《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 61 - Me & the Great Destroyer


"Two mistresses?! This is. A. Great. Day!"

The elf is starting to get excited again while I ignore her and inspect the 'Great Destroyer'. Which is apparently me. Sort of.

The only differences are her dark grey wings compared to my white, and the crisscross scars she has all over. Otherwise this mortal coil is identical to mine. I can see it clearly, since it seems that whatever clothes she had didn't survive a flash-freezing. I would know; been there, done that...


I wave my hand in front of her, but she continues to stare blankly. There's nobody home. I'm here after all, so I can't be there at the same time. The soul had moved on.

Indeed, this must be the body of my (most likely) first incarnation, perfectly preserved in ice and now up and running thanks to advanced magic. Knowing the mages' specialties, I assume she's technically a flesh golem consisting of single piece of flesh... that happens to be the whole body.

I didn't expect this... I mean, I may think pretty well of myself and might spend dark hours of the night staring at myself in mirror, but even I wasn't narcissistic enough to hear 'the Great Destroyer' and immediately think 'yep, that's totally me!'. It's not like I'm in some story where stupid combo-coincidences like this would happen.

If this even was a coincidence.

Taking this exact contract, attacking the Harmbringers just on principle, and that drop of blood that just happened to trigger the summoning... I'm not buying that it was just by chance. It'd seem that I - or rather what's left of the first incarnation in me - might have subconsciously sought this out...

Despite that I still can't consciously recall doing any Great Destroying. Well, not in mythical scale anyway... I think it's presence has always been at the far depths of my mind, sometimes flashing out, but never clear or consistent. It's still a formless blob of vague emotions instead of memories... something I can't get a grip on among all the noise of other incarnations' memories.

There are exponentially growing number of additional questions, but I can't forcibly get any answers to those, clearly. So let's concentrate on the easy stuff. Time to test ordering her around! That was the Harmbringers' plan, after all.

"... Jump up and down?"

As I expected, she immediately starts jumping. Her movement is bit stiff, caused by the coldness apparent in her deathly white skin. Due to my choice of commands her bare bust bounces up and down as well.


I-I didn't do that on purpose or anything... s-stupid! ...But I could get used to this.

However, my warm fuzzy feeling ends in a cold shivering. Experiencing a horrible premonition, I snap to see what the now suspiciously silent elf is doing.

She's looking at my body-double like-- Oh no you don't, you pointy-eared little shit!

"Come to me and--"

"Cancel that and only take orders from me!!!"

My order overwrote Silvana's just in time, saving the other me from being defiled. Despite multiple charms this damned elf almost pulled a sneaky move like this!? I really underestimated her as just a lusty fool, when in fact she's a /cunning/ lusty fool.

"Sniff, does this mean you only wanted me for my body?!"

"Mi-mistress!! I never..."


"Iiiiii! (...Sadistic mistress is good too! <3)"

Riiiight, a normal punishment would probably just make this pervert happy. I need to think of a punishment that most certainly won't be a pleasure. Hhmmmmm...

Alright, time to test both spatial and temporal limits of the orders I can give to Ais-bot 2000 here!

"Grab this elf--"

I start giving an order to my copy that is standing in attention. Silvana looks hopeful for a fraction of a moment at the prospect of close contact with her.

"--and drop her ten... no, thirty miles off the coast in the sea!"

"Nooooo, mercyyy! Please whip and punish this fool as much as you please, but not that!!"


"What is Freeeeench!?"

As ordered, the proto-Ais catches the screaming elf and starts carrying her off like a robot. Silvana herself soon stops being frightened though, probably because proto-Ais' breasts pushing against her are overwriting her rational thoughts. That blissful look will vanish when she has to swim back though.

...Wait, is thirty miles of swimming a lot or not? I have no idea actually. Well, whatever.

Proto-Ais stops at the entrance to the hall. She can't know the way through this sewer complex, after all. How will she solve this?


Silvana screams hoarsely as Proto-Ais jumps into the air and crashes through the ceiling.


Alright... That works. I guess.

After the stones stop crumbling down from the ceiling, I take a look at the path she just made. She broke through in straight line, and faint moonlight can be seen reflecting on the sparse clouds on the other side.


"Welp. I guess this one can be considered a victory."

I say this to no-one in particular. I did solve my power problem - differently than expected, but it's the results that matter. I also got some nice loot. And most importantly, a copy of myself that follows my every order!

Huehuehue. It's a maid, bodyguard and concubine all rolled in one! Perfect. While I should think about the hows of being an angel, and remembering or finding out what caused my first incarnation to end up iced in hell... who cares about all that now? As soon as she gets back, I'll finally get to do-- Gets back?



Crap basket. I forgot to order her to return.

With my life of sloth and narcissism on line, I fly off into the night sky to catch my former body.


Later same night, on the roof of one of the mansions of Etmi Freeport, an observer with night-vision could have found a weird scene consisting of one wet naked elf, and two angels, one of which is looking blank and another mildly annoyed.

After catching up with my second self, I hovered above the elf and observed as she swum in the dark sea. While I'm bit unclear on how much stamina elves have (Celica would know...), after some consideration I decided that swimming so far is probably nigh heroic effort for a magician type like her. Since I'm not a complete demon (anymore), I decided to spare that idiot around when she had swum 32 miles in circles.

Well... I also wanted to donate her clothes to Ais the Second so I couldn't just let them sink with her. Thus her nakedness. Is this cruel? Silvana is getting an abstract kind of pleasure from all this though, so it's probably fine.

There was another reason too... Some time after I had ordered the elf to be executed so I could do this and that uninterrupted, I had the unpleasant realization that my wings had gotten a shade darker. They are now that dull light grey of a 90's computer, which isn't making me particularly happy.

"Mistress... Don't be sad, pale grey is more of your color anyway!"

Awww, despite her horror swim marathon in dark seas, Silvana still can be sympathetic to-- I'm not buying it!

"Sucking up on me just after trying to hijack my former body won't work, you know."


Calm down me. I don't want that to happen again...

Yep, it seems angel wings are like pH-indicators for goodness. That isn't going to get old soon, nope! This means I need to avoid going overboard like I did after finding perfect copy of myself or my wings will be pitch black soon enough.

But to be serious, I should not expect angels to be what you'd usually expect. Based on my first incarnation, an angel(?) and the Great Destroyer, they could very well be of the sympathy forsaking type. Of course, based on the wing color, she could be some kind of... semi-fallen angel rather than the standard variety.

Although, if being mythical calamity is only worth getting somewhat dark grey wings, what level of tomfoolery would full black require? Hmph, I suppose wing color is more of a fashion choice than a stigma now, since no-one alive appreciates the difference anyway though.

As for remembering my first incarnation... One would have expected that seeing it right before me would have triggered at least something, but I got nothing. And this living undead that is left of my first incarnation isn't exactly talkative...

"How did you end up iced?"


Silence. Is that because she doesn't know or because she can't speak?

"Who are you really?"


"Can you speak?"


"Can you write the information for me?"


"...We'll bang, OK?"



While proto-Ais does not compute, Silvana bounces up on attention.



But I'm not getting anywhere with this line of questioning...

"Sigh... I guess you couldn't help me remember it myself either..."

Just as I finish saying this, she approaches me...

"Wait, what are you doing now? Huh?! Wait--"


"Owww! What the hell?"

...She head-butted me? I didn't mean this kind of banging!

"Rather forceful, aren't you-- Ah...!"

Favoring blunt approach... that's it! I remember it now... what happened during my first life... and why me of that time saw it necessary to go on a rampage of mythical proportions.

Flashback time.

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