《Local Minima》Chapter 1
The smell, the feel, the taste, even the sound (somehow) of fresh air lit up Gemmei’s fogged brain as if someone wired it straight into an electrical socket. The heavy cloth bag over her head meant she couldn’t see any of it, but it was impossible not to notice the change in the air once outside of the confines of that cramped iron wagon. The ground beneath her flimsy sandals felt spongy and earthy like real soil, rather than hard and artificial. The warmth from the sun’s rays could be felt even through the thick canvas of the jumpsuit. Somewhere the rustling of tree leaves in the breeze could be heard. Trees! Not artificial greenery intended to ‘brighten’ a dismal contained courtyard, but earthy, vibrant vegetation growing and living just as nature intended.
After all that time in the hole, Gemmei thought she might never live to experience nature again. What a disgustingly sentimental thing to think. Old Gemmei would have smacked that smile right off new Gemmei’s face. When did she get so soft?
Incarceration twisted her psyche in ways Gemmei’s family would have considered unimaginable. Even when the nearby prison guards removed the cloth around her head and she got a full view of the surroundings her mind couldn’t conjure up any of its usual vitriol. It was just a bunch of boring vegetation, some rolling hillsides, and a smattering of white fluffy clouds. No, that part of her hadn’t changed. Gemmei still couldn’t really appreciate the beauty of nature. She just was too broken to make any snarky comments about it now.
But she could appreciate what it represented. Another step closer to freedom.
Of the dozen or so prisoners standing in a row in that field, expressions varied, some more dramatic than others. Even the most excited in the group still stood straight up and forward as instructed, though, not a single soul daring to move from the spot they had been told to remain in. For a while the scene froze like that, with the gaggle of beige jumpsuit-wearing prisoners all staring out and over what looked like a wide expanse of rolling cornfields. Compared to the concrete and steel cell blocks of before it was like landing on another planet. Yet each person, Gemmei included, followed their orders dutifully and remained silent. It wasn’t as though they had a choice.
Any illusions of a new world fell apart as a command voice rumbled out from behind them.
“Welcome to your first day at the Hibiya Correctional Complex, ducklings.”
Even though the source of the voice came from nearby, Gemmei wouldn’t look around to see who said it. No handcuffs or shackles bound her limbs. If she chose to, she could face the person speaking. But she didn’t. The voice continued, its clear tone of authority bursting forth from nearby. “When you turn around, you’ll see our compound, and get a good view of where you’ll almost certainly be spending a healthy chunk of your life. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors and, yes,” the voice became almost amused with itself. “They are almost all true. We don’t have the soft serve machine in the dining hall anymore, sadly. The tech wouldn’t make the trip out here to fix it. Anyway, go ahead, ducklings. You may turn around.”
The commanding woman’s voice didn’t issue an order, but rather a suggestion. Even so a weight lifted off Gemmei and she, like the others in the line, turned around almost in unison. The other direction didn’t really offer much more than the one they turned from. What looked almost like a well maintained park stretched out behind them, in stark contrast to the endless corn stalks in the other direction. Tress, shrubs, and grass could be seen sprawling around a large estate, all boarded by interwoven dirt and gravel paths laid out along long winding routes. On a far corner or the lot sat a cluster of rather modern looking buildings, and the dead end of a long lonely paved road that disappeared into the corn-field horizon. At a glance one might mistake it for perhaps a small college campus. Just like the rumors said, nary an artificial barrier could be seen, either. No fences, no bars, no watchtowers patrolled by dogs and guards and barbed wire. It looked like a perfectly mundane scene Gemmei used to see frequently on her travels when infiltrating the estates of wealthy targets. Back when she used to travel, anyway.
Even the sight of the armed guards reminded her of that past life. Now there were some memories that put a real smile on her freckled face.
There, only a short distance from the row of prisoners, stood the uniformed prison staff. The broad shouldered men that made up the unit wore essentially the same outfit as the ones from the high security facility Gemmei just left, even down to the placement of their name tags. Heavy truncheons lay on their belt and thick padded armor covered their chest and legs. Their helmets bore the HCC acronym, which was just about the only difference from the guards where Gemmei just transferred in from. It meant that despite the promising normality of the surroundings, there would be no mistaking this for a resumption of normal life.
This was still a prison. Just a prettier, seemingly more open one, that might have a ping pong table somewhere. And, if the gossip was true, the unseen walls here were deceptively oppressive.
Standing among the guards was the source of the commanding voice. Her appearance was unmistakable, as although her uniform shared some similarities with the guards, pieces of her outfit were clearly more suited for business rather than beating prisoners. After the initial impressions of the compound settled down the woman thrust a thumb into her chest and continued her speech. “I am Warden Keio, and if you like what you see, then you best stay on my good side. Most ducklings do, so I’m sure you’ll learn quick just how to behave.” From her posture and short cut hair Gemmei placed her as either military, or former military. Very unfortunate but all the wardens Gemmei came across tended to share the same background. “Now, we don’t bring transfers out here just to air out your stench. The delousing shower will take care of that. No, I’m here because there’s one rumor we like to make sure everyone knows is true. Turn back around.”
This time her statement was undeniably an order. All the prisoners again moved as if in lockstep to face the wide open corn field yet again. “Alright, who wants to leave? Show of hands.” Warden Keio’s tone didn’t suggest a command this time, yet still some hands went up, Gemmei’s included. That earned a chuckle from the warden. “Ah, fantastic. I love having honest conversations like this. God bless the Houzou Hakkyou, what a marvelous piece of technology. Alright, next question! Who wants to volunteer to make a break for it?”
This time all the hands went down. If the whispers were in fact true, then the last thing any one of those prisoners wanted to do was test what the warden was threatening. “Oh, that’s no fun. I’m going to need at least one person to help out. Don’t make me look at the clipboard, that won’t give a good first impression at all!”
After a bit more silence, one hand went up. Gemmei kept her gaze fixated in front of her after putting her arm over her head. That earned a slow clap from Warden Keio.
“Nice, nice! Give me her file, the one for the shorty on the end there with the hairy arms...” the warden muttered to herself as she reviewed some documentation. “Inmate number...oh, oho, how nice. Former Second Lieutenant Gemmei.” Some more shuffling could be heard. “They shave your head before sending you here? Looks better than that red mop you had in your mugshot. Good lord, and what a face. Were you an alley cat with rabies in a past life? Inmate Gemmei!” The tone again took on a commanding, compelling sound, one that couldn’t be ignored. “Tell the class why you want to escape.”
Gemmei’s voice croaked out, sounding almost like a nasally, sputtering engine. “I don’t want to escape. I want to get out. Those aren’t the same thing.”
That earned a bit of a scoff from the warden, who handed her papers back dismissively. “If that brain-rotting brand on your cheek didn’t physically force you to be honest, I’d call you a liar. Well, show us what you got, then! Get out into that cornfield and I’ll let you go free. That should be easy for someone with your background, eh?”
Gemmei’s eyes narrowed and for a moment a feeling threatened to break loose. But it didn’t, and after a moment’s hesitation she began to lift her feet and shuffle forward. The short grass brushed up against her toes as she moved, which like her hair also appeared to have been cut recently. Looking forward she noticed a section of grass much taller than the rest, far before where the plot of land ended and the stalks of corn began. That must have been the spot. The only wall left to climb.
Despite already anticipating what was in store, Gemmei continued the march forward. The first foot she placed on the long grass changed nothing. She looked back briefly. None of the guards looked at all concerned, and a small smile on the warden’s lips even made it seem like she enjoyed the show. The other prisoners, like Gemmei, showed little emotion, though all their eyes were locked on her. Even though the result seemed inevitable a thick atmosphere of suspense hung over everyone. It was one thing to hear a rumor, and another to see the truth for yourself.
The march resumed, and Gemmei took another solemn step forward. It wasn’t until her entire body crossed the threshold that it started. As if a dam inside her broke, an electric, convulsive pain poured down from her head down to her feet. It actually spread out from her cheek first, starting with that curse every prisoner bore. Gemmei couldn’t even help but to involuntary gasp as the air forced itself out of her lungs. The tremor was so powerful it buckled her knees and immediately caused her collapse, her face landing in the soft and sweet smelling grass as she did so. She could barely hear what the Warden said before her consciousness blacked out entirely.
“What a demonstration from Inmate Gemmei! Let that be the first lesson, ducklings. I don’t care how docile and obedient you are after getting your brain scrambled by the Hakkyou, this is still a prison. Act out of line, and there will be consequences. Be a good duckling, and maybe you’ll be lucky enough to die up here on the surface, instead of back in whatever pit you managed to cheat your way out of.”
Any further reprimands couldn’t be heard as Gemmei’s vision blackened. The starfish-shaped tattoo under her left eye, the mark known as the Houzou Hakkyou, seethed and sizzled until the agony drove her unconscious. Even on a pleasant, beautiful day like this, Gemmei’s fate was as permanent as that mark that branded her a prisoner.
That normal, pedestrian life she once loathed lay beyond reach now. From that hillside it looked so easy to go back to, yet...
Was this the closest she would ever get?
The volume from the words the intruders spoke rattled Gemmei’s brain, but she held her tongue nonetheless. “I don’t buy it. The State trains you on stuff like this, yeah? Back in your fancy ‘academies’?” With the bunk beds, toilet, and small table, Gemmei’s new cell was already cramped enough without guests. The three additional bodies forcing their way in during the ‘recreational’ hour made the room almost unbreathable. One of the inmates grilling Gemmei leaned in to continue her harassment. “No way an ex-cop doesn’t learn dirty tricks to dodge the Hakk. You slimeballs gotta have a secret.”
“I wasn’t a cop.” Gemmei leaned away as best she could, though there was basically no more room to maneuver. That comment earned another round of laughter from the nearest inmates, all three clearly enjoying prodding the girl for reactions.
“That confirms it, right? Right?” Another inmate, the shortest of the trio, was already digging through Gemmei’s assigned cot as if looking for treasure. “She says she didn’t snitch to get transferred to the HCC, and she says she ain’t a pig. So they gave her a fake Houzou Hakkyou! A dummy Hakk for their buddy so she could tell lies! How else would someone get transferred from the hole to here?”
After some of the laughter subsided, the tallest woman in the back ripped out a reluctant sigh. “Ayy, but they said she couldn’t go past the wall. Her Hakk’s gotta be legit.” That comment brought forth some disappointed murmurs, but the mood quickly picked up again as another avenue of attack opened up.
“Okay, well,” the closest inmate spoke up again and Gemmei suppressed a gag as the toxic breath returned. “Maybe she’s got some trick to avoid it! Hey, hey, come on- get mad! Get angry! You can bypass your Hakk, right? Like Machii can-”
“Shut up, moron.” The tallest woman in the back pulled on the aggressive inmate’s jumpsuit, giving Gemmei just a little bit of room to finally take a breath. That little interruption caused the two to bicker a bit but the relief was short lived. The interrogation resumed moments later, this time from the more collected inmate that lingered in the cell’s entrance. “I’m sure you’ve heard, pig, that Boss Machii runs this joint. We’re her enforcers. You cross us, you cross her, and if you cross her you’ll find yourself in the infirmary in short order.”
“Or worse, back in the hole.” A sniggering came from the otherwise quiet third inmate, who finally finished her searching of Gemmei’s belongings and found nothing worth taking. “Boy howdy, this girl really did come from hell. She ain’t got jack in her personal belongings!”
“Cause they don’t let you have luxury goods down there, idiot.” The tallest woman snorted and looked straight at Gemmei with a calm expression. “I got transferred up from the AVAX Supermax myself- D Block Crew, I’m sure you heard of them while you were down there. And I’m pretty sure we didn’t let no crooked cops leave without taking our pound of flesh first. How aren’t you dead?”
“I’m not lying.” Gemmei’s words came out frustrated, but not angry, although it looked as though she was trying very hard to get angry. “I’m not a cop. I was a MOED officer-”
“MOED is police!” A disgusted groan came from the short inmate with the boozy breath. “Military police are police! It’s the same thing.”
“Its not-” Gemmei stiffened as the group drew closer, her hands not yet balled into fists but the imminent danger clearly putting her on edge. “Are you educated at all, huh? Are you even from this country? Why don’t you tell me what MOED stands for, if you’re so knowledgable.” The sudden turnaround seemed to rattle the short inmate, causing her to tightly purse her lips and keep her jaw wired shut. That was enough to shift all the attention away from Gemmei for just a bit.
“Ha! Look, she’s freezing up!” The ransacking inmate laughed, putting her hands on the short woman’s shoulder and giving her a bit of a shake. “Bet you wish you could get angry, like Machii, huh? Loose lips sink ships though. Ain’t nobody can tell lies down here. Sounds like this pig girl figured you out pretty quick!”
“Nah, you ain’t a pig yet.” While the two closest inmates started fussing with each other, the dominant one in the back glowered down at the defensive Gemmei. “You’re too young. More of a piglet. Only snitches or the well connected get outta the Supermax hole. You sold someone out or are workin for the guards. We’ll figure out which one eventually even if you ain’t tellin’ us.”
“I got out,” Gemmei’s level voice didn’t betray any immediate emotion apart from annoyance, “for good behavior.”
“What a comedian!” Taking a break from harassing the still silent inmate, the third wheel of the group returned to searching the cell for goodies. “You’re gonna have a good time with her, Kokona.”
“Only if Boss Machii doesn’t get to her first. If anyone can figure out how you’re lying, it’ll be the Queen of the HCC..” The tall inmate, now positively identified as Kokona, rapped her knuckles on the wall. Clearly the dominant member of the trio, Kokona’s razor gaze glared down with a knowing distaste. Her eyes reminded Gemmei of a wolf’s. “We’re just right next door, piglet, so you’re in pretty thin ice, piglet. Watch yourself.”
The conversation continued for a few minutes after, but after that last veiled threat the interrogation part of the encounter came to an end. Rather, the intruders who forced their way into Gemmei’s cell seemed to shift to business instead, letting the girl know when her ‘taxes’ were expected to be paid, and exactly what punishments would be extracted for misbehavior like talking to guards or standing in the wrong place in line at the dining hall. Even as hard as these women tried, the emotion dulling effect of the starfish shaped Houzou Hakkyou tattoo under each of their eyes made it extremely difficult to keep the tough guy act up. Passionate outbursts were just impossible under the complacency inducing ink of that small tattoo. If the trio was going to hurt her, it would be for cold, logical reasons only. Gemmei was more at risk of getting a beating from the unbranded guards than any of her fellow inmates.
Presumably, anyway. Sometimes people could find some really twisted, but rational reasons for inflicting suffering. Gemmei absolutely used to be that type. Possibly still was.
After the unwanted visitors left, Gemmei reached over to her cot, and grabbed the small cylindrical cushion at the head of it. The ‘pillow’ was scarcely more than a piece of foam wrapped in thin cloth, and using two of her heavily bitten fingernails she pulled out a small chunk of the yellow spongy material. She gave it a few squeezes and compressed the foam down, rolling it between her fingers to get a feel for it. It would work for now, until she got her hands on something better. She thought of the long, contemptuous face of Kokona, and the tattoo under her eye began to itch something awful like it usually did when Gemmei tried to get angry. Then the feeling subsided into nothingness, as it always did.
The Houzou Hakkyou’s incomprehensible power kept Gemmei’s emotions to nothing more than a cool simmer. Some functions of the brain, though, could not be so easily chemically sedated. That emptiness left behind where the bitter, futile rage used to fester could be put to other uses. She couldn’t get red in the face and start choking out those who got in her way anymore. Maybe she didn’t need to.
Gemmei bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood. Not out of impotent fury, but by choice. A very real frown grew on her face. She still liked the taste.
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