《Salted Shores》Steve


The sun was beating down hot, and humid. An alligator lurked on top of the swamp water waiting for prey. Swarming hungry mosquitoes tried to catch up to a speeding airboat but they were too slow. A massive man sat atop the boat, bigger than the fan, and making the bow float up in the air.

Steve slowly advanced towards the submerged boat trailer connected to his waiting 4x4 vehicle, driving in, and tying a half hitch knot to secure it all. He shut off his engine and was climbing down to the launching ramp when he heard somebody approaching it at the top. He jumped off the boat thudding against concrete as a buzzed cut man dressed in Hawaiian luau shirt came walking down.

“Wow I almost didn’t recognize you in that get up” said Steve barely containing his laugh.

“Obviously I'm off duty here but we really need to urgently talk” said Majar.

“Ok, you came all the way down here so let's take the boat back out where nobody can hear” said Steve climbing back into the boat with one step and untying the knot with one pull. Majar joined him, slowly hobbling up and falling into the open boat as it backed out, Steve beckoned to Betty Barnicle who pulled away with the empty trailer.

Thick brown mud with dead driftwood scattered all over speed quickly on by, birds and cranes waddling, as water moss clung along banks hiding gators. Majar gripped the out of control boat for dear life. Steve was flying a million miles an hour as they headed for a secluded spot to talk on open water.

A tiny island made of rocks and one large shrub without flowers marked the last piece of land as they drifted out to sea where a strong refreshing breeze welcomed them, blowing as the sun began to set. Steve had cut the engine.


“How romantic. Now tell me what you could have just called and told me '' he said taking out a sandwich from a cooler beginning to become soggy on account of the melted ice.

“Yes well, I was investigating you truthfully” said Major looking down at the water as he heard a beer crack open.

“I’m aware,” said Steve munching.

“Well I find it odd how the FBI hasn’t been investigating you at all? They let you move on down here, and nobody knows where you have been,” said Majar leaning in.

“Well maybe I’ve already been checked out” said Steve chuckling as he handed his friend another Nanman Light from the cooler.

“As in federal protection in exchange for cooperation” said Majar gripping the edge of the boat so hard his hand was turning white.

Steve looked away nervously, sweet dripping down his face. He took out his tackle box and opened the covers.

“Shut up and fish,” he said.

The boat had three fish poles in storage. Both men cast their lines, Steve with his tricked out fly fishing rig, while Majar drank his beer watching a bobber float on the ocean. Thirty minutes passed with the sun going down, and nothing caught

“You know I think it's time we get back before dark” he muttered quickly pulling the big fan back to life.

It wasn’t long before Majar found himself back on solid ground as Steve and his wife sped away down a highway sunset with their new car, boat, trailer, and life.

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