《The Ruins of Magincia》Chapter Twenty-Two - The Black Crystal
The head wound had thankfully looked worse than it actually was. Head wounds tended to be like that—though having her servitor pluck the glass out was less than pleasant. A good reminder to not smash one’s head into mirrors in fits of rage. Still, while she knew she could have just gone to the healing pools…
She really didn’t want to explain how she’d gotten injured barely five minutes after leaving. Instead, she sent her servitor out to collect a bowl, and if anyone asked—to tell them it was for a headache. That was technically true after all. She’d tell them all the truth later, in any case. Her friends deserved to know her decision about the remedy.
When her servitor returned, Millie spent a minute dunking her head into the steaming green liquid before the magic in it ran out. Looking in the cracked mirror, the wound had closed up, but was angry and just barely scabbed over. Her face was also still covered in dried blood.
Good enough, she decided, before throwing on her uniform, equipping her gear, and psyching herself up. With a final, quick breath, she touched the black card to her room’s portal frame, causing the portal within to light up and shimmer with darkness It wasn’t the same wall of black she’d seen during trials, but it certainly didn’t look inviting. A small chirp from the terminal next to the portal indicated a new location had been added, and the card in her hand disappeared like smoke. One use only, huh?
She sighed audibly. This was a dumb idea. However, as much as she was filled with renewed determination, if just to spite Magincia, the fact of the matter remained: She had precious few options in front of her and, unfortunately, visiting Liam was one of them.
If he really does have some way to help, she reminded herself, then I need to look into it. It probably didn’t help that she found it hard to shake the paranoia about what he’d been doing. As much as part of her didn’t want to know, she was equally trepidations about not knowing.
Besides, didn’t the Two of Swords tell me to keep an eye out for opportunities? She mused, before frowning. A part of her also couldn’t help but feel that the invite had arrived with very…auspicious timing. Perhaps it was a coincidence, however, and the timing had had to do with night falling? If the invite really was to a club—most of them were only supposed to open during the night cycles.
She put the thought aside considered, again, if she should try to bring someone with her so she wouldn’t be alone. However, based on the portal mechanics she’d learned in the Archive and the Academy, as well as a quick check with her servitor, it seemed pretty cut and dry that unless someone had the ‘Black Crystal’ unlocked as a destination themselves, they wouldn’t be able to join her via this route.
The only classmate she could think of that might have an invite was Raj and he was still gone, according to her central terminal. Conveniently, it showed a vague status and location of the others when they were in the dorm. Katelyn and Catherine were out, likely in the Stacks Millie assumed, Tanya and CJ were in his lab, and the Navarros and Braylon were in the training yard. There was a feature for sending out a mass message, the one CJ had discovered earlier, but Millie hesitated to use it.
She wasn’t sure she was ready to talk to them. To risk seeing the pity in their eyes. Once more, she wanted something concrete to offer the group. Plus, there was the very real possibility that visiting Liam would end up just being a waste of time. He wasn’t confirmed dangerous—she just wasn’t willing to discount that.
Still, she left a note and instructions with her servitor to tell her class what happened and where she’d gone. Just in case she didn’t return. Her servitor was glad she did that, but also seemed very nervous about her leaving. If anything, Millie was beginning to think her robot liked her. That was encouraging at least.
But, putting that all to the side, she finally walked through the portal.
The room that greeted her was small, dimly lit, and rather plain if industrial-looking. Metal walls, neon lights, and generic seating to the sides made it feel much like a waiting room. The windows on the wall showed the Academy beyond. As she looked around, however, she saw no way into this room beyond the portal she’d stepped through, and the only way forward was clear: a set of doors with thumping music beyond, two ‘people’ standing to its sides like guards.
Millie narrowed her eyes at the two bouncers, one male and one female, and they in turn regarded her. Neither seemed worried with her presence nor did they even seem that intimidating. If anything, they were enticing, almost inhumanly so, and were dressed to the nines.
The woman, for example, had a waist was so thin Millie was sure she lacked organs, and her chest was massive enough that her clothing seemed about to burst open. With blond hair, dark makeup, smoldering grey eyes, and a bright suit, she seemed like a Gothic Barbie doll trying at a legally blond cosplay.
The man, however, was so good-looking he’d crossed over into the realm of beautiful. With a sharp chin defined enough to cut glass, black hair, and dark blue eyes that made Millie’s heart race, she watched absently as he smiled when he noticed her attention. A subtle gesture of his hand drew her eye, and she watched him trace it down his chest, playing with the buttons before it continued further down to his—
Millie sputtered in indignation, immediately tearing her gaze away. Like a cat who’d had freezing water dumped on her, she was a heartbeat from murdering everything in this room.
“Do you have an invitation?” The male bouncer asked, his silky voice filled with amusement. It made Millie’s spine dance in ways she did not need right now.
Jesus fucking Christ, what is this shit? She thought. Why am I reacting like this? I am not this shallow! It has to be vampires. Stupid sexy vampire shit.
Millie took in a hiss of a breath, trying to compose herself, before glaring at the duo. They responded with small, sadistic smiles. Incensed, and in the angriest waddle she could muster, she stomped up to the two of them. Licking her blood-caked lips, she hocked up some phlegm dramatically before spitting the blood-tinged loogie to the floor between them.
“There’s your invite,” she said, looking at them both challengingly. She snaked a hand into her bag with her stakes though, just in case.
However, they met her glare with pure stupefaction. Immediately, they stared down at the small pile of reddish snot, looked back up at Millie, then at each other. After a tense second, they looked back at Millie.
And then burst out laughing in unison.
“Welcome to The Black Crystal, Millie,” the man said. “We’ve been waiting.”
“I like her,” the girl said, practically purring to her companion, before turning to Millie. “He can be found further inside, babe.” She then pushed the doors open while licking her lips hungrily.
Great, so this really was an invite from Liam, she brooded. Then, she walked past the two, cautiously with hands on her neck protectively, into the club. Their mocking laughter disappeared quickly as the doors closed and the heavy music became deafening.
The inside was definitely a nightclub, dimly lit with dark reds and purple lighting. A quick look showed she was on a raised balcony overlooking a lower floor. Couches, centered around tables lit by small crystals, lined the railing most of the way ‘round the overhang. Millie walked forward to lean against the rail, getting a better vantage point to look around.
The main floor below was squarish, with private seating in the middle. Large, grandiose bars were on either side. Stairs could be seen on all four corners, but the ones on the opposite side of her led towards a large dance floor made of glass, with a huge globe, pulsing with light, music, and a strange pinkish mist.
People danced unabashedly, a mixture of whom she was sure were students, some in uniform some not, but also a plethora of more beautiful people. The possible vampires were each unique looking but stood out compared to the mundane students. Even still, the ones inside the club seemed to vary between additional ‘party goers’ based on their clothing, to those dressed as waiters and waitresses, to even a few bouncers scattered around.
On the upper floor where she stood was only one major bar, much bigger than the ones below, due to what had to be an adjoining kitchen behind it, given the occasional server that came through with food. More seating, much of it with optional curtains for privacy, lined the walls opposite the railings. She saw yet more students, some at tables with groups eating and chatting, some with beauties on their laps unabashedly grinding against them. Overall, Millie counted several dozen students in total and nearly three times as many of the strangely beautiful people.
Deciding she’d seen enough, Millie opted to head to the upper floor’s massive bar. A trio of bartenders manned it, even though there were only a few students nearby, the most notable being some dude in a green robe with a gaggle of regular-looking girls swarming him. She ignored him, the guy’s back was turned to her anyway, and she approached the bar to motion for a bartender.
Of the three, two were women, but the man responded first. Noticing her with an enticing smile, he began to saunter towards her before she glared at him and he stopped. Wisely, he backed off, and instead one of the girls came up to her.
“Hey they darlin’,” the girl said, barely audible over the music. “What can I do for you?” Millie didn’t miss the strange gleam in the woman’s green eyes, as though hungry as she stared at Millie. Absently, the girl rubbed a hand down her red, glitzy dress sensually, her black hair spilling over her shoulders, but Millie found it blissfully easy to ignore.
“I’m looking for Liam,” she told her. “Do you know where I can find him?”
The bartender smiled, with a wide grin that showed too many teeth, before opening her mouth to reply. However, someone interrupted her.
“Well shit, you really did come?”
Startled, Millie turned to the side to see the green-clad student had turned around to face her. She started again when she realized who it was, her pulse beginning to race with uncertainty.
“Xing Xing,” she said succinctly. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Why the hell is he here? She thought, mind racing. And what did he mean, I really did come? Was he expecting me?
“Just call me Thomas,” he insisted. She couldn’t help but glare, noting how his clothing was apparently a uniform after all.
It had an open coat, showing a bare chest beneath—not that the skinny boy had anything to show off. However, it was a different style than the standard kit. Like a martial artist’s Gi, but worn loosely and with sleeves he’d rolled up. The armored parts of his uniform were similar to the advanced uniforms though, but more elaborately gilded like Millie’s was. Only whereas hers had webbed patterns, his had a more tribal look. Plants and animal shapes were woven into the metal, and she could faintly see now golden embroidery in his green robe doing the same.
“Is that your name’s translation then?” She asked. Why the hell was he talking with her? Was she in danger? Vaguely, she realized she was stalling, trying to figure out whether to bolt or not.
Thomas shrugged. “My name means Twin Stars, and Thomas means twin. It was close enough,” he said, before giving her a predatory grin. “The big man himself said we could expect you, but I gotta admit. I’m still surprised.”
Big man? Millie furrowed her brow. Wait, is the club Liam’s now or something?
“Liam really assumed I’d want to see him after all he did?” She asked.
“Well, you are here,” Thomas pointed out, before laughing again. “Do you like his new place?”
Millie was about to tell him exactly what she thought of it when she was interrupted.
“Thomas!” One of the girls behind him said, her tone pleading. “Please, I need another taste, I’m coming down. Please!”
Millie looked over Thomas’ shoulder to see what she assumed was another student, though the girl was dressed incredibly skimpily. With brunette hair, a thin build, she seemed healthy, but her eyes were somewhat dilated. She looked strung out.
“Sorry, one second Bloody Millie,” Thomas said with a smirk, his eyes tracing the blood still on her face. “Duty calls.”
Pulling out a flip knife, he unfolded it and held up his free hand. Millie watched with horrid fascination as a strange light began to glow along his forearm, slowly traveling upward, shining from behind the metallic bracer covering his wrist, until it eventually reached his finger. The tip glowed brightly before, with a steady, practiced, motion Thomas sliced into his flesh. However, the blood that came out wasn’t purely red. It was tinged with that light, glowing golden, and only a single drop formed like dew.
The girl immediately swallowed his finger, though. Hungrily sucking at it completely shamelessly. A second later, she moaned as her pupils widened to an impossible degree. As she pulled off his finger, a trail of saliva hanging in the air, she gave them both a dopey grin, her eyes completely distant and unfocused, before one of the other girls grabbed her and brought her in for a deep kiss. Millie quickly looked away.
Millie had, thankfully, avoided drugs in her life, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t recognize the effects. The girl was blitzed out of her mind, and the others near her were giggling messes. Thomas, it seemed, had his own groupies.
“What the fuck did you do to her?” Millie said.
“Medicines can be addictive,” Thomas replied, staring at her intently. “Wanna taste of the Elixir of Life? I promise you’ll like it.”
He stepped forward, Millie moving back instinctively. He was clearly enjoying the discomfort he was causing and twirled his knife expertly as he approached. Suddenly, a hand flashed forward.
The bartender had grabbed the arm that held the knife.
“She isn’t to be touched in His Sanctum,” she said, literally snarling. Millie was ready for some vampire action but was quite thrown off by what she saw instead.
The woman’s green eyes turned yellow and slitted, her teeth sharpening across her maw. Twin horns appeared out of nowhere on her head, and Millie saw the annoyed swishing of a spaded tail behind her. As Thomas tried to pull away, the creature hissed angrily and snapped his arm like a twig single-handedly, causing him to fumble his weapon.
Then, she confiscated his knife, glaring haughtily at the boy.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t touch Liam’s girl, I got it,” Thomas complained, grimacing in pain even as he waved his flopping arm around. A second later, however, it snapped back into place with a sickening crunch. The bartender relaxed, her features returning to a normal, albeit breathtaking form.
Right, so not a vampire, Millie decided. A Spirit of some kind? A, ah…demon? Succubus maybe? She wasn’t sure about her demonology, nothing in her vision went into specifics, so her only real knowledge of the famed demons came from Earth media. Not exactly helpful, she brooded.
What really put her on edge though, was the number of demons in the club. There were well over a hundred if her guess was correct. That seemed like an impossible number to have summoned or commanded—was this part of his Gift’s power?
“Alright, follow me and I’ll take you to the big prick upstairs, the rest of you wait here until I get back,” Thomas said with a huff, drawing her attention back to him. He gestured for her to follow, quickly leaving as his little harem pouted and whined to come with, but to no avail. She narrowed her eyes at his back, ignoring the glares his little clique gave her, before glancing over towards the bartender, who nodded to her reverently. There was still that annoying hunger in the demon’s eyes though. It probably wasn’t for blood though.
Irritated, she turned and followed Thomas. This was certainly not how she’d thought this trip was going to go.
If there was one thing Millie would give Liam credit for in his stupid little club, it was the fact that it had an elevator—the first one she’d even seen in Magincia. Given the fact that his office was, unsurprisingly, on the top floor, she was actually grateful for that. If she’d had to climb multiple stories of stairs? She’d probably have just left the club.
A large demon, bigger than Braylon, growled softly in the elevator. His body-guard like clothing strained to contain his muscles, and Millie edged away from him. However, he was more interested in glaring hatefully at Thomas. Apparently, the boy was well known to the denizens of the club, as he was all too happy to brag about.
“Yeah, the big guy and I have a bit of an arrangement,” he answered her. “Nothing too serious though. Oh, by the way, if you’re ever in the market for a new boyfriend—”
“Choke on a bag of dicks,” Millie said, the big demon laughing with a rumbling voice. For some reason, she felt an odd kinship with the thing. Maybe it was just a thing she had for muscled men.
“Why the hell did you make all those Forum posts about me anyway?” Millie asked, slightly distracted as the doors opened to the new floor. It too had a bit of a waiting room vibe, though one wall was glass, overlooking the club, and the seats and decor were far posher. Two demons, male and rough like the elevator one, guarded a giant set of rich, wooden doors that presumably went into Liam’s office. A small desk sat to the side of it too, with a female demon, horns showing, feet kicked up on the desk as she filed her nails.
“Eh, someone gave me a few credits for it. Nothin’ personal,” Thomas said with a sly smile, as the two of them walked into the room. She wasn’t entirely sure why he was still here with her—he’d done his job at guiding her, hadn’t he? Before she could ask the secretarial demoness tsked at their arrival and tossed her file onto the desk as she stood up.
“It’s about time,” she said, visibly snarling as she glared, not at Thomas, but surprisingly at Millie. What crawled up her ass? “You can go, boy. He’s waiting for her.”
The secretary was clearly dismissing Thomas, but he just shrugged.
“Nah, I’ll go in. I’d rather hand it over in person than to another stupid shadow.”
Shadow? Millie thought. Also, what is he supposed to hand over?
The demoness glared at Thomas, but the boy didn’t budge. Eventually, she gave in with a scoff and snapped her fingers. The two demons at the door opened it and Thomas strode forth, bold as you please. Cautiously, Millie followed, eyeing the demons. The two beefcakes paid her little mind, though the secretary continued to give her the stink eye.
Millie quickened her pace to enter Liam’s office, sparing backward glances even as the doors shut ominously behind her. Demons and shadows? She mused. Could shadows be a type of summon? I’m pretty sure there are Shades, Wraiths, and Spectres. Maybe his interest in Necromancy was paired with demonology? And maybe his ‘Gift’ is about having dark minions?
She put the thoughts on hold as she looked around. The room itself was every bit as ostentatious as Millie imagined it’d be. Front and center though, was a private bar that was maned, surprisingly, by a veiled servitor wearing a dark dress, accenting her metallic features. A small seating area was next to it, but beyond that, turning to the side, she saw the huge room stretch out, one side showing a window to the club, the other a glass wall with backlit water flowing down.
On the opposite end from the entrance to the room was a massive desk with bookshelves and display cases surrounding it. Oddly, Liam’s dark crystal was proudly hanging on the wall. It reminded her, in that way, of the Headmaster’s office and his red crystal she still knew nothing about. Besides the decorations, there were also a few dark wooden doors, going to unknown locations.
However, it was out of one of those doors that Liam emerged. He was wearing an advanced uniform, black but clearly with a modern twist. Like a tuxedo, only with metal accents showing chaotic patterns in all the familiar locations—each the same dark color that seemed to boggle her mind. Crisp and clear in her view despite the dim light and in contrast to the black, silken clothing he wore.
As she met his eyes, she could see vividly now that his eyes were that same, impossible black. Absently, her mind finally recalled the name of it. Vantablack, a color so absorbent it might as well have been a black hole.
She really hated how god damn gorgeous he looked though.
“Millie,” he said. His voice was as soft and luxurious as ever, but for once, it had no effect on her. She’d finally moved on, and it must have shown in her eyes and bearing. The gentle smile that played at Liam’s lips fell immediately, and he turned with resignation, moving behind his desk, and gesturing to a seat in front of it.
Still glaring, Millie approached, only to pause when she heard scraping. Behind her, she watched Thomas drag a chair unceremoniously across the entire room, the wood gouging the dark wood floor until it reached the massive carpet laid out under Liam’s desk, which tore and shredded as he continued. Turning, Millie could see the annoyance in Liam’s eyes though he said nothing.
Once in front of the desk, Thomas plopped the chair down and sat, propping his feet up on the furniture. While Liam glared hatefully at Thomas’ soles, it was clear he was just going to let that happen, so Millie sighed and sat down as well.
“Let’s get this over quickly,” she said. “I don’t want to have stay here longer than I need to.”
“Oho, she’s as feisty as you said,” Thomas commented. Both Liam and Millie ignored him.
“You’re hurt,” Liam said, eyeing her forehead. “I can get someone in to look at it if you’d like?”
It was almost insulting that he thought she’d blindly accept that. “I’m fine. Can we get to it? I assume you sent me an invite for a reason and not just to waste my time chatting.”
In the past, such catty behavior probably would have triggered Liam. He’d always been sensitive to her emotions. Hell, if she had a bad day and vented about it, Liam would get angry and moody in response. Anytime she needed to let loose, she had to go elsewhere. Just another reason why I learned to bottle my emotions instead of express them, she mused.
Surprisingly though, he didn’t seem phased. Just that same quiet…resignation. That, more than anything, put her on edge.
“Fine,” he eventually said. “I wanted to talk to you about how I can help our son.”
Better that than the alternative argument, Millie thought. If I had to hear his plan for a soul jar again I’d have stabbed him. She didn’t take knives as an option off the table though.
“Go on,” she pressed him.
“As you can see,” he gestured to the office around him, “I’ve…come into my own, so to speak, with my Gift.”
“That’s not the only thing he came in,” Thomas said, snickering like a child.
“I’m sorry, do you have to be here?” Millie said, turning to glare at him. He opened his mouth to reply, but Liam held up a hand to forestall him.
“There is a reason he’s needed, though he didn’t need to be present for it.” Liam’s tone left little question in her mind of how poorly he thought of Thomas. Clearly, their distaste for one another was still mutual.
Ignoring Liam, however, Thomas looked at Millie to answer her. “I wanted a front-row seat,” he said, smiling that same, smug little smile of his. “Can you blame me?”
“Sure can,” Millie snapped. “Would you mind shutting the fuck up then, Mr. Peanut Gallery?”
“Uh!” Thomas grabbed at his chest, in mock pain. “My lady, I’m but a chaperon. Here to ensure Prince fuckface doesn’t cross any lines. Unless you want to be alone with him, of course.” Thomas punctuated his words with a disdainful wiggling of his eyebrows.
Fuck, he actually made a valid point. She didn’t care for that, but it was true—if he was at odds with Liam, then his presence technically conferred some measure of protection. Not that she was sure how much someone with drugs in his veins and infinite regeneration could do against an army of demons and possible undead. Shadows…why is that bothering me so much?
“Fine,” Millie said, trying to focus. “Just keep the comments down. Please?”
Thomas narrowed his eyes as he stared at her for a long moment, before nodding quietly, setting his feet down, and folding his arms.
“Why will you listen to her and not me?” Liam said, sighing in exasperation as he stared at Thomas.
“You’re pretty Liam, but she’s a total MILF. Plus, did you see the meme people made of her? Maybe if I play nice, mommy will step on me later,” he winked at Millie.
“That’s it, I’m cutting his balls off,” Millie pulled out her knife as Thomas held up his hands, laughing. Clearly, he thought she was joking.
That was a bad assumption of him to make after the day she’d had.
“What, it was a compliment, you don’t—oh shit!”
She stood up and lunged for him. He quickly jumped out of his chair, scampering away. Still laughing, but for once a measure of wariness gleaned in his eyes.
“What’s the matter, Thomas,” Millie said sweetly. “Didn’t you want mommy to step on you? Time for a little TLC through CBT, fucker.”
She almost felt guilty when a flash of genuine fear filled Thomas’ eyes. Almost.
“Enough!” Liam shouted, pounding a hand against the desk as he stood up. Normally, Millie probably would’ve ignored him.
But the entire office shook with the force of his fist, the dark crystal above him gleaming in the shadows.
“Would you like assistance, Master?” The servitor at the bar called out. Her voice sounded strangely familiar, though Millie wasn’t immediately sure why.
“It’s fine. Millie, please sit. Thomas—keep this up, and we’re done. Period.”
The laughing boy stared at Liam. “You sure you want to risk it? Over her?”
“I will,” Liam responded, his eyes glancing at Millie, before staring at Thomas ominously.
“Tsk, whatever. I’ll keep my opinions—”
“And compliments,” Millie cut in.
“—and compliments,” Thomas agreed with a sneer, “to myself. Shall we then?”
Like a Mexican stand-off, everyone took their spots.
“What the hell is this deal between you two, anyway?” Millie asked Liam, once they’d been seated.
“It’s best if you don’t know the details,” Liam replied smoothly. That earned him a glare from Millie.
“And if I threaten to walk out if you don’t start opening up?” She said sweetly.
He raised an immaculate eyebrow. “Then you won’t hear how I can help you.”
Is he really giving me an ultimatum? That was also a poor choice, given her day.
“Fine,” she said. As the two boys began to settle, she then stood up and began to walk out.
“Where are you going?” Liam called out. “Millie—for fuck’s sakes, don’t do this!”
She flipped him off. “Shove it. I came here for help, not to play stupid games.”
Tense moments passed as Millie made her way to the door. As she was about to leave Liam slammed his hand on the desk in frustration (no office shakes this time), and stood up.
“Fine! I need his Elixir to stay alive. In return, I’m protecting him from Rebecca.”
Millie paused, one hand on the doorknob. Well fuck.
“Stay alive?” She repeated, narrowing her eyes as she stared at Liam. His eyes were pleading, face twisted in a show of…embarrassment. Fuck, he’s really telling the truth here, isn’t he? She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she counted quickly down from ten in her head. Then, she turned away from the door and walked back to her seat.
“Are you actively dying or just in danger?” She asked as she sat back down. She heard Thomas scoff next to her but ignored him.
“I’m…I can’t go into all the details. Can’t, not won’t,” he added as Millie made to stand again. She grimaced and resettled. “It’s a part of my Drawback. A slow death. It’s the price of my…Gift.” The venom in his tone was clear, even as his eyes glared hatefully at the room around him.
“Drawback?” Millie prompted. She recalled Eden saying something to the same effect, though she had precious little information on the specifics.
Liam nodded. “Each of our Gifts has a major Drawback. Several minor ones as well. It’s supposed to be a hurdle we have to overcome. To teach us how to use the power properly.”
“And yours is a slow death,” she repeated. Liam grimaced but inclined his head in acknowledgment. Millie…wasn’t sure how to feel.
She had no more love for Liam, especially as she’d finally learned to stop blaming herself and levied the blame squarely on him. But that didn’t mean she wanted…this.
“And what’s yours?” Millie asked, glancing at Thomas.
“I mean, I still feel pain,” he said mockingly. “Even if I heal through everything, it still hurts.”
He chuckled, but Millie glared. That hardly seemed like a Drawback, and Liam must have agreed because he spoke up next.
“He can’t use Alchemical Supplements or potions of any kind. Until he finds a workaround, his stats will forever remain where they are.”
Thomas glared daggers at Liam. But the dark angel simply smiled mockingly in return.
Geez, they really don’t like one another. This also made her wonder what the hell her Drawback was.
“Why is Rebecca after you then?” She prodded Thomas. “And why be afraid of her if you can just heal through everything?”
The flippant boy gave her a dark, complicated look. “That isn’t your business any more than it’s Liam’s. And I don’t give two shits if you storm out, so fuck off.”
“Fine,” she said. Hit a nerve there? She gave him one last wary glance before looking back at Liam. “Thank you for telling me. What’s your big plan to help our son then?”
“Like I said…I’ve made progress with my crystal.”
“Is this related to the hidden quest stuff?” She asked. “Do the conditional Gifts really have a questline?”
He nodded. “I can’t really go into details on what mine have been about, they were unique anyway, but I can confirm all us who have these Gifts are given them. Completing them will give rewards, or possibly even unlock features or new Spells for our abilities.”
She furrowed her brows. Hmm, that’s good to know, she thought. She’d been rather dismissive of her ‘hidden’ quest, mostly because she didn’t have proof it was real and not just the System trolling her. She wondered briefly how she’d even manage to follow it, given her clue was bugs in her damn food. Then, like a bolt of lightning, the obvious struck her blind.
She could just do a Tarot reading on the damn bugs in her food, couldn’t she? She slapped her forehead in irritation, before hissing in pain. A renewed trickle of blood poured out.
“Are…you okay?” Liam asked cautiously. He quickly fished out of his desk a small bit of cloth, but she waved it away, opting to just bleed everywhere. She was getting disturbingly used to it by now.
“I’m fine, just continue,” she told him.
“If you say so,” he said, obviously not assuaged. He placed the cloth down in front of her just in case. “Anyway, in my explorations, I discovered a way to possibly help you. How much do you know about your tenth soul layer?”
Probably more than you, she thought, but kept that to herself. “I can’t say much about it. I learned a lot from the Headmaster in the consultation that you ditched us during.”
“I’m sorry about that, Millie,” Liam confessed, steepling his fingers and obscuring his mouth. “It was for the best though.”
“Sure,” she said flatly.
“You can tell me though. If I already know the contents of what you learned, the Geas won’t stop you, and Thomas already knows what I know.”
Millie did vaguely recall being told that by the Headmaster. Irritatingly, Liam was correct there—if by some chance he really had learned the same thing she had, she would be able to discuss it. The Geas prevented spreading information to the ignorant after all.
“Fine, we’ll see if I can get it out then,” she said, rolling her eyes. “The tenth layer is required for casting as it acts as a conduit to the Universal Truths that we, as Magi, channel. I can, in theory, use portions of other people’s souls to help stimulate the generation of my missing piece, like getting a tissue donation to restore a failing system.”
Fuck me sideways, that actually worked. She stared in disbelief. He really had discovered what she had—just in parallel.
“That’s what I thought,” Liam said, nodding knowingly, and lowering his hands. “Here,” he said, pulling out a small, dark crystal. It wasn’t Ventablack, but an onyx of some kind, with a white, glowing mass inside it.
“Is that…?” She said with a gasp as comprehension dawned.
“A piece of my soul. It isn’t much, but if you can get pieces from others, then it should be enough, right?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Can you get pieces from other people?”
He frowned, before shaking his head. “It’s something they might be able to discover how to do on their own, but it was only with my Gift that I could do it for myself. If I could help more, I would, but this should be enough to get you started.”
“Get me started? What do you mean?”
“How much do you know about the Void?” He asked, his eyes shining with darkness.
…less than you now, isn’t that right? Her stomach felt like it was doing flips as she shook her head silently.
Liam sighed, before gesturing up at the large crystal hanging behind him. “What I thought was my Gift was actually its container. These crystals? They’re dungeons. Inside mine is a demon. A very powerful, very…dangerous one. It’s her power that I’m borrowing.”
Millie glanced at the crystal, which seemed to sparkle at being mentioned. A fucking dungeon? So what, the Headmaster bound his soul to something like that too?
“But with her help,” he continued, “I’ve learned that the Void encompasses several things. Darkness, corruption, a type of cloying entropy. The hunger of the Void. But it’s also absence. Shadows. And I also learned that the Spell cast on you, the Death Knell Omen is a complex Spell. A union between the Axiom and the Void.”
Millie’s eyebrows shot up. He knew about complex Spells? She hadn’t even taught anyone about them. Mostly because even she barely knew jack shit about them—it was an advanced subject and only relevant once Magi were skilled enough to really start stacking up Potency factors. Spells woven with complex logic like that were very high on the tier list.
“So what does that mean?” She asked, her voice shaking, unfortunately betraying her nerves.
“It means that…” he paused, before sighing. “You aren’t going to like this.”
“Just spit it out,” she snapped, her heart racing in dread anticipation.
“…the Millie you saw in your vision was a real person. From an alternate timeline.”
No, that’s…fuck.
“When she died in your vision,” he said, “you absorbed a portion of her soul. Technically, she was your first donation. It’s why you have sensitivity to magic, even if it’s just a little. That ‘phantom’ feeling you’ve been describing. It’s why you gained Understanding, in the form of Spells and Runes. The Death Kneel Omen shows you a future in which you fail, and very literally helps you learn from it.”
“So, what,” Millie said, stamping down on the panic inside. “There’s alternate timelines and dimensions and all that shit?”
He remained silent as he nodded.
In truth, it wasn’t that she found that hard to believe. She just…didn’t want to. She didn’t want to think that the vision was real, in any way. It was just that—a vision. Imaginary.
Did it…really happened?
“Fuck,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry, Millie. I didn’t know how to tell you,” Liam said softly. “The good news is, that every piece of a soul you get will make you stronger. Help you grow. Eventually, you may even be able to start accumulating Mana and casting. You just need to be careful. Too much, and our son will…”
“Die?” She cut in harshly.
Liam winced. “Yes. The goal should be to increase your soul’s strength enough to survive getting an Attainment. Something that can help protect him. Then, grow more, get more Attainments, and when you’re strong enough you can, well…”
“Take the remedy?” She offered as well.
He nodded.
“Forget that part of it,” she told him with a scoff. “I poured it down the drain.”
Thomas sat up with a start, glancing curiously at Liam. “Fucking really?” He said.
Liam, however, didn’t look surprised. Or more accurately, he raised his eyebrows, ‘glared’ at her, and scoffed.
“Of course you did,” he said, shaking his head in ‘disbelief.’
He really is a bad liar, isn’t he? Her mind recalled the mention of shadows. His interest in Necromancy back on the first day. It couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? And what about him leaving their class right after they’d discussed booting him? Or the invite right after she’d hit her lowest point?
Had Liam been spying on her? Had his entire proposal for a soul bit been an elaborate lie, conveniently portraying him as a savior in her hour of need? Was she able to talk about her consultation with him because he’d listened in on their group discussing it?
She kept her expression steady and her thoughts hidden. There had to be a way to test that.
“It’s a good plan, but there’s problems,” she said. “You know how expensive Attainments can be, right?”
“I’m aware,” Liam said with a nod. “There are options though. I might be able to snag some scraps. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll look into it. Also, it isn’t much, but I am making some resources with the club. I can help lend support.”
Millie nodded. “Well, good luck. There’s a pretty nasty Spirit in Collections, and he’s a bastard to get by, and all the references for the Attainment I need most are up in the sixties. Do you know which Attainments I need?”
“I don’t, but I’ve got some ideas,” Liam said. “Thanks for the heads up as well. I should be able to deal with a Spirit though. I’ll let you know what I can find.”
She smiled ‘gratefully’ at him.
“Shall we get to my part?” Thomas jumped in.
“Your part?” Millie asked skeptically. Right, he insisted on handing something over in person, didn’t he?
“Thomas’ body contains the Elixir of Life,” Liam said, glaring at the boy. “It doesn’t just heal him though—he can replicate or substitute a number of Alchemical concoctions. I asked him to prepare something that can help heal your soul since rejection is a possibility and you’ll need some way to smooth out the implantations. He might also be able to provide something later that can help heal you after the birth as well.”
Liam then motioned at Thomas impatiently, drawing a scowl from the boy. Thomas dug out from his belt an object, setting it on the desk. It was a vial, containing a large dose of his gold-tinged blood.
“You really expect me to drink that?” She said, glaring at Thomas “After what it did to that girl?”
“He can control the contents of his Elixirs,” Liam came to the boy’s defense. “And that is a clean bottle of your essence, correct? No narcotics?”
Thomas sneered at his question, “Yeah, yeah,” he agreed lazily. “Be sure to come visit me later if you want a taste of the good stuff, mommy.”
He really doesn’t learn, does he? Millie thought. Jokes on him though. There’s no fucking way I’d just accept these ‘gifts’ at face value. This shit is being given straight to CJ to break down and play with.
Millie reached forward and grabbed the vial and crystal, then looked down as she opened her pouch.
“This should hopefully be enough to survive getting the Twinsoul Attainment,” Millie said offhandedly, fiddling with her belt to pack the items in safely. “Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?”
She looked up to see Liam sigh, shaking his head. “That’s all I got for now. I’m sorry it isn’t more.”
Millie gave him a polite smile. “It was more than I…” thought you were capable of. “I appreciate the effort you went through.”
He regarded her warmly, a grateful smile showing on his face.
Even though I just verified you’re somehow spying on me, she thought, not letting the anger show. If he’d heard of the Twinsoul Attainment, why not mention it when she’d asked earlier? And unless he already knew, the Geas on her should’ve stopped her dead in her tracks from saying it.
In other words, he knew that Attainment.
Voyeuristic lying bastard. She got up, smiling at the two of them, before beginning to head out.
“Hey, Millie? I was serious,” Liam said gently from behind her. “I’ll help as much as I can. I promise.”
“I know you will,” she said quietly.
As she made her way out she paused near the bar, however, giving the servitor one last look. It had sounded so familiar. Why?
She might have been willing to overlook that once.
But not anymore.
She examined the robot closer, noting how it had bobbed hair decoratively tied back. It was of similar height and build to Millie, and the more she looked the more she began to realize, even with the veil…
“Take that mask off,” she suddenly demanded.
“I apologize, Initiate McArthur, but I can only accept commands from my—”
“Take that mask off or I’ll remove it,” Millie said, stepping closer.
Liam stood up from his desk, as Thomas began to laugh. “Millie? What are you—”
The servitor looked worried, glancing back and forth, but Millie reached across the bar and ripped the veil off.
The robot had Millie’s exact likeness. Like looking at a robotic twin.
She sounded familiar because I was hearing my own fucking voice coming from her. One’s voice always sounded weird outside of their own head.
“You fucking son of a god damn whore,” Millie cursed, glaring at Liam as she threw the veil to the ground.
“It isn’t what you think, I—”
“Shove it,” she said, spitting on the ground to punctuate her feelings before storming out of the room.
A part of her wondered if the servitor had looked like Millie when Tanya had discovered Liam fucking it. Had that been the final straw for her? Having Liam tell her she was the one he cared about while fucking a sex doll lookalike of Millie? Asking for the threesome only his fantasies would allow?
If it had been—she was glad Tanya hadn’t told her.
Somethings didn’t help to know. They just hurt.
Liam sat down hard after Millie stormed out.
“Why the hell did you leave your servitor out in the open anyway?” Thomas said, his eyes filled with the casual, arrogant mockery Liam had grown to expect.
Because she deserved to know. “I thought the mask would be enough,” he lied. “Since you’re here, do you mind handing over another dose?”
Thomas sneered, before reaching into his coat for another red vial that he slid over to Liam. Taking it, Liam inspected it, his eyes going completely black as he lifted a hand to rest on the container. Thomas scoffed at his paranoia, but Liam was well aware of how addictive the bastard’s Elixir could be if he wasn’t careful.
The Formation formed in his mind. An improvised variation on a Detect Poison Spell that he’d grown accustomed to using. In this case, it was paired with a Truth Checker, verifying that no impurities were found in the vial. Despite being a tier-one Spell, it still took several points of Mana to cast. Satisfied that the vial was clean, he put it in his desk drawer. While a part of Liam worried about not checking Millie’s vial, he knew Thomas wasn’t dumb enough to target her.
Not with him still around.
“How long will that buy you, anyway?” Thomas asked nonchalantly. Liam was well aware he was probing.
“Long enough,” Liam lied. “Unless you need anything else, why don’t you go back to your harem.”
Thomas scoffed, before standing up, knocking the chair onto its back. He was always acting out in petty ways though, so Liam only sighed in annoyance. It was a race between them to see which could be free from their dependence on the other, and it was only a matter of time before their tenuous alliance came to an end.
“Liam?” His angel called out, approaching cautiously after Thomas had left. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I’m…just tired,” he confessed. His servitor gently hugged him, and he let the familiar, comforting lie that it was Millie fill him.
“You can cry if you need to, okay? I’ll always be here for you.”
“I know,” he said. He couldn’t cry though, not after what he’d done. No matter how much he wanted to.
He’d thought he’d been so clever too. Trading that Demon his ability to cry for power. A sacrifice in which he thought he lost nothing. That was—
Until she showed him a vision of his life. A future in which he hadn’t failed. Where he hadn’t squandered it all. A life with Millie, with their son, and their daughter, a beautiful baby girl that would never be born. His efforts paying off in the military as he rose in success, his father’s unabashed pride in him. A vision where he got everything he ever wanted, but in ways he never knew he did. A life where he’d had the courage to call the police when his mom…
Liam sighed, the familiar, aching pain flowing through him. A pain that couldn’t fade. Without tears, he couldn’t be rid of it. He had to bury it. Hide it. Run from it.
But he wouldn’t be able to get away forever. Soon, the price would be paid in full. Soon, it would all come crashing down. Soon, he would answer for every sin.
The only way out, the only deal she’d offered him to save himself and make his vision real—was the soul of his firstborn child.
That was the Demon’s Price.
- In Serial193 Chapters
The Arcane Emperor
Rainer, an amateur arcanist and college student, sought to create a new spell far surpassing the magic of the few he inherited from his grandfather. Yet the interference of an unknown event during the casting of his spell led him to be thrown through space and time. Where status screens were accepted as normal and class distinctions were quite clear. Leveling and achieving a class beyond a simple farmer or peddler was an affair of life and death combined with years of hard training. Goblins were not the fodder that they should be, orcs filled bedtime stories in order to scare children into behaving, and a dragon? You might as well pack up and move to another country.He, however, enters this world with the rare and powerful class of the Arcanist. How will the recently ardent seeker of magic find greater heights, or will he land in deeper depths?Additional Tags: Game elements, Another World, Mature Themes Cover Art: by NGT http://forum.royalroadl.com/showthread.php?tid=83944Current Word Count: 413,193Weekly Schedule: Long Chapter(s) Every Saturday Night EST
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Having been put to sleep during a time of great conflict, he was meant to be awaken within a short ten years…but the people that were meant to awaken him never did.With the Cryo Chamber's malfunction he falls to the ground, unclothed and therefore naked. Not knowledgeable about what has happened, due to his fresh awakening, he sets out into a world that is very much the same but also very different.[Blurb updated as of 31/05/15][Updates will be inconsistent]
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Soul's Curtain
The mortal land bordered by two worlds, one of immortals and the other of ceaselessness. As Illias Finn remains bound within the cell of an abandoned prison the curtain calls its chosen to descend into it's embrace. To be honest I will just write and upload whenever i feel like it, but if i find it getting relative success I can try write a bit more. This will just be a write, read then upload kind of thing for me while i try to flesh out more worldbuilding. I'm pretty novice when it comes to writing just a few years of secondary english under my belt but hardly any of that's creative. NGL, a lot of this world building is inspired by Tower of God or other fiction i have read, especially the tower-like setting.
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Blood Limit
This time I've gone ahead and chosen my very own bloodline limit. With it, how could I possibly fail. the thing that stand in the path I forge shall soon fall away for its time for my own grand appearance as The MC! ~Arc 1 chapter 1-19 ~Arc 2 chapter 20- ?" ------_________------- (Disclaimer : Ok ill be brief and say I don't own naruto at all if you readers notice things from other shows or whatever I'm not the creator nor claim to be. ) But I am absolute owner of my other novel which isn't s fanfict. ~~ ~ This is only a Naruto fanfiction, if I add any thing it will be only from anime - maybe games and nothing else. If I add things from other anime it will be seen here. -Naruto (world, abilities, characters) -Fantasy (Swamp, Elf, zombie, modern day, 'pending..') - ~synopsis in/complete editing~
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Alexa Demie Oneshots
Just like the title says (gxg) 😚Requests are OPEN 💬I (try to) update multiple times a week✍️Extra-long chapters 🤠⚠️Swearing⚠️Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know 😭I'm not gonna write smut because I'm gay just not THAT gay (jk) 🥴Anyway, I hope you enjoy this :)Cover by me as always 😼© 2022 SimpleTimez
8 147 - In Serial13 Chapters
12 Zodiac!!
100 years ago Humans was on war that last 30 years long....considered war lasted so long ,some scientist try to end the war by make zoonic beast,a beast or an animal that has been gene manipulated...which was also the first gene modification in history.Human who were on verge extinct created Zodiac,A multi purpose mechanical armor which covered majority of your body and equipped by special O.S(Operational system) which using Species of animal,insect and even mithycal beast way of act..This system boost your overall performance and how your brain works..For example Bear program,which boost short-range ability and allow the unit too make the brain prioritize do short range attack,this is a tale to make the strongest nation in history using 12 Zodiac whis ability able to demolish 1 country
8 178