《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Chapter 17: Hurry, Hurry, Hurry
After my talk with Oswald, I went back to Richard. He was still sitting where he was, when I left. He was mulling over everything that was said, moments ago. Picking at his food, with his fork. I hugged him from behind, "Richard okay?" It hurt slightly, to pretend I did not understand his language. I just didn't want to scare him by changing too quickly.
Richard straightened up with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm actually really happy right now Mimi." He placed a hand over my arms, to hold me back. "It's... it's a lot to take in you know?" He paused for a moment, "I guess you wouldn't really know. It's like going back to your hive, and finding out they killed a fiend by themselves. How would that make you feel Mimi?"
I took a second, pretending to think. Even though the answer came in an instant, "Proud. Happy."
He nodded, "Pretty much just like that. I never dared to think... the old man is just full of surprises." He rubbed my forearm, to calm down, and probably comfort me. I could tell that Richard, truly did care for me.
I leaned forward a little, resting my chin on the top of his head. My small bust on his back, "Richard eat."
He stiffened at the sensation, nodding. "Y-yeah. Thanks Mimi. I will." He swallowed hard, "Do you want to take the left overs to your hive again? It helps me out a lot." He sounded a bit reluctant, to have me leave.
I smiled, "After Richard eats. Make Richard strong, like mister Oswald."
"Hah..." He gave up trying to send me away. Enjoying my hug, while he ate. After he finished, I took the left overs to my hive.
I was halfway up the stairs when, there was a knock at the door, and I ignored it. Probably that same lady as last time. I made it to my hive, the new workers still hard at work, rebuilding the foundation for the wood. Everything creaked less, and my hive was already moving into the floor. After all, the termites had made plenty of passages already. No need to let free work go to waste. I moved two breeders into the floor, while the third was to remain in the glass jar. The fourth was left in the hive itself. This way, I needn't worry about them too much.
There were strange large spiders in some of the buildings around us. What I really wanted, was to have the hive eat one. Especially the ones that spin the silk. It could be incredibly useful. These spiders were odd, because they would catch and release my scouts. As if alerting me where their territory laid. I did not know how many of them there might be, or how clever they were. Thus, I decided to respect their territory. Perhaps there was another just like me, controlling the spiders in question. That, or the spiders were just incomparable to those I met before. Still these ones are larger, and I wanted the hive to be able to make silk.
If nothing else, food was abundant here. Even on my best hunts, I never considered just letting the breeders make as many eggs as they could. Now, I had workers picking apart left overs. The breeders were laying as much as they could. The scouts learning the spider territories, while the warriors explored the floor and walls for any more termites. A busy hive, is a happy hive after all. Resting on my side for a moment, to enjoy the activity. I set about picking the young scouts and warriors. They were chosen to be my guard starting tomorrow, after we left.
There was a knock at the door, thankfully after I finished having my teeth cleaned. I opened it, to find Wyatt. "May I come in?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
I took a step back, crossing my arms. "Where is Richard?" I didn't like that he was here. I also did not like that I couldn't see Richard, or hear anyone else.
Wyatt looked down at my feet, not wanting to look at my face. "He's with Oswald right now." He kept his head low, "For what it's worth... I'm sorry I attacked you back then."
It was good Richard wasn't here, since I could be blunt. I started talking in the language of Alice's village. "You're only apologizing, because we need to go out together."
Wyatt bit his lip, "Maybe, it doesn't matter though. You were attacking someone."
"Saving someone," I corrected.
"I didn't know." He looked at the floor. "We need to work together alright? I won't attack you again."
"Why aren't you looking at me, Wyatt?" He turned away at my question.
"I don't want to, okay?" He looked as if he just wanted to run away.
I let out a soft sigh, "I'll work with you, but we're going to have a talk. I can't work with you, if you can't look at me."
"Yeah... I'll prepare myself for that tomorrow. Glad you are willing to work with me. What are we going to talk about exactly?"
"I'm going to tell you what, you need to hear from me." My mood soured at this, but we needed to work together. It was closure for Wyatt, and a new start for me. If I needed help, I needed Wyatt on my side. Especially if Oswald was less than sincere. I only realized it might be a possibility after I slept. Especially after he guided Richard into giving the okay for me to work with Wyatt. I needed as many friends with power, as I could get.
Wyatt swallowed hard, "I don't like the sound of that. I'll also bring the supplies we are supposed to have for you."
I cut him off, "I'll carry them, and anything else."
"Sure... so, guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He started to look up at me, as I closed the door on him.
"I'll see you tomorrow Wyatt." My eyes were tearing up, from the parts of my that wanted to embrace him. To make him feel better, and tell him everything would work out fine. Deep down, both sides hated seeing him like this. Though, I needed to get him alone so that Richard and Oswald could not interrupt.
"W-wait! I didn't tell you what we were doing!" He called through the door, the hurt in his voice.
I had to stop my hand from opening the door itself, "I already know Wyatt. Just take the time to relax. Prepare yourself, were going on our first hunt." The last sentence slipped from my lips like a phantom. I covered my mouth, as silence filled the air. Weighing heavier with each heartbeat.
About ten seconds passed, "Alice?" His voice was heavy, and sad. I saw him turning the knob, and stopped that by holding the door shut.
"I will tell you everything tomorrow..." My voice was lower now. Wyatt stopped and started to walk away. Then he ran, as the weight of it all became too much. I went back to the spot I was laying in before. Resting there, allowing all the small thoughts to wash over me. To share in my pain, and grief. Thirty minutes passed, before such complex feeling were broken down. Wyatt was no longer my brother, just someone that might protect the hive.
Captain of the Guard, Lindell
I made my way to Oswald's estate. Upon my arrival, I found the new Oracle we commissioned. She was angrily banging on the door, "You bring that monster out here you piece of shit! Do it now, or I'll bring the captain of the guard himself here to kick your ass for making me crawl through shit!" She was pretty angry, and I paused behind her.
She was probably upset, because Oswald had a trap ready to spring under the front door. It lead to the sewers, but even then it was a cleaner part. If it wasn't, then someone needed to go down there and make sure the filth eaters were alright. Tomorrow was going to be the best time to mention it to Vivian. She couldn't send me down there to check myself, not if I was outside the walls. A smile crept on my face, as the woman continued banging.
"Look lady, I am keeping the trap from going off again. I said you could look with Mimi's permission, and you tried to do it anyway." Oswald's apprentice was at least trying to talk things out.
"I don't need permission to look at a monster, you bastard! I was given a job by the guards, now open this door and let me look." I put my hand on my chin, just observing. Truth was, Vivian was able to get everything she needed from the pictures and crystals. This was just a field test, for potential dealings. The report mentioned Robert was here with two others. An official report couldn't be made through Vivian, hence why I needed this oracle here. Still... trying to brute force your way in, under threat of the guards. It left a bad taste in my mouth, and likely wouldn't help us in the future.
"You need permission from the guardian, or tamer of the monster in question. Which you weren't given. Even I know that shit lady." While technically true, there were times that could be overlooked. Such as, if the monster in question is believed to not be properly handled. The king was more than happy to take monsters from bad tamers, or monsters that might be using tamers as a cover. Especially when it came to Sirens and Vampires.
"Like hell I do! This was a request by the captain of the guard himself! If you don't let me in this instant, I'll make a report about how you can't even control that thing!" I took a quiet step back, threats clearly weren't working. Now she was threatening to alter reports? I crossed my arms waiting.
"Lady, that's a lie. Are you sure you want to go that far?" I was surprised the kid kept being nice. Though, it made my job easier if the oracle said anything else against herself.
"I'll write all about how you made your creature attack me! How I had to escape through the sewers, just to survive! The guards should have kicked more sense into you yesterday!" The woman seemed more than happy while shouting this through the door.
The worst part, was that the door started to open. We were supposed to protect the people, not oppress them like this. My ears went low, since even Oswald's apprentice was intimidated to this point. I coughed as the door cracked open. Then the two froze, the fat woman turning towards me. I narrowed my eyes, "Ma'am, it is unfortunately my duty to fire you. You are relieved from your post as an Oracle for the guard. We will no longer be using your services." I had to remain formal.
The woman had tears welling up, "B-but, I didn't do anything wrong! When did you get here!?" She was already sweating. "I need this job!"
I looked down at her, "If you needed this job, you would have performed it in a satisfactory manner. You instead; threatened to falsify reports, used the name of the guards to try and force entry, used my name and position for the same, and from the sounds of it, were planning on fabricating a lie to elevate your status. You have no idea how truly upset I am to come here in the morning to find all of this out. You will be given due process, as we launch an investigation into your previous dealings. If it is found that any of the before mentioned reasons were present in any of your previous reports. I will grant permission for a team to bring you into questioning." I took a step towards her, causing her to step back.
Then the trap door opened as she feel into the sewers. The door opening as the trap closed. "Thanks captain, bitch has been at it all day."
I looked at the punk in front of me. The same one I had been seeing more of recently, remembering his name I nodded. "You are welcome Richard. I will make a report of what happened later. Were you beaten by any guards yesterday?" I walked into the lobby, as he closed the door behind me.
"Not really, Robert said he would lie to the bitch about the guards doing that." The kid sounded exhausted, "Can I ask why you attacked Mimi yesterday?"
I scowled at the question, "She is an unknown monster, and moved towards an injured and dying man. I also failed to recall how the reports mentioned her ability to heal. To me, she was moving to devour a dying man, or otherwise attack him. Especially after she took off the cloth that was keeping him from bleeding out and stinging him. I could have killed her, but she was not attacking me."
Richard stiffened at this, "You could have? If she defended herself!?"
I nodded at this, "We are trained to put down potential threats, before others are endangered. If she had tried to use anyone as a shield, or attacked them. I am required to end her or any other monster on the spot. Especially if they are unknown."
Richard took a step back, "I'm... glad you didn't." He was clearly imagining what could have happened. "You won't hurt her now right?"
"Unless she threatens someone, I will not harm her. Even if she attacks me, I am required to run away, rather than engage. As her tamer, I must be honest and tell you this." I looked at the stairs, not paying attention to him anymore. My ears flicked, as I heard something in the walls.
"Oh... okay that's good, I guess? Thanks for firing the lady? This morning is a bit too much for me." I looked at Richard, to find him stumbling into a chair.
"Are you okay?" There were no signs of drugs or anything on him.
"It's just a lot to take in, like everything that happened at breakfast. Then that bitch yelling at me, and you just waltzing in." He covered his face with his hands, "I need a moment okay?"
"I can respect that. Though, I am here to talk to Mimi. I need to make sure she is okay with going outside with me." I watched Richard lean forward, elbows on his knees.
"Yeah... that's... isn't that tomorrow? You can talk to her I guess. Only if she wants to talk though. I need to get started on my chores. Just tell her, I'm training okay?" He seemed to be shocked for some reason. I wanted to help him, but I just wasn't good at this sort of thing.
"Understood, take your time and everything will work out okay?" I started up the stairs, as Richard laughed a little. I followed my ears to the spot where all the sound was coming from. I arrived in front of a closed door. I could practically hear the buzzing through the door. Knocking on it, I waited as the creature opened the door. I just couldn't think of her as a monster anymore.
Not with that face, which still unsettled me even now. I couldn't look at her, even as we talked. She had my sister's light dulcet voice when she spoke our language. The same ticks and slurs from when we were children. Even the way she argued with me. How she danced around my questions, correcting me when she felt I was wrong. I struggled while talking to her, but kept talking because it reminded me of simpler times.
I started to look at her, as the door slammed in front of me. In the fraction of a second that I saw her, I saw that she was hurting. Her ears low, with a deep pain. I could hear her taking a step back through the closed door. I asked her to wait, and thankfully she did. I could hear her fingertips scrap the knob, but she refused to open the door. To let me look at her again.
"Prepare yourself, were going on our first hunt." I could hear her covering her mouth through the door as she said that. The sentence rocking me to my core. I struggled to understand what it meant. My only answer was that Alice was still in there. "Alice?" I called for her, reaching for the doorknob. I started to turn it, but felt her stopping me on the other side.
"I will tell you everything tomorrow..." She sounded sad as she said this. As if she wanted to tell me everything here. I had to stop, before walking away. I managed to reach the stairs before running. I might be going crazy, but Alice was still in there somewhere. I hurried to the markets to buy what I needed. There was one thing that Alice liked more than anything, when we were little. Thankfully Lum'kai cake, was easy enough to make.
Sadly Wyatt did not have an oven to bake in. Thanks to asking Vivian for help, he was able to spend the rest of the day baking. The other cakes that were edible were brought to the Orphanage by some guards. Thus went the rest of his day.
It was all a bit too much to take in. Everything hitting me, one after another. I couldn't bother saying anything to the Captain, even after he ran out. Checking on Mimi, I found her sleeping, but unharmed. There was too much for me to follow along right now. Thankfully doing a few chores helped to find my bearings.
I half expected the old man to tell me that he was joking earlier. That he really wanted his cousin to inherit all of this. It wouldn't even hurt if he did that to me. Everything could go back to normal then. Now, I have this pit in my stomach. This hope that makes me feel I might be half as good as the old man. He finally acknowledged me as his apprentice at least, instead of a free butler. I still had no idea why he wanted to do this.
A few hours had passed since breakfast. Most of the chores were done, and anything left I could do before dinner. I went to check on the old man to find him resting in his chair. He turned towards me, hands in his lap. "Perfect timing lad, I need you to fetch me some supplies."
I entered the room nodding, "Of course, right away." I almost wanted to ask if he was joking earlier, but he needed some ingredients. I could ask later. "What do you need?"
Oswald handed me a list of the stuff he used to make tonics. We had everything on hand, it was just in different rooms stored around the place. "Hurry up with it lad, you're mixing your own batch as well. So grab three times as you usually do."
I looked at him, blinking, "What?"
"You heard me lad, get to it. You need to learn to make this stuff yourself if you want to be any good at alchemy." He turned back in his chair to face his desk.
"R-right away. I thought... never mind." Oswald was probably going to explain when I got back anyway. I just hurried off grabbing everything. When I got back, I saw the old man had everything set up like usual. He was standing in front of his work bench, with all the flasks and such. "I got it all, even the syringes." The old man pointed where he wanted me to set them.
"Good on you for being quick lad. Do you know what we're about to do?" He looked at me, while opening a valve to start a fire and prepare the beakers and everything else."
I shook my head, "No idea... we're making tonics?"
Oswald nodded at this, "That is what we're doing. Though the why of it is important lad. Like why, I chose to tell you everything during breakfast."
"Ah, so it was a joke." I let out a small sigh.
"Am I laughing lad?" He sounded a little upset, "I meant what I said. Which is why you're doing this with me now. You can control fire now, which means you're just about ready for the next step."
I swallowed hard, "The... the next step?"
Oswald adjusted the valves a little, while passing me the mortar and pestle. "Get to grinding, and listen."
"Yes sir." I did as I was told, grinding the ingredients down as Oswald started talking.
"Magic is everywhere lad, and because of it we cannot have anything more complex than a series of pipes. Even electricity is imbued by this invisible force that permeates everything. Which is why we cannot have circuits, or wires. I don't expect you to understand half of this, since it's coming from the ancient texts. Sure we can have catapults, but we can't have guns like the magic gunners use lad. Everything has to be simple, or it needs to work because of magic. Granted there are exceptions to everything." Oswald took a swig of water from his pitcher.
"I thought we couldn't talk about the ancient texts, old man. That's something only nobles can do." I continued grinding.
He nodded, "It's true, but like I said there are exceptions. Nobles can talk about them and study them with permission from the king himself. There are so many things and ideas among those texts, despite them having decayed and faded with time. Like how there were ships that sailed among the stars. Can you imagine that lad? They were called star ships, and they sailed from one ocean of stars to the next. The texts spoke of how the rules changed from one ocean to the next. How this one held magic as we know it. They described how it interfered with their complex ships. Then these ancient people would become the gods that rule our ocean of stars."
I couldn't believe it, but then I looked at him. "Why are you telling me this?"
Oswald smiled, "Because you are starting to wonder what is out there lad. How these mysterious texts described the world we stand on, as a speck of sand orbiting the sun. How everything is round and constantly spinning. Spinning by itself to make day and night. Spinning around this giant ball of fire we call a sun. Everything is in motion, and we are here because of our gods."
I stopped grinding for a second to consider what he said. Then got back just as he was about to yell at me for stopping. "That's... that's too much to think about. Why are we talking about this now?"
"There you are lad, asking why instead of what. What does it all mean? What are the implications this has on my life? The lives of those I care for? I am talking about this to throw you off lad, you get distracted to easily."
"What?" I blinked, before looking at him again. "I don't understand."
Oswald pointed at my still hand, and I started grinding again. "Like that, as an alchemist you can't let yourself be stunned. You have to be able to split your focus, to keep doing what needs to be done lad. Don't believe everything someone says either. As far as you know, I could be making this up to throw you off. Telling you shocking things to boggle your mind."
"Why though?" I started grinding harder, focusing more on it than the conversation now. I needed to get everything right, if we were going to make a tonic properly.
"Because, what I am about to teach you, will help grow your focus lad. This tonic we are making, will help you understand that your body is made up of cells."
"Great, my body's a prison now." I joked a little before he started to mess me up again.
"Not the jail cells lad. A cell is a word that represents an enclosed place that makes it difficult for certain things to get in or out. All living things have these in them, and are made up by them. Super tiny things, smaller than sand. I can prove it, if I need to."
I shook my head, "No, I trust you. You also aren't laughing, and saying this is all one big joke. What does this have to do with making the tonics?"
"The tonic will help you make new cells that you can control with your alchemy. I need to do the same thing to my body to get it working right. It's how I managed to live so long." Oswald lined up the syringes, and began going over some of the stuff I turned into powder. He mixed a little himself. His expert hands removing any flaws I might have had.
My jaw dropped, "I don't understand, why are you teaching me this then?"
"I'm teaching you, because you need to get stronger, quickly. The first snow festival will be coming soon. After the festival, there will be a ball in the palace. I want you to show what my apprentice is able to do, and this is the best way to grow your focus. By having us both mix the tonic, you can feel what I am doing before doing it to yourself. As a master, I could overpower you. I won't hurt you, but I will make you struggle. It's also better to give you something to practice with, in case you are exiled again."
"You expect me to get kicked back out?" I was a little hurt by that.
"If not you, then your monster. Who I suspect, you might follow. Don't even ask why I think that." Oswald let me pour the ingredients into the proper places after that. Everything going quiet, besides the tonic slowly starting it's process of being made.
"I.. are you asking me to chose between you or Mimi?" I looked at him, a deep scowl showing how much the idea hurt.
Oswald shook his head, "No lad, listen to what I am saying and come to your own conclusions. I am telling you that, if you inherit my estate you will become a noble. Though that won't stop others from trying to kick you out. If the family I have tries to kick you out, they will do it through Mimi. I want you to go with her, in case they hire someone to kill you. The same people that sent me Dark Fall, readily accepted me back when I became profitable. I only accepted them, for their connections."
I swallowed hard, while considering this. I couldn't help but feel we were very much alike when it came to 'family.' The old man never liked talking about them, and now I kind of understood why. They were parasites latching onto his success, and wanted to bleed him dry even after he passed. Still I had to ask, "Why me though?"
Oswald looked at me, before turning back to the beakers. "You remind me of our king when he was young, and myself. I don't care about this place, or the wealth I have. I can't take it with me when I die. What I care about is the will to continue forward. You have that lad, you never stop asking questions. You ask even if you know someone might be upset. You butted heads with the king, because you felt he needed to know something you thought was important. These are flaws when you are young, but merits when you grow older. To have someone able to speak the truth in a place full of lies, it's not foolish. It's brave, and it's stubborn. Everything a dwarf should stand for."
I started to say something, but stopped. I never thought the old man thought of me that way. I needed to do everything I could to protect Mimi and Oswald. Even if it meant some uppity rich asshole might try to attack us.
Oswald prepared the syringes with the finished tonics. I could feel it moving around inside the syringe. "Now watch, lad. Then prepare to do everything you feel me do, to yourself. If you manage to take control of your cells, you'll be able to focus much better and always increase your strength. What are the rules of Alchemy I have taught you?"
I watched as he injected the tonic into his arm. I could feel that he missed the vein, but the flesh around the wound was already knitting itself back together. "Rule one, you can only control what you make." I could feel the liquid moving into the old man's veins, "Rule two, you have to start small and work your way up." The tonic slowly moved through the old man's body. He was bathing parts of himself in the liquid. Forcing it to go inside impossibly small things. "Rule three, if you made it, as long as it exists in a state. It can be influenced by you again. Which is why Alchemists were not allowed to build the walls."
"Those are the three main rules lad, but there are so many more that cannot be taught. There are always exceptions to everything. Like how two alchemists can influence the same thing. Especially if neither of them are fighting for control. Our hands must touch and create, to influence. What we create becomes a part of our will, and through that we can alter and create other things, newer things. Many alchemists use poison to teach their apprentices. This is much more dangerous, because if you aren't careful you can kill what you are changing." Oswald turned to a drawer and pulled out some potions. "These will heal you, because I don't expect you to get this right on the first, or even fiftieth attempt lad. It will hurt, but if you manage it, you will be on your way to becoming a better Alchemist than even me."
I blinked at him, reaching for the syringe, but he stopped my hand. "Keep watching what I'm doing lad, feel it carefully." I pulled back nodding. Doing exactly as he said, losing myself to the liquid moving inside of Oswald's veins. How he was explaining everything he was doing. Then watching as the skin on his forearm turned yellow then black before he drank a potion to heal it. He didn't mess up, he was showing me how terribly wrong I could do this. To let me see how the potion he drank would help him, but also how the potion neutralized the tonic itself. The other two syringes were for me, so he could feel what I was doing, and to guide me.
I winced as the needle pierced my flesh, and whimpered as the liquid burned when it entered my body. I started with a tenth of the dose, like Oswald said. It was hard to focus, because of the pain. Oswald calmly guided the liquid for me, keeping it from actually hurting me. Tears fell through my eyes as I failed to do what my master did. Though, I was allowed to try again and again. Oswald made his own personal batch, but I only barely registered that after hours of this. He had me drink cool water, reminding me to focus over and over.
We finally stopped when night came. I had to make Mimi one final dinner before she left tomorrow after all. The potion healed me, removing the tonic and the pain with it. Even as I cooked, sweat came off my brow while I panted. I couldn't even speak during dinner, Mimi watching me as I ate. If they said anything, I didn't hear it. I could only hear my beating heart, while the splitting headache did nothing to help me in the slightest. After dinner, I just went to my room and passed out.
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