main rival being Pidgeotto. Who was so much faster than these rocks it wasn't even funny.

Moments later, unable to hit the tiny bird, Onix reared back and roared once again, this time in pain as Spearow sped passed its head and sliced it hard across the face with one of his glowing wings and then ground his wing in and scraped it along the length of the giant rock and ground types body.

I flinched as it thrashed and smashed apart a chunk of the battlefield, sending debris flying. Its sheer size could cause so much fucking damage just from idly moving about.

"Bind!" Brock shouted again over the noise of Onix roar.

Just as Spearow reached the end of Onix tail, the massive pokemon lashed out, the edge of its tail curling around Spearow in an attempt to constrict around his small feathered body.

Using his other glowing wing, Spearow beat the the air hard and threw himself into a rapid spin that turned him completely around. Then he opened his beak wide and cawed extremely loudly. A massive wave of red energy sound waves being released from his beak and washing over the massive form of Onix.

The Astonish did what it needed to and Onix flinched back, stopping its attempt to grab Spearow and my pokemon took the opportunity to beat his wings hard again and zip up high into the air.

"I've underestimated you kid," Brock admitted shaking his head to clear the ringing sound of Spearow's Astonish from his ears. He was right by the pair of pokemon when the attack was used. "Rain Dance, Steel Wing and now Astonish. I wasn't expecting a newbie who's only been a trainer less than a week to have trained a Spearow like this."

"We trained hard," I shrugged simply, "But it doesn't all come down to me. Even before I caught Spearow, he was the leader of his flock that was over a thousand strong." I bragged. It was something I felt quite prideful about after all. My littlest bird is way stronger now than when I first caught him, and even back then, he was heads and shoulders above the average Spearow.

Spearow turned to look at me over his shoulder and I met his small eyes even from the distance between us, "There's no pokemon in this world that Spearow won't be able to take on one day, not even the legendaries." I continued. It's just a good thing that Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina reside in other planes of existence now isn't it?

And I did pretty much mean it. This Spearow without any training would go on to become a Fearow that absolutely demolished Ash's Pidgeotto before it evolved into Pidgeot. And that same Pidgeotto, months before that battle one shot Giovanni's Rhydon with Double Edge.

When Ash's Pidgeotto evolved, there was a very good chance it even eclipsed Charizard, who was a match for Drake's Dragonite in the Orange Islands.

If Spearow could get that strong alone without any training, what kind of strength would he have being trained by me using training methods from Ash's playbook and with the almost cheat like abusing of Chansey's Heal Pulse and Gravity for insane physical conditioning?

Brock chuckled, "Quite the boa-" he went to say, but was cut off.

Spearow cawed loudly. Very loudly. He kept his small eyes locked with mine as his voice rose higher and higher. And then, while still looking at me, he erupted into dazzling light and his body began to grow and morph before my very eyes.

...Two evolutions in one day. These birds really are fucking try hards man. But, I had been expecting both of them to evolve sometime soon. Alongside Rattata. What information I could find on the pokedex assured me that they were species that evolved rather quickly, one of the faster species to evolve. Though Pidgeotto would take a decent bit longer to reach the Pidgeot level.

Spearow's form blotted out by the white light began to rapidly and explosively grow in size. Before, he was a little bit below two feet, and maybe about the same in wing span. But by the time the glow receded and that massively beaked brown feathered form of my newly evolved Fearow was revealed, he had to top six feet easily in height with a wing span a decent bit bigger on each side.

He was massive! Way bigger than the average height of Fearow shown in the pokedex. I may have been fucking terrified of heights, but I can't stop the big ass shit eating grin from spreading across my face.

"Damn, it evolved!" Brock gaped up at the massive form of my pokemon. He clenched his fist and punched up at Fearow, "Quickly, Dragon Breath!" he ordered.

Onix roared rearing up, green and yellow flames licking around its mouth. But before it could fire its attack, Fearow dive bombed without any orders from me, not that I minded and one of his wings glowed with a deep purple light.

I barely even followed him with my eyes as he dived, but I caught a decent glimpse and I recognised the attack! From the movie remake of Ash's Kanto journey.

"Throat Chop!" I shouted on instinct

Fearow slammed his wing into Onix's chin and the massive rock and ground type gurgled loudly, the flames in its mouth dissipating. Fearow flew passed it after his strike and circled around to watch Onix intently as Brock's starter wobbled in place for a few moments before tipping backwards and smashing into the ground hard head first.

"Onix!" Brock called out in worry, running over to his pokemon and checked it over. For a moment, I felt my chest tighten with worry myself before Brock sighed in relief and returned Onix to its pokeball, "Good work Onix, take a nice long rest."

The 'older' teen looked at me and shook his head, smiling wryly, "Well now, you're something else aren't you Jord?" he said before looking to Fearow as the massive bird flew over and landed beside me, allowing me to pat him on his new, long slender neck, "Now I'm inclined to think you weren't just boasting, that's some pokemon you've got there. No challenger has ever handled Onix like your Fearow just did."

Fearow puffed his now much larger chest out in pride, but thankfully didn't flare out his wings and make a big show of his win. Otherwise he probably would have smacked me a good one with how big they are now.

I wasn't the type to boast about something I couldn't do if I was expected to do it. when I needed to follow through, I only boasted about what I was actually capable of. Cuz honestly, fuck that kind of brass neck.

"I told you so." I grinned at him.

Laughing, Brock hopped onto the wrecked battlefield and made his way over to me and Fearow, reaching in to the pocket of his green vest, pulling a small brown disc the size of his palm out alongside a small shiny grey, and rather familiar badge.

"Well, here you go then Jord, for defeating me the gym leader of the Pewter City Gym, I present to you the Boulder Badge and the Technical Machine for Rock Throw," he said handing them out to me as soon as he reached me. I took them gratefully, "Now I just need your trainer number and we can see about getting your winnings calculated."

I honestly wouldn't have been surprised right then and there if my eyes turned into dollar signs. It woulda been hella trippy, but I'm apparently in the world of pokemon. So yeah..it could be a thing, never know man.

I was in a bit of a daze after I left Brock's gym. Not from winning or anything like that. But honestly, more because of the sheer amount of money I earned. 13,600 smackaroonies. Bringing my total up to fourteen thousand, seven hundred pokedollars. The fact that I defeated Brock without taking a hit, beginning with a beginner stage pokemon weak to rock types meant the bonus added on to my winnings was quite amazing.

Now I have a pretty damn good nest egg. I could probably live comfortably for a little while, prey on some trainers with my pokemon while they passed through and let the interest of my money increase through my bank account.

According to my account, my bank gives a three percent interest rate. Per month. Meaning I'd be raking in an extra four hundred or so pokedollars a month alone doing absolutely jack shit. And considering Pokemon Trainers got free room and board alongside meals at Pokemon Centres...

Well, suffice to say I'm pretty sure I'd spend less than I gained unless I wanted to really splurge on interesting shit.

The problem is. While this kind of thing was my original goal to get myself set up comfortably. I feel hungry for more. The rush from battling with my pokemon, the excitement as we trained as I eagerly waited to see how we grew after each session under Chansey's tender healing hands, the sheer desire to see and capture more and more pokemon.

..I'm not going to be satisfied settling now that I have all the tools I need to stand atop this world. Money, fame, women. It's all fucking ripe for the taking.

I shook my head and ducked into an alley as a shortcut back to the Pokemon Centre. It was already getting dark out and I wanted to get back to my room before I really think on this anymore.

Just as I stepped into the alleyway though, the sound of someone sniggering loudly drew my attention.

I looked up to where I heard it and; "Are you fucking kidding me?" I couldn't help but blurt at what I saw.

A white bipedal canine looking thing, literally fucking drawing graffiti on the wall of the alleyway with its bushy paintbrush like tail. A fucking Smeargle of all things.

"Smear?" it stopped sniggering and turned around to look at me upon hearing my voice. Then its eyes narrowed at me and it growled and pointed its tail towards me.

I moved before I even realised what I was doing. Just in time for a very familiar lance of compressed water to shoot through the position I previously stood in.

"You little fucking bastard!" I snarled and its eyes widened before narrowing again. It crouched low at the same time my hand went to my belt. Then it exploded forward in a rapid burst of speed, white light glinting out from its rear. "Mega Punch!" I shouted, clicking the button on Poliwhirl's pokeball and releasing him.

Smeargle reached me all of a few moments later, just in time for a large orange glowing fist to smash into its face and send it flying backwards, flipping ass over tea kettle over twenty feet and crash into a gathering of garbage bins limp.

Poliwhirl seeing his sudden opponent down turned to me and flashed me a thumbs up, "Poli!"

I pat him on the head and walked past the water type, "Good job buddy." I said as I made my way over to the downed little graffiti artist and looked it over. It was completely out of it with one punch. I guess having the ability to learn nearly any attack just by seeing it doesn't mean much when you're weak as fuck.

I grinned nastily at the unconscious pokemon, "Oh I'll make sure to train that pansiness out of you." I promised, reaching into my pocket and grabbing a pokeball.

I laughed as I captured it and it got teleported away to the Viridian Pokemon Centre a few moments later. "It's like Arceus is telling me to continue." I said between laughs. I ignored the weird look Poliwhirl sent me.

There I was thinking on what to do, and a pokemon that can learn practically any move instantly after seeing it once falls into my lap. A pokemon I can then have teach moves it learns from others to my other pokemon.

..Man, today has just been a real good day. Money, fame and bitches. Here I come...bitchez!

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