《Sky Prince》Sky Prince Book 1 Chapter 25




Fira hears what Slyfer says, she hears the anger in it, and the sadness. At first she wants to lash out at him, yell that he is right, but the thought leaves her as quickly as it came. Being in his arms even though it is a dragon’s, she feels cared for, protected. The feelings inside her, makes her feel conflicted, the one who may or may not have killed her brother is holding her tightly. She can hear his heartbeat steadily beating away.

It’s hypnotizing and soon she falls asleep and her sobs stop. Slyfer does not let go. He feels so guilty; his mind is filled with unhealthy thoughts. “I should have done better, I should have kept better control, I should have……” his thoughts of self-ridicule, goes on and on as he holds onto Fira’s soft and fluffy body.

They sit like this, for he knows not how long. Fira had fallen asleep, woken up and cried again, till she slept once more. All this time Slyfer was having these thoughts, his eyes grow tired and it feels like he has no spirit left. He feels broken and he does not know how to climb out of the hole, which he is in.

He does not want to let go of her, in fear that his last ounce of self-respect may go with it. So he holds on to her, not moving, listening to her crying patiently……

After what seemed like forever she finally looks up. “You can let go now, I am fine.” Slyfer lets go unwillingly steeling, himself for whatever harsh words may come next, but he doesn’t care he feels like he deserves it. To his surprise the opposite happens. Fira’s voice wavers as she starts to talk. “Thank you, for being here for me. I may have said some harsh things, but in my heart I know my brother was not the same. I tried countless times to talk to him, to make him see reason, but he attacked me for it.” She falls quiet and Slyfer surprised, coupled with not knowing what to say in this situation, keeps quiet as well. After a while she nearly starts to cry again, as she asks. "Was it quick, did he suffer?”

Slyfer shakes his head, ashamed. “It was not quick, I lost to the inner demon inside me and…..Just, know I am sorry. You may not be able to forgive me. I don’t think I can forgive myself. I wanted to grow stronger, to protect my allies, that’s what I was working for, pulling the damned wagon for, but I have failed again and it cost you, your brother’s life.”

As Slyfer says this, his heart sinks even lower than low, but looking at Fira it starts to burn, it burns with an all-consuming fire and hate. “If it wasn’t for Chronos, if it wasn’t for the damn war, none of this….. none of us! Would, have to go through this. Even if it costs me my life, I will finish this! I will finish him!”

Slyfer still feels empty and disappointed. But it’s coupled with determination and drive. He knows he will have to do things like this again, but he will do it since no-one else can, he will do it because, it is his destiny! “Strength, I need strength! The strength to stand against that thing, which is me. The strength to protect all those I care about and the strength to keep something like this from happening again….. Even more than that, I need strength to kill, even though everyone may start to hate me, I must live with it.”


Slyfer thought he had prepared himself for this. He thought when he decided, that he was truly alone he could deal with it, but he can’t and he needs the strength to do it. Fira can almost see the visible change in him. As she looks in his eyes she can see it. “His eyes that were so innocent and happy has become dark and filled with….with sadness and something else. I may have caused this….”

When Slyfer speaks again his voice is flat and monotone. “We should join the others they may be worried about you. I don’t know how long we have been inside here.” His voice only makes her more… she doesn’t quite know, worried? “How can I be worried about the guy that killed my brother? Does it make me a bad person, a bad sister?”

Slyfer does not wait for her to ascent to his statement, and forces himself awake and in doing so her as well. Slyfer’s dragon-form starts to fade in front of her. She suddenly, feels like she has to shout to tell him, it wasn’t his fault, it couldn’t be helped, but the guilt she would feel towards her brother stops her and she just watches as the blue dragon fades and the familiar ceiling of her tent comes into view.

When it does, she immediately starts to cry again because she can’t sense her brother…. But there is something else. She can sense. “Slyfer?! I can sense him like I used to with my brother. No, it’s different I feel drawn to him like a magnet….what does this mean.”

Her maidservant sees the princess and instantly jumps up. “My lady, are you okay?! Healer! Call for a healer the princess has woken up!” The call goes out and within a few seconds the entire camp knows about the good news. It raises the morale of the warriors as they lay in their tents. What warrior does not want a pretty princess, to brag about and fight for? The King soon hears about it as well and makes his way, to her tent from the infirmary.

“Fira, Fira you’re okay? I was so worried…” the King looks at her surprised but brushes his thoughts away. Others enter, among them Old Sun and the healer Nirn. After all, the girl is like a niece to him. Nirn pushes the people droning around her away and stops, in her tracks when she looks at Fira. “Girl, what ha- happened to you?” Fira sees the looks of the people around her and her sadness gets mixed with a little confusion. “What do you mean, what happened?”

Old Sun takes a strand of her hair gingerly and holds it in front of her to see. Her eyes grow wide as she looks at it. “It’s Blue!” Her thoughts go wild with possibilities and then it stops, when it settles on the only possible explanation. “Slyfer, the color of my hair is the same as Slyfer’s eyes! The same, as the blue dragon’s scales.” Her hair starts in a dark blue, the true color of SLyfer’s eyes and ends in the light sky blue that the dragon’s scales fade to on its underbelly. “The connection we have, my hair colour…. what is going on!”

She just found out Slyfer killed her brother and now she is connected to him in a way she never was with Pathfinder on top of that, her hair color has changed. “This is ridiculous!” She hits her fists down on the bed like a child having a tantrum. The King and co. are all surprised since they have known her the girl always acted with decorum and grace.


The King leans forward cupping her cheek. “Whats wrong Fira, tell me and I will sort it out!” She looks at him as if he is stupid. She takes a closer look and apart from looking a bit more tired the King looks fit as a fiddle. She starts to get even angrier. “My brother is dead, and he, he looks so carefree!” She points at the King, in accusation. “You ask me what’s wrong; I’ll tell you what’s wrong! She stands up on the bed glaring down on the King. Old Sun and the rest turn away seeing as the girl, is only dressed in her night clothes.

She doesn’t care what she is dressed in she starts to cry frantically! “You, my father don’t look like you have any worries in the world, but my dear brother has died. Have you no sham-“ the king interrupts her ranting by standing up. His face is filled with amusement as he thinks. “This is how a girls is supposed to act, not like the doll she was before.” He holds up his hands as if defending a blow. “He is not dead! Who told you he is dead?”

“-me. You stand here as if…. Not dead?” The King shakes his head. “No, my dear, I don’t know who told you he died, but it’s a lie. He is making a recovery; he even woke up before you did! We were so worried.” Fira couldn’t hear anything after the confirmation that her brother is alive. “Not dead… that idiot! Well he did say “may”….. The things I said to him, they were terrible and he just held me.” Thinking back to how long time she had spent in his arms makes her blush profusely. “I was so mean to him, I have to fix it, I have to go now!”

She starts sprinting not even knowing where he is. Old Sun catches her before she can exit, in his mind she has gone crazy. “What is it with the youngsters these days.” Fira struggles, until her father appears in front of her. “Girl look at yourself!” She looks down to find, she is dressed in an almost see through shift. It stops only an inch or two below her bum revealing slender but well-toned legs. Her bust is nearly falling out as the skimpy dress can hardly keep it contained!

It starts slow….. Like a kettle heating up, like a volcano readying itself to spew lava everywhere, to burn everything to hell! “Geeeeeettt Ouuuuut!!!” The King recognizes that look, and makes for the door, without hesitation. Last time she was like this he nearly landed in crutches! Old Sun follows behind, never looking back, but with a huge smile on his face. “This is what earned her the name Fira!” Fira means blaze in the dark elf tongue. When she was very young, she would have outbursts like this, and it made them all run! Everyone makes for the door, but Fira points, at the poor servant girl who was trying to hide behind someone as she fled. “You! Stay and help me get dressed, quickly!”

The girl nearly jumps out of her skin. “Yes, yes my lady.” She says it shakily and bows and bows and bows waaaay to many times as she heads to the wardrobe. Fira plonks down right where she stood her legs folded beneath her milky white cheeks, while crossing her arms and pouting. “I want to see him soon!” She tells herself, it’s to figure out what is going on with them. Why there is such a connection? Why her hair color has changed, she really liked her red hair.

On the other side of camp, Slyfer opens his eyes and just lays there for a second, looking at the unfamiliar roof. He sends out his consciousness, and the fairies feel it instantly. It’s almost like a blazing, searing sun in their minds. Instead of turning away from it, they flock towards it, like moths to a flame and the fairy in the lead is none other than a green fairy, crying as she speeds toward the now awake Slyfer.

Slyfer gets hit with the small body, on his cheek, so hard it almost makes a slapping sound! Slyfer groans. “I can already feel the imprint of your little body, burning on my face.” The fairy also groans and slides down like a sheet of paper. “Too hard, that was too hard.” She catches herself and stands up nearly falling over in the process. “It’s your entire fault, now look at me!” Her little body and breasts are red with the force she hit him almost like someone failing a dive, and getting rewarded with a huge belly flop!

“How is it my fault, you are the one trying to hug my face off?!” She flies into the air and the other fairies join her. “You made us worried! You.. you, youuuuuuaaaah!” Her talking turns into crying. Slyfer sits, upright and on his cheek is a clear outline in red, of a small humanoid figure, which is spread eagled. He takes her, and starts to rub her little head with his finger. “You worry, way too much.” She slaps his finger, her hair in a mess. “I don’t, you worry too little!” One of the other fairies lands next to her and starts to comb her hair with its hand while it talks to Slyfer.

“Forgive her, she is still young.” Slyfer raises an eyebrow, it’s the first time he has heard this. “How young, is still young?” The other fairy giggles as if Slyfer made a joke. “She is barely, over three hundred.” Slyfer mouths the words, to himself rather shocked. “Three hundred…” the fairy is finally done with Vinx’s hair and flits back to the rest. “Seeeee! I told you I am tall for my age. Humpf!”

Slyfer feels happiness bubble up inside, after the sadness and depression. It’s like a damn, bursts open and he starts laughing at the fairy until his stomach aches and his eyes are watering. The fairies start to spin around him as if feeding of his happiness. Female giggles can be heard as they laugh with him. Vinx, only looks at him dumbfounded, but after a while she can’t help it and joins the others.

The commotion first brings in some guards, and after seeing Slyfer is awake they quickly run to find Old Sun. Aldowin is the next to enter, sleep still clinging to his face. The sleep disappears and a smile replaces it. He just stands there, not wanting to disturb the moment. The moment however gets interrupted by something, far more unexpected.

“Let me in! I want to see him, let me in!” A frantic female voice interrupts the laughing. Upon hearing it, Slyfer’s face changes and his eyes go dead. The area around him becomes perceptibly colder. “How could I, forget what I did!?” His thoughts travel back to the Prince and how he had burned him, how the Prince screamed and how he enjoyed it. That part of him still enjoys the memory of it and an evil, crooked looking smile appears on his face.

Vinx touches him. Her little face, creased in worry. “Slyfer, what’s wrong, are you okay?” The other fairies also look at him worried. They have never sensed such a stifling atmosphere, even when they fly around him it’s like trying to walk through thick syrup that holds you back in its stickiness, not willing to let you go but also scaring you away at the same time.

Fira, bursts past Aldowin, finally having wrestled past the guards. The first thing Slyfer sees, is her blue hair. It shocks him to the core and nearly makes him smile, but as if not permitting him the thoughts of the Prince come back. Still it can’t stop him from admiring Fira. The blue is his favourite! It’s the color of the blue moon, his eyes and his dragon form. All mixed together!

What makes it worse for him is the dress, she has on. It’s a dark shade of purple, a color she never wears but the only thing, in her mind that matches with her blue hair at the moment. Her cheeks are flushed pink with the exertion of running here. Her lips are slightly parted and red. She bites them and SLyfer’s attention is drawn to it immediately. His gaze travels down her neck where her ample chest is heaving to take in breaths of air. The dress has a low cut, and it reveals a lot, but not too much.

His gaze travels down even more. The dress sits tightly and hugs her hips, revealing her curves, it suddenly splays out underneath before her legs start. Slyfer vaguely thinks on how efficient the design is, since it does not impede her legs from moving. “Her legs….Sky mother her legs.” The dress stops about eight fingers above her knees not revealing too much, but also revealing enough to be admired. Which Slyfer is doing…. openly. Slyfer looks up and meets her gaze.

As he does, she takes in a long breath as if to calm herself. She had not expected this reaction, upon seeing him. He is bear chested and it brings back the memories of how he held her. The reason for her coming here flies right out of her head, along with her reasoning ability. As the twos’, gazes lock Slyfer’s eyes go purple, and as they do her blue hair changes to purple as well!

Aldowin standing off to the side sees it and he nearly screams at her to look at her hair, but he holds it in, the atmosphere is way too strange for him to interfere. He quietly makes his exit, smiling like an idiot. “My student is becoming a man!” He shakes of the smile and puts on a strict, I-will-cut-your-head-off look while standing in front of the entrance.

Vinx sees the change as well. Slyfer’s aura changes making the sensitive fairies blush and giggle among themselves. Vinx wants to fly-slap Slyfer again, but she gets towed away by the others while they clamp a hand down on her mouth.

Slyfer swallows loudly. “Fira, your hair- what, uuuh what are you doing here?” His voice is filled with something that sends tingles into her skin, and makes the burning fire inside her intensify. She barely makes herself reply. “I…I came to talk about….” She takes a step closer, her mouth closes and she takes a deep breath, but it doesn’t help. Slyfer unconsciously leans forward. “You, you came to talk about?” She takes another step closer and Slyfer can smell her sweet scent, it sends fireworks off in his mind. She finally, continues as she takes another step, nearly reaching the bed.

“About my…..hair.” As she says the last word she basically fall-sits on the bed her eyes never leaving his. His purple eyes, draws her in. It makes her, forget her inhibitions, her fears. It makes her feel wild! “Yeah? Your hair was blue, now its purple.” Slyfer says it like a man in a dream. Fira nods, not really caring what he said, as she leans forward. “Uh huh, blue and-“ Their lips meet and Slyfer nearly melts as it does. He wants to disappear into it, get sucked in, never to return.

Fira can feel explosions happening in her body, like electric currents they run, from where their lips meet, to her abdomen making her legs weak. Slyfer’s hand runs up her arm with only the tips of his fingers. It’s ticklish, but in her state of mind it feels like he is searing her arm with pleasure. Slyfer feels the soft skin under his fingertips get bumps, as Fira gets goose bumps from his touch. It only serves to make him more excited, as his instinct tells him it’s her body reacting to his touch.

Fira sits closer, and Slyfer wraps his arm around her waist pulling her in closer. The furs get in the way and with a frustrated grunt he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around him. His right hand flows up her left thigh making her, tilt back her head and moan softly at the touch. The soft moan makes Slyfer want to ravish her, to take her and make her his, but he forces himself to take it slow.

He looks at her neck and his, enhanced hearing relays the sound of her heart beating. With his left hand he pulls the dress down around her shoulder and softly kisses it. She lets out another soft moan, her hand lightly pulling his head closer as if asking for more! Slyfer answers by pulling it down even further, revealing more of the precious white skin he wants to see. As the dress goes down so does his mouth kissing softly every centimeter.

To make matters worse, or better as they are doing this their minds meld becoming one. What Slyfer can feel , she does and what she feels, he does. Fira dives deeper into the sun that is, Slyfer but she comes upon something that makes her heart break and it barely pulls her out of the lust filled stupor. Fira, gently pushes him away to look into his eyes, as her eyes start to tear up. “Slyfer, it wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t your fault, I was wrong, please don’t blame yourself!”

Slyfer looks down not wanting to meet her gaze but it only leads his eyes to the firm thighs that are wrapped around him. He looks at her. His face blank but his voice filled with sadness. “How can you say that? I killed him Fira, I lost control again and I killed him, even worse I hurt him badly while I did it….” She runs her hands through his hair. Her hands are cold, against his warm body, but he likes the feel of it. “My brother is fine, he didn’t die and even if he did, I was wrong to blame you, please don’t feel this guilt, and let it go…please!”

Her words, sends spikes of relief through him, lifting what could only be described as a mountain from his shoulders. He can hardly believe what he hears. “Are you sure, he is alive?” She nods smiling and wiping away a tear. He wipes the other side with his thumb and also starts to smile hers being incomparably contagious for him. It soon fades again and he frowns. “It doesn’t really matter, I still lost control, lost myself. I became a monster….I am a monster.” She shakes her head and bites her lip. “No, you’re not, stop calling yourself that!” Her, brows furrowed in anger only makes him want to kiss them. “Fira, I-“ She puts a slendor finger against his lips stopping his sentence. “Forget about it now, it’s over. You can help my brother with your healing skills can’t you?”

The dragons in Slyfer nearly start clapping their claws for her smart move. “She is giving the boy, a way to redeem himself, if not for her but for his own heart.” Slyfer clenches his jaw in determination, and she can almost see how the cogs turn, in his mind.

He still feels guilt, he still hates the situation, but he has a way of finding reconciliation.

Fira with a brilliant smile on her face leans in in to kiss him again when- “What the hell is going on here?!” Fira jumps up like, someone has set her tail on fire. Slyfer only sits knowing, nothing he can do will change this situation. Aldowin is standing to one side with a drawn sword against his throat…..smiling rather wickedly. Seeing this Slyfer, starts to feel angry. As his eyes turn red so does Fira’s hair, who has a worried look on her features.

Slyfer’s voice flows out like a wave, even though he speaks without raising it. It sends shivers up Old Sun’s spine. He was there, he saw it! Old Sun slaps the guard against the head making him wince. “Lower your sword, fool! They are guests, and he is my adopted son!” The guard rubs his head while he lowers it and, as he does Slyfer relaxes. Slyfer, more than anyone is surprised at the feeling of raw power he just felt. “The thing has grown stronger? When it, ate the wolf…. Is it somehow connected? Is it what connects, Fira and I?”

Slyfer sighs, once again he is left with only questions about what is going on with him. The others are staring at Slyfer then at Fira in turn, looking at her hair then his eyes. Slyfer’s eyes return to normal and so does Fira’s hair. The owner of the hair pouts, she thought, she got her old hair colour back! Her worries about her hair flies into the sky as the one who uttered the shout, grabs her arm and pulls her behind him. He is livid! A dark elf is usually white skinned or ashen, or the darker grey. The Kings’ skin type belongs to the latter, but right now he is red as a tomato.

He struggles to speak through his anger and has to stop a few times before starting. A vein pulses on his forehead. As he opens and closes his mouth like a fish, while getting redder by the second! SLyfer sends his thoughts over, to Aldowin mentally. “Master, have dark elves been known, to blow up their own heads, when angry?”

The question asked so seriously, in such an atmosphere, makes Aldowin start to snicker. Old Sun turns to him and he pretends like he wants to sneeze. “I don’t know Slyfer, this may be the first time in history! We should record it in the history books if it happens.” Slyfer feels the amusement coming from the high elf, and can’t help but want to laugh with him but he only breaths loudly a few times trying to keep it in. He has no fear for the tomato faced, King.

The king finally calms himself down and lets Fira’s arm go leaving a red mark. Slyfer looks at the mark and then at him his eyes turning a little dangerous. The King can’t help but see it and it makes him even angrier. What most don’t understand, is that Slyfer does not know what a father, or a mother is, he never had it. He never had siblings, he never played with other kids when he was small.

But most importantly, he has never been told not to make out with the Kings daughter, in front of him!

In his mind he has done nothing wrong, which makes Aldowin, want to laugh even more since he is having a stare down with the King. Old Sun steps forward and thankfully, tactfully defuses the situation. “Slyfer, I could not help but notice when your eye color changes, so does her hair. What is the reason?” Slyfer shakes his head.

“I don’t know, when I fought with Pathfinder, there was a moment when we…. Joined minds and I think somehow because they are twins, we got connected.” Once again, Slyfer is impressed with his lying skills. The King stops blowing like a bull about to charge, Slyfer’s eyes never left him, as he assessed the threat before him, while he talked. After all, a dragon’s eyes, never leaves its prey.

Old Sun, clears his throat and leans closer to the King whispering. Fira only looks at her feet, completely embarrassed. Whatever the Old man had said, looks as if it worked and the redness lessens…..a little.

The king forcefully clams himself down a bit more then starts to speak, almost spitting out flames as he does. “My son, has asked to see you ever since he woke up. Now I know you may still have feelings of-“ Slyfer lifts his hand. “I have no intention, of hurting the Prince, in fact I intend to try and help him heal.

The King looks at Slyfer, a little doubt in his eyes. "I hope what you say is true, my people told me what happened, but like you put it that time. Don’t expect me to be happy about it.”

Slyfer smiles innocently. “I don’t.”

Chapter 25

I was torn between naming it reconciliation and fifty shades of color. Just Kidding.

Hope you enjoy the chappie.

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