《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Chapter 20: Explain Yourself
I woke up from one of the best sleep, I ever had. The room was dark, meaning that the sun had not risen quite yet. There was just one problem, I couldn't move. I stared at the ceiling, trying to flex my arms and legs. Blinking to get the sleep from my eyes, my fingers grabbing into fabric. I managed to look down to see I was rolled up in the blankets on my bed. Packed tightly into it, like a burrito. The only culprit I could think of, had to be Mimi. I looked around the room, half expecting her to be in the closet laughing or something.
To my disappointment, I did no see any signs of her. I let out a long sigh, before I continued struggling to get out of this cocoon. It took me a good ten minutes, but I finally manged to get one arm free. After that, it was easy enough to roll and undo the rest. Walking out of my room, I went to check on the two. Oswald was sleeping, and snoring as usual. Mimi seemed to be fast asleep in her own room. The dishes from yesterday, already cleaned and pristine again. I collected them, before heading downstairs to the kitchen. Giving the dishes a light wash, I checked the time to find I had maybe thirty minutes before the sun rose.
Then I remembered what was supposed to happen today. A frown creeping on my face. This was the last time I might get to see Mimi. Anything could happen out there, and if Wyatt attacked her or something. She might run away, and never come back. I slapped my cheeks to prepare myself. I woke up early, and that meant I could spend all this extra time preparing something amazing. Something so delicious she'll want to come back for another breakfast.
It was strange, how cooking felt a little more special, the more people you prepared it for. I rolled up my sleeves, and got to work. With everything I restocked, I had plenty of options. Opting to make just a bit of everything. I wanted to know what Mimi really enjoyed. Hours passed while I used fire I made to cook everything. The bit of training Oswald did with me last night already helping a bit, as I lost myself to the act. Finally everything was ready, right as I heard a knock at the door.
Tilting my head, I looked outside to realize I had lost track of time. I quickly headed to the door to find Wyatt standing outside, covered head to toe in supplies. I quickly realized he was using his magic to help keep him from being crushed by all of it. He wore his armor, with packs on the front and back. Pouches tied around his waist that were probably filled with components or anything else really. He was just bringing too much. Though I at least didn't have to worry about him fighting Mimi since I highly doubted it was all for himself. I realized I was staring, and quickly stepped back, "Come in! You're just in time for breakfast."
Looking at Wyatt's eyes, I saw small bags under them. He looked tired for some reason, probably had to get his affairs settled last night to do this. "Thanks, Richard. I'll take a moment to set this all down, do you mind helping me?"
Nodding, I guided him to where he could start setting everything down. It was impressive, with how well he controlled his magic. I couldn't even see, or feel the wind until I touched the bottom of a pack. After a few minutes, I figured Wyatt could do the rest. "I need to go get the others right quick. Usually Mimi's awake by this point." I pointed to a room when Wyatt looked at me, "Please, have a seat at the table. I'll make you a plate when I come back."
"Sounds good, but I won't eat until everyone is here. I like having my plate made last if you can help it. Not because I don't trust you, or think it's poisoned." He rubbed the back of his head looking a little uncomfortable, "I just feel like I should be the last one to start eating if that makes sense?"
"Sure, whatever you say. It'll be a couple minutes then, since Mimi will carry Oswald down. Make yourself at home okay?" I left him there, after he agreed to. Taking the stairs two at a time, I found Mimi still resting in her room. I almost felt bad about waking her up, but she made it harder for me to get out of bed this morning. I walked up to her, taking a second to admire how she laid among the sheets. Her wings covering herself, while she was curled on her side. I softly called her name, "Mimi, time to wake up. You want breakfast right?"
Her ears flicked a little, but she stayed asleep. I called a little louder this time. Meeting with the same response. Frowning, I knew that Mimi was a light sleeper. I started to feel a little worried, and moved to her shoulder. Gently shaking it, "Mimi, wake up."
I don't know how she did it, but she quickly rolled grabbing me by my shoulder. I was under her, as she pinned me, three of her stingers pressed to my chest, stomach and neck respectively. The sheets that clung to her, making a curtain where it was just the two of us. She was looking down at me, as I swallowed hard. A second passed, and she thankfully seemed to realize what she was doing, and came to her senses. "Sorry..." She seemed a bit embarrassed.
I laughed it off, "No harm done, Mimi. I know you're nocturnal and stuff. Moving during the day is probably messing with you." She nodded in reply, while moving off me. Picking the sheets off her chitin. I got up stretching a little. "Wyatt's here, if you get Oswald we can have some breakfast. I made a lot, so I hope you're hungry." I walked to the door, before looking back at her. She seemed to be rubbing her cheeks to wake up, and I felt it was a bit cute.
"Okay, get mister Oswald. Thank you." She gave me a smile as I nodded.
I left the room, scratching my chin. She must had been sleeping well for the first time in a while. I went back to the kitchen, where I saw Wyatt helping to set the table. He gave me an uncertain look, as if to ask if he did it right. I nodded, as he seemed relieved enough to take a seat. I noticed something about the captain of the guard, while I pulled the food out and put it on the table. The man just couldn't sit still. Whether he bounced his leg while waiting, flicked his ears, or even tapped on the table. It was a strange sight to see the man that acted so formal when carrying himself, to behave like this in front of someone else with the presence of food.
He looked at me as I set the last bit down. "It smells pretty good. Do you cook often?"
I smiled at that, "I'm glad you think it smells good. I was worried this might not be fancy enough for someone living in the inner walls. What do you usually eat?"
Wyatt looked at the food, watching as I made the juices crawl back into the meat I cut. "It wasn't anything special from what I tasted. Though, I have to admit I never actually tasted stuff for a long time."
I nodded, "Stress will do that to you. I can't imagine how hard you have it and stuff." It felt almost wrong, being this casual with the literal captain of the guard. Though he seemed to be happy enough with how I was talking to him. "I might just be a kid in your eyes and stuff, but if you need to talk about something. I could try giving you my take or something."
His ears went low, "What do you want?" He almost seemed upset.
I just blinked at him, "What? Sorry? I just wanted to thank you for the time you spent with the orphans. I was there for a year, but they really seemed to like you. You always brought food and stuff. I just felt, if you needed my time I could thank you that way, for them you know?"
Wyatt looked me over, "I really don't remember seeing you too much, I do remember sending you off on your first exile."
"Yeah, you gave me repellent and told me that Emery sold it. I'm not upset you don't remember. Probably like a reflex for you by this point or something."
Wyatt looked back at the food, "Yeah... I might take you up on that then. I might just be too used to adults wanting to talk to me for special benefits and shit. I can't keep taking mother Oak's time to talk when she has so many others to care for."
I wanted to say more to him, but just settled for nodding as I heard Mimi coming with Oswald. I already made their plates, and set them down as the two took their own seats. I realized that Wyatt took Mimi's usual spot, so she opted to sit beside me to keep an eye on Wyatt. The atmosphere grew tense and quiet, as Mimi started to dig in.
Wyatt took the plate I handed him, with a thanks before he started to eat as well. Oswald already digging in himself. Wyatt took a second to watch, and did his best to copy the old man. I sat down, to eat while everyone was quiet.
"This is really good!" Mimi's happy voice cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter. Wyatt quickly chimed in, "Yeah! I never had anything this good before. How do you make everything so juicy?"
I smiled, "I use alchemy to make sure everything stays right the way it should be."
Oswald scratched his chin, "You're doing a damn fine job lad. Why did you make so much though?"
"Oh? That's because I won't see Mimi for a while. I wanted to send her off with a good meal you know?" I smiled at her, and she stared back before smiling herself.
Wyatt coughed, before clicking his tongue and making some strange sounds. Mimi glared back at him and made those same sounds in return. I realized they were probably talking about something.
Oswald cut himself another bite, "It's rather rude to talk about things, when no one around can understand it. Mimi dear, what did Wyatt ask you?"
Mimi smiled, "Wyatt asked, 'do you want to marry Richard?'"
This made me choke on my food, coughing as I leaned forward while Oswald laughed. Wyatt was a deeper shade of blue, no doubt embarrassed himself. Then he slammed his fist on the table, "No I didn't! I asked how close she was to you both!" He wasn't too angry, but still embarrassed enough to stop eating for now.
Mimi let out a chittering laugh, "I told him, both are my hive." Wyatt slowly nodded at that, seeming happy that she resolved it without anymore misunderstandings.
Oswald nodded, "That's correct, she does consider Richard and myself to be a part of her hive. Are you going to invite Wyatt to join as well Mimi?"
She shook her head, making Wyatt frown a little. "Nope, Wyatt attacked me. Don't want."
Wyatt slowly went back to eating his food, "Sorry... Hey, why are you talking weird in this language, but not ours?"
I tilted my head, as Mimi chewed on some food. Oswald was the one to say something, "It's because of what she is Wyatt. She has memories about how to speak your native tongue. I'm sure you can ask her all these questions when you aren't at the table."
Mimi and Wyatt both nodded together. It really felt like they could have been brother and sister with how similar they looked. The rest of the conversation was just small talk about what was going to happen outside and all of the supplies Wyatt brought. As well as a surprise Mimi could eat once night came.
I was pleased to hear that most of the supplies were for Mimi, and her comfort. As well as the small extra stuff for the part of her hive she planned on taking with her. The two would go to Mimi's room to get her hive ready, while Oswald stayed behind to watch me do some dishes. He probably wanted to get started on training again after they left. The fact that he put a sack of coins on the table, had me guessing I needed to get some supplies.
Mimi naturally left the leftovers with her hive, so I could finish off the dishes later. I got to say goodbye to the two, and wished them luck. They told me, they were coming back in about two weeks more than likely. Which was nice enough. I went back to Oswald, "Alright, what supplies do I need to get?"
Oswald laughed a little, "Some experience in life, lad. I'm taking you to a brothel. The Bearded Lady, one made specifically for Dwarfs."
I must have misheard him, nodding I reached for the coin. "Right, I'll grab some bearded lizard fur. It won't take me long sir."
Oswald grabbed my hand, "No lad, we're going to a brothel, and we're going to drink from the same keg. I'll accept you as my brother, and I'll be paying for it."
I felt my lip quiver a little, "T-thank you old man."
Oswald nodded, "You're welcome lad, now lets go before it gets dark. Unless you want to stay and see some tits." He laughed a bit, as I chuckled back.
"No sir, I'm good." I wasn't sure why, but it almost felt wrong to look at a girl that way. I couldn't really put it into words. Shrugging it off, I grabbed the coins after Oswald let go of me. Then we made our way towards The Bearded Lady.
Captain of the Guard, Lindell
"That was a pretty good breakfast right?" I led the way in front of Alice, guiding her through the now busy streets. We were talking in the language of our village, so that no one could hear what we were saying. Though, it seemed she didn't want to talk to me right now. Even going so far as to say she would tell me everything once we were outside the walls.
Even asking what she thought of breakfast was met with silence. Glancing back at her, I could see her keeping an eye on the people around us. Watching them, even while she was carrying all the supplies. I hated that she was stubborn to the point that I couldn't even carry the warming stones. Even if she took the time to explain that it supposedly made everything look better. Looking forward again, I could see the people parting from our path. We were going through the main gates like Vivian asked me to do. Apparently this was to let anyone watching us, know that Alice was under the full protection of the guard.
Still, I half expected her to try and kill me in my sleep or something. I have killed and dealt with so many monsters in my life. Very few were remotely trustworthy, while fewer still were ones I could trust at my back. Which was why I kept glancing back at Alice. The girl was strong, carrying over 136 kilo (300 lbs) of supplies like it was nothing. The main reason people moved aside, however, was because the bugs on her back were 'marching.' Timing the sound with every step Alice took.
I had asked her to politely stop earlier, but she just said, "If I'm going to be paraded around, I'd rather have fun myself." Which still didn't make much sense to me. This was just to make sure you were safe. Even asking how she could even think that, made her give me a sad look. The kind that Vivian usually gave me, when I asked a stupid question. She even went so far as to say she planned on explaining it outside. Everything was going to be explained outside.
It frustrated me, but I somewhat understood it. We shouldn't have this type of conversation where anyone could hear it. The one good thing, was that she promised not to look for the surprise I made for her. If the monster had no plans on talking to me, I could just get the real Alice to talk to me. She had to be in there, I know what I heard yesterday. How it seemed to surprise the monster itself. I was not to hurt the monster, but if my sister was suffering and wanted it to stop. I wouldn't hesitate.
Walking with Wyatt, and talking to him made me realize something. My brother is an idiot. Our village may be dead, and he may not have talked to anyone from it for a decade or two. That doesn't mean our language is completely dead. Out of all the children that made it here, I highly doubted only two out of the 150 survived in this city. Even if I couldn't be counted, that would still make Wyatt the only one. Then there was Vivian, who apparently convinced him that walking through all these people was a good idea.
Which it was, for sending a message. I was infinitely grateful for Robert for giving me a framework for hidden meanings and the like. I somewhat understood how the nobles worked, even if it was extra information meant to distract me at the time. I perfectly understood, that the captain of the guard walking a monster through the busy streets of the outer walls was a display of power. Spelling out, that I didn't belong to the church, or Richard. That I was collared and controlled by the city guard. They were planning on using the rumors Eric was spreading, to make it appear they had a monopoly on me and my healing.
I was practically grinding my teeth already when I saw guards watching me from various places. No doubt ready to move if I lashed out. What really bothered me, was that there were Entomancers trying to poke and prod at my escort. Which made me have them start 'marching,' to drown those people out. I followed the trails of magic, looking at every single Entomancer that was staring at me with gaping mouths. A sharp glare made them pull back and stop. One of them even tried to move past the crowd, to look at me more. A warrior was sent to them, to bite their ear which made that particular one run away. I couldn't sting anyone, without potentially provoking the guards.
I half expected Wyatt to turn around, and tell me he forgot something important. Only to walk me to the same entrance I came in through with Richard. The fact that this was requested, and that I couldn't see any Tamers, or monster. It meant that the Tamers themselves weren't very close to the guard. This suggested factions, and while everything worked on the surface. Every group moving in the city probably wasn't loyal to the king. Unless it was in the innermost walls that Wyatt came from. Which made me wonder why Oswald was outside of those same walls.
These were questions that I needed to answer later. My nightly excursions would become more necessary as I realized Oswald was keeping things from me. He likely wasn't loyal to my hive, but would keep it safe unless there was a reason not to. Thankfully with all the food and resources I had been given. I should be able to spread a new branch somewhere else in the city.
We finally made it to the gates, that led out to the farm lands. The guards opening them up, and talking among themselves. They stood at attention for Wyatt, but I could see only the new recruits truly respected him. The older ones with marks and scars on their armor, just stared at Wyatt blankly, waiting for us to pass. A few seemed to respect him, but they were probably idiots like Wyatt, or someone Wyatt saved at one point.
Walking through the gates, and into the open fields was worse than I thought. The sun was starting to peek over the first wall, and there were no buildings to hide it's brightness. I reached into one of the packs, pulling out a pair of sunglasses. They worked wonderfully, and I was finally able to see properly during the day. Wyatt himself was squinting from the brightness, but he seemed used to it. He probably couldn't see in the dark as well as myself, but it would be better than an average person. Wyatt looked at me for a moment, "Are the glasses working? If they aren't, I can ask for something to let more light in."
I nodded, "They work fine Wyatt, thank you for asking." Leaving all those guards and Entomancers behind, lifted my mood. That, and being able to look without anyone knowing where I was looking made me feel better in general. Wyatt nodded, and continued leading. I stopped the warriors from marching. I felt the temperature drop as we moved further from the inner walls. The heat just enough for plants to grow, and keep anyone working, from getting too hot. There was a lot of thought put behind how this was built.
There was one problem though. With every step, I could see people working. The smell of blood and sweat lingering in the air. People in chains, with magic that seemed to sap those poor souls. Every race was out here, working with beasts and monsters. It was clearly a trap, because the men and women watching over their groups had crystals resonating with the chains and shackles. It was so basic, that I could tell these watchers just needed to die, or think about letting their group go. The shackles would release on their own, and suddenly people were able to defend themselves and fight.
Wyatt saw me frowning as I looked at all of them. "These are prisoners with long sentences. Not life for all of them, but they did terrible things. They aren't strong enough to go into the hole as we call it. If something sneaks in, they get years shaved off for defending the city." He rubbed the back of his head, "I don't like it either, but they were given a choice to do this or die for their crimes. We're pretty good, since we have judges that can tell if someone is lying or not. We do everything we can to make sure no one is sent here unfairly, which is better than the Eastern kingdom."
"What goes on in the Eastern kingdom?" I looked back at Wyatt, who seemed to smile bitterly. He probably didn't want to talk about this too much, but I needed to know the world around me.
"The high elves see everyone as a lesser race. They have the largest slave farms, and trade with the Southern kingdom constantly. Does this count as outside? We have a long walk before we get outside the next walls."
"Yeah, close enough." I didn't feel anyone following us, nor did I sense magic that might be listening to us. This was a safe enough place to talk.
"A-alright. This is our first hunt together isn't it?" He sounded nervous, and I quickly realized why.
"Yeah, we were supposed to do this ages ago, weren't we?" Fragments of memories seemed to surface. He wanted to talk to Alice, as she was before everything happened.
He stopped for a second, before continuing forward. "I missed you so much Alice." He spoke in his native tongue once again.
"She missed you as well. I will not lie to you Wyatt, the Alice you knew passed after we told everything to that guard. I am happy you were able to hear it though." I kept my tone neutral.
Wyatt seemed to ball his fists a little, "Did you kill her?"
"No, I am the result of her choice. Alice was a very talented girl, able to keep her sanity after all those years, against all of those voices. There probably will never be another mage as skilled with mental magic as she was."
"What was her choice? I knew she was supposed to awaken to her magic the day our village burned. I didn't know she was a mind mage. Can you do what she did?" Wyatt kept walking, but seemed to slow down a little.
I kept an eye and ear out for anything that could happen. "Yes, because Alice and Mimi are one. Her choice was to live despite how much she struggled. She fought every day to never lose herself. It was ironic that she almost killed them both because of this fighting."
"I don't understand, who is Mimi exactly? I thought it was supposed to be you." Thankfully Wyatt was giving me a chance to explain myself.
"Think of me as the daughter of Alice and Mimi. What I am now, was created from their union. The two of them are probably my subconscious, while I feel, think, and act based on the experiences they have. Their desires, needs, and instincts make me who I am. Mimi is the bug monster that tells me to eat anything strong, while Alice was your sister who guides me and still wants to help others. They both want to live, and so everything starts to get complex. If I eat anyone who is strong, then I will die because I will piss everyone off. If I am nice to everyone, then I will die because there are people I cannot trust."
"So... your goal is to survive? To keep living, because that's what they both want?" He seemed to be trying to think as much as he could about this.
"In a sense, like I said it's complicated. I am two different creatures with opposing ideals and desires. Those that mesh well help me take action. While those that do not, tend to go on to the hive and be broken down until a resolution can be reached. Alice and Mimi pretty much live within the hive itself actually, arguing and enjoying each other's company. Alice calls it their wonderland."
"I still don't get it, how is that possible?" Wyatt was clearly confused.
"Well, my talents were revealed. That probably holds the key to it. Currently, I think symbiosis did a lot of the legwork. While Devourer helped Mimi adapt to what Alice and herself needed to survive. Mimi was the the one with the hive mind, but Alice had the magic. Alice made copies of her memories and her personality through the hive because she didn't die. This fooled Mimi into not eating all of her brain, where they struggled. With Mimi trying to suppress Alice with thousands of voices, and Alice just remaining as a whisper that got louder the more voices that tried to kill her. They both realized they would die from the start if they kept fighting, and decided to work together. What really changed, was that after seeing the doll, a lot of Alice's memories resurfaced and clicked together."
"Are you saying, I almost killed her because of the doll?" Wyatt stopped, to look at me. He was a little teary eyed, but mostly upset.
I gently shook my head, "No, you helped to remind her, of who she was Wyatt. You helped her see, that both of them were about to die. They would have died without that doll, and your help. They could not keep rejecting each other anymore, they had to accept each other. So, Alice gave Mimi a test." I looked at him gently, with a small smile.
He blinked, "A test? I saved her?" He smiled bitterly, before turning away. "Like hell I did, she's a monster now. You're lying to me."
I let out a small laugh, "Why would I lie about this Wyatt? Oh, yeah I killed your sister. I ate her and made her suffer for years before the doll made her fight me. Is that what you want to hear instead? Do you not want me to tell you the truth?"
He glared back at me, "Shut up, we're done talking about this."
I grinded my teeth together, "No we're not. What do I need to do to actually convince you?"
Wyatt stopped and looked at the ground, "I'm sorry, this is too much. Can we please stop for now?" He started walking again. We were getting close to the final gate now.
"If I were Alice, I would pull you into a hug and call you a moldy ass. If I were Mimi, I would kick your same moldy ass right now. That's fine though, you can brood like you always did when shit didn't go your way. You can do the equivalent of throwing your toys at me, because I ate the last tart roll. You can cry to Vivian, or whoever the fuck you consider your mom to be right now. You can tell them how much you hate me, because you wanted to be the one going on a hunt first." I honestly didn't know why I was even crying or saying all of these things.
Wyatt just stood still, as if frozen in place. I could see him gathering magic, as if about to lash out at me. Then it just stopped, causing a wind to roll across the fields. He looked down, letting out a deep sigh. "I never knew Alice heard me say that... can you tell her I'm sorry? That I didn't really hate her?"
I swallowed hard, "She already knew Wyatt, you always were an idiot, but you were her brother first of all. Why do you think she never went hunting? It was because she wanted to hunt with her little brother."
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