《Double Trouble》3. Stanley (Part 4)


To Stanley’s surprise, Jordan also lived at Willow View, just like him and Hilary. Not only that, but his room was one floor above Hilary’s, unlike Stanley, who was one floor below hers. Jordan took out some keys from his pocket and pried the door open, letting Stanley enter first.

The room had cool decorations and furniture around, along with brighter colors. However, the place was still a colossal mess, unlike Stanley’s, which was dull looking but mostly spotless.

The red bed sheets nearly touched the floor, scrunched up pieces of paper rested near the half-full trash can, and torn magazines lied about near the coffee table, etc.

Stanley didn’t know whether to feel jealous or insulted at the sight of the room. Jordan stood with his arms crossed over, Stanley didn’t know if he was proud of the mess he made or embarrassed, forgetting that he invited someone over without bothering to clean the place up.

Regardless, the two headed over to a desk, where they both grabbed some chairs to sit. Stanley set the books in front of them as they studied and highlighted the critical parts to keep in mind about their job. The books were both long and complicated, but Stanley had a feeling he’d be able to keep track of everything listed if he tried hard enough. Jordan, not so much.

Time passed by, as Jordan increasingly grew tired of the reading process. Even though it was his idea to begin with, he didn’t think it’d be this complicated. Jordan rubbed his eyes and head due to stress; Stanley suggested they take a minor break, to which he accepted.

Stanley got up and walked over to the fridge. Jordan moaned about wanting the light green drink without moving an inch. He headed to the refrigerator to find some cans of Orange Snake soda and Mint Orb tea. He took one of each and closed the fridge.


Stanley got up and walked over to the fridge, Jordan groaned about wanting the light green drink without moving an inch. He headed to the refrigerator to find some cans of Orange Snake soda and Mint Orb tea. He took one of each and closed the fridge.

The man took a small sip of the orange drink and strolled back to Jordan, who laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He covered his head with his hand and sighed heavily.

Stanley handed Jordan the Mint Orb tea, who didn’t notice the glass until Stanley spoke up.

He took the icy drink and placed it on the side of his cheek. Stanley noticed him acting a little differently than before, but wasn't sure why.

“Hey, uh, are you ok?” He asked with concern.

Jordan didn’t respond. After a while, he blinked and responded. “Yeah, I'm alright.”

“You sure? You seem to be out of it.”

“Sorry, my mind is at something else.”

“What are you thinking? Is it about another female?” Stanley guessed.

“...Maybe. Why do you ask?” Jordan inquired.

“Man, I get that you’re at least honest, kind of, but what is with you and women?”

“I don’t know.”

After a while, the two continued to write as many notes as they could. Stanley didn’t know how long they’d keep doing this for, since it got late. He turned to Jordan, who had already fallen asleep in his chair. Stanley sighed in disbelief.

Now might be a good time to call it a day.

Stanley picked up Jordan and placed him down on the bed, pulling the red bed sheets over to his neck. Looking around the room, Stanley figured he’d clean up the place since Jordan was out of energy for today. Once he finished, Stanley closed the door behind him and headed back to his room to get ready for bed.

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