《Pokemon: Jordinio Version!》Chapter 6
Half an hour passed, and with Chansey helping me out, it didn't take long at all to get my tent set up. Mostly because, unlike the tents I'm actually used to, the one I got freaking inflated out as soon as I pressed a button on it. The technology of this world is fucking insane man. Something like this would cost easily over a grand back home, but here it was the price of any other tent.
I'd noticed it while I was shopping, but even with how futuristic a lot of the stuff here is, the day to day stuff while far superior to my own worlds, was still in the range of what the average counterparts of my world would be at. So easily in the affordable range. But stuff for training pokemon? That's where the incredible expenses came from. Sure the food was just as cheap as any human or pet food from my world in contrast, but potions, status recovery items, TM's and the like? They were insanely pricey.
The shop I hit up in Viridian City did have a few selection of TM's. But the cheapest one there was Defense Curl of all things, and it was going for a thousand and five hundred pokedollars. No thank you!
..Why was I going into all this exposition internally? Simple. To keep my mind off of the burning in the muscles of my body, especially in my arms, legs and core.
"Grr!" I grit my teeth and growled, hunched up in a bridge position with my fists clenched and arms flat on the ground, boot clad toes digging into the grass.
Beside me, Rattata struggled to push himself up onto all fours before letting himself shakily lower. The little rodent pokemon pushed himself up again, long tail adorned with a small piece of rope wrapped around a fist sized stone lifting and curling up alongside him.
On either side of us, Pidgey and Spearow were having a slightly easier time. "Row!" "Pidg!" they squawked together on each rep they pulled. Both had similar rope adorning each of their wings, with similar sized stones, they flared their wings out as far as they could go, before lowering them down and repeating.
Chansey sat beside our camp fire, watching us intently, sweat trailing down her egg shaped body in rivets. She held her stubby pink paws out towards us, black energy glowing at their tips, while the air around us shimmered and pressed down on us, increasing the gravity around us.
We'd been going at it a good twenty minutes now, after taking ten minutes to clean up the clearing and set up camp. This was our fourth attempt, and she wasn't even anywhere close to putting the full weight of her Gravity attack on us.
The first time, neither me or Rattata lasted two minutes, and the both of us collapsed after buckling under the pressure of the gravity. But a little dose of Heal Pulse, and we were better than ever, physically at least. After that, we lasted four minutes before collapsing and needing more Heal Pulse, the next we lasted six minutes under the strain, and now on the fourth attempt, according to the stop watch I have brought up on my phone, we just passed the eight minute mark on this attempt. Steady progress all around, even if I've not yet reached a level where I can hope to do a push up or two under this pressure and have to settle for a simple bridge core strengthening exercise.
Pidgey and Spearow despite the obvious strain on them have been able to last, each time after getting fixed up by Heal Pulse the strain becoming easier and easier for them to train under. Fucking try hard birds man. They're making me look bad. Heck, even my rat is making me look bad.
My muscles burned fiercely, but I turned my from side to side taking in my pokemon. This was my idea to teach them Steel Wing and Iron Tail. Ash managed to teach Pikachu Iron Tail in the span of a couple hours using a crappier method by just making the mouse pokemon do push ups with a large rock tied to his tail. Course it took them a few days to master it overall, but I'm hoping the increased strain makes it easier for them to get a hold of.
Not only will the moves be great for taking down Brock, but I'm totally going to steal Winona's electricity grounding technique. How much reward money will I get by beating Brock with a pair of birds, and then Surge? I'm hoping a damn lot.
A splash of water roused me from my thoughts and I shakily looked to the side, near the pond, just in time to see Poliwhirl land in the clearing again, no pokemon followed him up, but in his white gloved hands, I noticed he was carrying a fish, a small, ragged brown fish with frayed blue fins.
What the fuck!? I gaped wide eyed at him. "C-chansey cut it off." I ordered. A moment later, the gravity pressing down on me faded away and I collapsed face first in a limp pile of sweat into the grass below me. "Ugh." I groaned. I tried to push myself up, but my arms and legs were too shaky and I couldn't feel any strength in them.
Bright pink light washed over me a second later and relief filled my body as my aches and pains faded away once more. "You're a life saver Chansey." I moaned in bliss. She patted me comfortingly on the head.
God she was such a sweet heart. I'm so glad to have gotten her as my pokemon. Rolling over onto my back, I looked at my pokemon, Chansey was panting deeply and was sweating quite a bit, she had expended quite a lot of energy using her abilities so much. Twenty odd minutes of sustaining gravity and four Heal Pulses to fix up four targets at once.
"Take a rest Chansey, eat some food and get your energy back." I ordered and she nodded gratefully. I looked over to my other pokemon, they were on their feet, unlike me they hadn't collapsed when the pressure on top of us wore off. Pidgey had his wings crossed and was somehow smirking at me through his beak while Spearow sniggered at me. God how do birds even do that? It's not like they have the vocal chords and stuff the same as a human. But I suppose this world likes to spit in the face of that kind of logic, I mean a freaking cat can speak human here.
"Rata!" Rattata bounded over easily, not even struggling at all with the stone he could barely lift with his tail without the gravity on him when we first started. He butt his head into my side and helped me up.
"Thanks buddy." I rubbed his little head fondly. "You guys can join Chansey and eat up as well, we'll see how much progress we made once you're done." I said, waving my arm towards where six bowls of food in red bowls had been filled up just beside my tent.
Spearow stopped sniggering and eagerly winged his way over to his bowl before digging in, completely ignoring the two rocks tied to his wings. Pidgey saluted me with one with easily and followed after him. Rattata rubbed himself up against me one last time before doing as told and bounding over to get his grub on.
That taken care of, I turned to look at Poliwhirl who was waiting diligently for me. My eyes landed on the fish in his hands and I still couldn't hide my shock, "How the heck did you find a Feebas here?" I couldn't help but ask.
Poliwhirl simply shrugged while the ragged brown fish in his hands blinked slowly at me.
...How much is a Prism Scale going to fucking cost me here? With Defense Curl costing grand and a half, I really wasn't looking forward to finding out. Maybe I should try and solo Brock with one of my birds?
This couldn't be right. Could it? I bent down and grabbed my phone and pulled up the pokedex app. I scrolled through the listed pokemon and got to Feebas. I ignored the general information about their capabilities and instead dropped down to the habitat section.
'Due to its poor appearance, it is largely ignored by predators, Trainers, and researchers alike. However, this hardy Pokémon is capable of eating anything and living anywhere. It is often found in oceans and weed-choked ponds, even if only a little water is available.' I read mentally, and it explained a lot. And the next sentence cleared it up entirely, 'While there are many of this Pokémon in existence, populations tend to cluster in small areas. Once found, its dull wits make it easy to capture.'
So unlike the games, in the anime world, Feebas aren't rare. They're like Magikarp, only preferring smaller places like ponds instead of the open ocean. But why the hell are they ignored? Unlike Gyarados, Milotic from what I know of the anime are pretty gentle and accommodating.
..Maybe just general idiocy? There was a lot of that in the anime, and while many things seem to be different, a lot of the base line is the same. Or could be that Prism Scales are ludicrously expensive and nobody wants to take the time to train one into a Milotic. I really hope they aren't, because I have no idea how to go about raising its 'beauty' to the point where it'll evolve.
Well what the fuck ever. Even if I can't get my hands on a Prism Scale for a while, it's a mother fucking Feebas. I'll just train this fish up so that when it does eventually evolve, it'll be a beast.
"Well aren't you a good looking one," I put on the charm as I walked over, putting my phone back in my pocket and reaching out with my other hand to tickle it under the chin. Funny thing is, I'm being pretty serious. Despite the pokedex basically calling it ugly, it was way better looking than any of the fugly ass fish I'd ever fished up and gutted back home. I've had pet goldfish way uglier than this little specimen. It giggled? Yeah, giggled a bit under my ministrations and I gently lifted it out of Poliwhirl's hands and lifted it up to look me in the eye, "So you were interested in my offer then?" I had after all told Poliwhirl to see if there were any pokemon in there amendable to being my pokemon.
"..Bas." it nodded slowly after a moment of taking in my words. I can see what the pokedex meant about them being a bit slow minded. Not that I mind, just makes it easier to care for now.
I grinned giddily. This is a future fucking Milotic in my hands right now. "Glad to have you then little buddy." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pokeball, "Don't fight okay? It might feel a bit strange at first, but don't worry. You'll be transported to Nurse Joy and I'll check up on you later okay?"
It blinked at my words, eyelids closing oh so slowly then drawing back open, before it nodded just as slow, "Fee."
I touched the pokeball gently to its head after enlarging it, and it clicked open, sucking it inside. It shook within my palm for a few moments, before letting out a loud click, and once again blinking out of existence in a blur of white.
I should give Nurse Joy a call to see how my other pokemon are doing after dinner. That was my tenth capture after all, I think. Pidgey, Spearow, Poliwhirl, Rattata, Chansey, Beedrill, Bellsprout, Oddish, Metapod and Feebas. Yep ten pokemon. Man, I've only been in this world two days and I've got ten fucking pokemon!
I've went on a mad lad catching spree. I can just hear people screaming and trying to give me a brass neck at how silly I'm being. But I'd like to see them resist gathering as my pokemon as they could if they ended up in my situation. And transferring pokemon is easy as fuck. There is a literal button in the pokedex app just like the normal pokedex that lets me switch my pokemon around. i'd need to call Nurse Joy first to make sure they were in their balls and ready for transport, but my pokedex is a phone.
I shook my head and grinned as I looked back at Poliwhirl who stood patiently waiting for me to capture Feebas, "Good work buddy," I patted him on his moist blue head, "Why don't you grab some dinner and rest up a bit? After we're all done with dinner, we'll deal with Beedrill and get some more training in alright?"
"Whirl!" the water type nodded eagerly. He lifted one of his gloved hands up and flashed me a thumbs up before jogging over to join the rest of my pokemon sans Beedrill for dinner.
Before I joined them, I pulled out my phone and pulled up the pokdex app once again. I scrolled down to my owned pokemon and pulled up Feebas' profile, "Female huh? Good stuff," I mused, while I wouldn't say no to a male one, I think a beautiful pokemon like Milotic is better suited as a female. God if any of those feminist's and SJW idiots could read my thoughts they'd be so triggered, "Swift Swim as the ability which means it'll get Marvel Scale and as for attacks, Splash, Tackle, Dragon Breath and Hypnosis. Not fucking bad at all." I continued to read.
Indeed, not fucking bad at all. Now I've got three pokemon with the ability to put others to sleep, and once I get my hands on Charmander I can get Feebas to teach Dragon Breath to him.
...Maybe. Might be kinda tough with how slow Feebas is mentally right now. Eh, shouldn't be too hard for Charmander to get down. He did it on his own in the anime.
Dinner was a simple matter. I'm still not too versed in the food of this world yet. The pokemon food was pretty much just like kibble for the most part. They all ate what I put out for them, beef flavour, but there's a bunch of other flavours to buy from, so once I get more money, I'll see about getting other kinds and seeing who prefers what.
My dinner was just two packets of noodles. Easy to make by filling a bowl with Poliwhirl's Water Gun and boiling it over the camp fire. Mine were beef flavour as well. I was quite happy with them to be honest, they tasted pretty good, and I could get three packets for a single pokedollar, reminds me of some of the noodles I got back home.
I would have been disgusted honestly of boiling my noodles in Poliwhirl's water, if the pokedex hadn't contained some nifty little tidbits of information and tips for beginner trainers. One of them being that water produced by Water Gun and the like, was pure, clean water. Not water from inside their body but water pokemon produced somehow from their own energy. Honestly, pokemon were more akin to magic creatures than biological.
"Are you good to help out Poliwhirl for a little bit?" I asked Chansey as I gathered up the bowls and plopped them into the pot of boiled water I had fixed up while we were eating to seep for a bit, "He didn't get to train with us earlier on."
"Chans!" Chansey agreed readily, nodding happily. Poliwhirl happily bound over and gave her a deep bow in gratitude.
"Good to hear," I grinned. Reaching down to my belt I grabbed Beedrill's pokeball, "Before we get around to continuing though, I want to deal with Beedrill and see if he's fine coming with us." If not I'll just have Chansey heal him and have him go on his way after releasing him.
I don't want something with spear arms that can punch through steel as if it were tissue paper on my belt wherever I go. Better letting it go than with something that dangerous around me. I'd rather have it on my side to be honest, it has a great move set, but there are hundreds of Beedrill in this forest, not to mention all the Weedle and Kakuna. According to Nurse Joy, they're the most abundant species in this forest by far.
If Beedrill doesn't want to stay, it'll be a pain in the ass, but I'll deal with it and go for another one.
I made sure my pokemon were ready to act just in case, before I tapped the button on the middle of the pokeball and released the pokemon inside.
Beedrill solidified in the middle of us all, facing me. Its body was pretty battered and there was a bit of greenish discolouring over where Spearow finished him off with Peck, but he doesn't look too bad off. Jeez, Pokemon really do have a pretty amazing recovery rate even without bullshit healing powers like Heal Pulse.
His crimson gem like eyes landed on me and the dual bug and poison type buzzed angrily, wings flickering rapidly.
"Don't try and fight," I said, lifting my arm up, palm facing him, "You're surrounded by the rest of my pokemon." I pointed out.
Beedrill lowered his lanced arms that were raising up and looked around himself, taking in my pokemon one by one, lingering on Spearow for the longest, who waved a red wing mockingly at the bee pokemon.
A buzz of irritation left Beedrill at the taunt and his arms tensed up before relaxing. Looked like he wanted to attack Spearow for his attitude but thought better of it.
Beedrill s eyes returned to mine after a few moments and the pokemon stared at me almost expectantly. Best not to beat around the bush then, "I captured you, and you're strong." I said. Always best to pay some compliments just to soften them up a little, "I want you as my pokemon. I'll be upfront about it and say outright you were the first Beedrill I saw and decided to go for you. I'm happy i did because you're strong as hell. Join me, and I'll make you even stronger."
Silence. Beedrill didn't make a sound and continued to bore into me with those gem like crimson eyes. After a few moments, slowly Beedrill looked to Spearow who gave him another mocking little wave. He tensed slightly before relaxing again and turning back to me. He stared into my eyes again and I held his gaze, not backing down.
Then he inclined his head just once, before dipping down lowly, taking a knee and crossing one of his lances over his chest with his head bowed.
"Glad to have you join the team," I smirked. With Pidgey and Beedrill on the squad, that means I already have two pokemon with the future capability of mega evolution. "Heal him up please Chansey."
The Azoth Kingdom in the Kalos Region, the kingdom from the nineteenth movie, starring Magearna and Volcanion. It's a real place. It was one of the things I first checked up on when I was checking over the regional maps back in the Pokemon Centre. If the plot of the movie is real here, then I can get my hands on a key stone and a bunch of mega stones. I can't remember all of the mega pokemon from that movie, it was a while ago, but I do specifically remember Mega Pidgeot, Mega Beedrill, Mega Salamence, Mega Steelix, Mega Swampert, Mega Aggron and a few others.
That's just power I need more than that stupid old man antagonist that wanted Magearna. I'll need to get way stronger before I can go for them though.
As Chansey finished up healing Beedrill, I pointed to the one last bowl of food left out, "There's some food for you there, so get your fill of dinner and you can watch while we train," I ordered, "You can get a look at what's in store for you."
Beedirll nodded, saluting me with one of his lanced arms and buzzing his wings as he flew over to the bowl and eating.
With that done, Chansey gestured for Poliwhirl to follow her and they made their way to the other side of the clearing, where Chansey conjured her Gravity attack and Poliwhirl began to do push ups under it.
I turned to the last three of my pokemon who were eyeing me expectantly. Well, the two birds were, Rattata was just smiling happily at me. "Right, this is the next part of your training to learn Steel Wing and Iron Tail," I said to them and pointed at a bunch of small rocks piled up in a heap, I'd gathered them just before settling beginning the earlier training, "It's simple enough, I'm going to throw these at you guys, I want you to fill your wings in Spearow and Pidgey's case, and tail in Rattata's with your energy, then smack them as hard as you can."
Pidgey shrugged his wings while Spearow and Rattata nodded eagerly. I picked up a couple of the rocks, holding them in the crook of one of my arms while grabbing one in the palm of my hand and winding my arm up, "Remember, you're aiming to make your limbs filled with the same type of energy as a steel type attack, think hardness and durability," I instructed. I was honestly just talking crap and hoping the instinct of pokemon would help fill in the gaps. "Pidgey, you're up first!" I shouted.
Pidgey nodded his head and I threw the palm sized rock at the little bird as hard as I could.
"Pidg!" he lashed out with one wing and to my astonishment, bright silver light erupted from the feathered limb and the rock I threw at him was batted aside with a lazy slash of his wing. The sheer force behind it though? The rock sliced up through the air like a bullet, so fast I lost sight of in in a split moment.
"Holy shit." I gaped at the small bird. Pidgey merely smirked through his beak at me. I couldn't help but smirk right back as my shock passed after a few moments,and pull another rock into my hand, "Let's see you try that again." I said, tossing the rock up into the air and catching it as it came down before whipping it through the air at him.
It turned out, Pidgey got it down pat with little problem. The attack failed on him a few times as he tried to keep a hold of the energy over the course of the next hour, but overall, it was a massive success. Not so much for Spearow and Rattata. With Pidgey's coaching, they could call on the energy to their wings and tail respectively, but they couldn't hold it long at all.
Poliwhirl spent that time working out under the ever increasing gravity of Chansey's power and Beedrill studied our training intently.
But for the first night of training my pokemon. It was a smashing success. Things were going incredibly well for me so far in this world. I only hoped it continued like this at the same rate. I know where so many rare and powerful pokemon are. Wild starter pokemon, shiny pokemon, extinct pokemon, pokemon that shouldn't exist and hell I even knew where many legendary pokemon were. And once Pidgey and Spearow became Pidgeot and Fearow, and I increased the overall strength of my pokemon and earned some money, I could go try and get my hands on them.
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