《My War: The Warpath Of My Own Life》Battle Plan And Night Before Battle


Chapter 10: Battle Plan And Night Before Battle

John after goes down the Helicopter, he realizes that Sheria's people had standing there to wait for her to come back, he then going with Sheria to the War room, which is held outdoor.

Around John right now are Princess Sheria, Lord Roberto, General Dalshik, Lady Nodrian and a female General from Corinthstar Kingdom, they're talking about the battle plan to fight against Aloss Kingdom and Tigar Kingdom.

"The enemies are now very close to Starvina Kingdom's Capital, Prince Barshal, son of King Deglan was very angy about his father death, he immediately sent 50,000 troops of Aloss Kingdom, 75% their troops to the Capital from the West, they're about to head to Hill Rumiss." - General of Corinthstar Kingdom explaining the situation

"From the South, King Shiva's army and his vassals troops were marching and about to head in, but King Shiva later ordered his vassals to stop following him but to do the guard around the areas they occupied."

"King Shiva is now alone with his 10,000 troops and his son, Prince Waffen, they about to head plains Kazel in the morning about 2 days." - General of Corinthstar Kingdom ends the explaination

"Wait! Where are the King of Starvina Kingdom and his vassals?" - John asks everyone in the War room

"They're fleeing away, my father is now in the Capital, but he will flee away when he knows the enemy win in the 2 next battles so I cannot lose the war, the only Starvina Kingdom troops and its alliance troops that still fighting are you and me, Sir John!" - Sheria explains to John

"Roberto, how many troops we can gather the most at this time?" - Sheria asks Lord Roberto

"About 30,000 troops, My Highness!"

"Roberto, how is your plan to take out 50,000 troops of Aloss Kingdom?"

"We're doing that now, My Highness, I've planned about it before you thought about killing King Deglan, I estimate that the plan will done in about tomorrow, we can easily burry alive 50,000 Aloss Kingdom troops, but 10,000 troops of King Shiva, they're the other problem" - Roberto seems serious about it

"Why? I only see 10,000 troops!" - John wonders

"Lord Brody! Though King Shiva's Army only has 10,000 troops but they're all well trained, well eqquiped, they're out of what we call ordinary!" - Lord Roberto talks seriously to John

"At first, their infantry soldiers, they're all equipped with Armors, Swords, Spears and Shields with all of them made of Mythril material!"

"Mythril?" - John seems unfamiliar with this word, he thinks about asking his soldiers

"Mythril is a material which is lighter than Iron and the material your world called "Steel", they're very light but very thick more than those two combined!" - Sheria whispers to John

"Continue, Roberto!" - John orders Roberto

"About their archers, they're all Elves Archers, they only recruit the Elves for the Archer troops, Elves are the sharpshooters, they're all have the King Shooter skill when they are born!"

"About the Cavalry soldiers, they're only difference from the infantry that they have horses but their horses are also well trained, very strong that only one kick of the horse can make a person passed out!"

"But that's just a small part, the most scariest part is Suicide Soldiers of King Shiva's Army, they're all not well equipped but very well trained, their name said everything about them, they're soldiers that not fear the death, they're trained to face it!"


John after hearing what Lord Roberto said, he silences a little bit then stands up and going towards to the female General who is belongs to Corinthstar Kingdom.

"I'm very impressed at the details of the information about the war you gave us, General Selera!" - John thanks to the female General

"Do I know you?" - The female General asks John

Then John looks up, sees the female General's face, he realizes her hairstyle is a bit difference from General Selera.

"Haha! That's not Selera, John! That's her twin younger sister, Sharona!" - Princess Sheria laughs at John

"Twins? And they're all both Generals!" - John wonders

"Of course not because their relations with high status people, the twins you see are both intelligent, and they're also wives of King Corinth, the Ruler of Corinstar Kingdom!" - Sheria explains to John

"Really?" - John wonders

"At first, that was a misunderstanding, when Corinthstar Kingdom was newly founded, King Corinth only had one wife, Queen Cleria but before he became a King, Corinth promised to marry Selera and Sharona, that was just a joke, that time they were just kids, but after founding the country, his wife, Cleria was very angry at his joke so she accepted those two to become Corinth's wives!"

"Hey! Sheria, don't bring our personal lives to talk so freely like that!" - Sharona seems a little frustrated at Sheria

"Some time it's good to bring our memories back!" - Sheria laughs at Sharona

Then Sheria tells the people in that room about her sword fight with Lieutenant John, they're all laughing at John when he easily lost the fight because he doesn't know much about sword fight.

John also laughs with them, but after a while, the people in the room return to their main topic, the plan for the battle against Aloss Kingdom and Tigar Kingdom.

But when they about to head to the main topic, General Dalshik hears noises from outside, that are Sheria's soldiers, they're curious about John Platoon's vehicles, they're trying to look closer and about to touch them, the vehicles had no place to be placed so they're all placed near the War room.

"Hey! Hey! What are you soldiers doing? Get back to your lines and doing the guard!" - General Dalshik runs outside and orders to the soldiers

Then General Dalshik gets inside the War room, the soldiers who are doing the guard now getting away from their positions again and about to do that thing again more sneakier.

"Get out! Get out!" - Lady Nodrian running outside and shouts towards them, she is about to draw her sword out of the scabbard

The soldiers are now scared, they return to do their guard.

John laughs at that scene, he never thinks the people in this world are so similar to the people in the Middles Age when they facing new things that beyond their explaination.

John then points his right hand to the side of the map which leads to Kazel plains.

"We will go that way, the way our vehicles can pass easily!

"But that is the path King Shiva's Army is going to!" - Roberto warns John

"King Shiva won't be a problem, I'll kill him!" - John announces confidently

"You think you can fight against an army with 10,000 men with only your troops, 14 men, impossible!" - General Dalshik doubts John

"After our victories of those two battles, John! You and me will rule together!" - Sheria officialy announces her true relation with John to everyone


The people in that room are very shocked, Princess Sheria says "rule together", that means John Brody will become her husband, a Prince and later becomes a future King of Starvina Kingdom, they keep silence about it.

Then Sheria gets her sword out of her belt, she later gives it to John.

"Keep it for me! This sword is made of Mythril, you said you can win the battle against King Shiva but be careful, I hope this sword will be useful to save your life!" - Sheria talks to John

"Anyway, Prince Brody! Please be careful, King Shiva is well known as a Sword King and a man of honour, in his 55 years of life and 149 sword duel fights, he only lost to King Corinth, and King Corinth is called Sword Saint, he didn't kill King Shiva but let him live to this day!" - Roberto warns John

Then John goes back to his platoon, on his camp, Sheria also goes back to her room, looks like her subordinates are about to talk about her previous announcement.

"Your Highness! I heard that you are about to marry Prince Brody!" - General Dalshik is the first one who responds

"Do you have problem with that?"

"No, My Highness! I and Roberto had talked about this on the way we got here, if you didn't introduce me and Roberto to your father 12 years ago, now we are just poor farmers! As you wish, My Highness!"

"You and me are childhood friends, I have nothing against you, as you wish, My Highness!" - Lady Nodrian also congratulates on Sheria

"Congratulations, Sheria! I'll say it to my husband! He and Queen Cleria will be glad to hear you have a love one!" - Sharona also congratulates to Sheria

"And also, if your Kingdom falls, Sheria! We've already made you citizenship in our country, I'll go back to my country tomorrow to make a new one to your future spouse!"

"No country in this continent is dare to fight our Corinthstar Kingdom, in my country, people are very well educated, its army and economy are the first in this continent, you and your future spouse will always be welcomed to this place!" - Sharona done her talk

"Thank you for your country's generous! But I won't leave my homeland!" - Sheria talks to Sharona

"Even you accept or not, you and Prince Brody will be welcomed!"

"Anyway, Sheria! Can I talk with you alone?" - Sharona asks Sheria

Then Sheria orders General Dalshik, Lord Roberto and Lady Nodrian to get out of her room, they immediately accept and going out.

Lady Nodrian is really fine with Sharona, she, Sheria, Selera and Sharona are childhood friends so she has nothing to suspect Sharona but she will stay outside and doing guard.

"I want to ask you later, Sheria! Why don't you ask me first, you seem to have many questions to my Kingdom?" - Sharona asks Sheria

"Why did your Kingdom stay on our side in this war but just they just only providing intelligence but no providing weapons or soldiers, like Mercenaries?" - Sheria asks Sharona

"King Corinth didn't like wars, his aim is only to unify this whole continent by peace, that's why when he became a King, he demanded to his wife, Queen Cleria to have all authority in education."

"That's a reason why my country has the best education, the best military and the best economy in this Aria continent!"

"Many countries have voluntary annexed their territories to my country, your Starvina Kingdom someday should join too! There are many benefits when joining our Commonwealth of Corinthstar Kingdom!" - Sharona ends her speech

"All right, I think that's all I want to hear, so what is your question when you want me to talk with you alone?" - Sheria asks Sharona

"Your future husband, John Brody, is he and his troops belong to our Corinthstar Kingdom?"

"Why did you say that?" - Sheria finds it hard to understand

"Because only my army organisation has the weapons called guns and the vehicles like those Humvees, Tanks, Trucks, Helicopters, those things are all the most secret intel!"

"But John's troops equipment is a bit outdated if compared to our military equipment! Where is he and his men exactly came from, Sheria?" - Sharona asks Sheria seriously

"Keep it to our secret! John didn't come from this world, he said to me that he and his troops came from another world, they're all came from in the middle of the Greta jungle, before they appeared there was a shine of blue light came from that place!"

Then Sharona makes a laugh and says to Sheria:

"King Corinth also came from that place!"

"What?" - Princess Sheria surprises

"When I and my older sister, Selera became his wives, he said to us that he is not a person from this world, he said he was travelling on a battleship in the sky and got drifted to Greta forest when he saw that shine of blue light! Of course he already told that to Queen Cleria too!"

"The reason why he named his Kingdom is Corinthstar, Corinth means his name, and Star, as you can understand, he said his homeland was a "galaxy", I didn't know what is "galaxy" but he said that means many stars in the sky combined!"

"King Corinth is very intelligent, he just needed 1 year to form his own country and now, 10 more years have passed and his country is the largest in this Aria continent!"

Then Sharona pulls out a sword from her scabbard for Sheria to see, it seems very normal but it has a knot placed down the hilt of the sword.

Sharona then push that knot, immediately the blade shining a blue light energy, Sheria is very surprised at what she sees.

"You see it? King Corinth said this is a "Lightsaber" which means the Energy Sword, one of many weapons from his homeland he can recreate, be careful, this thing can cut Mythrils like cutting cheese!" - Sharona done her talk and returns the sword to its scabbard after turning off its energy

Then Sharona also shows Princess Sheria the weapons of her country that she brought, a pistol called Laser Pistol, a rifle called Laser Rifle, those weapons are more powerful than the weapons of John's Platoon. Although those weapons are secret intel, Sharona only shows them to Sheria.

"I'm very impressed at how developed is your country, Sharona! I only visited it once in your marriage! Someday I'll visit it again with my husband, John!" - Sheria talks to Sharona

"Oh! Remember to give my thanks to King Corinth and Queen Cleria! I really want them to come in my marriage, you can go now, Sharona!" - Sheria allows Sharona to leave

"Thank you, Princess!"

Then Sharona says goodbye to Sheria and returns to her country, she says the main reason she comes is just to investigate, Sharona says King Corinth just wanted to make sure that John and his troops are not hostile to him and his Kingdom.

The next morning, John's platoon parting from Princess Sheria's Army and goes on their way to plains Kazel, and time time passes very fast, it's already night, the troops are already at the Kazel, King's Shiva Army will come in the morning.

"Are you nervous?" - John asks his soldiers because they know they are going to have a Hell Battle in the next day morning

"If you are nervous, you can relax by being served by the women in the village we are camping!"

"We are allowed to do that, Captain?" - Private Mike asks John

"Of course! This is not our previous world anymore, and tomorrow will be a long battle! Relax yourselves!"

"That village only has women, they are okay with us, they just need 5 Ria coins for each person to serve, those women also want to improve their village income!"

"You sure you don't want to join with us, Captain?" - Lieutenant Dan asks John

"No, I already have Sheria!" - John announces to his soldiers

Only Lieutenant John, Sergeant Grey and Private Bob stay at their camp, the others going to the village, they trying to relax themselves, trying to breed many women villagers as they could, and also, trying to enjoy their joys before the tomorrow's battle.

And the night is now passed, the Battle of Kazel begins.

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