《Set in Stone》Chapter 21 - Athena
Athena Laurent
"So, Shani, last night was pretty intense, wasn't it?" Athena's sitting in the car with Shani, Brigitte, Kara, and Denise. Time for some girl bonding. They hadn't had the chance to talk about yesterday's events and a three-hour car ride seems like a perfect opportunity to catch up. "Oh, shut up, Darius would have done the exact same thing for you," her friend answers with cheeks as red as the blood Leon bled for her. Athena smiles when she thinks about the things Darius would have done if it were her in Shani's position. "He would, wouldn't he?" she giggles.
Dinner last night did not go as planned. At all. Nobody could have predicted Shani's old alpha showing up; first demanding a meeting, then an alliance, and eventually a duel when things didn't go his way. "Leon was unstoppable; I've never seen him that in control and out of control at the same time," Denise replies.
"I wish I could have done something myself, you know. It feels wrong to have other people fighting my battles for me," Shani says softly. Athena knows her friend has been struggling with that since the very beginning. That's why she demanded Athena to train her, so she could fight her own fights one day.
"Shani, you've been free for only a couple of weeks. It takes time to learn... you were smart enough to realize this wasn't the right time," she tells the werecat. "Besides," Kara adds. "Leon definitely wouldn't have let you. Did you see how he looked at Alpha Philips?" Everybody nods in agreement. "Did I? Even my knees started to shake in fear," Denise laughs. Coming from her, that is saying something. That girl doesn't know what fear is.
"What do you think they're discussing right now?" Brigitte asks. It's the first time they've split the group into men and women. It's also the first time everybody is present in a car. Usually, either Leon or Hinote stays out of their small metal boxes, but since they've all connected during their time in Darius's pack, everybody seems comfortable sharing a small space for a certain amount of time. Although it's probably still a good thing they didn't have to spend ten hours a day in the car. This is quite unfortunate because that's exactly what they're going to do next.
It will be fine.
"I don't know. What could three werewolves and a vampire possibly have to discuss together?" Denise wonders. "Better question, what could four men in a car have to talk about?" Kara says. Athena can think of a lot since the biggest gossip is present in that car. Sure, Demir will fill the rest in on everything he knows. They're almost at their first destination, and she's certain the men didn't encounter a single silence.
The coven of Rosetta and Matteo Alfieri is on the edge of the same forest as Darius's pack. Unlike other covens, they had chosen to establish their home, not in a city, but on a quiet and deserted estate instead. She doesn't know why. Most witches prefer to stay close to civilization. Back in London, it's what kept her sane. Now, the only place she wants to return to is the place she just left.
"We're here," she hears her sister say in awe. Indeed we are. An exciting feeling erupts from her stomach. It has been a while since she was so close to an environment full of magic. She immediately feels it pumping through her body. She is a witch after all.
"Wow, this place is huge!" Kara exclaims surprised. Athena parks the car before turning around in her seat. Her friends in the back all look as excited as she feels. None of them has ever seen a witch before. Besides her, of course, but she's not like most witches. She mostly uses her magic instinctively, but there is so much more magic can do. She learned only the basics during her time in England. She would have learned more if she was allowed to stay in the coven. More spells, potions, and tricks would have helped her today. I guess that wasn't meant to be.
A knock on the car door brings her back in the car. She rolls her eyes when she sees a familiar face standing in front of the rear window. " Please, madames. Step out of the vehicle. And no sudden movements!"
She saw the Beta already. The others didn't. "Demir, you moron. you scared the shit outta me," Denise shouts before racing out of the car to punch him. How are they 23 years old?
She sees the other men still standing close to their car. Unable to hide her enthusiasm, she almost jumps towards them. "Someone's glad to be here," her mate responds quickly. He stretches his hand and she grabs it immediately. "Aren't you? First, the coven and in a few hours, the pack in the North. This day is perfect!"
"It sounds amazing. Until you realize I have to sit in a car with Demir as the driver for another nine hours," Hinote says. Oops. Been there, buddy. "You'd think he would have improved by now. We have been on the road for weeks," she muses. Darius's mouth twitches; he's holding back a smile. "He has improved. Just not... not very much."
The rest is approaching them and slowly, they make their way to the mansion. The front yard is just as enormous and extravagant as the estate itself. The large trees are cut neatly and the low bushes are symmetrically opposed to each other. Calling this place a mansion almost feels wrong. This is a freaking palace.
Before they're fully aware of it, they're standing in front of the giant doors. Athena looks aside, uncertain how to proceed and she sees immediately they're all doing the exact same thing. Such a brave and dauntless team we are.
"Do we.. just knock?" Demir asks no one in particular. "Is it safe? Could it be booby-trapped?" Kara responds, looking at Athena for answers. She shrugs. "I don't think so. We have passed a few enchantments already when we drove through the forest."
"We did?" Shani sounds intrigued. She nods. "It's definitely true witches and warlocks don't like trespassers, but I'm almost certain we wouldn't have made it this far if they hadn't known we are here."
"The enchantress is right."
They all turn simultaneously. There, right before them is Enchantress and Legend Rosetta Alfieri.
"We have been following you for a while, actually."
Wow, I cannot believe this is happening. She's here! She's amazing and so... short? Athena's not sure how she pictured the almighty enchantress, but it definitely was not like this. Most witches, enchantresses, and sorcerers are tall and thin. She looks like a grandma.
Athena instantly likes her though. The smile on Rosetta's face - most likely originated while observing nine confused idiots - reaches her brown eyes. "Welcome. Ellie told me you were coming," she tells them while taking her time to examine every individual before her. Athena looks to her right and frowns. For some reason, they all bow their heads one after the other in respect. When did they learn manners?
Rosetta turns to her at last and she also immediately bows her head. "Madame Rosetta. It's an honour to meet you," she says softly.
"The honour is all mine, miss Laurent," the enchantress answers. "I've heard a lot about you."
She takes a step forward and a path is forged for her when Leon and Hinote step aside. She opens the door for the group and guides them to what Athena assumes it's her office. The house is gigantic and Athena can feel the magic floating through the air. It reminds her of her time in England when she used to wake up in a house like this. The curtains would open automatically in the morning, forcing her to wake up; her breakfast was always ready when she came downstairs and she would join the others staying in the house. Not all the witches in the coven live together; many choose to stay in the human world. Athena wonders if it's the same for this coven.
She had heard many things about many covens all over the world, but the stories of Matteo and Rosetta Alfieri are well known by everyone. Fled from Italy, they now lead another coven in a more central part of Europe. their connections with other supernatural creatures make them strong allies for many and both their powers are incredible. She's a gifted telepath and he's an amazing tracker and potions expert. Athena knows Rosetta and Alexis, her former mentor and friend, have known each other for a long time. Does she know about the task Alexis has given me? Athena doesn't think so, but that doesn't mean Rosetta doesn't know. She's known for her ability to enter someone's mind without them even noticing. She can also bring back hidden or stolen memories. Which is the reason we're here.
"What can I do for you, care?" Rosetta asks when they enter her office. Her voice is soft and kind. She's the opposite of Alexis. Athena smiles at Rosetta while pointing silently at Brigitte. She wants the least amount of people to know what they are about to discuss, especially ones she can't trust yet. Rosetta nods, I understand what you mean, she says with her eyes. "This office seems a little crowded for ten people, don't you agree?" the enchantress says while she walks to the door to open it again. "Perhaps Kara, Denise, and I should stay here?" Athena suggests. It's Kara's dreams they want to discuss with Rosetta and she knows Denise wouldn't leave her side in a situation like this. She also wants to use this opportunity to talk about her own dreams. Everybody seems to agree on the division. Darius squeezes her hand one more time before leaving Rosetta's office.
"Alone at last," the Italian witch says. "Tell me, I want to know everything about the dreams." Athena shouldn't be surprised the witch knows more than she let them believe in the first place. She nods at Kara with an assuring smile, convincing her that the story is hers to tell. The human inhales deeply before she starts to talk. Hearing the story again, it seems even crazier than the last time. Perhaps because she's starting to believe there might be some truth in Kara's dreams. Which would indicate she and Shani almost died.
"Interesting," the enchantress murmurs when Kara is finished. "What is interesting?" Kara asks in confusion. I was wrong. Rosetta is just like Alexis. Smart, but annoying. And unnecessary cryptic. "It is interesting you say you've been dreaming about your group and the pack in the North for more than a year while the rumours of that same pack only started a few months ago," Rosetta explains. "Her explanation only makes sense if we assume her dreams are real and our minds have been wiped." I hope we are not right about it.
"But who can do such a thing? Denise asks. "I didn't know a witch can do something so powerful," Athena adds. Rosetta switches her gaze from Kara to Athena. Her eyes are stern now. "That's because no witch can, not even a witch as powerful as you, hybrid." Athena gulps. She really knows everything. "But who or what could have caused this then?"
"That bright light you spoke about indicates a sign of divinity. I believe this was done by the Moon Goddess herself."
"What? That's impossible," Athena exclaims.
"Just like werewolves and witches are impossible?" Rosetta smiles severely.
"But... why? Why would she do such a thing?" She just can't understand why an all-powerful Goddess would get involved in this?
"My guesses are as good as yours, cara. The day we figure out how the Moon Goddess works, would be a very special one."
Athena frowns. "But you're saying that what Kara has been seeing in her dreams is what actually happened? Shani and I almost getting killed; Leon shifting in the middle of the crowd; D-Darius seeing me?" Rosetta nods; her eyes filled with empathy. "And there is no way to retrieve the memories ourselves?" Denise asks. "I'm afraid not. Memories taken by the Moon Goddess can only be returned by the Moon Goddess."
Damnit. It feels weird not to have real memories of the event, especially now they know what the truth is. She probably saved my life, Athena suddenly realizes. If what Kara saw really happened, she was exposed and they were trying to kill her. By erasing everyone's memories, she stopped the crowd from killing her. And Shani.
"And what about my dreams? What do you think those mean?" Athena asks as she explains what she has been seeing. The mystery man and woman; the tone in which they speak and what they say. "It feels like they are talking to a child." Rosetta doesn't immediately answer; her eyebrows are stuck in a thoughtful frown. "Maybe they are. Do you have the feeling you are looking through someone else's eyes?" Athena nods. But how? And more importantly, why? Are these people important? Or evil? If they are, shouldn't she be getting a little more information?
Rosetta stares into Athena's eyes, trying to gain access to her mind. She has done this before with Alexis, but this time she's reluctant to give up her mind. "Can I see, Athena? It might give me some...perspective?" Athena knows instantly the witch is not used to having to ask for permission. It makes her feel strong. Respected. She nods to the enchantress and opens the gate to her mind.
"I see what you mean. These images look like memories, but they aren't yours. They are newer memories, perhaps only a few weeks old. How long have you been having them?"
"A couple of months, I think, maybe a year?"
"And what did you dream about before that?" Athena shrugs. "I don't know. I never really dreamed before. Apart from the nights where I knew I had a dream but couldn't remember its content." Rosetta points at her head, asking for permission again. Athena nods. For a few minutes, the office is quiet. Kara and Denise are staring at Rosetta as she places her finger on Athena's forehead.
"The dreams. It's like they have been broadcast to your mind. Only your mind."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that somebody, on purpose or unintentionally is sharing their memories with you."
"I have no idea, cara. But I have a feeling you'll figure it out soon," Rosetta answers. Athena sighs. Yes, just like Alexis.
Although the trip to Rosetta's coven wasn't as successful as they had hoped it would be, they still had received some answers. If one of the most powerful witches in Europe thinks Kara's dreams are real, Athena is willing to believe it too. Despite all odds against it. How could a human – a species not even part of the supernatural world – have memories of something the rest of the world doesn't? And why doesn't Denise remember anything as well? There are a lot of questions they're not going to get an answer for anytime soon and now it's time to focus on other matters. Like getting to the pack in the North as soon as possible.
Kara, Denise, and herself find the rest of the group in the kitchen, surrounded by witches. The moment they enter, Darius looks at her and smiles. His eyes light up. How did I deserve such a beautiful man? She smiles back. Rosetta enters the kitchen lastly and gestures to the remaining witches to leave them alone. "I think it's time for you to continue your journey. The pack in the North is waiting for you." A few gasps from our group disrupt the silence. Of course, she knows. How did I ever think she's not as all-knowing as my mentor?
Madame Rosetta beckons her and when Athena approaches, she embraces her shortly. "Good luck, cara. Keep your mind closed, but your heart open. Good luck," the enchantress whispers in her ear. What does that even mean? She simply nods.
"Alpha Ivanov, might I have a quick word before you leave?" Darius looks up in surprise. "Of course, Madame Rosetta." He turns around to the group. "Go prepare the cars, I'll be there in a minute," he says before he follows Rosetta inside. The group splits automatically in two. Athena gets into the driver's seat; her sister drops on the passenger seat. They both wave to Shani, Hinote, Kara, and Denise who are already seated in the other car while Demir and Leon approach theirs. "You don't want to ride with Shani?" Brigitte's joke earns her a growl from Leon. I guess not. A few minutes later she sees Darius step out of the house and he slips quickly into the other car. "Okay, let's go," she grins. "Final destination: the mysterious pack in the North." Loud cheers fill the car as she drives towards the highway.
And then, they are on their way. Once in a while, Athena watches her rear-view mirror where she sees Kara sitting behind the wheel. "Who would like some water?" Brigitte asks the group. They all nod. She throws a bottle of water towards Leon who catches it easily. She gives another bottle to Athena before opening a third one herself. "I can't believe we're so close to finding the pack in the North. If these coordinates are correct, we can reach it today," Athena says. She can't hide her enthusiasm, nor does she wish to. The full moon is two weeks away and then her tasks are fulfilled. It has been quite an adventure. She can barely imagine how alone she had been only a couple of weeks ago and how much has changed.
Demir turns himself around in his seat, surprised by something happening behind him.
"Guys, where did the other car go?"
Athena checks her rear-view mirror again and instead of their other car, she sees nothing. What the hell? "I don't sense them anymore," she murmurs confused. People don't just disappear on the road; where did they go? The only thing that indicates they've not disappeared from the face of the earth is the string of worry present in her chest. It's not hers, it's Darius's, although she feels her own worry grow by the second.
"Maybe we should pull over? Wait for them to return?" Brigitte suggests. The rest agrees. "They can't be that far ahead. I saw them just a minute ago," Athena adds before using her blinker to get off the road. When the car stopped, she takes another sip of water. They keep waiting, but five minutes later, no car of theirs came by. "I don't understand, they can't just disappear," Demir sighs, peering at the end of the road. Athena's worries have risen immensely; it has given her a painful headache. They should have been here by now or they would have called. This is why they have bought phones. The fact they haven't called could mean something happened to them.
"I don't like this, guys. It's taking too long," Demir says, rubbing his forehead. "I agree," Leon agrees. His eyebrows are raised and the right corner of his mouth is twitching. He's nervous.
"What should we do now?" Brigitte asks no one in particular. It's been almost ten minutes now. They're not coming. Where are they? Darius, Shani? Hinote, Denise? Kara? "Brigitte, can I borrow your water, this headache is killing me," Athena asks her sister after another fifteen minutes has passed.
"I'm not sure water will help you," she hears Brigitte say, but it sounds far away. Weird, Athena thinks. I never get headaches. How did I get a headache? And why can't I keep my eyes open? She tries again, but her eyelids feel so heavy; through her barely opened eyes she sees Leon beats wildly around himself, but Athena can't see why. When she stumbles backwards, she falls against another body. "I got you, Athena. You can lie down now," her sister whispers to her.
"I don't want to... I don't want to lie down. We have to find the rest," she stammers, but the words barely leave her mouth. "Don't worry, they'll be fine. I promise."
What? What is she saying?
She hears something, but her eyes are fully closed now so she has no idea what's happening. Not until another hand touches her shoulder and she hears a voice she has hoped to never hear again.
"Bonjour, ma belle Fleur, me voici."
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