《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 5 - Not that hellish


Was I threatening enough for the druid to banish me back to hell instead of trying to slay me? As I assess my first battle, the unpleasant feeling of being booted out of a world wanes and I'm back in the good old place between lava streams and the wailing lost souls.

My visit to the mortal world was cut short, but it did give me some well needed perspective. Unless it carries some additional entry ban to the mortal world, being banished seems to be just a slap on the wrist rather than a real danger or obstacle. If I wanted to, I could jump at the next summoning light I see and get back presto. Although, if every place in that world is as rustic as that one was, my desire to leave the hell is going to vane for certain. And besides--

Wait a minute... I have wings. Why didn't I use them?


Haaah. Why am I like this? I can only silently facepalm. ... Let's try to remember all my body parts from now on.

After a minute's silence I take a look around me. I don't see the perky succubus whose name I never asked (I probably missed it when she told me) anywhere. Which reminds me, I don't have a name either. Not as a succubus anyway. My old name wouldn't really fit the current me. Do I get to pick my own name? Never mind, I'll do that whether they like it or not. Let's see...

What's the naming convention amongst the demonkind? I don't want to have a unique little snowflake of a name that completely clashes with others. Although a somewhat unique name would fit an outsider - after all I'm not just a demon, but someone from completely different world or universe, ergo a completely alien existence. That kind of existence needs foreboding name, like... 'One Who Leeches Anime Torrents' or 'Master of R'Efrige Ra-Tor'. No, those are all just stupid joke names. I need a proper one.

"Buhuu~! You're so cold! Betraying your big sis like that... Cold as ice~!"

Ice? Ais. Yes, that'll do. Congratulations, succubus girl with annoying sing-song voice, your timing is excellent and you inadvertly helped me a lot. I've a vague feeling I've seen a character with that name somewhere, but what are you going to do? If you want to sue me, feel free to go to hell.

"Never mind that. What was your name again?"

"Aaaaaaaa~ I knew you weren't listening! Big sis feels bad~."

"Your. Name."

"Uuuuu... Celica."

Are you a Toyota? But I guess I'll try to remember that, since she's the closest thing to friendly existence around here... assuming she isn't one to hold grudges. I take a closer look at her now, since I didn't pay too much attention last time. She wears a loin cloth and a top that crosses over her chest like letter X - all quite minimal and succubus-y. Her wings look almost identical to mine. Her unnatural attractivity is of different flavor than mine, but otherwise physically only major difference is her tiny horns. She ought to know something useful about my new race. Yes, simulating a conversation... begin.


"You may call me Ais."

"Really? That name suits you so well~! E~y~e~z~. Yep~, totally~ you."

She keeps on happily humming a horribly misspelled version of my brand new name after I introduced myself. So... bit of intimacy and she's already happy enough to forget I stole her summoning spot? How easygoing. Since her affection meter with me seems to be moderately high again, I plan to ask her about various topics until she can tell no more. So, basically be like an RPG protagonist. First, the most important thing is to assess the potential a succubus has.

"Could you explain what powers succubi have?"

"Oh oh! Big sis will tell you all about being a succubus~! First, there's the charm! There's our natural always present charm~, which is just 'cos we're just so awesome~, and then there's the charm spell, that is this magic we all can use~. When we do like this~ and this~ the weak willed mortals get overwhelmed by our charm and will do whatever~! We call both~ of them charm, but don't get confused with that, okay~?"

So there's a passive charm ability, which is result of the flawless unnatural beauty, and then there's actively cast charm spell that has obvious effects.

"And then we can drain life force by kissing~ the mortals, if we feel like it. Life force is yummy by the way~! And good for your health~."

"Kiss anywhere, or just on the lips?"

"Tehee~, where are you planning to kiss~? Sure, that works too~, but on the lips is more efficient~."

Life force drain ability sent via mucous membrane? Healing while harming sounds useful, but I think I'll pass nevertheless. I don't particularly want to kiss any filthy things, and an enemy won't stop fighting for a quick make out session anyway.

"Anything else?"

"Well~, some of us~ get different abilities of our own~. Celica can claw any silly~ thing attacking her, just like that~! Whiush! Swaaash! Ah, not like ugly harpy claws, Celica's nails are all pretty~."

Unidentified secondary abilities? Do demons get more powers as they grow? Or is it tied to power? Is there something akin to experience points that decides that?

"Ah~ I forgot something very important~!"

"Which is?"

"You are to report to the demon lord Antamankataxas five minutes ago~, tehe~!"

Goddammit Celica. Was this your revenge?


This lord Too-damn-long-to-remember is obviously a demon lord, and resides in a city here in hell. I haven't had the time to explore the hell, and I wasn't planning to since I figured once I've seen one lava stream I've seen them all. But based on Celica's rambling exposition, there apparently are various areas in here. She leads the way to the demon city, which is located at the edge of this lavalandia. If I went further on, there would be a wasteland of dark razor sharp rocks and acid lakes. Cruel and unusual geography at its finest.


Against my expectations the city looks almost pleasant, all things considered. The houses are taller than in the human town I visited, with thick, slightly angled walls of black stone. It's quite busy, with demons going to and fro and traders selling various articles. Celica eyes a stall selling skewered mystery meat. Just what kind of meat is it? Let's just say I'd label it as 'iguana bits'.

The city is naturally inhabited by various demons, all of whom seem to be at least partially humanoid, for example snake-bodied lamia look-alikes (or is it naga?) and huge giants with deer horns. Some are like me and look almost human, except for minor details.

I also see another succubus, sporting the same supernaturally flawless look and wings as I and Celica. Unlike us, she has a tail, which swirls lazily as she strolls down the street. Celica hides behind me as the succubus passes by. Let me guess, you mucked up a job with her, didn't you? I don't ask her about that though. It's not my business.

We enter the by far the biggest building in whole town, with large hallways lined by columns. This is where the local demon lord lives. I gather that hell doesn't really have nobility as such: the strongest and oldest demons act like part governor, part general and part babysitter. Demons aren't really big for obedience, so the leadership is on the lax side by necessity.

I can now see the demon lord himself, who's a big demon with draconic wings, skull mask, and a flaming sword strapped on his back. How does that exactly work? Shouldn't it burn your hand? The meeting currently taking place is rather informal, with the demon lord world wearily listening to gripes of a group of spider demons. His almost meek conduct clashes with the big scary demon lord exterior rather badly.

From what Celica told me, I gather there isn't a culture of backstabbing one would expect. I'd guess it's because no-one voluntarily wants the authority to be annoyed by rowdy demons, and therefore there's no real power struggle in the hell's hierarchy.

When the arachnids finally leave - after shouting at the demon lord for half an hour - it's my turn. He clearly lightens up when they are gone.

"The succubus who was summoned to Abernach of the Confederation of Druidic Clans, please step forth."

An orderly with weird shark's teeth declares my turn and I approach the demon lord. Am I supposed to bow here? Or curtsy? Do succubi curtsy? I'm not doing either though. Deal with it, mister demon. Instead I gaze slightly to the left of his head. The demon lord tries to covertly glance at the direction I look, but there's nothing there to see. Hah. After that he gets right to it.

"We received report of your actions in Abernach, and... you have done well for one so young. You already showed cunning befitting a demon as you drove a promising young human mage towards a path that, as I foresee, will make him engulf a whole town in fire."

Oh. Right. I seem to have convinced that horny mage to become the urban legend equivalent of a wizard. But my advice wasn't that bad! If he could engulf a town in fire in the future, wouldn't that mean he'll achieve the power I told he would, and therefore he'd have no reason to throw a tantrum of epic proportions? That makes no sense. Maybe what this demon says he 'foresees' is just guessing.

"You also have shown aptitude to blending in with the mortals. And you even survived encounter with a high druid, an enemy which can't be taken lightly even by more experienced demons. "

Yes, my dumb luck is unrivaled. He didn't mention anything about the dead guard though. So it's confirmed then, totally not my fault. It was environment kill, clearly. But really, if that was 'blending in', just how bad are the other demons? Maybe they have to struggle just to hold in the desire to shout 'Mwhahaha, foolish mortals!' and go on rampage?

"Now, I make a point to welcome all new demons in my realm - it's no everyday occurence by any means. And since you've already shown your mettle, I shall grant you a small reward as well."

I want a flaming sword like yours. With on/off button please, having a sword that is always on fire seems inconvenient.

"From now on you are to accept more important summons from the world of mortals!"

Wrong re-word! That's responsibility, not a reward!

"Then-- Umm... what was your name again?"


"Then Ais, welcome to hell. Go forth, and bring despair to the mortal world!"

With that my audience with the demon lord was over.

This certainly wasn't what I expected it to be. A personal welcome from demon lord? That's a tad bit more laidback than I could have ever believed possible. Well, apart from that ominous 'bring despair to the mortal world!' bit...

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