《The Demon Queen (On Hiatus)》Chapter 1: Boredom and Summoning


Sigh. This is some vacation. The tropical Bahamas are nice, but isn’t this really boring? Since the modern era has arrived, there isn’t much interesting stuff happening anymore. Where did my grand adventures of exploring the world go? Everything is way too easy now, airplanes and ships make travel fast and convenient. There’s no roughing the terrain or traversing the wilds anymore. The age of adventures has passed many years ago. Now, everything is fast and convenient, that’s basically the new motto of the modern world.

I wish something interesting would happen for once. This is my first vacation in a thousand years, and absolutely nothing interesting is happening. As I thought that, a weightless feeling enveloped my body. Oh? Did the gods hear me? Are they actually granting me my wish? But wait, I’m in a bikini… My face twists into a grimace. If this ends up being some kind of summoning ritual, I’m going to end up giving a weird first impression.

My body starts to become translucent, confirming my suspicions. Well, hopefully whoever summoned me isn’t a prude. A bright light engulfs my body, and the weightless feeling intensifies until suddenly my body regains its feeling of gravity. I blink my eyes rapidly to get rid of the bright spots that appeared in my vision.

Ah, it seems I was summoned somewhere weird. I was standing on a summoning circle, surrounded by people in robes. They all held a staff in hand, and had pointy hats. I’m kidding about the pointy hats, but if they had them, it wouldn’t be out of place at all. We were in a room with a high ceiling, and everything was made from marble. It was spacious, all leading up to a throne at the very back, a huge throne was a really comfortable looking red seating. Of course, someone was sitting there, someone who looked suspiciously like some high fantasy king. Standing to the right and left of him are two people on each side. Two men and two women, dressed up in outfits that wouldn’t be out of place in a fantasy RPG game.


Before I forget, it seems there are two other people who were summoned alongside me. They were dressed in modern clothing, both of them wearing jeans. The boy is wearing a graphic T-shirt with a video game character on it while the girl is wearing a nice blouse. And of course, I’m in a bikini still. Sigh. At least the other two are panicking while I’m calm. My first impression might not be that bad after all?

This is a really strange predicament I got into. The man before me that looks like a human king starts addressing the three of us.

"Welcome heroes from another world! Humanity needs your help in defeating the [Demon King]! His plans to destroy humanity must be stopped, and you are the destined heroes to defeat him!"

Or so he says. No matter what, isn't this a really weird situation? I'm a demon you know? A demon! And not just any demon either, I'm the [Demon Queen] you know?! Why was I summoned as a hero?!

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