《Salted Shores》Creepy Green Light


In a little room with cold steel walls suits and uniforms gathered around a table made of the same cold metal. A ventilator pumped and hissed air forcing it down the throat of the patient who lay still. The sounds of tortured screams and gagging breaths for air could be faintly heard coming from the next cell as another prisoner was waterboarded for information.

“Can we save her doctor?” said the man of the highest rank.

“Maybe she will come out of the coma eventually, however with irreversible brain damage quite severe I'm afraid” said the military doctor in response.

“Shame. Oh well you may attempt any experimental procedures that will keep her here with us in this realm” said the general.

“Yes Sir,” said the doctor, saluting.

General Rayfunk exited the cell into the hallway with his men following closely at his tail. Behind them the doctor could be seen surveying his tray of instruments in deep thought.

“Anyone else hungry? I'll buy you two grunts lunch” he said.

“Yes Sir” said both men, saluting their superior.

They exited through a door scanning clearance card, before scanning again as a thick mechanical gateway made of tungsten slowly retracted letting them outside into the humid tropical air. The general led them down the path sided by metal fences, and thick spiked barbed wire to lunch.

“I’ll have a number 4,5, and 6” said one of the grunts.

“Would you like those as supersized meals?” asked the fast-food worker behind the counter.

“Just one of them a meal with diet cola I'm trying to slim down” grunted the grunt.

Rayfunk paid with his platinum card getting 6% cash back before they all sat down together at a cheap booth waiting to eat their food. The corporate chain restaurant was packed with hungry customers who had worked hard all day long extracting information and keeping the country safe from outside her borders.


“Order up” said the worker as she brought out grease-soaked bags full of burgers.

The men took their lunch outside to eat at a wooden lunch table under shade, and near the lapping Caribbean Sea. General Rayfunk cringed looking far away at the ocean as the two savages behind him ate loudly with their mouths open loudly smacking shut with chunks of meat flying out. A helicopter could be heard, as a dot in the sky was on the horizon flying in.

“I think that would be our guest of honor right there” said one man pointing up with a flimsy bitten sandwich flapping in the breeze.

“I bet you're right on the money soldier,” said the general with a smirk.

Later the chopper touched down on the edge of the runway. The man's cloak flapped in the breeze stirred up from the spinning blades as he waited. Marco Matters jumped out the opened door and stepped forward as he saluted the general. The pair waited outside the aircraft as the gagged prisoner in a strait jacket was taken off.

“Well, I've brought one person of interest anyway” said Marco as he shook Rayfunk’s hand.

“Roger” said the general.

Roger Felt was escorted by a company of ten soldiers into his new home where he and his sister would spend the rest of their days separated by thick walls.

"Thank you for your good work yet again Marco. You really do work tireless for the benefit of us all" said Rayfunk as they watched the men disappear inside the facility.

"I don't know about any of that, but I follow my orders" said Marco Matters as he walked back to his chopper.

"Don't you want to stick around one of these times, and take a tour to see how things are run? I'll even buy you lunch" said the general gently ribbing the agent with his arm.


"One of these days I will, on the day of my retirement I suppose I'll see how the sausage is really made with my own eyes," said Marco.

General Rayfunk laughed.

"I'll hold you to that promise, just don't go dying on me soldier" he said.

"Everything dies" Marco yelled as he boarded his aircraft.

The chopper was back in the air as quickly as it had come. Marco's wife was going to be making a big chicken dinner with apple pie for dessert, and he wanted some before it got cold.

Back on the operating table a green light descended from above shrouded in mist. The women born Mindy Felt arose from her slumber. The military doctor ran in with a syringe of tranquilizers in his hand. The dead girl's eyes were blank white as she ripped out her life support with one swift motion. The man who had come in to subdue her found his neck slowly strangled in the cold grip of her icy hands as his lifeforce began to fade.

The alarms outside rang as lockdown was initiated and gunfire erupted across the base.


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