《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 22 - Echoes of the past


It's my second day in the imperial capital, and I resume my grand quest for magic items... by window shopping. It doesn't go too well though. I don't want some shit-tier enchantment of '+3.5% fire resistance' that has an effect only noticeable via statistics analysis. But good enchanters are hard to come by, and while I lucked out with the wolf armor and got a decent enchantment for free, they usually are mages of serious talent who won't do it without serious amount of gold.

To mitigate yesterday's disaster I stashed my swordstaff and wolf armor for sake of looking the part of a noble. I'm currently wearing a black dress of silk-like material with bare shoulders, long wavy sleeves supported by the wristlets I got earlier, a small ornamental breastplate of silver, and sandals strapped knee high. It looks like something you'd get from a MMORPG cash shop, but it's actually all the rage in the empire, and I have spotted several women with variations of the same design.

Celica has been eyeing my form-fitting breastplate like a magpie for a while. Well, I guess it looks rather fetching for a completely useless fake armor, but why does it interest her so much? She herself is wearing an imperial maid outfit, which she had already modified to be far too revealing for a working uniform.

"Alright... What is it Celica?"

The constant staring is getting annoying, so I have to ask.


She pushes the plate with her finger. It's not a real armor, and a simple push makes it jiggle slightly.

"... Got it out of your system now?"

"Squishy squishy~."

"Stop touching the plate. If you keep doing that, it might fall."


That was exactly the wrong thing to say... I opt for a more aggressive argument of punching her and leaving to continue my search alone. Celica can amuse herself without me.

I keep on looking for any useful magical equipment. Just one enchanted ring has made all the difference in my battles, and the addition of enchanted armor probably saved me from being forced to regain my form in hell, so I'm convinced enchantments are the way to go in in our world. Further proof is that the rich and nobility also prefer them, so clearly the higher end magic items are worth seeking. Besides, it's way easier to acquire an item than actually train one's skills, therefore making this a perfect method for a somewhat lazy person like me.

However, instead of me finding a bargain enchantment I'm the one being found: another familiar face from my travels has spotted me, namely the eccentric lord who is dead set on being the very model of a chivalric knight. Yesterday the elf, today him... did every bothersome person decide now would be a great time to visit the capital?


Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if he hadn't been convinced that I was the heroine for his hero, which ended sort of badly. I predict that by now he has processed the events into me being depraved seducing monster who stringed him all along. Granted, that's about half-right, but still, he has the wrong idea.

After noticing me he stomps straight at me, his armor rattling like a wagonful of cutlery. Yes, he definitely hasn't forgotten and forgiven me.

"Darth Vader!!"

Oh, and I also told him my name is Darth Vader. It still amuses me vaguely, though the exact source of that name eludes me. Did it have something to do with masks and heavy breathing? Ugh, that sounds more like one of Celica's kinks though.

"How comest thou are here of all places?!"

"I'm on a job."

"You have come to make more good men fall? I cannot let you break any more hearts, you monster!"

I was right. His life's narrative would have been broken without coming to this conclusion.

"I have never had any intention of doing that."

"Then what reason you have to be in the beating heart of our nation? I findst it hard to believe thou hath anything but evil intent!"

"I'm an ambassador of hell. Whether that counts as evil intent or not is up to you."

It does sound rather impressive when put that way. The reality is rather underwhelming, but it is technically correct.

"What? You--"

"Go complain if you have to. Leadership of your nation surely will appreciate your efforts to break the pact they so heavily rely on."

"But it's... No. I don't like the fact our nation consorts with demons. But I doth realize the need to present viable alternative for it before going forth and ending that infernal compact."

I had pegged him for the type who would not make any compromises, but he actually has taken a surprisingly enlightened approach. If he actually managed convince the generals with some alternative path, I'd have no problem with it. The demon lord might get headache from it, but I'm not going to personally commit into any politics. I very much doubt this man could do it though.

"I'm watching you, demon. But I shall not put my country at risk over mine heart's voice."

"Yeah, that's great. ... By the way, do you know where I could find skilled enchanters?"


He's out of balance at my sudden change of topic.

"Uhh... I believe the imperial court hath the finest enchanters, but-- Wait, why thou wish to know?"


I tap a finger on my breastplate.

"I want to enchant this."

While it's part of my noble's outfit, it could also be worn together with the dire wolf armor too. That way I'd have two enchantments in the armor slot - you can never have too many enchantments! I probably should use a real armor instead, but I think I'd fail as a succubus and make Celica cry if I showed up in a bulky cuirass. And now that I think about it, this does look so good on me I wish there were two of me.

His eyes follow my finger to the plate... or rather its general area, which also contains a large amount of... my cleavage? Alright, I did not do that on purpose, so you can stop looking.


Anytime soon.




Just how long is he going to stare...




"Ahhh... Ah! Forsooth, I must go! ... For there art most important... things... for me to do...!"

He hurries away, blushing profusely. Please, let this not be omen of things to come. I've had enough unwanted attention with the ballistic elf...


When I return to my house at evening, I'm greeted by a horrible sight. Celica, who was left to her own devices, somehow has already managed to seduce three of the six imperial generals, who have joined her in... actually, I'm not sure what this is. Beginning stages of an orgy? Whatever it is, I'm not describing it any further.

"Celica... What you do is your own business. But do it somewhere else."

If my house gets a reputation as a zoo of wild animal sex, it's bound to cause unpleasant misunderstandings about me as well.

"Come on Ais~, have you forgotten you're a succubus too~? Give it a try~! More~ the merrier~."

The generals all nod with far too much enthusiasm for that idea. Celica flashes an uncharacteristic annoyance, seemingly thinking 'you don't need to be THAT happy about it when you already got me~!'.

I tone out everyone else and think - something about what she said hit me. I'm almost certain I experienced memory loss when I clashes with druids, so is it this? That I forgot how to be a succubus? 'If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.' So... Since I look like a succubus, and I have all the powers of succubus, then I can be reasonably certain I really am a succubus, ergo a lust demon.

But have I actually tried acting like one? The supernatural attractivity has benefited me many times, though it's not like I could turn it off. I've used the charm spell, but not as part of seduction. I have never even considered going beyond that. And a proper succubus doesn't need to use spells to control someone. The mage I had thought Celica charmed was actually just so hooked he acted just like a charmed person.

Also, a demon becomes stronger when unwholesome emotions flow in and become the same essence that heals her and gives power. And I'm currently quite weak in that regard after using too much of it in battle, so it would be important for me.

Wait a minute, am I seriously considering this? In what world is this normal behaviour? While I've accepted the fact I'm a succubus now, I never before-- What was it... Wait, was there even a before? Why did I think that?


I have a sick feeling I've forgotten something very integral, but what was it? It must have been something about myself, but all I can remember is rubbish. What is this 'Emu War' and why it makes me so amused? Why are my clothes as if from a MMORPG cashshop? What is MMORPG anyway and why that term has repeatedly popped into my mind today? 'MMORGP' IS NOT EVEN A REAL WORD! This makes no sense... NOTHING MAKES SENSE! WHY THE HELL IS THIS WHATEVER IT IS LIKE THIS WHEN--

"Umm, Ais~... If it despairs you that much, let's just forget about it, okay~?"

"........ Yes. Let's."

Great. I'm insane.

I take a deep breath and collapse on the chair. Keep it together and focus. I am Ais, a demon of lust. Or is it apathy? Demon of mostly apathy and occasional, unintentionally incited lust? That makes no sense. As far as I know, all other demons are perfectly happy with their own specialities... so why am I even a succubus when I suck at the core part of being one?

But this is not the only question I most want an answer right now. There is another thing that bothers me greatly.



"Are seriously just going to continue your orgy as if I'm not here?"

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