《My War: The Warpath Of My Own Life》The First Battle


Chapter 3: The First Battle

"My lord! I have something very important that need to be reported to you as soon as possible! The assassin group that we sent to kill Princess Sheria Starvina had been wipeout earlier this noon, the report of our messenger shows that the assassin group had been wipeout by a group of soldiers but the odd thing thing that those soldiers own very much powerful magic tools, they seem to be mages, the worst thing after that is, Princess Sheria had form an alliance with them!" - A voice from a messenger that talked to Lord Dugan, a lord of Aloss Kingdom

"This is not good!" - Lord Dugan says

"How many men that those mages have?

"They have about 25 men, my Lord! They not only also own powerful magic tools that have the dangerous destruction but also owning a metal bird that can fly in the sky, 4 metal boxes that have ability to run as fast as horses, they're setting a camp near our base not far from here, should we take them out, my Lord?"

"I'll send 200 soldiers to that area, you go tell them to get ready!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

Go back to John Brody's platoon, they're setting a camp near a river in that plains, the soldiers are still talking about the earlier event, they think that all of them have been travelled back in time to a Medieval era that they don't know about it.

"I never heard of the names Starvina and Aloss Kingdom before, they were never written in the history book" - Sergeant Harvod talks to everyone that sit in the campfire

"Me either! My grandpa was a historian, he told me alot about the Middle Ages but never told me about these two kingdoms!" - Private West agrees with Sergeant Harvod

"Or maybe in the Middle Ages, there were many wars at that time so it's very simple to say those two kingdoms much be annexed and being wipeout from the history line" - Private Nikita suggests to the soldiers

"Everyone please stop talking about this topic, stay focus on the duty, alright" - Private Amster says loud, he always tense on everything

"Don't know, look likes my dream has come, to live in another world!" - Private Aikichi seems very happy with what he got

"What do you think Captain?" - Corporal Uban asks John

"What about the girl called herself Princess?" - John replied

"That girl is cute, look likes she is about 16, 17 years old" - Private Afton seems very interested with the next topic

"Oh come on! What are we gonna do when we cannot go back home?" - Private Harry seems very angry when he doesn't have anything to do except sitting on the campfire to hear his friends doing trash talks

"The girl named Sheria seems to be very funny, she always repeating some new words when she hears but doesn't know about it, helicopte, M60, Haha!" - Private Taylor shares his opnion about the girl


John looks didn't like to care about what his soldiers are talking to, he going around the river to doing patrol, seems like everything is fine, he goes back to his soldiers, when he was about to sit down for the trash talks with his soldiers in the campfire, he sees a group about 40 men are hiding behind the stones away from his platoon about 100 meters.

Before he could realized, a rain arrow had been shot to his soldiers, John's soldiers running in panic, they taking cover behind their vehicles, the arrows are still being fired very densely, John and his soldiers managed to hide behind the vehicles. Unfortunately, a soldier that didn't have enough time to run for cover had been shot to the chest by an enemy's arrow, that's Private West.

"Why me?" - Private West trying to say his last words before getting hit for more 10 arrows, he lies down on the ground, died painfully.

Private Amster seems very mad at his comrade's death, athough Lieutenant John told him to hide and didn't give any permission for his soldiers to fire at the enemy, he ignores his superior's order and runs towards the Humvee car which has an M2 Browning Heavy Machine gun mounted on it.

But so tragedy, he dropped dead when the arrows hit his body, the situation is now very terrible.

"Do not shoot, don't anyone shoot" - Lieutenant John shouts to his soldier

Despite forcing his soldiers not to shoot the enemy, John running towards the Humvee car while the arrows are flying around, Sergeant Grey chases after him and managed to grab his shoulder:

"You should not doing this, Captain! You don't know what is gonna happens if you interfere into the history line!" - Sergeant Grey warns John

"Just get in the car first!" - John orders to Grey

Finally, Sergeant Grey and John have getting in the car, John told Grey to drive the car towards the enemy archers, he shooting the M2 Browning at the enemy but seems like they are hiding behind the stones.

When the car stops and about away from the archers 10 meters, they change their way of fighting, they send 3 archers to expose themselves as a decoy and the others shoot the gunner from the death angle behind the stones they are hiding.

John seems to be annoy with it, he grabs a grenade that placed in his shirt and throws against those archers, he also throws another one from that he takes from his belt. BOOM! 2 big explosions make the archers died instantly, their limbs are smashed into pieces, blood everywhere.

After that, John's soldiers also getting in their vehicles to fight with the enemy. Suddenly, on the otherside of the river, there are about nearly 160 men are forming formation for the battle, there are 10 cloaked men forming into horizontal lines, holding the staff and shout some words:

"Fire ball"

10 Fire objects flying towards John's soldiers but their ranges are so low, they fell into the ground when are still away John and his soldiers 25 meters, the soldiers now realized thatthis world is not the history they know anymore, they're all confirmed that they're now in another world.


Even Sergeant Grey, who were earlier trying to stop Lieutenant John and his men from killing those soldiers are now accept them to do that.

Meanwhile, when the soldiers firing their guns, the enemy terrified, their soldiers fall down one to one, instead of fighting against them, they flee away trying to get back in their main headquarter.

John's soldiers also trying to keep up with him, especially Igor, he orders Private Francois who is driving the second Humvee car to keep up with them.

The enemy are now terrified, they close the headquarter's gate to preventing John from getting inside, they are also letting their soldiers out there to die from getting shot.

When John is still considering the next move for the attack, he orders Grey to stop the car temporaly and orders him to find any anti-tank or anti-air weapons in the car in order to destroy the wooden gate that blocks their way.

Suddenly, Igor and his crews coming from behind, he aim an M72 Anti-tank right in the middle of the gate and pull the trigger without any notification to their comrades forward. John were the closest person standing near gate at that time, he managed to dodge the rocket, which could have kill him, he looks back Igor with a serious face when his face is covered with mud and blood from the died enemies.

About Igor, he didn't care about John but keep urging Private Francois to drive forward

"Are you sure about this?" - Private Francois seems very regret and trying to refuse Igor

"Mach einfach weiter, was er gesagt hat! Bleib in Bewegung!" (Just keep doing what he said! Keep moving!) - Private Adolf, again speaks in Germinic language

The gate is now opened, when the soldiers were about to go inside, from behind, a group about 300 cavalry soldiers that leads by a man with Goatee beard who are wearing a shining armor, Igor was about to shoot that guy but he soons realize that guy is General Dalshik, who they met several hours ago.

"That's our ally." - Igor smugling about it

"General Dalshik's coming! Our Starvina Kingdom owes you people one more time! We appreciate you people for the assist! Men! Follow me!" - General Dalshik roars

The main show is now leads by General Dalshik, he riding his horse fast like a beast, John and his soldiers are now the audiences watching him and his men doing the work on their own.

General Dalshik swinging his sword with strong blows to the enemy heads while riding on his horse, enemy heads then rolling on the ground, and the bodies itself are trying to holding the blood that is splatting from the neck, the blood keeps splatting like a waterfall and those bodies slowly fall down on the ground.

Sergeant Grey opening his eyes wide while looking at that scene, not just him, the other soldiers also terrified, cannot believe in their eyes, only Igor's soldiers and that man himself are enjoyjing watching it.

John also saw that scene, but he didn't terrified but surpised about it, he doesn't know why his mind keeps telling him smile, he tries to hold it and watch how General Dalshik fight.

General Dalshik then grabs a spear from a dead enemy soldier, he kills several enemies with that spear and drop it, running alone to the headquarter camp that the enemy commander is staying in it.

He kicks the enemy's flag and trying find the enemy's General, the enemies forming a row around to protect their General, Lord Dugan, who ordered his soldiers to take out John's platoon but failed heavily and now is under attack from the enemy side.

General Dalshik stays focus on aiming for the enemy soldier's necks, shoulders and hearts, in a short time, 3 three soldiers that protect Lord Dugan had been killed or wounded heavily and lying on the ground, it's now only General Dalshik with Lord Dugan ready to have a fight to the death.

Suddenly, a soldier that fake dead suddenly coming from behind General Dalshik, he is about to thrust his spear into General Dalshik's throat.

John running towards to the Humvee car and takes an M14 Battle Rifle, he then aims the gun and shoots that soldier. General Dalshik got suprised when he heard the gunshot but soon later calms down and swings his sword to Lord Dugan's neck, who was shocked because of the gunshot, then he looks behind and sees the soldier that was about to kill him had been shot down, he looks at John and makes a bow towards John for saving his life.

After that, General Dalshik uses his leg to hold Lord Dugan's neck and swings a powerful blow with his sword down in order to cut Lord Dugan's neck, then takes the head of Lord Dugan, raises it up to show his enemy their General is now dead.

"Finally, your General Dugan is now dead!, Now it's the time for you to surrender, you Alossian people! " - General Dalshik announces while his body is covered with blood

John's soldiers are now terrified more than before, some of them cannot take it so they start vomiting, some fainted, Igor's men are scared too but about Igor, he didn't smile but also didn't seem to be enjoy with that scene.

About John, after seeing that scene, he cannot hold his smile anymore, he opens a smile, but it is a sick smile, of a madman, of a psycho.

After that battle, John's platoon and General Dalshik's troops sharing their war spoils to each others. General Dalshik also invites John to a meeting in the next day morning, he says that's an invitation from Princess Sheria, she would be very glad if John coming for it.

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