《Euphoria [DISCONTINUED]》18. Glory And Death! - Part One


Lord Joyde The Madman: Heylo, everyone! How are you all doing?

Its just like me to gain a sudden burst of inspiration at four AM in the bloody morning.

Le sigh, but then again I do believe that I've milked the last chapter enough.

Might as well type down the next one before I hit that 420 followers :P

Don't mind me guys and girls! I'm just a line break...

Moments later... - The Town Of Sudan - Frey's Point Of View...

You feel a terrible chill run up and down your spine...

"Urgh! W-w-what the fuck?!" I exclaim alongside several other players as the ground beneath us all begins to shake, causing some to fall on their asses.

The shaking combined with the sudden chills quickly forms panic in everyone around me as the cute NPC merchant girl I was just flirting with started running away for dear life."AIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" An equally sudden scream erupted from behind me as I turned around to look and found myself staring as what looked like an elven vampire chick draining the lifeblood out of an unfortunate player.

The air around you grows cold...

+50% to all damage received

+all attacks made against you will be critical

+you are losing 10hp/s

"W-w-w-wha? What the Hell is going on?!" Another person exclaimed as we all found ourselves paralyzed before the vampire, a Queen Of Darkness most likely.

With a sickening schlop, the vampire drops the man unto the ground as his body turns to ash. Shaking my head out of my stupor as the Queen's predatory eyes fall down upon me, I prepare my sword and swing sideways as hard as I can just in time to force her away from me as she leaped into the air."Heavenly Strike!" Is my resounding cry as I quickly follow her shadow and swing around myself only barely managing to graze the vampire queen, making her smirk as she dodges the blow.

"Hmm, what's this? Someone with ex-ARGH!" She begins a monologue but my passive ability, Echoes Of Light, thankfully activates, copying my last move and striking her full force, the holy element of the attack sending her flying away from me.

You are no longer affected by the Queen's Presence!

Smirking right back at her as I raise my sword up in the air."Bless Blade!" My sword glow's brilliantly, illuminating the night sky as I grab it by the handle with both hands and then slam it into the ground."Empowered Heal!"

Bless Blade is a skill which grants my next ability additional effects. A heavenly strike may hit multiple times, a self-heal turns into an AOE heal and so forth. Obviously, I had just made use of the latter, as the players around me all rise up from the ground fully healed, weapons and spells at the ready as we all focus our attention onto the queen.

She spits out blood as her wound heals as glares at us as she ascends into the skies."ARGH! I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH THE LIKES OF YOU RIGHT NOW!"

Turning around towards the city, she screams into the night."LEGIONS OF THE DEAD, RISE! HEED THE CALL OF YOUR QUEEN AND RISE!"


System Alert! (EVENT! Quest) Someone or something has wounded the Queen Of Darkness Slymae and thus forced her into a blood-hungering spree.

If left undisturbed, she will surely devour the entirety of Sudan!

As this is an EVENT! quest, you may chose from a set number of paths made available by the event.

1. You may choose to protect the innocent people of the town from being slaughtered and be seen as a hero/heroine!

2. You may also run away from the event zone... but such things may be looked down upon should news of it spread.

3. Or alternatively, you may also pick a side in this conflict.

As literal legions of Undead monstrosities form around us, all of the players are temporarily stunned by the appearance of the Event Quest."Oh, I'll pick a side alright!" I exclaim for all to hear as I slam my fist into the blue notice.

System Alert! (EVENT! Quest) You have chosen to pick a side... So what shall it be, Destined One?

Will you chose to aid the unknown being that roused the Queen?

... Or shall you perhaps join sides with The Queen Of Darkness? After all, a dark lady such as herself could never have enough minions, right?

"Anyone who stands against an Undead Queen is cool in my book. I side with the Unknown Being!" My voice echoes and many seem to follow my lead, probably motivated by the way I saved them earlier... that or maybe just hungry for fame.

"I chose to join the Queen!" Some guy in the corner yells and we all turn to stare at him. He just shrugs at us."What? She's evil sure, but shes also smokin' hot!" Needless to say, the nearest female player turned him into a pinata within seconds of those words getting out of his mouth.

Shaking my head out of my stupor once more, I raise my sword up high and say."Form Quick Raid!"

A multitude of people join my party as soon as they get the system notice and dozens gather around me as the Undead start to charge."Warriors to the front! Mages at the back! Healers in the middle and Dexterity-types surround the Healers! Buy me some time to configure the raid before we proceed!"

"SIR, YES SIR!" They all shout out loud dramatically and I can't help but cringe and feel proud of myself at the same time. Quickly using my memory of the system commands when I watched Rhean's stream, I put everyone in equal groups. We currently have four warriors, twelve mages, three healers and seventeen dexterity-types... y'know, hunters and rogues.

A wave of undead skeletons marches onto us but because of my quick positioning and the fact people actually followed my orders, they are mowed down in seconds. Taking a look up in the sky, I see myself laugh as I watch it turning crimson red.

This can only mean one thing... my Emperor has already started to make the wheels of fate turn!

The grin on my face goes from ear to ear as I turn my attention to the legion of undead before me and laugh."LETS GO PEOPLE! FOR GLORY! FOR FAME! FOR AZAREEEEEEEEST!"


Meanwhile... - Selindra's Point Of View....

You feel a terrible chill run up and down your spine...

"Huh?" I mutter out questioningly as I look around myself, feeling absolutely nothing. Blinking, I move my reality meter to maximum by instinct just to see if I could actually feel this supposed chill."Aaaaiiyaaaaarhhh..." I hear myself say as I squirm in my chair, a remote corner within a tavern I stumbled into within Sudan in order to drink myself into a stupor because of what happened yesterday.

My entire guild disbanded... all my power gone within minutes.. and all because of that... OF THAT FILTH!



RETARD!... A handsome retard to boot!"Urgh! Why do all the hot guys have to be fucking ASSHOLES?!" I yell out, barely even noticing the shaking barkeep and the fact that people are running out of the tavern.

Or the face that there is a rather... sexy looking elf with wings and fangs and... wow...

The air around you grows cold... but has no effect on you because of your drunken state.

In fact, it may even serve as a benefit to cool you down.

The elf finishes whatever she was doing.. wait, did she just drop the barkeep... is her mouth red or is that blood.. wait... is she looking at me?"Oh my? What do we have here? Someone have a bad day?"

Her voice is equally annoying as it is sexy. Blinking at her as I down the last bits of my beer, I manage to mutter out somewhat audibly."S..shmow.. tra..tre? .. show.. target."

Target - Sylmae, The Queen Of Darkness Health: 8993/10000 Mana: 53490/60000 Stamina: UNDEAD

"Hic! Qween Uf Da.. Du... Darkness? PSHAHAHAHHA WHAT KINDA SHITTY DRAMA TITLE IS THAT!?" I yell out loud as I finally notice the screams from the outside. Also, is it just me or does screaming while drunk make it easier for me to talk properly..

To her credit, The supposed emo Queen just tilts her head in adorable confusion."You are.. a rather interesting one, aren't you? For a mortal, anyway."

"Annndd yeerr... pwreetty daaayuuum smexay four... feur?.. for? .. for ahh coooooooooorpse..." I let that last one drawl on purpose, I swear!

Blinking at me with a curious, yet hungry glance in her golden-glowing eye, she approaches me as she looks me up and down, fully checking me out. I'm honestly not too sure how I feel about this.

... Not that my current state of mind is helping that any, mind you. HA, SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!

No?... Okay... I start to walk towards the door to leave the tavern, as it is supposedly polite to see yourself out after a bad, bad pun."Now, now, where might you be going, my dear?"

The gorgeous woman latches onto my backside as I attempt to open the door but fail and nearly stumble as she licks my neck from behind me."Why don't you just.. stay a while here, with me?"

I turn to look at her with a big smile on my face."Okwaay... I'd looooove t-URGH! BLEEEEEEEEEECH!" With a form of mobility I wish I possessed in real life, the sexy woman moves just in time to dodge the oncoming assault of my bile and vomit.

"Aaahhhh..." I swear to god, vomiting while drunk is an experience equal to a very pent up orgasm...

And then I remember that I'm not the only one in the room and start crying because I might've offended the sexy lady."So-so-soorry... I.. didn..I didn't wanna ba..rfft... on y..you.."

Before she can reply, a massive blast of force rockets us off the ground and sends us flying. Reacting on instinct, I create a shield of ice around both myself and the lady as we are slammed into a wall. I fall down onto the ground and barf again because of the blast as she stands up, her eyes wide in confusion and surprise."Mortal, why would you defend me?"

I let out a strangled giggle."Cause ye..you.. you're.. you're like.. really sexy and.. stuff... UGH!" I mutter out in pain as I look downwards and see blood pooling around my sides. To my surprise, the woman throws a beaming smile towards me and kneels down, licking my blood off my hand which was lazily put there... by me... DUH.

I gulp down hard as I manage to snag a full look at her gigantic cleavage, only now realizing that the lady was actually wearing a tattered black dress the whole damn time."Hmm.. I sense... depression... and rage... and hate.. and ice... Oh yes, you will do just fine, my love."

My love... she called me her love!"Y..you l-l-love... me-mmph!" I try to say but she places a rather seductive finger on my lips."Listen carefully mortal, for I do not have too much time to spare right now. Take this symbol, it will allow you to contact me should you still hold me in such... interesting regard, once you become sober... I most certainly hope that you do..."

Boon of the Dark Queen has been placed into your inventory!

She whispers into my ear hotly as she bares her fangs.. wait... fangs?.. Oh yeah she had fangs..

But for what does she need the... oh."For now though, you must sleep..." And with that, she bit me on the neck and I soon found myself right out of EUPHORIA, face beet red and black panties soaked.

Placing a curious finger onto my wetting slit and spreading my fingers to see just how drenched I've become from that... experience just now, I turn my head downwards to the VR Headset and smile."Heh, guess choosing not to waste money by getting wasted in game rather than in real life was the correct choice after all..."

Don't mind me guys and girls! I'm just a line break...

And that's gonna be it for now...

Why? Because its now six AM in the morning and I haven't had an ounce of sleep... I should be able to remedy that now...

I'll continue the chapter later..

Anyways, read and review! And Good Morning/Day/Night to you all! ADIOS FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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