《Healer》Chapter 2- A fresh start (2)


The colour of the orb represented my affinity to the element. Yellow meant that I had a low affinity to these elements. Out of the twenty or so orbs, only four were yellow; they represented Fire, Earth, Metal, and Darkness. An orange colour represented an intermediate affinity while a red colour would mean that I had a high affinity with this element.

Unfortunately, none of the orbs were orange or red. Aside from the four yellow orbs, the rest were either colourless or white. The lack of colour meant that I simply had no affinity at all with the element and the white colour indicated that I had barely any affinity with the element.

“Do you need any help? I can give you a quick introduction to the spells.” Levi said with his childish voice. He was staring at me with anticipation. This was generally the part of the tutorial where the guides would be able to collect the majority of their consultation fee.

“No need.” I shook my head and fell into deep thoughts. Choosing my first spell was an important event that could determine my future in climbing the tower. In the past, I listened to my guide and chose the ‘Ember’ spell which represented the Fire element. In the end, I managed to survive and stood among the few elites who challenged the 80th floor.

However, my goal this time was not to climb the tower. I had no use of offensive spells since I was not planning on fighting on the frontline.

A person’s affinity depended on their lifestyle. As land creatures, humans had at least a low affinity to the Earth Element. My Metal affinity probably came from the fact that I lived surrounded by electronic equipment. The Darkness affinity arose due to my tendency of staying up late and staying in the darkness of my room. As for the Fire affinity, I suspected that it was due to an unfortunate event where I ended up burning myself.

Humans were not magical creatures. As a result, it was rare for humans to have intermediate or high affinities to the elements. Naturally, there were a few exceptions, but I was just an average person.


I stared at the yellow orbs for a moment. They stood out of the otherwise dull-coloured orbs. Nevertheless, I ignore their attractiveness and walked up to a white orb. Its hieroglyph blinked as I approached it. It seemed excited that I had my attention on it.

‘Heal… The first spell of the Healing element… I barely have any affinity with this element but considering that I want to stay away from fighting, this may be my best choice. As far as I can remember, healers were quite rare but essential members of the guilds.’

‘Choosing it should not be too bad, right? One does not necessarily need to have any elemental affinity to choose a spell. It is just that I will be slightly disadvantaged when it comes to developing the future spells. But this should not pose much of a problem for me. After all, I already know how to control the flow of mana.’

After a few minutes of internal debate, I made my choice. Without doing anything, the orbs reacted to my decision. The Heal hieroglyph shone and exited the orb. It floated to me and disappeared inside my chest.

It was a strange feeling, similar to receiving an injection. It was not painful but rather uncomfortable. While my body was taken by surprise, a series of information flew into my mind. It was the Heal spell; the hieroglyph was transferring the knowledge it contained directly into my mind.

“Human! Do you realise what you just did? You just chose one of the worst spells! I know you are a proud individual, but you are just playing with your future. Do you even know what the colour of these orbs represents?”

I frowned lightly as my thoughts were interrupted by Levi’s annoying voice. The flow of information was cut but fortunately, I successfully memorised the method to use [Heal]. I gritted through my teeth. “Did I?”

Levi floated to my face and sighed loudly. He wore a disappointed expression. “Let me give you a piece of information for free. The colour of the orbs represents how talented you are in using these spells. The brighter the colour, the better it is. In your case, you just picked up a white orb. Aren’t you just wasting your time learning this spell? Fortunately, not everything is lost. You still have an opportunity to return to the correct path. In exchange for the small sum of one hundred points, I will be willing to disclose an important piece of information.”


Levi smiled greedily. This was the moment he has been waiting for; an opportunity to extort money out of this clueless human. The fairy rubbed his hands excitedly and quickly added, “Right, I did not even explain what points are!”

“There is no need for you to do so. I already know what points are…” I cut him short and turned my attention toward the door that appeared behind Levi.

“What? Did you even listen to what I just said? Are you really going to waste your potential and learn these spells that you are simply never going to fully master?”

I closed my eyes and continued to walk toward the opened door. “The method you are talking about… Isn’t it just picking a second spell?”

Levi was about to retort but froze in place as he heard me. “How?”

“Nowhere is it said that I can only pick one spell. This door appeared after I picked one spell, but nothing is stopping me from taking the others too. In fact, I can learn all these spells right now but doing so would be foolish. Am I right?”

“Learning many spells and having a large variety of abilities to use. Of course, this sounds very attractive, but I am well aware of the downside. The hieroglyphs are in fact, the seeds of a skill tree that teaches its owner spells. However, if left unattended, these seeds are bound to perish. Growing just one skill tree is not easy but growing several at once… It is an impossible task, especially for me as a human who had very little contact with magical elements before.”

I left a speechless fairy behind me as I walked through the door. ‘Stupid fairy. Don’t try to trick me with these small baits. I know you have no good intentions and every sentence you say is aimed at putting me into debt. Most humans can only grow one skill tree at a time; only a few talented individuals have the skills necessary to grow more than one.’

The second room was a simple empty cube. There was nothing inside but a few seconds after I stepped in, my surroundings suddenly shook. Strange forms appeared and slowly, the empty cube turned into a hospital ward. I felt dizzy.

I looked at the ten beds, orderly arranged in a line. A patient was lying in each bed, looking pale and sick. I blinked in confusion, trying to remember the memories of my past life. This scene looked very unfamiliar. ‘Was there a hospital ward in the tutorial?’

“Hello and welcome to Room 2. I am Jayce, your instructor.” A tall man stood next to me, wearing a white coat and holding a large notepad. My eyes fell on his well-trimmed beard and more specifically, on his tattoo-covered neck.

‘These tattoos… The Senek Race… A race that draws their power from the tattoos appearing on their body. Did they not go extinct?’

“Hey.” I greeted him back politely.

“I will keep this short and simple. Ten patients need treatment. You are going to use the Heal spell and I will guide you in the process. I will heal the first patient by myself and give you the opportunity to observe the flow of mana. Then, it will be your turn.”

“Alright.” I nodded and followed behind Jayce. I appreciated the fact that he was a straightforward person. Behind me, I suddenly heard the buzzing sound of the flying fairy. Levi eventually caught up. He wordlessly flew up to the first patient’s bed with his eyes staring at me.

I internally chuckled. His dark expression clearly displayed how unhappy he was but there was no way I was going to brighten his mood. I was not going into debt just to please that annoying fairy.

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