《Pokemon: Jordinio Version!》Chapter 3
Holy shit." I breathed out in a gasp, and I just knew my eyes were wide and mouth gaping open.
It hadn't taken any more than another good forty odd minutes for me to reach Viridian City, and the sky had quickly dimmed. What could I say about it? Nothing much to be honest, it was like any other city, I wasn't much of an architect - the only thing I could really say, was it was clean. Not one piece of litter, not even a hint of graffiti anywhere.
Granted, I was only walking through the main streets, so odds are that the alleys are full of litter and graffiti.
The people though, they were amazing. Not even just because of the varied hair colors - just walking down the street I'd seen hair ranging from green, to blue to even one white haired girl and I'd had to force myself not to follow her and focus on my objectives. Curse my white haired waifu adoration.
Even the clothes were massively different from person to person. A lot of the people I passed were dressed casually, but many of them were donend in sturdy cargo wear, hiking boots, thick jackets - real adventure gear, albeit somehow they still seemed to come off as really stylish.
No, besides all the exotic people, what was even more amazing was seeing the odd Pokemon accompanying their trainers. I hadn't seen many of them while I followed the map towards the Pokemon Center, but even then, seeing the sheer amount of pokemon all around me was a surreal experience.
I passed by a construction site where a large office building was being built, and the area was filled with pokemon. Machoke packed full of rigid muscle were carrying massive girders with ease, Graveler rolling around over the area, flattening the ground out.
Wild Murkrow, Pidgey and the odd Pidgeotto perched on the top of buildings. A gorgeously groomed Persian basking behind the window of a Pokemon Salon. I even passed by one guy who was walking down the street casually with a large and rather intimidating Mightyena walking by his side as if it were just a common dog.
It'd made me kinda glad I'd kept Pidgey out of his pokeball. I wanted to bond with the little guy, becomes friends with him. But with Pidgey on my shoulder, I felt like I belonged here and wasn't just some outsider.
It was a good feeling.
I'd reached a big gap in buildings, and to my surprise it was to show off the massive lake at the side of Viridian City, connected to the stream, river or whatever it was that ran down Route 1 I'd caught Poliwhirl at.
I knew this waterfront too. It was shown clearly in Pokemon Generations. Was this even really just the main anime world? I can't remember this lake from the main anime. Was this world like an amalgamation of the pokemon worlds? What about the games? If it was, would things be in the same place? If so I knew where to get a Pidgeotite - but that was only hopeful thinking right? There's no way it'd be there.
Especially considering the fact that it was just outright in the open in the middle of a town. You'd have to be blind to miss it.
My thoughts didn't really get to continue on that route because a massive pillar of water burst upwards from the depths of the water just now, the spray shooting off so far I felt it rain down on me and Pidgey, the little bird ruffling his feathers with an annoyed bark from his beak.
The water spire pulled back seconds later to reveal a massive blue serpent. The beast of a pokemon didn't even look at me, instead it looked up into the darkened sky - how long had I been walking through this city for now? - above us and roared at the moon so loudly I had to clasp my hands to my ears to stop them from ringing.
It was massive, so big I couldn't even begin to describe its size. But the head alone was bigger than I was tall and I could see the thick rigid scales that formed over its serpentine body from where I stood a good thirty feet away. They looked thicker than some olden plates of armor I'd seen while in museum's and touring a few castles.
It went quiet after a few moments and the Gyarados just looked up at the gleaming moon.
"Holy shit." I repeated, it felt like I was just repeating those two words constantly, but seriously this was insane. I had to withhold the urge to swallow, I could even feel hysteria beginning to bubble up in my chest but I clamped down on it because one emotion won out over it.
I want it. I want it so bad it hurts.
I was never a big Gyarados fan in the beginning. I mean, I rarely used them. And usually preferred other water types. Until I caught one in Pokemon Go, and really came to appreciate them. The size, their looks, their power, I was hooked after that. it alongside Pidgeot, the first pokemon I actually caught were my go to team members alone for the longest time.
I looked up at the Gyarados still staring almost forlornly up at the moon. This kind of Pokemon would be the problem, just how could I capture it? I mean, I don't really need to, I could catch a Magikarp practically anywhere and raise one up, but who knows how long that could take, Magikarp evolving were really sporadic in the anime world. And I feel stupid for thinking on it, but I want this one. This Gyarados is a legitimate pokemon that appeared in the very first episode ever aired. It was a childish desire to want something like this just because it appeared in a show episode, but I can't help the desire.
Now that I'm thinking about it. A grin spread across my face, because wasn't my new Spearow an actual recurring character from the anime? And I caught him. Spearow is like one of the top prizes from a collector's collection.
I turned to the bird that was surprisingly just staring up at the massive water serpent with cool, almost nonchalant eyes, "Think you could take this guy?" I joked.
The little bird rolled his eyes and puffed up his chest. I'd learned a little bit about Pidgey in just the short amount of time since we battled Poliwhirl. He was both confident and brave. And he liked to fight, like a lot and that he was very proud of his strength. I'd had to stop him from picking fights with a bunch of those Mankey in the trees in Route 1 - and while I would have loved to catch one, I wasn't so sure in my ability to handle a temperamental Primeape at this point.
Thinking on it now, I should have caught one of the Sandshrew. A ground type would be a big help against Brock and I knew Sandshrew could learn Iron Tail, I could have put it through the same training as my two birds when I trained them to learn Steel Wing.
Eh, I'll double back before I head for Pewter City, it wasn't a very long walk to reach the area where I saw them.
Pidgey lifted his wings up drawing me from my thoughts, preparing to beat off and completely not to my surprise, launch himself at the Gyarados. I put a hand on his little head and kept him at bay, "We'll save that for another time alright?" I said to him, "I don't have enough to feed a Gyarados, so there's no point in beating it down when I can't capture it right now."
Left unsaid was that I was damn sure Pidgey would lose. Strong as he was for a Pidgey, that was a freaking Gyarados. Maybe once both Poliwhirl and Spearow are healed up, a triple team on Gyarados would be enough, or I could maybe make friends with Ash, Pikachu would be a big help and Gyarados wasn't exactly going anywhere.
Pidgey lowered his wings and sniffed in annoyance at me through his beak. I had to stop myself from grinning, the little bird had done the exact same when I'd stopped him from attacking that good dozen or so strong group of those Mankey.
I really lucked out with my first capture. Like I was so lucky it wasn't even funny. The only reason I caught Pidgey was because the little bird was so stunned by the fact that a human literally punched him, that he couldn't react in time to fight off the pokeball.
I'm pretty sure the only reason he was listening to me as well was due to his pride. Though at this point I couldn't be sure, I can only hope Spearow will be as easy to get along with. Thankfully, I'm not to worried about Poliwhirl, I figure with the zeal he showed for training will be an easy way to win him over.
Sighing I shook my head and took one last admiring gaze of Gyarados before pulling my phone back up and following the map again. I can't just waste time around here can I? I don't really know when the Pokemon Center closes or if rooms will already be taken up by this point.
"Your attention please!" I stopped walking along the path I was taking and looked up in interest at an intercom system attached to a light post just a few feet away, Pidgey on my shoulder cocked his little feathered head in curiosity as well, "Our Viridian City radar systems have detected an air craft belonging to a gang of pokemon thieves! If you have a pokemon in your possession, exercise extreme caution!" It took me a moment to place Officer Jenny's voice from the anime, and a moment later my eyes widened as I realised what was going on.
"Hey!" I turned and called out to a guy I passed buy a moment ago on my way to the Pokemon Centre, he looked down from the intercom, having stopped to listen to it as well and met my eyes, "Call Officer Jenny! Tell her I saw a hot air balloon shaped like a Meowth heading towards the Pokemon Centre!"
"..Okay?" the guy agreed with a bit of a stupid look on his face.
"Just do it!" I ordered, and before even waiting for his response, I took off sprinting down the long winding road lined with massive trees towards the massive dome shape of the Pokemon Centre that towered them at the very end, it was massive! So big, I could see it clearly despite it being easily more than a thousand feet away.
"Pridg?" Pidgey flapped his wings to keep his balance on my shoulder as I set a rapid pace. Thank god at this point in my life my cardio was amazing. I could see the small bird looking at me in bewilderment.
"...That balloon, I thought it was a coincidence until Officer Jenny started speaking," I lied on instinct after a moment, pulling my story together. I couldn't exactly, "Those Team Rocket goons that stole my Snivy and all my stuff had one in the same of a Drowzee."
Pidgey's eyes narrowed at my words before he simply nodded, "Pri!" he barked and slashed his wing out towards the massive shape of the Pokemon Centre.
Seems he's all ready to help me get 'payback'.
I don't know why Pidgey is so accepting of me to be honest. He's quite the prideful little thing as I noted before. But best I can figure? It's because of his pride. Sure, I did little more than stun him with my punch long enough for the pokeball to capture him, but I did catch him, without a pokemon backing me up. His pride couldn't accept anything less other than me being someone worth being his trainer because I managed it.
...After all, this is the tiny little bird that was willing to challenge a massive Gyarados not half an hour ago.
It took precious little time for me to reach the Pokemon Centre, maybe about three minutes, just as I bounded up the steps, the doors slid open and a small purple shape rushed out and bounced off my leg.
"Ratta!" it fell back with a shout before shaking its head and looking up at me, fear evident in its crimson red eyes. So cute! It's a Rattata!
"Hey little guy, you alright?" I bent down and patted it gently on the head.
It flinched back from my touch a bit, but relaxed when I didn't follow through with anything to hurt it.
"Raaa.." it leaned into my palm and purred.
Well, I can't exactly just sit around here and comfort this little guy. I used my other hand and scooped the small purple rat up, setting it on my shoulder, "Hang on tight little buddy, me and Pidgey are gonna deal with the people attacking the Pokemon Centre." I said, petting it one last time before pulling back.
Its small pawed feet clenched tightly onto my shoulder, but it relaxed without problem.
Before I entered the the Pokemon Centre, I pulled out the pokeball for Poliwhirl and lifted it up, pressing the button on it to bring him out. The ball clicked open, releasing a burst of silvery white light beside me that quickly solidified into the form of Poliwhirl.
Pidgey tensed up on my shoulder, and I had to fight off the adrenaline that began to surge through my veins, anticipating a fight.
"Poli?" the blue pokemon rumbled, sagging down a bit as he appeared and I could see clearly, that he was beaten and bruised quite badly, some patches of his light blue skin turning a dark purple and there were a few gashes across his stomach, probably from where Pidgey hit him with Peck.
I had to withhold a wince. I can't wimp out just for because of a few 'minor' injuries.
He blinked his large black eyes blearily at me for a moment before raising his white gloved hand and waving a greeting at me, "Whirl." he dipped his torso in a bit of a bow before wincing, his other arm coming to clutch at his stomach.
Looks like he's accepted his capture easily enough. Well, he did agree to my condition after all that I would capture him after Pidgey beat him.
"Hey Poliwhirl," I smiled as gently as I possibly could at him as I felt Pidgey relax, "Sorry for bringing you out before getting you healed up, but the Pokemon Centre is being attacked, with your hypnosis attack, I thought you'd be a big help."
Hearing that, he pulled his arm away from his stomach and stood up straight, ignoring his injuries and nodded resolutely, "Whirl!" he rumbled, raising a clenched fist up.
"Let's go then." I said, getting a series of nods from the three pokemon with me, and stepped up to the doors. They slid open as soon as I got within a step of them and I walked into the bright light of the building.
Immediately as soon as we entered, a mass of noise bombarded us, shouts, hisses, rumbles and squeaks.
My eyes narrowed as I caught sight of two people dressed in white outfits, with a pair of flamboyantly coloured hairdos. They were facing away from me, alongside the three very eye catching pokemon surrounding them. The only reason I didn't make any sound of excitement was because my eyes were naturally drawn to the redheads incredibly luscious looking rear end stretching out the tiny incredibly tight mini skirt she was wearing to the limit and leaving quite a lot of full, thick and ripe looking creamy thighs in view.
Fuck! Jessie has a killer body man.
All sexual thoughts left me though as I looked passed them and caught sight of a boy, around my physical age dressed in jeans and a blue jacket, wearing a very iconic red hat, he was standing protectively in front of a hospital bed, where i could just make out a yellow shape behind him.
Ash and Pikachu! It took quite a bit of effort on my part not to literal squee in excitement. I might not be a fan of his character anymore with how things went down after the sixth generation, but it was still Ash Ketchum in front of me! My childhood hero who I followed for over twenty years.
..This was amazing! Ash Ketchum in the flesh! How many times had I dreamed of something like this, even as an adult sometimes? To many to count.
"Hey!" I called out. As soon as they heard my voice, Jessie and James yelped, whirling around and again I had to fight the urge to let my eyes feast on the way Jessie's shirt was stretched out by her rather large breasts and the flat creamy belly she showed off proudly.
If she had her hair down, Jessie would be a total fifteen out of ten on the boner scale.
"Crap, another twerp turned up." James complained.
"Tch, we'll have to deal with him quick then." Jessie nodded.
Yeah, no. They were talking like me and my pokemon here are easy targets. Idiots. "Hypnosis." I said.
They blinked. "What?" James mumbled.
"Whirl!" Poliwhirl rumbled stepping forward and raising his hands. Before any of them could react, a red aura of power suffused his body and a moment later, there was six thuds as they all fell asleep and fell to the floor.
...Including Ash.
Well canon is right fucked now isn't it?
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